long candle

Chapter 348 Disease

We didn't run a few steps, and there were heavy footsteps behind us.

But the footsteps were very slow and careless, as if they were not chasing us at all, but walking leisurely.

I always feel that the other party seems to have a sense of ambition, as if we can't escape from the palm of his hand.

This reminds me of the momentum of the murderer in the horror movies I watched before.

Because there are too many people who have killed, they are very calm and know how to create a sense of horror for their prey.

It's like a cat will play with a mouse half to death before it wants to eat it.

In the past, every time I watched a horror movie, I would scold the protagonist why he didn't escape.

For example, the ghost house in the curse will not meet ghosts if he doesn't live there, but the protagonist will not leave.

There are also some haunted themes in hospitals. Obviously, you can't die if you escape from the hospital, but the protagonist always goes around in the hospital.

Now that I have experienced it myself, I have found that it is not so easy to leave.

First of all, both of my friends are in critical condition, and it is impossible for me to leave.

The second person always has a fluke mentality. Even if he sees a ghost, he will feel that he may be dazzled.

I feel that if I avoid it, the horrible things can pass, so I don't want to escape.

Now I have made this problem. I clearly realized that someone was following us, but when I passed the stairs, I still didn't choose to go down.

Instead, he ran to Nobita's ward.

Whether they are critically or not, after all, they are two big living people. In addition, there is also a doctor on the night shift there, so many people are bold and can definitely avoid it. When the Ghost Festival is over tomorrow, these strange phenomena may disappear.

With this mood, I pulled Miko Hechuan to push open the door of Nobita and Yuting's ward and rushed in.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw that there was no light in the room. The vigil doctor sat in front of the cabinet between the two beds, lit the desk lamp, and was measuring Daxiong's heartbeat.

Seeing us come in in a hurry, he immediately stopped his hand and asked us what was going on.

I didn't say anything. I locked the door first, and then listened to the movement outside.

The footsteps didn't seem to follow, and it was very quiet outside.

After listening to it for a long time, I looked at Miko Hechuan and the doctor. In an instant, I felt a little embarrassed.

To be honest, I'm used to so many underground palaces and even get used to Zongzi. It really doesn't make sense that I'm still so afraid.

But I don't know why, many strange things today really scare me.

Maybe it's because the previous experience is too weird, so the nerves become fragile?

Although my psychological quality is a little poor, I still can't lose face, especially in front of another man. So I took a look at Miko Hechuan and said, "It's nothing. Just now, a patient outside went crazy and walked around with a knife. Now he may have been restrained."

As soon as the doctor heard this, as a duty, he instinctively stood up and said, "This is true! Let me have a look!"

I hurriedly stopped him and said, "I still don't want it!" The matter has been solved, and it is still more important to take care of my two friends.

Before I told Hechuan Miko that she was haunted, but now I lied that the patient was crazy. It is reasonable that Hechuan Miko should have come out to expose me, but she didn't say a word from beginning to end.

I know she is a smart woman, because she knows that if she tells the doctor that it is haunted in the hospital, it will cause people's anxiety.

And in fact, we are not sure whether it is haunted or not. We just hear footsteps, so we can't publicize it.

Seeing that the doctor was still standing there and looking at both of us, I continued, "In a word, although the matter has been resolved, it is not safe for Nurse Liu Hechuan to be alone outside, so let her stay here tonight."

The thin doctor in his forties held his glasses and said, "Since this has happened, there is nothing we can do. It's okay for her to stay here. We may need help later."

I was stunned for a moment and asked, "Helper? What kind of helper?"

The doctor frowned and said, "The reaction of the two of them is particularly strong tonight, and their hearts and pulses are unstable, but they can no longer take sedatives and can only do psychotherapy."

With that, he waved to me and said, "Come here and talk about some relaxing things that have happened together, preferably something memorable."

I shouted, walked over and sat in the seat where the doctor had just sat.

At this time, with the help of the light of the table lamp, I saw that Daxiong and He Yuting were sweating profusely, their hearts were beating fast, and their chests were inaudible.

Although the eyes are closed, the eyes rotate under the eyelids, and the psychological activity is very intense.

Sometimes they grin a few words, but they can't hear what they said.

I was very anxious to see them like this.

But since there is nothing the doctor can do, I have no choice but to do what the doctor said.

I took a deep breath, looked at Nobita's face, and then recalled the relaxing things we had experienced before.

But after thinking for a long time, I didn't remember anything in the end.

I don't know why, as soon as I saw their faces, all the dark days in my heart were deep underground. Those strange monsters, zongzi, and mysterious relics appeared in my mind one after another, which made me have a headache.

Fortunately, at this time, the doctor took out his mobile phone and wireless Bluetooth speaker and played a soothing piano song.

I'm a little relieved, and I feel that Daxiong and Yuting are in a better state than just now.

With the music, I took a deep breath and began to recall the relaxing things we had experienced before.

At this time, I remembered that when I was in Chukochi, because we had to wait for the time to go to sea, we were bored all day long. We often blew the sea breeze by the sea, looked at the endless sea, breathed the slightly humid fresh air, and talked about life.

At that time, Daxiong, *, Liang Qian and I were all good, but now there is only one who is about to be forced into a psychopath, and I am still healthy.

So the scene at that time is particularly precious when I think of it now. Because we will never go back to that time.

Even if Daxiong and Liang Qian's illness can be healed, they may not be able to run and jump as before.

After suffering such a serious injury, they will definitely leave a lot of sequelae.

and* may leave us forever.

Thinking about it, I recalled that when it was snowing heavily, I waved goodbye to us in a hurry when I got on the boat, and didn't even have time to say goodbye.

So in the end, I couldn't say anything.

But his eyes suddenly turned red, and then he remembered the song of the Little Tigers: On that day, you said you were going to leave, but we didn't leave a word...

As I sang, I began to choke, and then my eyes turned red and my words became unclear.

But I still sing and talk about my feelings.

Originally, I was asked to come here to persuade people, but in the end I sang such a sad song. The doctor next to him moved his mouth, but in the end he still said nothing.

I saw him pat Kawamiko on the shoulder with my spare light, and then the two of them found a window seat and sat down.

At this time, my long-depressed mood was finally released, and I lay on Daxiong's body and cried loudly.

The reason why I cried is not only because Nobita and others have become like this, but also because we have paid so much price. In the end, we don't even know what we are going to investigate, and we have paid so much for nothing.

I cried for a long time before I wiped my tears.

When I went to see Nobita and He Yuting again, I found that their breathing was much more even.

Although the song I sang is very sad, it seems to have had an unexpected effect.

So in the end, I couldn't say anything.

But his eyes suddenly turned red, and then he remembered the song of the Little Tigers: On that day, you said you were going to leave, but we didn't leave a word...

As I sang, I began to choke, and then my eyes turned red and my words became unclear.

But I still sing and talk about my feelings.

Originally, I was asked to come here to persuade people, but in the end I sang such a sad song. The doctor next to him moved his mouth, but in the end he still said nothing.

I saw him pat Kawamiko on the shoulder with my spare light, and then the two of them found a window seat and sat down.

At this time, my long-depressed mood was finally released, and I lay on Daxiong's body and cried loudly.

The reason why I cried is not only because Nobita and others have become like this, but also because we have paid so much price. In the end, we don't even know what we are going to investigate, and we have paid so much for nothing.

I cried for a long time before I wiped my tears.

When I went to see Nobita and He Yuting again, I found that their breathing was much more even.

Although the song I sang is very sad, it seems to have had an unexpected effect. So in the end, I couldn't say anything.

But his eyes suddenly turned red, and then he remembered the song of the Little Tigers: On that day, you said you were going to leave, but we didn't leave a word...

As I sang, I began to choke, and then my eyes turned red and my words became unclear.

But I still sing and talk about my feelings.

Originally, I was asked to come here to persuade people, but in the end I sang such a sad song. The doctor next to him moved his mouth, but in the end he still said nothing.

I saw him pat Kawamiko on the shoulder with my spare light, and then the two of them found a window seat and sat down.

At this time, my long-depressed mood was finally released, and I lay on Daxiong's body and cried loudly.

The reason why I cried is not only because Nobita and others have become like this, but also because we have paid so much price. In the end, we don't even know what we are going to investigate, and we have paid so much for nothing.

I cried for a long time before I wiped my tears.

When I went to see Nobita and He Yuting again, I found that their breathing was much more even.