long candle

Chapter 386 Mysterious Light Group

At 4 p.m., we boarded the plane to Kunming on time. Because it was not direct, we had to transfer between Wuhan and Chengdu twice, so the plane had to fly for more than ten hours, that is, one night.

I thought this trip would be very boring. In addition to doze off, we still doze off, but as soon as we got on the plane, the three of us began to have diarrhea.

No.2 scolded and ran to the toilet while covering his stomach and saying, "12, you are unlucky. You have to eat some roadside stall oden. I think the aunt has a black mole on her lips and yellow teeth full of smile. At first glance, it hurts me so much!"

12 was occupying the only toilet at that time, so No. 2 was annoyed, covered his stomach and said, "Open the door quickly, or you will pull the floor!"

Although the stewardess repeatedly came to ask No. 2 to be quiet and the passengers on the plane needed to rest, who can stand the diarrhea?

So when No. 2 finally knocked on the door of the toilet and came out of it with a sallow face on the 12th, I ran into the toilet from the side and said to No. 2 before locking the door, "I'm sorry, senior, I'm about to squeeze out!"

When I took off my trousers and **, I heard No. 2 crying and howling outside.

I put on my headphones and pretended not to hear it. After pulling it happily, I opened the door and saw that No. 2 was no longer there.

When he returned to his seat and asked No. 12, the guy said with a bad smile, "The stewardess gave No. 2 a bag for airsick passengers to vomit, and then took him to a room inside."

Seeing the expression on the 12th, I was happy and said with a bad smile, "I feel that this airline will blacklist us, right?"

In fact, I can't laugh or cry in my heart, because at least until now, I still regard myself as a hero to maintain peace, but this performance is really different from our identity.

After about 10 minutes, No. 2 came back with a yellow face and said nothing more. As soon as we saw it, we shook our heads and muttered, "Sin..."

After saying that, he spread out his palm with a few white pills on it.

I asked him what it was, and he told us that it was a medicine for diarrhea.

I looked at No. 12 and asked, "Have you washed your hands?"

No.2 finally put down the monk's mercy, grabbed No. 12's neck, stuffed the medicine into his mouth, and fed it a whole half a bottle of water.

I saw that the water choked No. 12 and almost coughed out my lungs, and my face turned green.

When No. 2 slowly looked at me again, I hurriedly grabbed the pill in his hand and said, "I'll take it myself, I'll eat it myself..."

No.2 saw me taking the medicine, then nodded, then crossed my legs and began to meditate.

An elderly couple sitting opposite us, watching our every move, was speechless.

Especially No. 2, which is like a kang head, makes them speechless.

Seeing their surprised expressions, I could only touch the back of the head and smile helplessly.

After taking the pill for diarrhea, the three of us finally stopped making noise, and the whole plane was able to sleep quietly.

The three of us also fell asleep one after another until a violent shaking woke me up from my dream.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I heard a loud noise and a bright light flashed by the window.

When I looked out of the window carefully, I saw black clouds layered on the window of the plane, and I couldn't see the sailing conditions clearly.

It was also at this time that the lights in the plane were on, and people shrugged and got up from their chairs in a hurry.

I saw that everyone around me frowned and looked scared.

At this time, the plane's broadcast sounded, and the on-duty staff inside said, "Please be impatient. The plane is now passing through the storm clouds, and there may be unstable airflows causing bumps. For the sake of safety, the staff will put on life jackets for everyone later."

I said in my heart that it won't be so unlucky. It's winter. How can there still be rain clouds?

As soon as I thought of this, there was a rumble of thunder outside, and countless lightning shuttled through the clouds, like shining dragons, which both made people feel extremely spectacular and throbbing in their hearts.

Seeing this weather, the people in the cabin looked pale, and the two old couples on the opposite side held their hands tightly and said something silently with their eyes closed.

In the diagonal opposite seat, a fashionable girl with purple hair shed tears in her eyes.

Seeing this scene, I finally felt the depressing atmosphere.

When encountering such storm clouds, the airflow is quite unstable. The aircraft may be hit by lightning and cause performance damage, or it may be overturned by the airflow, causing it to get out of control and very easy to crash.

So the plane now in the storm layer hangs everyone's lives on the line.

I saw that No. 12 next to me had shrank into a ball of fear and whispered, "No way, this is my first time flying, and I encountered this kind of thing..."

Although No. 2 maintained a meditation posture, his eyes were wide open and he looked out of the window warily.

When he saw me looking at him, he also looked at me, and then after a few seconds, he finally asked, "10, can you fly?"

What's the problem I said in my heart? What does it mean that I can fly?

At this time, No. 2 explained, "You can lift the ten-ton elevator, which means you can also lift yourself."

I said, "The ant can lift something a hundred times the weight of its body, and I don't see that the ant can lift itself."

2 said, "That's different. Suspended superpowers usually fly, which is the standard configuration. Anyway, if there is anything wrong with the plane, can you take me to fly?

I said in my heart, what kind of agreement is this? I also take you to pretend to fly.

Just as he was about to explain, No. 12 next to him also said with a runny and tears, "Take me one, okay?"

I took them away and held my hand tightly and said, "It's too windy outside. I'm afraid I'll blow you away."

At this time, the old man of the couple opposite finally said, "What a poor three children are scared. Good boy, don't talk nonsense, the plane may not crash."

The three of us were speechless and said that they were indeed regarded as psychopaths.

At this time, a stewardess came over, sent a life jacket to each of us and instructed us to put it on.

I took the opportunity to ask her, "I'm sorry, girl, where are we now? How can there be such strong convective weather in this winter?

When the stewardess heard me call her sister, she smiled and said, "It's almost Wuhan. The weather here is much hotter than our Beijing. It's not surprising that there are thunderstorms in winter. After all, it's only early winter now."

As soon as she finished speaking, the plane shook violently again, and all the lights began to flash.

Everyone on the plane began to scream and fell into panic.

Fortunately, this shaking lasted less than five seconds, and all the lights returned to normal.

At this time, the voice in the radio also became nervous and said, "Fabelongs, we are passing through a strong troposphere. Once we fly out of this area, it will be safe, so please don't be impatient and don't panic."

It rumbled and made another loud noise, and countless lightning passed by the plane.

When the mineral water on the table was shaken by the buzzing thunder, the person in the back seat shouted excitedly: "Look, there is something in the cloud. What is that?"

Listen to what he said, the three of us looked out of the window together.

At this time, we saw a very fast sphere passing through the clouds, more than three times faster than the plane. In the clouds behind the plane, it suddenly rushed to the front of the plane and moved forward at the same speed as the plane.

So we saw that it seemed to be still.

Although the clouds are very thick, I can still see clearly that the glowing sphere is constantly changing color.

"What is this? UFO?" I was shocked.

At this time, No. 2 frowned tightly and said, "It's not a bullshit UFO. This is spherical lightning, or lightning evil spirit."

This is the first time I've heard of lightning evil spirits, so I asked, "What do you mean?"

"I don't have time to explain it to you. When the poor monk reads a Diamond Sutra to chase them away, the plane will be fine." No. 2 said lightly.

Seeing that he stopped talking, but silently reading the scriptures, I frowned and muttered, "If you don't say it, don't say it."

At this time, the 12th said, "This is spherical lightning. I have seen a lot of videos about it on the Internet. This thing seems to be very interesting.

Hearing what he said, I asked, "Interesting? Why is it interesting?"

12 said, "How to say, although this kind of thing is also lightning, it seems to be more conscious than ordinary lightning."

"Conscious? How to say?" I didn't dabble in this area, so I asked curiously.

12 thought for a moment and said, "Let me tell you about one of these cases. It is said to be a strange surveillance video of the Forbidden City in Beijing. About 2002. Late one night, in the monitoring room of the Forbidden City in Beijing, two on-duty personnel were bored and chatting. Suddenly, they saw a white flash on the monitoring TV. Then a sphere fell into the dam in front of a palace and kept rolling around in place. I don't know if it was What are you doing?"

"At first, the staff was scared and thought it was some kind of monster, but when they took a closer look, the thing emitted electric light all over their bodies, which was likely to be the legendary ground rolling thunder, that is, spherical lightning. At this time, the spherical lightning rolling around on the ground changed. From the original oval, it grew short and round limbs like a human, crawling around on the ground.

"Staff Lao Li and Lao Zhang were stunned and decided to summon up the courage to go to the front of the palace..."