long candle

Chapter 340 Master

Several hip-hop guys came to us with a very gloomy face. At first glance, they came for the mudslide.

I don't know how this annoying personality of the hip-hop guy persuaded others to stand on his side. Maybe these people have very urgent things and can't wait for one night.

Sure enough, one of the angry middle-aged women said in a very strong Yunnan Mandarin: "My mother is critically ill. I'm waiting to go back to see her for the last time. I don't have time to waste here. Now I don't know what my mother's situation is. If I go back to her old man has passed away, then I will definitely not Let go of you liars."

Another dark-faced young man also said, "I went back to talk about business. I made an appointment with a customer to meet at ten o'clock. Can you be responsible for hundreds of thousands of orders?"

In the face of the deliberate criticism of several people, No. 2 looked at the sky and did not say anything.

I also looked up at the sky and found that the rain had been much smaller, and the possibility of mudslides had indeed been greatly reduced. But I have seen with my own eyes how accurate the prediction of No. 2 is, so I still believe in his words.

However, the minds of the previous few people were not as firm as mine. Seeing that No. 2 stopped talking, they thought that the swindler had shown the prototype, and they were even more criticized.

Seeing this situation, the hip-hop guy sighed hypocritically. In fact, his eyes were full of pride and a gloomy smile.

The more I heard them, the worse they became, and I was ready to help.

No.2 blocked me with one hand and said, "Each person has his own destiny. Today, too many secrets have been revealed. Let them go, Amitabha."

"You bald, you are still pretending to be a monk here, damn liar, what are you going to do!" The hip-hop guy finally laughed at each other.

No.2 looked up at him and said, "Young man, I don't think you are a villain, just like to provoke right and wrong, so I remind you. I see that your heavenly court is gloomy and there is black silk under your eyelids. There will be a disaster of killing today. Please speak and do good deeds so as not to fulfill it.

The hip-hop guy's face turned black and said, "What the world, you stinky bald head, how dare you curse me? I think your bones will be itchy if you don't get beaten today, right?"

After saying that, he was going to raise his fist and hit No. 2, but how could we let him do this? One left and one right flashed in front of No. 2.

The hip-hop guy saw that we two were not good-looking, and his fists stopped in mid-air and said angrily, "Okay, there are many of you today. Let's wait and see!"

I said that you are a fool X. We are not protecting No. 2, but protecting you.

According to No. 2's skills, his fist will definitely be broken before it reaches No. 2's face.

Immediately, the hip-hop guy took those people into the car.

Then we heard a noisy argument in the car.

I guess it was a hip-hop guy and those people who threatened the driver and said that if they didn't drive, they would complain or something.

Sure enough, after a while, we saw that the headlights of their car were on and the engine was lit.

No.2 saw this situation, sighed and said, "Amitabha, some people deserve this disaster, and it is useless to hide. Let him go!"

Just as the car was about to leave, suddenly the hip-hop guy got out of the car again.

As he ran towards the roadside cliff, he said, "Wait, I'll pee one, and I'll be ready soon."

Seeing him running towards the cliff, I suddenly had an ominous feeling, so I looked at No. 2 and saw that he had closed his eyes.

I knew that something was not good, and suddenly I heard a strange sound behind me.

Looking back, the statue in the grotto reflected a slight red light under the taillights of the car, which looked extremely strange.

And the strange laughter also came from the grotto, and the listeners were even more creepy.

What's the matter? Is the fairy in the stone alive? A strange idea suddenly came to my mind.

At this time, a blood-red ** in the grotto kept pouring out from the bottom, making the statue more strange.

I rubbed my eyes and said in my heart that I would not have hallucinations again, right?

I touched my clothes pocket, and the manor was not there. Only then did I remember that before I left, I went home and put the manor in the bottle, and now it was in my luggage.

Since the Mirage is not on my body, it is impossible for me to have hallucinations, but how can blood emerge under a stone statue?

Thinking of this, suddenly there was a loud rumbling sound from the mountain overhead, as if countless stones were rolling down.

"Hey! Be careful!" I shouted at the hip-hop guy who was unbuckling his belt on the edge of the cliff.

Even if there is a falling stone, we can't hit it, because it is in the concave surface of the mountain, and the hip-hop guy is now within the parabolic range of the stone.

And I seemed to be late when I shouted this, because I saw the hip-hop guy turn around and stared at the top of his head, and his face turned white with fear.

Just a second later, I saw a huge stone no smaller than our bus roll down from the top of the mountain and hit the top of the hip-hop teenager's head with boundless power.

The mudslide, the pass, and the disaster of blood and light, all these words on No. 2 suddenly flashed through my mind, and what he said really came true.

As I just said on No. 2, this hip-hop guy is not a bad guy, he just likes to provoke right and wrong.

So for such a person, his sins do not need to be paid by such a miserable method of death.

I have this idea in my mind, and my first reaction is to save him with my mind.

But when my mind was stimulated, I found that the weight of the boulder had exceeded ten tons, and with the acceleration of falling, it was no longer within my control.

So I just slowed down the fall of the stone at that moment, making the process that would have been completed in one tenth of a second into a second.

But this still can't bring the hip-hop guy alive.

Just as I tried my best and couldn't control the stone, I suddenly saw a shadow appear beside the hip-hop guy.

He grabbed the young man's back collar and dragged him back two or three meters.

Almost at the same time, the stone made a loud bang and smashed through the road. The ground where we stood vibrated strongly, making everyone stand unsteadily and sitting on the ground. At the same time, there were countless cracks in the road between the sand and stones.

Then, the huge rumbled and rolled down the hillside.

Because there were still many smaller stones falling, the shadow continued to drag the dead dog-like hip-hop boy back and retreated to the place where the rock could be sheltered before letting go of his collar.

I fixed my eyes. Sure enough, the shadow was No. 2. Just now, he risked being stoned and went up to save the young man's life. It seemed that he was not as stubborn as I thought.

At this moment, I saw his back with his hands folded, as if I had seen the figures of two bodhisattvas.

One is Guanyin who saves the world from water and fire, and the other is the king of the earth who will go to hell if I don't go to hell.

It seems that the Buddhist Dharma, which is compassionate and takes salvation as its duty, is indeed their code of conduct.

Even if this is a monk who eats spicy hot pot and drinks coffee, his belief remains unchanged.

The suffocating moment just now scared everyone. Although there were still large and small stones falling, everyone's eyes were fixed on the back with their hands folded.

This mudslide is not a small range, because the radio in the car is broadcasting. There have been many mudslides in the 80 kilometers ahead of us. Several sections of the highway have been washed off and more than a dozen vehicles have disappeared.

This shows that two hours ago, at the speed of our travel at that time, we would definitely encounter a mudslide, and it was likely to be washed under the cliff.

Therefore, the prediction of No. 2 is all correct, which has to make people think that No. 2 is the reincarnation of Buddha.

After about ten seconds, the hip-hop teenager reacted, cried, and then choked and said, "I... I peed in my pants!" Master, master, thank you very much. You saved me. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I'm ignorant. I deserve to die!"

Speaking of this, he was stunned for a moment and cried again, "No, I don't deserve to die. I don't want to die, master... Thank you!"

No.2 saw this guy holding his thigh with a runny and tears. He was a little helpless, and the key was that he still peed in his trousers. In case he rubbed a little on the handsome windbreaker, wouldn't it be disgusting?

So he put his hands together and said, "Amitabha, would you please loosen my legs first? There is no danger now. Besides, it's not me who saved you, but someone else. You don't have to thank me."

I know that the person No. 2 said was me, because if I hadn't slowed down the stone, no matter how good he was, he wouldn't have saved the hip-hop guy.

At this time, the people next to him seemed to have recovered and surrounded No. 2 one after another, handing cigarettes, water, and two children taking out half of the bread.

They boasted that No. 2 was the reincarnation of Buddha, and kept thanking and praising them.

I think it's good to be a hero. No. 2 is so cool.

Thinking of the appearance of the No. 2 monk, I thought he would refuse all those cigarettes and drinks with a smile.

But at this time, this person's nature was exposed. While taking those people's drinks and cigarettes with a smile, he said, "You're welcome, you're welcome. The poor monk is just helping you relieve you by the way."

Finally, he picked up the bread that the child had chewed and said, "Isn't it a sandwich? I'll give it back to you, kid."

I was really speechless and stood aside with tears and laughing. I said to myself that there is a kind of thing in the world that will not change, that is, 2 goods are always 2 goods!

After looking at it for a while, I felt that there was nothing wrong with me. I remembered the strangeness of the statue in the grotto before, so I decided to go and see what was going on.