long candle

Chapter 343 Leave a message

At the moment he turned around, black humanoid monsters from all directions rushed to us together.

I've finished speaking, and now I'm finally going to explain.

However, just as the monster's dream rose into the sky, suddenly several beams of light came down from above our heads, and then there was a burst of volley shooting.

A few bullets flew over my ear and splashed countless residues on the stone board, cutting my leg pain. I hurriedly looked up and saw that it was a three-drive light helicopter. I don't know when it flew over our heads.

Because the spotlight above is so bright, I can't see who is sitting on it.

However, at this time, the humanoid monsters who were beaten to the ground struggled to get up again. Obviously, the bullet did not kill them.

However, as soon as they start to move, the machine guns on them will click again, and then there will be another burst of sand and stones.

Fortunately, the people above seem to have good shooting skills. None of the three of us, plus the two injured, were accidentally injured by bullets.

Those black monsters saw that the helicopter was too strong to withstand it, and finally jumped back into the water one after another.

At this time, there was a sound of horns on the helicopter.

The speaker speaks Japanese, and we don't understand it at all, and we can't respond to each other.

I just waved, and then pointed to Xie Yuting and Daxiong lying on the ground, indicating that we were wounded.

After a while, a helicopter flew overhead.

Several people wrapped ropes around their waists and fell down from above.

I saw that these people are all dressed as special police. Although they are a little short, they are all very capable.

One of them asked me in English, "Are you not Japanese? What are you doing here?"

Listening to his English as if he came from Xinjiang, I was afraid that I couldn't make him understand my words, so I said, "It's dangerous here. Let's talk about it when we go back."

The man agreed with our suggestion and made a gesture to several helicopters in the sky.

Then I and Nie Chuan boarded a helicopter, the two wounded boarded a helicopter, and Zhang's brother boarded another helicopter.

Although it is a light helicopter, the wind is still very strong, blowing away all the hot air in the water.

I leaned against the window and looked down and saw that the raised stone slab had been stretching, radially distributed for more than ten miles.

In the water between the slates, some bubbles emerge from time to time, and there are black objects swimming in it, and there are quite a large number of them.

A special policeman sitting next to us on the way has been reporting something to the headquarters by radio, but I didn't understand a word.

But according to his tone, the situation should be very bad.

When the man finished calling, I asked tentatively in English, "What on earth is going on here?"

The special policeman glanced at me and asked, "You're not Japanese, are you?" I also want to ask you what you are doing there. Do you know that tourists are very dangerous there!"

I was blocked by his words and hesitated for a long time and said, "We...we just got lost during the expedition."

The special police looked at me suspiciously and said, "Really, you desperate explorers are really. Our mountains and rivers in Japan have a lot of mysteries. Do you know it's powerful today?"

Listening to his tone, I looked at the other party carefully and found that she was a woman and good-looking, but because the special police's clothes were too thick and wearing a helmet, I thought it was a man.

Women talk better than men, and this little girl looks like a special policeman who has just come out to work, and her tone is slightly immature.

Although I don't think people are particularly accurate, I also know that this kind of little girl is the best way to talk. As long as she flatters from time to time, she can get the information we want.

So I said, "You're right. There are many legends about monsters and immortals in Japan. I don't think they are all fictional. Maybe Sun Wufan and Naruto Uzumaki really existed."

The girl said with a smile, "Haha, you are so joking. How can this be possible? We Japanese ninjas can only throw darts."

I also smiled with her. After laughing, I said, "I see the new submachine gun you have, and this excellent helicopter for fast maneuver combat, and you capable and brave special police, this task must be very important, right?"

The girl smiled and said carelessly, "Of course, in the past, this area was a swamp shrouded in miasma. People who entered it basically disappeared. Gradually, it became a wasteland that no one cares about, and the people living nearby also claimed that there were monsters. However, it was recently reported that a meteorite fell near the swamp. However, the Meteorological Bureau has never received a warning of the approach of an asteroid, and the aviation bureaus of various countries around the world have not witnessed a meteorite falling to the earth. They don't know where the meteorite came from. After receiving the report, we immediately rushed to investigate and found that a meteorite fell in the middle of the swamp. The fall time was about a week. The size of the meteorite was more than 100 cubic meters. It is still burning, making the lake keep boiling. After a few days of investigation, we found that an unknown creature became active in this water, belonging to the S-class dangerous unknown creature. Now the residents nearby have been evacuated, and there is also a military blockade here. We are the last batch of investigators, just in the last round of patrol today, and we are about to withdraw. You are lucky. If it is a few hours later, no one will save you..."

I nodded and said, "That's really thank you. Where is the specific location of the meteorite you mentioned?"

The girl pointed to the window on the right side of the helicopter and said, "It's just around here. Look, there's a red ball, that's it."

Because I'm sitting on the left side of the helicopter, I can only stand up and watch.

When I stood up, I had difficulty in seeing the lower right of the helicopter. An area as large as a football field was full of red light, as if I saw a volcano that was about to erupt. Where the meteorite is located, black smoke is rolling, and it is more than 100 meters high.

Seeing my surprised expression, the girl said, "For good, this is in the mountains, otherwise it will definitely cause a sensation."

I nodded and continued to look at the red area. At this time, my head was a little dizzy, some stood unsteadily, and I fell down.

When Nie Chuan and the girl saw me like this, they hurried up to help me.

The dizziness flashed quickly, and my head regained consciousness.

So I waved my hand and told them that I was fine.

But as soon as I sat on the chair, my head suddenly tinged, as if I had been pricked by a needle.

Seeing my face full of pain, the girl said, "It seems that your injury is quite serious. After flying over this mountain, we will be very close to Kobe City. At that time, you can see a doctor. You can put up with it."

I was so painful that my head buzzed and I couldn't answer him at all.

In this way, I sat in a chair, holding my head, and it hurt for about an hour. Finally, the plane landed in the middle of a group of high-rise buildings.

I just looked up and knew that I was in the city, so I relaxed and fainted.

I don't know how long it took. I had a lot of strange dreams, most of which were about running for my life at the scene of the explosion, but every time I didn't escape and was swallowed up by the flames.

I don't know if a few days later, I suddenly got up from ** with a sweat.

The sun was so dazzling that it shot in from outside the window.

I blocked the sun with my hand and looked out. There were green trees and trees everywhere, and there was a warm sunshine.

I was in a trance and touched a glass of water on the table for a long time.

I drank all the water at any time.

At this time, we opened and two nurses came in.

The nurses are very short and don't look like Chinese. One of the signs is that their nurse skirts are much shorter than those in China, just like student uniforms.

They didn't show any excitement when they saw me wake up.

I think I may not be sick, I just need a good rest, so they are so relieved to me.

Sure enough, a nurse came up and handed me a list.

At first glance, it is an English diagnosis: multiple soft tissue contusions, mild concussion, and moderate dehydration.

At the end, I found that the money had been paid.

Although I don't know who paid for it, the two nurses came with the diagnosis results, which showed that no one went to get the diagnosis result.

This change shows that after I was sent to the hospital, someone gave me the treatment fee and then left.

I thought about it and remembered that in the end, I, Nie Chuan and Zhang were all awake. The two of them should not be seriously injured, so that no one gave me the diagnosis, right?

Just thinking about this, one of the nurses put a white box next to me, and then the two of them left laughing.

I watched them leave inexplicably and looked at the box.

It turned out to be Apple's new 5S, but someone actually gave me a mobile phone?

Without saying a word, I opened the box and took out my mobile phone.

After turning on the mobile phone, I heard a unique jingle from Apple, with new information.

I opened the new message and found that it was sent to me by Nie Chuan.

The content is: "*, I heard that Liang Qian's condition began to be unstable, and I had to take the seeds back to save her immediately. The Zhang family disappeared when I woke up, so Daxiong and Yuting could only ask you. There is my number in this mobile phone. Contact me immediately after returning to China.

Seeing that he was so eager to go back to save Liang Qian, the idea of suspecting that he was * was dispelled.

And I still have a little jealousy, which makes me feel quite unhappy.