long candle

Chapter 370 Another Mystery

The pattern above turned out to be two creatures similar to bears.

No.12 looked at it and asked puzzledly, "What...what's going on? Is this the bear above?" According to what you said, if the pattern engraved on this slate represents the evolution of organisms, then why do single-celled low-level creatures such as caterpillars cross so many levels and evolve directly from the lowest level to the bear of advanced mammals?

I frowned and couldn't figure out why this happened.

According to Darwin's theory of evolution, low-level single-cell organisms will first evolve into multicellular organisms, such as various insects with simple structures in water, then evolve into more complex fish, amphibians, and then evolve into birds or mammals, marsupial mammals, etc.

But from the caterpillar to the bear, it really can't be answered with common sense.

At this time, No. 2 said, "I don't think this creature looks like a bear. The bear's claws are not so long, and if you look carefully, although the painting on the stone has been peeled off by years of wind, there are not even two holes in the eye painting, which shows that the pattern is even when it is complete. , and certainly have no eyes. Although we usually call bears blind bears, they just have poor eyesight, not without eyes.

No.12 thought for a moment and said, "No eyes? Maybe this is some kind of symbolic design, which seems to contain some secret code.

I carefully studied the claws of the bear-like creature and didn't care what they said.

But in the end, because I really couldn't figure out why the caterpillar evolved into a bear, I had to continue to wipe the stone slab up, and the wind erosion formed fine debris slowly fell with my wipe, and another strange biological pattern slowly appeared in front of us.

First of all, I saw several pairs of long and tied feet. Although there are not as many feet as thousands of feet, the denseness has made people's scalp numb.

And this foot is not as flat as ordinary insects, but stands like a vertical pole, with only a turn at the joints, and then with the support of these feet, a shuttle-shaped animal with armor appeared in front of us.

This animal has many feet, wears hard armor, is streamlined, and has three slender and long tails, which we are most familiar with.

If biological fossils are found in ancient oceans, there are ten such creatures in those fossils.

Yes, he is the representative of the lowest marine organisms in the early days of earth life - trilobites.

This trilobite painting is vivid, because the technique is used heavily when depicting, so the outline is very well preserved.

Seeing the pattern of the trilobite, the three of us fell silent again.

Between single-celled primitives and trilobites, this bear-like creature became eye-catching again.

"Bear, bear..." I silently read the name of the animal in my mouth, and suddenly my head seemed to have been struck by lightning, and the inspiration flashed.

I patted my thigh and said, "This is a water bear bug!" One of the multicellular protozoa, look at its claws. This is not the claws but the hairs on its body. This simple multicellular creature still retains the hairs used by caterpillars to swim, but because of evolution, the hairs do not spread all over the body, but grow where they are needed. It is the evolution of the caterpillar!"

Both of them nodded and said, "Then it makes a point. Evolution from single cells to multi-cells and then to marine protoplasms. This is really an evolutionary map. It seems that the command of the ancients is much more developed than we thought."

I nodded and said, "Yes, if it was the pre-Qin period, it would be a great thing to just draw these animals, not to mention the relationship between them. I really don't know what kind of person the owner of the tomb is."

No.12 touched his chin and said, "Well, I've changed my mind. I no longer think that the owner of the tomb is a rich doctor. Maybe he is an ancient biologist or a modern traveler who travels to ancient times!"

Neither of us paid attention to the unfounded reasoning on the 12th, and then said to me on the 2nd, "Don't rush into the door. The owner of the tomb is too mysterious. As soon as we enter, we may encounter more strange things. Let's study what the picture on this door wants to express, and maybe we can get it. The clues can be helpful for the next thing.

I nodded and said, "But we have to hurry up. It's not long before the Toad King comes out of the mountain."

I won't say anything more. I'm going to continue to wipe off the debris from the door and see what is painted on the upper layer.

But at this time, the 12th was shocked and said, "Wait!"

No. 2 and I both looked back at him and asked strangely, "What's wrong?"

No.12 pointed to the trilobite on our right and said, "Look, there is a thin line next to which trilobite."

I looked at the place he pointed to. Sure enough, there were some marks next to the trilobite on the right, but because it was close to the edge of the door, it was particularly weathered. The straight line had turned into an intermittent dotted line. If you didn't pay attention to it, you thought it was some kind of accidental scratch.

I contacted down along the intermittent dotted line and found that the dotted line extended from the top of the water bear's head on the right below.

Because grassworms and water bears appear in one-on-one pairs, we didn't expect that three lines would appear on the first floor of the water bears on the Internet, which is human inertial thinking.

Now this intermittent dashed line extends from the water bear on the right to an unknown area next to the trilobite above, and the debris in that area has not been erased by me.

Two water bear worms evolved into three trilobites, so will this extra trilobite be the same as the other two, or will there be a creature we never know?

With such a mood, I carefully wiped off the debris covering the area over there.

The three of them widened their eyes and were ready to see what was painted in this area. Although they had made all kinds of preparations and would not be surprised to see the aliens, they were really surprised in the end.

When I saw what was painted in that area, I suddenly turned pale with fear. I sat on the ground, pointed to the pattern and said, "It appears, it appears again!" What's going on? How can it be?"

The painting in front of us is delicate and dangerous, and the painter is so good that it carefully presents the original things he painted, so we recognized what it was at a glance.

That's the face! It's the face I can see in the mirror every day.

This sudden major discovery is more incredible than ever.

The last time I saw my face was on the ruins island on the sea of the Chukchi Peninsula. The ruins island is a strange island made of various magnetic materials.

Those magnetic substances record the whole process of the extinction of my ancestors, which can not only emit sound, light and shadow, but also produce strange fake effects. The most incredible thing is that I saw myself fighting with beasts in the arena in those illusions.

And I also found a place similar to my own tomb, and a pair of broken hands and a skull full of witch runes.

That thing is still a mystery, and now, my own face has appeared in some inexplicable place again.

In fact, when I saw my face, my first reaction was stunned and incredible, but my second reaction was excitement, unprecedented excitement.

Because this time it seems that I can finally unravel the real truth.

The other two are in an incredible state. Look at me, look at the paintings on the wall, look at me, and look at the words on the wall.

After so many repetitions, on the 12th, he finally asked me, "Is this... you?"

I nodded and said, "It's me, it's really me."

No. 12 seemed to have a little twitch on his head. He pointed at me and stammered, "You... have you changed from a water bear?"

I sweated wildly, but I didn't know how to explain it, so I said, "But...maybe."

At this time, No. 2 interrupted us and said, "Maybe it's bullshit. How can this be possible? I think this boy may be the owner of this tomb."

I almost dropped my chin on the ground, pointed to my nose and asked, "You mean, I'm a thousand-year-old zongzi? That's impossible. I had a childhood, and I grew up like this little by little. If you don't believe me, I'll go back and show you the photos of my childhood.

2 laughed and said, "I'm kidding you. If you are a zongzi, the karma in my hand will not be unresponsive."

At this time, No. 12 seemed to understand something and said, "I know, this must be a face collision. Look, this person obviously has ancient hair, which shows that he is an ancient man, but his face looks exactly like 10. You haven't taken any ancient costume art photos, have you?

I was speechless for a while, saying that if I encountered this situation elsewhere, I would definitely think it was a vicious joke, but the picture that now appears on the ancient tomb door is so real and serious that it is irrefutable.

At this time, No. 2 read a sentence: "Amitabha, assuming that the water bear gene mutation suddenly became a human across stages, and happened to bump into our No. 10, and, like ordinary human beings, have wisdom, and draw this strange phenomenon on the door, then I guess, the coffin in the tomb Lie down..."

I coughed, interrupted his inexplicable reasoning, and said, "Did you know that you evolved from a monkey when you were born? I don't think the owner of this tomb is the one who looks like me, but a person who can know all this macroscopically.