long candle

Chapter 369 Freedom

Those people looked at each other as if they were hesitant.

I picked up the pistol left by Boss Tong on the ground, shot the sky and said, "I don't have time to rub it. If you don't want to die, do as I say."

Hearing the sound of gunfire, these people finally abandoned the burden of unemployment and imprisonment and rushed to Boss Tong one after another.

Seeing this situation, Boss Tong sat on the ground, rubbing back and waved his hand and said, "No! I'll give you money, I'll give you money! I'll give you as much as you want!"

These people can't listen. After all, life is much more important than money.

Boss Tong's screams and pleas came from the crowd. I don't know why I think it's better than the most beautiful music in the world.

Next to Zhao Jiajia gritted her teeth and said, "Fight! Beat this bastard hard!"

As she spoke, she began to squat on the ground and cried.

I patted her and comforted her in a low voice.

I didn't expect her to hug my leg and cry loudly.

I sighed and was relieved to see her like this.

At this time, Boss Tong's screams became smaller and smaller, and gradually turned into humming.

I saw those people blushing, knew that they might be beating, and remembered some personal grudges, so I began to vent.

If it goes on like this, Boss Tong will be killed sooner or later.

So I shouted, "Okay! Stop it! Stop it!"

I didn't expect that those people seemed to be addicted and turned a deaf ear to my words, as if they had red eyes.

I hurriedly used my mind to pull some of them out of the battlefield, which calmed the others down.

I patted Zhao Jiajia and asked her to let go of my leg, and I walked towards Boss Tong.

When I got close, I saw that the child boss had been beaten to death. His nose was blue and his face were swollen, and no clothes were intact. There were continuous bleeding bubbles in his mouth and nose, and his breathing was very weak.

Seeing his bearish appearance, I cursed in a low voice: "You can't live for your own sins..."

I picked him up with his collar.

Boss Tong was very angry, but he seemed to realize that I was going to kill him. His whole body trembled, opened his swollen eyelids slightly, and said, "Please, don't... kill me... I know I'm wrong... Don't kill me... I will definitely change it in the future...

I looked at his face and said after a long time, "I knew this. Why do you look pitiful now, but think about those who died in your hands? Aren't they pitiful? Is it only the life of the rich?

Boss Tong's eyelids opened slightly and his lips moved, as if he were speechless.

I sighed, stretched out my hand, and a dagger on the ground automatically flew into my hand.

Then I held Boss Tong's collar in one hand and held the dagger high in the other, ready to stab him in the throat.

At this time, Boss Tong's eyes widened a little, his whole body began to shake, and then a stench came from his lower body.

I knew that he must be incontinent and frowned.

What he looks like now is the most urgent expression of human's desire for life. His ferocious face and fear are impossible to forget at a glance.

I don't know why, a feeling of pity rose in my heart and slowly put down Boss Tong.

He has now lost his arrogance and viciousness, and is completely an ordinary person who faces the incomparable fear of death.

I think he should have changed more or less after this lesson, right?

In short, he is 50 or 60 years old and won't live for a few years. Let him go for the time being and let him do good deeds and accumulate virtue in the future?

So Boss Tong, who fell to the ground, said, "I won't kill you, but I will give you to the police. Whether they shoot you or not, I don't care. I just hope you can remember one sentence. If you can still come out, as long as you do another evil thing, I will kill you immediately. Also, don't harass Zhao Jiajia in the future. ."

Although Boss Tong was about to die, he still nodded desperately and said, "Thank you...thank you..."

Seeing that he was sincere, I glanced at the accomplices around him.

After they saw my eyes, they all retreated one after another.

Finally, my eyes fixed on the woman who betrayed Zhao Jiajia and stared at her coldly.

The woman seemed to collapse in an instant. She shook her head quickly and said, "It's none of my business, it's none of my business. I'm also forced!"

When I saw that she was so scared that she was about to cry, I sneered and said, "Come here!"

The woman was stunned for a moment, looked left and right for a while, and finally decided to come over.

When she came to me tremblingly, I said in a cold voice, "Take off your clothes!"

The woman was stunned for a moment, hurriedly covered her chest, tears fell down, and said, "No... what are you...what are you going to do?"

I shouted, "Do you think there is no need to pay for doing this kind of thing? If Zhao Jiajia is insulted to death by them today, you are the murderer. Now it is the cheapest punishment to just let you take off your clothes!"

As soon as the woman heard this, her whole body trembled. Finally, she cried. While crying, she went to unbutton her coat and said, "Jiajia, I'm sorry..."

She wears a gray woolen coat outside and a red and white dress inside.

When she took off her coat and handed it to me, she went to pull the drawing of the dress on her back.

But halfway through, I found that the men around me were staring at me, and the movements of their hands stopped and began to cry loudly.

At this time, Zhao Jiajia said in a weak voice, "Forget it, just let her go. Just don't meet again and treat her as if you don't have this friend."

I looked back at Zhao Jiajia and said coldly to the woman, "Get out!"

The woman ran to the corner of the public shed as if she was relieved, hoping that the farther away from me, the better.

I handed Zhao Jiajia the woman's coat and said, "Put it on and get ready to go."

Zhao Jiajia wiped her tears and asked, "Where are you going?"

I said, "It's all over. Go to the hospital to cure the injury, and then finish college, find a job and live a good life."

Zhao Jiajia looked at me in a stunned way and asked after a few seconds, "Can I?"

I nodded, then took her arm and lifted her up from the ground.

When I came to Boss Tong's side, I said to Zhao Jiajia, "Would you like to kick two feet?"

Zhao Jiajia looked at me and seemed to hesitate.

I thought she was going to ask my opinion, but she had stepped on Boss Tong's stomach, and then stepped on Boss Tong as if she were crazy.

While stepping on it, he scolded: "Beast! Bastard! Give back my father and my mother!"

When I saw that Boss Tong was trampled and vomited blood again, I said, "Forget it..."

Although Zhao Jiajia stopped beating Boss Tong, she spit on his face and said, "You disgusting old man, you have been disgusted for a long time. Stay away from me in the future!" Bah!"

I was a little surprised to see her so hot side, but I knew that she was venting.

So I said to Boss Tong on the ground, "Give me the bank card."

Boss Tong was stunned and looked at me.

I said coldly, "What are you looking at? Take it out, the one with the most money. Tell me the password, I need money!"

Boss Tong knew my intention, and his hands trembled like Parkinson. He took out his wallet in his trousers pocket, threw it on the ground, and then said slowly, "I'll give you all the passwords... Jiajia's birthday..."

I was stunned for a moment and looked at Zhao Jiajia.

Her eyes turned red and shed tears.

I think maybe it was the right choice for me not to kill Boss Tong, because Boss Tong still seems to retain a trace of humanity.

As soon as I stretched out my hand, the wallet automatically came to my hand, and then I picked up Zhao Jiajia and walked to the door.

When I came to the pile of debris at the door, I just moved my fingers. All the debris flew away, and a ray of skylight sprinkled in.

I suddenly saw the strong light, and I was a little uncomfortable. I stood at the door for a few seconds and found that everyone was behind me and ready to go out.

I may be afraid that they will be blocked inside after I leave, so there is such a move.

I sighed and walked out slowly with Zhao Jiajia.

Outside, I suddenly felt a thousand pounds of heavy pressure suddenly pressing on my body. The pain and fatigue on my body seemed to come back at once, and I felt that my mind had disappeared in an instant.

Although I don't know why my superpowers disappeared when I left the public shed, I still cheered up so that the people behind me would not find that I had become an ordinary person.

At this time, a bell suddenly sounded not far ahead of us.

Although we were kidnapped, I injured so many people after all, and it was difficult for the police to trace them, so I took Zhao Jiajia's arm and said, "Let's go!" It's not good for the police to see it.

Looking at the buildings ahead, which are full of high-rise buildings, I knew that the public shed we were in was located somewhere in the city.

So we found an alley and got out and came to the street.

At this time, the police car just drove to the street and came down a dozen uniformed policemen.

We walked with our heads down. They didn't see the wounds on our bodies and hurriedly ran by.

When they all passed, we hurried along the street.

After walking through five or six streets, we found an ATM and took out 30,000 yuan from one of the cards.

Then we went straight to the hospital.

Although the injury was not light, I did not accompany Zhao Jiajia in the hospital, but after settling her down, I walked out of the hospital by myself.

While Zhao Jiajia was still sleeping, I put 100,000 yuan in cash in her drawer and left her. Although I decided to observe for a while to see if Boss Tong would come back to embarras her, I was not going to meet her again.

She is just an ordinary college student, and she still has a year of college career to spend well. I know that having an intersection with me is not a good thing for an ordinary person.