long candle

Chapter 357 Girl in Blue

Seeing this critical situation, even if I have five legs, I don't have time to go up to save people. I can only stand by the roadside and shout, "Go away!"

The people around me, listening to my shouting, noticed that the children in the middle of the road all gasped.

But nothing helped, and the children still looked at the slag truck in a stupid way.

There will not be so many supermen and heroes in the real world. In this case, there is usually no miracle.

I was desperate and couldn't wait for something unexpected to make the car turn.

At this time, I don't know why the wire above my head began to crackle.

I looked up and saw that the wire above my head was really burning.

At a glance, I found that it was an electric pole next to it that fell down, and the wires were torn off and made a crackling sound.

Less than half a second later, the electric rod fell to the ground and fell less than a meter in front of the child. In an instant, it raised a ball of sewage and drenched the three children into mud dolls.

However, when the galloping slag truck saw the electric rod fall down, it hurriedly stepped on the brakes, hit the electric rod that fell on the ground within five meters of braking, and then the front wheel began to slip, pushing the electric rod to the children's heels, and then stopped.

The headlights in front of the car almost touched the tip of the child's nose, but it finally stopped.

At this moment, it seemed that the world was quiet in an instant. People's breathing, noises and exclaims were all gone. Even the two pigeons parked on the roof opposite stood there as if they were mud sculptures, looking at every move on the ground.

Only the disconnection hanging in front of me that is still squeaking electricity can also indicate that the world is still spinning.

After about ten seconds, suddenly a child's cry broke the silence.

At the same time, a woman rushed out of the sidewalk crazily, regardless of the child's mud, and carried the three children to the sidewalk one by one.

At this time, the driver of the slag truck also got off the car.

However, this middle-aged man did not see if he had hit the child, but first went to see if his car had crashed.

This aroused the dissatisfaction of the people around him. For a moment, the voices of accusation, scolding and children's crying became a scene.

Chinese people like to be onlookers, but I am relatively withdrawn and hate this kind of occasion the most.

If the child is not dead, I can feel at ease. As for whether the driver will be beaten or lose money, it doesn't matter to me.

I walked through the noisy crowd and continued to the depths of the street.

When I passed three children, I squatted down and said to one of the older-looking little girls, "Don't play with mud in the middle of the road in the future. It's very dangerous."

In fact, I don't expect the other party to respond to me. After all, the other party is just a two- or three-year-old child. After being so shocked, he will definitely only cry.

But I didn't expect that when I saw my face, the little girl was stunned and said, "Big brother, thank you for saving us. I saw you knocking down the pole and blocking the big car."

I was also stunned for a moment, my pupils dilated slightly, and I couldn't speak for a moment.

I said to myself, what a joke, I didn't do anything at that time.

At that time, I just wanted the car to turn, but it was just hope.

Do you mean...

I looked at my hand and felt a little incredible.

Seeing that no one seemed to notice the little girl's words around, I touched her head and said, "Little sister, I must have made a mistake. I didn't do anything. Be good in the future and don't run around on the road."

The little girl nodded and stopped crying.

I stood up and continued to look at my hand as I walked deep into the alley.

The noise of the crowd has gradually faded away, and I also turned around and came to the door of a small accommodation shop that looked good.

"Is there a single room?" I said to the young man at the counter.

The other party said in a Mandarin with a strong northern Shaanxi accent: "Yes! 81 days, including hot water to surf the Internet.

I nodded, was very satisfied with the price, and then asked the young man, "Can you show me the room?"

The young man smiled and said, "Of course."

Then he didn't care about the business and took the key to accompany me to the second floor and opened a sunny room.

I looked at the room. The bed was very neat, with a TV and bathroom, and there was no odor, so I said, "I want this one, but... I don't have my ID card"

The young man was very cheerful and said, "It's okay. It's okay to remember the ID number."

I registered Nie Chuan's ID number. Anyway, I also registered for death, and no one will really check it on the Internet.

After registering my ID card, the young man received a deposit of 200 yuan and then gave me the key.

I thanked him and was about to close the door, but he came back.

I saw him smiling and knew that there must be some service to recommend to me.

Sure enough, he said, "Brother, I think you are so handsome, like a movie star, and you wear a famous brand suit. You must have come here to look for peach blossoms, right? I'm embarrassed to introduce those old girls in the barbershop and beauty shop to you. Here is a business card. There is a call for student service, but only five or six hundred nights. You have received it.

Although it was very embarrassing, I was embarrassed not to answer the business card so enthusiastically, and finally said thank you.

I closed the door and looked at the business card, which said that the student sister** service...

In fact, it's not new for students to come out to do this kind of work, but I still sighed.

Throw the business card aside, I sat ** and thought about it, and found that it was really inappropriate for me to wear this famous brand suit here, and I have to go to the construction site tomorrow to move bricks. I have to buy a relatively ordinary dress, so that people will not think of prostitutes as soon as they see me.

It's not too late. Thinking of this, I hurriedly opened the door and walked out.

Walking along the street, I soon saw a clothing store selling sportswear. Although the store was very formally decorated, I knew that the whole set of sportswear of this brand cost 100 yuan.

Sure enough, I spent 100 yuan to buy a blue sportswear and hurried back.

I went back to the room and took off my suit, and suddenly something fell on **.

I saw which dark and unslipured it was.

If it hadn't suddenly fallen out of my pocket, I would have almost forgotten this thing.

Thinking that I hadn't stained it with water for so long, I said to myself, "Isn't it dead?"

Thinking of this, I hurriedly cut off the mouth of the remaining half bottle of mineral water and threw it in.

Fortunately, as soon as it was thrown in, I saw it wriggling along the edge of its mouth, as if it was still alive.

I calmed down, put the bottle in front of me and looked at it, and found that the white spots on this guy's whole body were gone.

I frowned and said to myself, "If a spot disappears every time I make a hallucination, this guy has made seven hallucinations, but I don't feel it at all!"

Do you mean...

I suddenly remembered something, hurriedly put on my sportswear and ran downstairs.

I ran until I came to the place where the electric pole fell. When I saw a group of electricians repairing there, I smiled bitterly.

Because I thought that the fall of the pole was a hallucination caused by a Mirage, as soon as the hallucination is over, the pole will return to its original state, but now it seems obviously not.

I was a little depressed and had to go back.

As I walked, I found that I was a little hungry. Fortunately, there are many noodle restaurants here, and I can eat for ten yuan.

So I went into a Lanzhou ramen restaurant and sat down.

Bored playing with my mobile phone, I was calculating how to sell that designer suit.

Anyway, I don't know when the suit will be worn there. Now is a difficult time, and it's not bad to change it to a thousand or eight hundred.

I just don't know whether the people here know the goods or not. If I don't know the goods, I have to go to the city.

Just thinking about this, I looked at the door of the meeting hall, and a girl in a long dress slowly came in.

My eyes suddenly lit up, because the girl was wearing a long light blue skirt and walked for a long time. Her big eyes were silent and affectionate, and her lips were slightly upturned. She was quiet and elegant, with a little playful, and her face was also my favorite melon seed face. Her skin was so good that I couldn't move my eyes.

However, out of courtesy, my eyes stayed on her face for about three seconds and then moved away.

But in these three seconds, I saw that she was also looking at me.

Although it won't blush and heartbeat, I still care about his eyes just now, and I can't calm down for a long time.

So I looked at my mobile phone and went to see her again. This is the habitual action of ordinary men.

I saw her sitting down at the table opposite me, just facing me.

I felt that she was also looking at me, and this time I looked away in less than a second.

I don't know why, the words "female college student ** service" came to my mind at this moment, and my face suddenly turned red.

Fortunately, the girl seemed to be used to being looked at by someone and stopped looking at me, which did not make her see the moment when my face was red.

With her sitting in front of me, I can't look at my mobile phone any more, and I will peek at her from time to time uncontrollably.

"Such a beautiful girl must have a boyfriend." I said to myself in my heart.

"And she can't come out to eat noodles alone. She must be waiting for her boyfriend. I don't know whether her boyfriend is a white-faced scholar or a trendy man with an inch of head. Generally, these two possibilities." I said in my heart.

Sure enough, I found that girls would look at their mobile phones after a while, as if they were waiting for someone's phone call.

I lost interest all of a sudden, because if someone has a boyfriend, it would be too rude for me to peek like this.

In fact, this kind of psychology is very strange, because even if she doesn't have a boyfriend, I can't go up and talk to her.

After all, I still can't let go of Liang Qian. I just look more when I see beautiful women, and I don't have any special plans.

However, knowing that the other party is waiting for a boyfriend, I still feel depressed. This is a common problem of men, right?

Although my interest is much lower, I can't help but look at her occasionally.

I found that her expression was very anxious, her eyebrows were locked, and there seemed to be something annoying.

Ten minutes later, when an old man with sunglasses and a figure a little like Zhiwei sat next to him, I finally knew why she was worried.

The man laughed and moved his hands to her, but the girl never responded, and her face looked like there was no one sitting next to her.

"Is this his boyfriend?" I'm a little surprised, because if that's the case, then the girl must be kept,

However, the key is that this old man doesn't wear a famous brand or a ring, which doesn't look like a rich man.

Looking at the girl's expression, I'm more sure that this man is not her boyfriend, but probably just a prostitute.

I sighed slightly in my heart, and my heart said that I was really right.

Female college student** service... These words echoed in my head again.

Looking at the man's obscene appearance, I can't stand it.

So he stood up halfway through the meal.

When the girl saw me stand up, she looked at me.

Her eyes and I saw each other for a moment, but I could see that the reluctance in her heart even saw her purity and innocence.

But I have no right to interfere in other people's lives, so no matter what, I can only leave.

I can figure it out in my heart, but after walking for a while on the road, I really don't like the obscene old man.

Even if I can't save her life, at least save her from this suffering, I think so.

I touched my pocket, and there was still more than 300 yuan, which was given a deposit to the hotel and buried the rest of the sportswear.

recalling what the hotel waiter said, the service of female college students is at least 500 or 600, and the appearance like just now is estimated to be thousands.

But I can't control so much. I walked back to the noodle shop, patted 300 yuan on the table of the girl and the old man, and said to the old man, "I don't care how much money you give her. I'll take away this woman 300 yuan!"

After saying that, without waiting for the old man to react, I took the girl's arm and walked out.

I walked quickly in order not to catch up with the old man.

The girl seems to be very obedient, neither talking nor resisting, just following me.

We crossed several alleys and then came to a less crowded place.

At this time, I turned my head and looked at her, and she was crying silently.

As I said before, I was at a loss when I saw the girl crying, so I stammered, "No, it's okay. I won't hurt you."

The girl wiped her tears and asked, "Which hotel do you stay in?"

I hurriedly let go of her hand and said, "I... I didn't mean that. You don't have to go to my hotel. I just spent money to prevent you from being that old man..."

When I saw that the girl was still crying, I said, "I know that you have your own difficulties when you come out to do this job. I am penniless and can't help you, but I am naturally righteous. At least I don't want to see you given by that kind of old man..."

At this time, the girl wiped her eyes and said, "Oh, that's good."

After saying that, she turned her head and left. As she walked, she said, "I mean, you have offended a great person. That old man is not an ordinary guest as you think. If you live nearby, check out and move away quickly, otherwise I don't know what will happen."

Looking at her back, I don't know what to say.

But I know that the reason why she ran away with me must have been unwilling to stay with that man, so I still helped her.

My purpose is to help her this time. Now that my goal has been achieved, I feel at ease.

As for who has been offended, whether he will be hunted down or not, I don't care.

Now that I'm penniless, I can't leave my room to sleep on the side of the road, right?

I have seen Zongzi, and aliens have also seen it. Are you afraid of a few ruffian rogue leaders?

Even if he can ask dozens of people to cut me down, at most to die, I have died once, and I don't take it seriously.

While walking to the hotel, I thought about the problem and felt as if I had forgotten something.

After thinking about it, I finally found that I hadn't paid my face money yet.

I touched my pocket, and there was only six yuan left to buy oranges, and there were still four yuan left.

But I touched all the other pockets, and there was no superfluous at all.

In a row of heads, I said to myself, "I must go to work tomorrow, and it's better to give me a little advance, otherwise I really can't live."

Although it was only six yuan, I decided to give it to the boss, at least tell the boss that I will sell my suit and make up the other four yuan to him in two days.

Thinking about it, I returned to the noodle restaurant.

But before I could speak, the boss asked nervously, "Why are you still back?" Hurry up and go!"

I was stunned for a moment and asked, "Why do you want to leave? I came back to give it to the front. Here is six yuan, and there are still four yuan left for you next time.

The boss looked at the money in my hand and said, "This time I'll treat you, no money. Go quickly. If Boss Tong's people come later, my store will be smashed."

After saying that, he pushed me out and said, "That girl is the little daughter-in-law raised by the child boss. She will come to meet in this noodle restaurant every week and then stay in a nearby hotel for one night. You actually thought that Boss Tong was a prostitute and gave it to the beggar. It seemed to be 300 yuan. If you don't leave, you will be arrested by them. It's just a beating."

I was pushed out by him and said angrily, "Are you kidding? How can there be such a ruffian hooligan in the suburbs of Beijing?"

The boss said, "Fat, Boss Tong is not a ruffian at all. You just provoked him. Although he has many men, he never makes trouble unless someone provokes him. The little daughter-in-law is also a daughter-in-law. If you interfere with other people's family affairs, it is wrong with public and private. If you are beaten, there will be no one to protect you.

I curled my lips and said, "What a little daughter-in-law is a mistress, and she is not a willing mistress. I think she is also forced. The mistress has a car and a house. She just sleeps with people every week. Can she be regarded as a family?"

The boss was anxious and said, "Don't talk nonsense in my store. Let's go, or I'll be rude."

I was pushed out of the door by him, so I had to turn around and put six yuan on a table near the door and said, "Take the money. If the child boss comes, say that I live on the second floor of Jiajia Hotel 204."

After saying this, I left without looking back.

After walking for a while, the boss stood at the door with six yuan and looked at me.

I waved to him and continued to move forward.

When I returned to the hotel, I suddenly regretted it.

Because listening to the tone of the noodle shop owner, I don't want to say good words, but because if I say bad things, it will cause very bad results.

So he doesn't allow me to speak ill of Boss Tong there. What the onlookers hear is not good.

In the final analysis, he is still afraid of the child boss.

That is to say, there are really such hooligans in this suburbs of Beijing.

Actually, I'm not surprised, because where are there no ruffians? Beijing has been a place where door valve gangs are concentrated since ancient times, and there is a tradition, so I should have thought of it a long time ago.

When I returned to the hotel, I began to regret saying my address.

Because if the child boss really comes to the door, things will be difficult to do.

Although I don't care in my mind now, I haven't investigated Grandpa's affairs and Atlantis. At least I can't die.

Also, if the other party comes to the hotel, the hotel will also suffer a lot of losses.

I should leave the hotel now and hide somewhere else.

But when I thought about it, I felt that I was afraid of the child boss. Why did I force myself to sleep on the street?

I lay down in ** for a while, turned on the TV and watched the boring program. I said to myself, Whatever, come if you want.

I found the stinky salted fish brought back from Japan in my bag and fed some to the worm, so I took a shower and was ready to go to bed.

Although the street is noisy during the day, it is much quieter at about ten o'clock.

After taking a shower and lying ** and watching TV, I said to myself that this kind of life is actually very good, which is much better than sleeping in the ancient tomb and being scared.

Thinking about it, I forgot to turn off the TV and fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, but a rapid knock on the door woke me up.

I am very vigilant when I sleep. Once I change, I will wake up immediately, which has helped me a lot in the ruins and ancient tombs.

It took me less than a second to wake up and look out of the window. The moon was hanging there.

The program on TV has stopped, but it still shows the time - 3:50.

Who will it be so late?

After thinking about it, I felt that there should be no one else except Boss Tong.

So I looked in the room and found a steel bar for the top door.

I held the steel bar in my hand and opened the door without saying anything.

As a result, the person standing in front of the door surprised me.

turned out to be the girl in blue. She was surprised when she saw me. When she saw the steel bar in my hand, she was even more shocked.

I hurriedly put away the steel bar and said, "You..."

The girl seemed to recover, wiped the tears on her face and said, "So you live here. Go into the room and talk. The child... The old man is chasing me. He said he wants to kill me!" So can I stay away from you for a while?"