long candle

Chapter 365 Difficult to say

For good, the two of them were chatting, and I hurried back to ** so as not to be seen by them.

Obviously, they didn't see me and came in talking to themselves.

When they saw that I was still sleeping, they lowered their voices.

But I still heard it clearly.

The doctor's tone was a little angry and said, "If you don't pay the hospitalization fee, I will have him carry him out and throw him away."

Zhao Jiajia said in a pleading tone, "Doctor, I'm really don't have money. His fever has not subsided, and the injury on his leg has also been infected. Let him live here first. Otherwise, if it's really tetanus, it will be very dangerous. I'll get you money."

Listen to her, I know that I can't pretend to sleep anymore, because I don't have any tetanus at all, and there is no need to ask Zhao Jiajia to get the money.

After thinking about it, it's not right, because if Zhao Jiajia goes out to get the money and I sneak out, we don't actually have to pay.

Because the doctors don't know when I will wake up, and my legs are still lame, they absolutely didn't expect me to escape.

In fact, I'm not unwilling to pay the hospitalization fee, because Zhao Jiajia only wore a long skirt when she came out, without a bag, and there must be no bank card, cash or anything. If she wants to get the money alone, she must return to her and Boss Tong's accommodation. This is too risky, and the other party wants to kill her.

So I don't want her to take this risk, and the doctor's attitude is very bad, which strengthens the idea that I don't want to pay.

The two said a few words, and finally the doctor promised to press me here and let Zhao Jiajia get the money.

When both of them went out, I opened my eyes.

I was not alone in the ward, but another ** person seemed to be a seriously ill patient, looking unconscious and wearing a gauze-like protective cap on his head.

I was overjoyed. I found my sweatpants in the cabinet and found that the manor and mobile phone were still there.

But when I changed my trousers, I found that there were no clothes, so I had to wear a sick suit and bravely walked out.

There are a lot of people in the corridor, including doctors, doctors and nurses.

Seeing me limping, a nurse took the initiative to ask me, "Are you all right? Are you going to the bathroom? Where are your family members?"

I smiled and said, "I just have a leg injury. It's okay if I don't exercise much. I can do this little thing myself."

The nurse nodded and didn't see that I was going to run away.

So I moved to the elevator step by step. Although two nurses saw me, I only said that I would go down for a walk.

In fact, it is not easy to escape from the hospital, because the first thing patients send in is to register their ID cards, so even if you run away, you can ask for money through legal means.

But I don't have an ID card at all, and Zhao Jiajia doesn't bring it, so I'm not afraid.

When the elevator came to the first floor, I naturally walked out and then walked out of the lobby.

The main entrance of the hall was facing the hospital gate. I limped to the gate, but no one came to ask me.

At this time, I found that Zhao Jiajia was standing at the public phone booth at the gate and didn't know who she was calling.

I was stunned for a moment and thought that this woman would not be stupid enough to call Boss Tong for money, right?

Thinking of this, I hurried over.

When she came to her, she just hung up the phone.

When she turned around and saw me standing next to her, she was shocked.

"Aren't you... in a coma?" She asked in surprise.

I smiled and said, "Of course not. I heard your conversation with the doctor, but how could I escape if I didn't pretend to be unconscious at that time?"

Zhao Jiajia frowned and asked, "Escape? Why did you run away?

I spread out my hands and said, "Now we are at the gate of the hospital. If we are seen by the doctor just now, we will definitely take us back to settle accounts. Let's talk in another place."

Zhao Jiajia seemed to understand what I mean and nodded and said, "Then let's go to KFC over there. I happen to wait for a friend there."

After saying that, she came to help me and walked across the road together.

As I walked, I asked her, "Are you all right?" I saw you unconscious last night and thought you were seriously ill.

Zhao Jiajia said, "It's okay, just took a few sleeping pills..."

"Do you eat it yourself?" After asking this question, I regretted it, because yesterday's situation obviously won't be eaten by myself.

Zhao Jiajia looked at me, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Thank you very much last night, otherwise I must be dead now."

She said so, and I knew that all my guesses last night were true. She was stunned and ready to throw her body.

After a moment of silence, I said, "I'm also lucky. I live in the riverside sluice room where no one goes at night. I happen to meet you in danger. This may also be your life. By the way, didn't I faint last night? Why were we in the hospital?

Zhao Jiajia said, "I woke up not long after you fainted, and then an old man who went to the paddy field to release water in the middle of the night saw us and rescued us and asked his son to drive you to the hospital in the morning. At that time, in fact, if you walk 100 meters further, you can be saved.

I said, "If I see hope, maybe I won't faint, haha."

Zhao Jiajia didn't seem to listen to me, but said, "You have been having a high fever and shouting a person's name. The doctor thought you had tetanus, but I didn't expect you to go down so quickly."

I directly omitted the useless content of her sentence and asked, "Whose name did I call?"

Zhao Jiajia said, "I didn't hear it clearly. It seems to be Liang..."

My face suddenly turned red, and my heart said that I seemed to let myself go, but in the end, I still couldn't put it down.

At this point, I was silent, and neither of them spoke again.

When he came to KFC and sat down, Zhao Jiajia asked me, "What do you want to eat?"

I asked, "Do you have money?"

Zhao Jiajia said, "I don't have money, but I have called a friend. She is an intern nearby. You can lend us some first, so you can eat delicious food later."

Do I think KFC is also delicious? Well, it seems that her requirements are really low.

I smiled and said, "Then thank you for your hospitality. Let's wait until she comes."

So we didn't buy anything and occupied two seats. You look at me and I look at you.

The people around walked back and forth with plates and saw that we were both white-eyed.

My upper body is sick, and my sports pants are still wet. Although Zhao Jiajia's clothes are dry, the skirt was torn several times last night. Her hair was messy and she looked very embarrassed.

Generally, people who go out in sick clothes are not good at it. They may run out of mental hospitals.

If it hadn't been for this, the waiter might have come up to chase people out.

To be honest, I have never been so embarrassed in my life, and the key is that when I smell the things on other people's plates, my stomach cooze, which is very disappointing.

Zhao Jiajia heard her stomach rumbling and asked me, "What's wrong with you? I remember that when I first saw you, you were still wearing a suit and shoes, like a rich man, but now you look like a homeless tramp..."

I smiled awkwardly and said, "Yes, I'm a tramp, a black household registration, and I'm not afraid of you laughing. I have neither parents nor brothers, and I'm even sure who my surname is. In short, it's like an extra person in this society."

Hearing my statement, Zhao Jiajia smiled and said, "Just brag. How can you be such a polite tramp? I think you must have taken your tuition to recharge the game. If you don't have a book to read, you dare not go back to see your parents, so you plan to go out to work? I have seen a lot of Internet addicts like you with good family conditions.

Internet addicted teenager......

Hearing these words, a group of crows flew over my head, but I still smiled and said, "You can see through it. You are really a big sister with rich experience in society. Old driver, I hope you can take me more in the future.

Now that she has temporarily got rid of the oppression of Boss Tong, Zhao Jiajia showed her girlish heart at her age. Hearing my joke, she laughed.

When I saw her like this, I instantly felt that her charm had increased again.

Yes, this age is the time to be lively and playful.

I think she must have laughed like this for a long time.

But she smiled and seemed to think of something on her mind and sighed.

I frowned slightly and finally asked a question that I had always felt difficult to say: "What kind of magic does Boss Tong have? I remember that you said you were going back to school that night, but why did you run to him again and was stunned?"

Zhao Jiajia listened to my question, with a little sadness on her face and said, "I can't help it. My parents are sick in bed and have no money for me to go to school, so I have to."

Zhao Jiajia told me that her parents were both farmers in Shanxi. Originally, there were several acres of land in her family. Although they were not rich, they were still acceptable.

Zhao Jiajia has had good grades since she was a child. She was admitted to a university in Beijing. Her family was happy and took out all her savings to go to college.

As long as Zhao Jiajia studies hard, finishes four years of college, finds a better job, and then finds a good person to marry with her beautiful appearance, it will be particularly satisfactory.

But unfortunately, in the first semester of her sophomore year, Zhao Jiajia's family caught fire, and her parents were seriously injured and lost their ability to work.

Burns are different from other injuries and need to be treated with drugs that are not heard, and the cost of medicine is very expensive.

Zhao Jiajia is temporarily suspended from school to work for three jobs, but still can't afford to support two patients.

At this time, Boss Tong appeared. He took a fancy to Zhao Jiajia's beauty and promised her to pay for her to treat her parents.