long candle

Chapter 367 Awakening

When I woke up, I found that my face was wet, and I must have just been splashed with water by someone else.

Before I could see who was around me, suddenly there was a loud slap next to me, followed by a woman's sobbing.

I turned my face and looked, and Zhao Jiajia was tied to the chair next to me.

Her face has been swollen and almost out of sight. Boss Tong's suit jacket was thrown on the ground, rolled up his sleeves, held a belt in his hand, and sweated profusely.

"You bitch!" Boss Tong scolded, raised his hand and was ready to pump Zhao Jiajia with the belt in his hand.

I hurriedly shouted, "Shout!"

As a result, Boss Tong just looked at me and still pulled it down fiercely.

Zhao Jiajia's face was pulled to the side, and the blood in her mouth splashed on my face.

She doesn't seem to have the strength to cry anymore, but she doesn't listen to her **, proving that she is still alive.

I hated it so much that I wanted to cut my teeth. I was about to learn from Boss Tong to spit in the revolutionary film when I suddenly heard a girl whining in the distance.

I looked over there and saw a girl in a black dress hiding behind the pillar, showing her head.

Her hands are covering her face, looking like she doesn't dare to look at it.

Countless messages flashed in my heart, saying that this was Boss Tong's original match, his new lover, or a subordinate of Boss Tong?

Soon, I found that these were all wrong, because she felt a little sorry when she saw Zhao Jiajia being beaten.

So I finally thought that this person must be Zhao Jiajia's friend.

When we were waiting for her at KFC, she should have informed Boss Tong.

This will not be a rise for a while. Her relationship with Boss Tong should not be a day or two, but should have been arranged by Boss Tong for a long time.

Although Zhao Jiajia is separated from a weak woman, she has always felt that she is very strong. If she is just beaten, she will definitely not cry so sad.

It must be because I was betrayed by my friends that I was so emotional.

I looked at Zhao Jiajia's expression. Sure enough, her hands and feet were not because of pain**, but because of anger.

Although she lowered her head, she still rolled her eyes and stared at the girl in the distance.

muttered: "Why...why did you betray me? Just for the money?"

When I heard her say that, I am more sure of what I think.

In fact, there is nothing strange about this. It should be very normal for Boss Tong, who is so possessive, to install one or two spies.

I just didn't expect that our luck would be so bad.

"What are you shouting about!" I was thinking about it when Boss Tong suddenly shouted at me.

I was shocked by him and was about to scold him when I saw that the belt in his hand had pulled towards my face.

With a crack, I felt a hot pain on my face, and my eyes were full of stars.

Before he recovered, Boss Tong suddenly kicked my injured leg heavily.

I was so painful that my muscles contracted, and cold sweat flowed down my forehead.

Such severe pain made me speechless for a moment, and as a result, Boss Tong slapped twice on my back.

Then I heard a crack on my back, and countless wood chips scattered from the top of my head, and red blood flowed down my neck.

I know it must have been caused by Boss Tong hitting me on the back with a chair.

I couldn't straighten my waist with pain, and my whole body trembled like sieve, and I almost bit my lips to bleed.

Seeing that I was about to faint, Boss Tong poured it down with a basin of ice water.

Then Boss Tong pulled my hair, raised my head, and spit on my face.

I was so nauseous that my eyelids jumped, but my hands were tied so tightly that I almost bleed, but I still couldn't break free. I could only stare at Boss Tong with bloodshot eyes.

Boss Tong seemed to be very satisfied. He laughed and said, "Aren't you very domineering? You take her away. Let me see where you are going to escape this time! Son of a bitch!"

I finally couldn't help spitting at him, but in exchange for another beating.

This time, I was hit hard on the head by a chair, and my consciousness slowly became blurred.

But when I was dizzy, I heard Boss Tong say to Zhao Jiajia, "You bitch, do you think I don't know about the police? At that time, I was not tired of playing, so I pretended to know nothing for the time being, but all the money you transferred was intercepted by me, because I wanted to revenge on you. At the same time, I knew everything about your flirting with another boy at school, so the boy had a car accident.

I didn't expect this to happen. Zhao Jiajia must be even more sad when she heard it.

Sure enough, after he said this, a roar like a female cat came from my side.

I know that Zhao Jiajia is already on the edge of collapse. Boss Tong indirectly killed his parents and loved ones, and also plunged himself into a betrayal of relatives. In the end, he had to kill himself. This may be the deepest and heaviest blood feud in the world.

At this time, Boss Tong said, "Come on, take off her clothes. Anyway, she will be a dead body after a while, and the brothers will come and have fun!"

I was so angry that I raised my head with difficulty and saw several obscene migrant workers coming over to take off Zhao Jiajia's clothes. The migrant workers behind also began to take off their trousers, as if they were preparing, with an evil smile on their faces.


Although Zhao Jiajia had almost no strength to speak, she still shouted desperately.

I can't bear to look at it anymore. My teeth are rattling, and my chest seems to be pressed by a thousand pounds of heavy stones, and I can't breathe at all.

And just as those migrant workers approached Zhao Jiajia step by step, a burst of warmth suddenly came from my trousers pocket.

Then the scene in front of me suddenly changed. In the dark factory shed, those people in the dark began to shine slightly.

Looking at a few people nearby, the light on the body is clearer, and even the movement of the body is seen by me.

"Is this?" I was surprised to find that the pain on my body was disappearing at a very fast speed, and my whole body was filled with an inexplicable power.

"The power of reading is back!" It took me three seconds to realize what was going on.

At this time, the front migrant worker had torn Zhao Jiajia's coat, revealing the underwear inside.

But when the man went to pick up Zhao Jiajia's underwear, he suddenly seemed to have been hit by a truck. The whole person flew out in an instant and landed five or six meters away. He hit a row of paint buckets with a bang and let out a howl.

This is a completely supernatural phenomenon, and all the people present are dumbfounded.

At that moment, the whole world suddenly calmed down, and everyone was stunned there. Look at me and I look at you.

About ten seconds later, Boss Tong asked the person next to him, "What happened just now?"

The man said tremblingly, "No... I don't know, it seems that something knocked him away!"

Boss Tong was stunned for a moment, wiped the cold sweat on his face, slapped the man, and said, "What are you still doing? Help him up quickly and see if he is injured!"

The man was slapped inexplicably, and then he suddenly realized that he ran over and helped the man who fell into the iron barrel up.

After a while, he said, "It's okay. It seems that a finger is broken!"

Then the man was slowly helped over, and Boss Tong asked him, "What just happened?"

The man shook his head and said, "I don't know. It seems that he was hit by something."

Everyone fell silent again.

After ten seconds, it seemed that these people had forgotten the strange thing just now. A migrant worker asked, "Boss, can't this woman do it?"

Boss Tong gritted his teeth and said, "Fight! Why don't you do it!"

Then, three or four people rushed to Zhao Jiajia together.

But when they came to Zhao Jiajia, there was a sudden bang in the air, and a huge force knocked all three of them out, fell three or four meters away, and rolled a few times.

Everyone was completely stunned, and Zhao Jiajia, who was originally afraid, also stopped crying and looked around with her eyes open.

"Fuck! What the hell is going on!" Boss Tong pulled out a pistol and looked around, obviously with a little panic in his eyes.

At this time, the rope on Zhao Jiajia's body was like a snake, slowly starting to swim and unexpectedly untie it automatically.

Although Boss Tong's scalp was numb, he still said, "Quick! Hold the rope and don't let her break free!"

This time, more than a dozen people rushed up and were finally not bounced off again.

They successfully held down the rope on Zhao Jiajia's body, but they were also sweating profusely.

At this time, the rope on my body also began to move, and other migrant workers rushed up to me and pressed the rope on my body.

Boss Tong saw that we were all subdued and seemed to take a breath and said, "Is this fucking magic? Can you do magic?"

He looked at me fiercely, but I looked at him with a smile.

Seeing that I was about to be killed, I didn't know where the spirit came from. He was a little surprised and scolded, "Sure enough, it's your ghost! This little trick is like squeaking me and kill your boy first!"

After saying that, he raised his gun to shoot at me.

Zhao Jiajia next to him shouted, "No!"

But it's too late, because Boss Tong's gun has flown from his hand and suspended in mid-air.

And the muzzle slowly aimed at himself.

Boss Tong was so scared that his face suddenly turned white and he was stunned there.

I laughed and said, "Why don't you run? Want to be shot?"

Boss Tong suddenly realized, turned his head and ran away, and said, "Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

But as soon as he ran two steps, he suddenly snapped and shot out of his calf.

Boss Tong staggered and fell to the ground, shaking like a sieve, and scolding, "This! What kind of magic is this!"

I smiled and said, "I'm really sorry. This is a shot back to you."