long candle

Chapter 362 sleeping out

Looking at the fragments all over the ground, I was stunned and speechless for a moment.

Although the rage has never had much effect on me, after all, it is what the wind fairy gave me personally, which must be very important.

Ten thousand steps back, even if it doesn't help much for what I'm investigating, this thing is a very rare animal, which is really heartbreaking.

Although it has been broken so much that it can't be broken, I still picked up those fragments one by one and put them in the palm of my hand.

I didn't expect that at this time, the fragments suddenly began to wriggle, and then gradually pieced together to form a black shell.

Seeing that the Mirage returned to its original state, I knew that it was this guy who protected himself with hallucinations.

And when I came back, it felt safe and relieved the hallucination.

It seems that I haven't fed it for so long. It has treated me as my master and has no defense against me.

Although I feel a little better when I see the rage recovering, I still hate it.

When I didn't expect to find a good job, I encountered this kind of thing, and now I can only run away.

I found a mineral water bottle and bumped it into it, put it in my trouser pocket, and then looked at the room. There was nothing left to take away.

So I hurried downstairs.

Find the waiter at the front desk of the hotel and say he is ready to check out.

I pressed 200 yuan and lived for two days. I should be refunded 40 yuan.

But the waiter said, "Do you still want me to accompany you with the money? It's settled if I don't ask you to lose money. Today, Boss Tong went to your room and smashed it, and the TV and wardrobe were smashed. I can only withhold your suit as compensation. Don't want the deposit. Go, you broom star!"

"So you took the suit! Who let you take other people's things on your own initiative? I grabbed the waiter's collar and raised my fist to hit him.

The waiter said nervously, "You! What are you going to do? Don't think I won't call people."

My fist stopped in the air for three seconds, gritted my teeth and looked at the waiter, but still didn't fight.

Because I did bring losses to their hotel, and compensation is deserved, so I have no reason to beat people.

Let go of his collar. I didn't say anything. I clenched my fist and left without looking back.

When I came to the street, I looked left and right. Nothing happened, so I walked quickly to the road.

Walking in the opposite direction of the construction site, about half an hour later, it has been far away from the previous settlement.

I looked at my mobile phone. It was already three o'clock in the afternoon. I hadn't had lunch yet, and my stomach was hungry.

I had no choice but to see a steel pipe well outside the yard of a family by the roadside, so I went up and drank some water with my hand.

I didn't expect that my stomach would be even more fierce after drinking some cold water.

I have no choice but to sit by the roadside for a while.

Although the road I face is not a highway, the cars on the road drive very fast, so iron fences have been built on both sides of the road.

If I walk along the road, I will be stopped by the guardrail. I don't know how far I have to go if I want to leave the road and go somewhere else.

Looking at the fast-by cars rolling with smoke and dust, I decided not to walk along the road, but to drill through those country paths.

In fact, I have other plans to make this decision, that is, if I see radishes and sweet potatoes planted in a farmland, I can steal some to satisfy my hunger.

Sure enough, when I had enough rest and walked along a country path, I found a large area of farmland with potatoes.

I said in my heart that it was okay that I could recognize the type of food as long as I looked at the leaves, otherwise I would have starved to death.

Can this be regarded as one of the survival skills in the wild?

Looking at no one passing by, I was overjoyed. I grabbed the two potato leaves closest to me and pulled them up and pulled up a bunch of potatoes.

This potato is big and round, about seven or eight.

Because I was afraid that others would find out, I happily took them all off and put them in a pocket.

The pockets of sportswear are very large, so I put them all in, a bulging bag.

Grandma observed the surrounding terrain and found that there was a cypress forest not far from the end of the farmland.

I was so hungry that I hurried to the forest.

When I came to the forest, I found several tombstones and some earthen bags, which seemed to be a cemetery.

Now I'm not afraid of anything in broad daylight. Even at night, there is actually nothing to be afraid of, because what I have seen is much more terrible than these graves.

Since it is a cemetery, it is impossible for anyone to come at ordinary times.

So I collected some dead leaves and small branches everywhere and started a fire in an open space.

After the fire burned for a while, I threw down the leaves next to me.

In this way, the fire was extinguished by me and smoke rolled out.

In this case, the fire will not be completely extinguished, and Mars will continue to spread slowly below, maintaining an extremely high temperature.

Next, I took out the stolen potatoes, threw them under the fire, and buried them.

I learned from my grandfather when I was a child. The potatoes baked in this way are charred on the outside, tender on the inside, sweet and delicious, and very delicious.

Watching the potatoes enter the fire, I paused beside them.

Twenty minutes later, the smoke of the fire gradually faded and the potatoes were almost ripe.

So I dug out the fire with a tree stick and picked out the dark potatoes inside.

Roll one of them on the ground to reduce the heat, and then get it to roll around and let it cool down quickly.

Then I broke the potatoes from the middle.

Sure enough, the potatoes are burned black on the outside, but the inside is as white and tender as glutinous rice.

And an irresistible fragrance came out in an instant.

I didn't care how hot the potato was, so I sent it directly to my mouth.

But as soon as I went in, it was so hot that I couldn't swallow it. It rolled around in my mouth for a long time before swallowing it.

I ate the next one, wiped my mouth with great satisfaction, and then picked up the second one.

In this way, I ate all eight potatoes and felt that my stomach was bulging.

I wiped my mouth, and I said in my heart that even if those boss Tong's thrushes rushed over now, they would not be my opponent.

After simply dealing with those potato shells and fire, I moved my muscles and bones and prepared to move on.

This time, I'm going to find a place to spend the night.

Because it is 5 p.m. today, there is no special gathering place for residents, so there is no way to find a job. I have to find a place to spend the night.

Walking along the country road, a big river appeared in front of it.

The river is about ten meters wide, and both sides are full of green farmland, and there are cottages far away.

The river is dark and very rapid. Now the temperature is only more than ten degrees, and I don't want to swim there.

But I looked left and right. There was no bridge to pass through the river. There was only a dirt road along the river. Occasionally, cyclists passed by, or those farmers carrying hoes.

When everyone passes by me, they have to look at me up and down.

I didn't know why these people wanted to look at me. It was not until a motorcycle slowly drove over that I saw my face in his rearview mirror like singing because of eating potatoes.

And my clothes are also very dirty, looking like a beggar.

With a helpless smile, I had to walk along the riverside path and soon saw an earth step leading to the river.

From the steps to the river, I picked up the river and washed my face. I continued to walk along the river again, hoping to find a bridge across the river.

On the way, I asked two people, and they told me that the bridge was still seven or eight miles ahead.

I can't help it. Seeing me like this, they don't even want to talk to me more, so it's impossible to take their car.

I can only walk forward slowly, hoping to go to the bridge before dark.

Actually, I don't know what to do on the other side of the river, but I just habitually think that if there is a river, I have to cross it.

Gradually, it became dark, and the potatoes I ate in the afternoon made me not hungry, but it was already late autumn, and the temperature outside became very cold, and even night frost began.

Soon, it became completely dark, and there were fewer or almost no pedestrians on the road.

Only one or two cottages in the distance are lit, as faint as the sparks in the sky.

My whole body was frozen stiff, and my hands and feet were pale. I could only keep stamping my feet to keep warm.

Fortunately, at this time, I saw a sluice room in the middle of the river not far ahead.

The so-called sluice room is the place where the river gate is controlled in order to irrigate farmland.

This kind of house is generally uninhabited, but it is usually locked.

I walked quickly to the front of the room and found that the door was locked and almost rusted.

But the glass on the window is all broken, and it may be dried by some naughty children.

I was overjoyed and turned into this house through the window.

Lighting with a mobile phone and looking inside, there are only some instruments that control the sluice, accounting for one-third of the whole house, and the other two-thirds of the space. Even if I lie down, I won't feel narrow.

Although sleeping inside is not much warmer than sleeping outside, it is at least 100 times better than sleeping outside.

Although I look a little like a beggar now, I'm used to sleeping in the wild and feel good. At least now I don't have to face the threat of dumplings and monsters. As long as I light a fire, I can have a good sleep.

Thinking of this, I put the mirra in my pants pocket on the ground, and then climbed out of the window and picked up some firewood.

After I lit the fire, I was bored and had no power on my mobile phone, so I simply began to sleep.

I leaned against the corner of the room and curled up there to sleep. Under the warm temperature of the fire, I soon fell asleep.

I don't know how long I slept. Suddenly, I seemed to hear the sound of footsteps outside the door in my dream, and suddenly opened my eyes and sat up.