long candle

Chapter 359 Diarrhea

When Boss Bai served the dish, the fragrance really scared all three of us.

I whispered to No. 12 next to me, "It seems that this dish made of human meat is still as fragrant as yesterday. Would you like to try it?"

No.12 heard it, and his face suddenly turned green. He covered his mouth and ran out and began to vomit again.

Seeing that he couldn't spit out anything, I felt that my joke seemed to be a little too much. This time, No. 12, which was only 90 pounds, was estimated to lose another 10 pounds.

No.2 seemed to hear what I said to No. 12 and said softly, "Amitabha."

But I could see that there was an impulse to sew my mouth with a needle in his eyes.

I smiled awkwardly and could only look to one side.

At this time, the leader wearing glasses kept saying, "It's delicious. It's really delicious, especially this old bacon. It's so delicious. Don't you really taste it?"

We shook our heads one after another and didn't want to talk at all.

I said in my heart that you can eat it. I'll tell you what kind of meat it is after eating, and then spit out all your courage.

Seeing that we didn't move our chopsticks, the leader advised, "It doesn't matter if you don't eat meat. These materials are also very fresh. Eat a little!"

I looked at the vinegar cabbage and tiger skin green pepper on the table, and then looked at No. 2.

He also looked at me, then slowly picked up his chopsticks, put a piece of cabbage in his mouth, and chewed it very gently.

In fact, I have been hungry for a long time. Looking at the cabbage, I thought to myself, "There should be no problem with this cabbage. It's impossible that even the cabbage has been arched by zombies, right?"

So I simply picked up a large clip with chopsticks and sent it to my mouth.

I found that it tasted good. I ate two more tiger skin green peppers, then picked up the bowl and said to Boss Bai, "Boss, two bowls of dry rice!"

Boss Bai agreed to serve me a bowl of rice.

The whole process of eating was completed under the gaze of the 12th. He always covered his mouth to say something to me, but he always wanted to say something.

I took a sip of tea and said, "You can't eat anything. You can always drink tea, otherwise your legs will be weak later, but you can't even walk."

On the 12th, I picked up the tea and took a few sips, and my face was much better.

I nodded with satisfaction, and then ordered two bowls of rice and had a full meal.

After half an hour, everyone was full of wine and food.

Although the people at the next table never spoke and just looked at us coldly, it did not affect our appetite at all.

At this time, the explorers suggested taking a break after dinner and began to inquire about Yuan Mouren from Boss Bai.

What surprised us was that the white boss retelling what he said to us yesterday to these amateur explorers intact.

I said to myself that Boss Bai is really awesome. His real identity may be a robot, which has formed a fixed pattern.

After listening to Boss Bai's words, the amateur explorers asked the three of us: "It seems that the PLA troops have not completely withdrawn. Isn't there still three left? Can you tell us what happened the night before yesterday?"

I was stunned for a moment and looked at No. 2.

As a result, No. 2 said, "Amitabha, this is a military secret."

I didn't expect such a pretentious word to become a signal in the ears of the leader.

He hurriedly answered, "Oh, we should almost go. This is not the place to talk."

After saying that, he led the amateur explorers and left in a hurry after paying the bill.

According to the previous agreement, we are going to take this group of people to Mr. Li, and then find a way to get rid of them.

Although we are short-handed, we should not let down their enthusiasm, but we can't joke about the lives of these ordinary people.

The best way to repay them is to live well.

The three of us told these people that at the exit on the other side of the village, a family caught a Yuanmou and could visit it at will.

These people were very excited and talked to each other.

Taking this opportunity, the three of us discussed a plan to get rid of them seamlessly.

This trick is that No. 2 and I pretended to eat what we just had and had diarrhea, and then let No. 12 stay.

When we got out, 12 pretended to faint.

Anyway, his health is extremely bad. fainting or something should be acceptable.

When they fainted on the 12th, they must take the 12th to the hospital, and then found that there was no hospital in the village, so they had to take the 12th to a nearby town for medical treatment.

I once observed at the top of the Tulin maze that these people did not come on foot. Several of their SUVs were parked not far from when we met them.

When these people drive away and let the 12th unconsciously replace the small animals on the roadside, it will be done.

After discussing the plan, the boss No. 12 was reluctant, but finally I said, "I think there are a few girls in their team who are good-looking. Maybe they will do artificial respiration when they see you faint!"

Although No.12 did not believe my statement, it still seemed to be moved, curled his lips and agreed.

At this point, I saw that the destination was not far away, so I covered my stomach and said, "Not good! I have a stomachache. Where can I find a toilet here!"

When the leader's glasses saw that my stomach hurt so much, he hurried forward and asked me, "Comrade PLA, are you all right? Why did you suddenly have a stomachache?"

While pretending to be painful, I said, "It must be that the dishes haven't been washed just now!"

As soon as I said this, a woman stood up and said, "My family has a hospital. There is a powerful diarrhea medicine here. Do you want to come..."

As soon as she said this, before she finished speaking, she suddenly farted, and then bent down to cover her stomach and said, "It really hurts. Sure enough, there is something wrong with those dishes!"

It's not as good as what I said. Everyone couldn't straighten up in pain and wanted to find the toilet.

I know that big things are not good. This dish is really poisoned, or should there be such a reaction after eating human flesh?

Seeing that they were in great pain and rolling all over the ground, I hurriedly snatched the medicine from the previous girl and fed them separately.

After taking the medicine, the pain was relieved immediately, but the fundamental problem was not solved.

When we came here, we were unfamiliar and there was no one on the street, so we had to pull them down into the woods outside the village and let them solve them.

At this time, these people were also some men and women. They squatted on the ground and began to pull, instantly smelling.

The three of us can only stay away from each other and look at each other in con'sinuation.

Originally, we were going to pretend to have a stomachache, but in the end, it turned out that these people really had diarrhea, and life was really full of ups and downs!

At this time, on the 12th, he asked me, "Shall we go first?" While they can't get up."

2 read a Buddha's name and frowned and said, "Amitabha, I don't know what medicine Boss Bai gave them. We'd better see if these people are poisoned."

I stamped my foot and said, "It's really unlucky to have a good plan that has been delayed by this group of oil bottles!"

While talking, suddenly there was a scream in the depths of the forest, and then someone shouted, "There is a bear! Help! There is a bear!"

The three of us couldn't care so much and hurriedly turned around and ran into the forest. Then we saw a group of people standing there with trousers and looking in one direction.

In the direction they are looking, there is a two-meter-high guy with black hair.

Although his face is not very clear and covered by trees, you can still see clearly that this guy is a big pillar!

The big pillar stood behind a row of smaller trees, motionless, showing only half of his eyes, as if he were peeking at the crowd.

I said to No. 2, "Why did this guy become a werewolf during the day? I think his expression is very strange. Will it be dangerous?

No.2 frowned and said, "Everyone go behind me!" The counselors you want to see are right there. They are murderous demons!"

Everyone was excited when they heard it. No one cared about lifting their trousers, but took out their cameras one after another to shoot the big pillar hiding behind the tree.

Because the light here is very dark, many people turn on the flash.

I opened my mouth and always felt that something was wrong, but before I could come, the big pillar had been angered by the flash. It was really like a bear, roaring at the sky and ran to the crowd with four feet.

I don't know where Dazhu came from such a fast speed. In an instant, he rushed to a male explorer, raised his paws and patted the boy's head.

I think that the beat has a lot of power. If it is really taken, it is estimated that the brain can burst out.

So out of helplessness, I had to stimulate my mind and hold Dazhu's hand out of thin air.

Although his hand stopped, the strong wind still blew the boy to the ground.

I don't know if the trousers were not picked up, or why I actually peed my crotch.

I really can't stand it. I said that I have the courage to learn to explore!

As I controlled the big pillar's hand, I strode over, picked up the boy's collar, and threw him behind.

Then I looked at Dazhu and said, "Why did you run out? Where's your father?"

Dazhu seemed to know my strength and immediately restrained, and then all his hair faded away, revealing his original appearance.

When everyone saw this situation, they all exclaimed, and then wanted to take a picture with a camera.

But this time, No. 12 stood in front of them and said, "Just take one or two pictures. You have also seen the Yuanmou. It's time to leave, right?"

As soon as he finished saying this, I suddenly saw that the leader with glasses facing him was gradually increasing in height, and his body size was gradually widening, which was really strange.