long candle

Chapter 381 Human Head Worm

After what he said, I seem to remember where I have read similar information.

Through our human civilization is not the first civilization in the world. There is also a human-like civilization in front of us, which seems to be called the civilization of God, because people living in that civilization can communicate with gods and achieve harmony between humans and gods by listening to the will of nature.

I heard that there is no sin in that civilization, and everyone is true, good and beautiful, just like the world of Bliss in Buddhism.

Because after the destruction of that civilization, there are all kinds of miracles and incredible legends left behind, so few people believe it.

For example, traces of nuclear war tens of thousands of years ago were found in the ruins of the two river basin. Although it is true, few people will really believe it.

In fact, the end of the previous civilization was marked by the destruction of Atlantis, and human society has emerged since then.

In the data, there are few descriptions of the previous civilization, only saying that they can talk to gods with the womb and heavenly eyes, but Buddhism seems to have much more detailed records in this regard.

2 said to me, "In fact, they don't breathe with the heavenly eye, but this civilized man has other things in the place of his long nose, and there is only one real nostril, which grows right on his forehead."

First of all, I didn't think about whether his words were reliable. I hurriedly asked, "In short, do you mean that this woman is still alive?"

2 shook his head and said, "No, but they are different from us, that is, their nostrils are not only used to breathe air, but also to exchange other things."

I asked, "What is it? Don't keep talking halfway."

2 frowned and said mysteriously, "Actually, I don't know, but it seems to convey some specific information so that they can communicate with each other after death."

As soon as I heard it, I was covered with hair and said, "What else do the dead communicate with? It's better to talk about family or tell cold jokes.

2 gave me a blank look and said, "Maybe for the purpose of building some kind of interactive system or answering defense and so on. In short, part of their brain will never die.

I was about to say something when he said, "Oh, by the way, it's not the brain, but the stomach. Their stomach contains most of the nerves and thinking systems, which is equivalent to our brains, and their heads are relatively small and may only be used for decoration."

I pointed to the guy on the ground that we suspected to be a female corpse and said to No. 2, "You mean that this guy is not a pregnant woman, but a more developed guy?"

At this time, No. 12 interrupted: "It seems that in their world, thinking with their navel is not a curse."

I gave him a white look, which meant to jokingly look at the atmosphere!

At this time, No. 2 nodded and said, "I never said he was a woman."

I don't know why, I was inexplicably frightened by the female corpse, but when I heard that the ancient corpse in front of me might be a man, I suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and patted No. 2 on the shoulder and said, "Oh, so it's it. Why don't we take off his mask and have a look?"

"I don't think so. Did anyone touch his stomach just now?" No. 2 asked seriously.

At this time, No. 12 said, "It's me... I heard that his brain grew in his stomach and couldn't help but want to touch it, so..."

Before he finished speaking, No. 2 had no time to blame him. Suddenly, the ancient corpse under our feet began to emit a shrill sound similar to that made by a kettle when the water boiled, and then a white air came out of the air hole on the mask.

No.12 hurriedly retreated and said, "What's the matter? Is the water going to open?"

2 also pulled me back and said, "Be careful, there seems to be some mechanism in this ancient body."

As we retreated, we found that the stomach of the ancient corpse was drying up at a very fast speed and turning into a thin layer of skin.

And there seems to be something wriggling under that layer of skin, which looks extremely strange.

At this time, the 12th said, "It's over. This guy has no brain."

I slapped him on the back of the head and said, "You have no brain. Whoever asked you to move him said that this may be a defense system."

While talking, suddenly we saw that the face of the ancient corpse seemed to be slid down, because the face became smaller and the mask slipped down.

At that moment, we held our breath and prepared to see what the ancient corpse looked like.

But before I came to take a closer look, suddenly there was a tear from my stomach, as if the cloth had been torn, and something came out of it.

Soon we saw a strange creature sticking its head out from it. It was a human-like face, but its skin was as black as coal, and its eyes were swollen with only white eyes and no eyeballs, which looked very scary.

This thing continued to crawl out, and then we saw its body like an insect, with six pairs of feet and a pair of transparent wings.

"What the hell is this?" Ask me on the 2nd.

I said to myself that I didn't know. Suddenly, a tingling came from my hand. At a glance, the karma held in the palm of my hand began to be restless.

No.2 said, "This thing is very resentful. Let's beat it to death!"

Of course, I understand what he means. If I hadn't figured out what this is, I would have done it long ago, because this thing is really disgusting.

If I don't do it again, I guess the industry will burn us first.

So I didn't hesitate to condense into a huge palm and patted the guy.

With a crack, the guy seemed to flap his wings twice and wanted to fly. As a result, he could not escape because he had been sleeping for too long. He directly splashed a ball of green water and was flattened by me.

But I seemed to work too hard this time, so many parts of the ancient corpse were cracked.

The face I wanted to see clearly was also smashed by me.

A green juice is constantly oozing out of those holes and openings.

"Does a bug have so much blood?" No. 12 frowned and asked.

I shook my head and said, "That doesn't feel right. It seems that this ancient corpse is full of black insects with human heads. It seems that his body has long been emptied!"

2 also said: "It seems that these bugs regarded the ancient corpse as a nest and slept in his stomach. They may have smelled the popularity of No. 12 just now, so they woke up. Judging from such a big resentment, these bugs are by no means good. We should be careful.

While talking, No. 12 said, "Look, this snow layer seems to be sinking."

I fixed my eyes to see where it was sinking, but the green blood in the worm's body was extremely corrosive, melting the snow layer and emitting white smoke.

The snow in front of us is sinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the three of us are also following this trend.

"Remove back, don't fall!" No. 2 shouted at us.

But it was too late, and our bodies couldn't help sliding down.

When I was looking for balance, I found more ancient corpses with bigger belly in the snow layer that sank due to corrosion. They all wore that strange mask.

As soon as those corrosive green juice touched the ancient corpses, there was a chain reaction. As long as they touched the green **, the corpses began to explode, and then countless human-headed worms crawled out of the corpses.

I didn't expect that there would be so many corpses under this snow layer that an abyss of insects gradually formed in front of us.

This kind of whole body is poisonous and likes to board the human body. Don't mention how dangerous it is.

If we really fall into a trap, the result will either be corroded into pus or become one of these ancient corpses.

Thinking of this, my scalp began to ttle. I had no choice but to grab the collars of the two people, urge my body with my mind, and eject them upwards.

I jumped up three or four meters high, and the place where I just stood completely collapsed.

But it didn't fall far away, because the ground was uneven and there was no way to make good efforts.

As soon as we landed, we continued to sink and couldn't stop at all.

Those underground insects have been sleeping in the ancient corpses for a long time. Although they are not flexible, they begin to get excited as soon as they come into contact with fresh air. While we struggle, a group of insects have buzzed.

Looking at the swarm rolling snowflakes getting closer and closer, I was anxious, but there was nothing I could do.

The other two are powerless, and they can't use their own magical powers at all.

Although I struggled alone, I knew that I could not escape the call of fate.

At this time, I suddenly heard a loud sound behind me, as if the pile driver was approaching us while piling. The momentum was very loud.

I didn't have time to look back when I felt a huge palm approaching behind us.

At this time, I happened to jump high with two people once, and it was impossible to avoid it.

So we saw the darkness in front of us, and we were caught in the huge palm.

When the surroundings are completely dark. On the 12th, he said, "It's the previous giant. It's just us."

I know that most of his speculation is right, but I can't figure out why.

And at this time, the dark space we were in also began to sink, causing me to sit on the ground.

2 said, "The landslide caused this time is too serious. The giant is not heavy, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to escape!"

While saying that, I once again felt an empty under my buttocks. In the strong vibration, we fell down again and fell into a deep pit together with the giant.

Next is endless rolling and collision. We can only protect our head and let the outside world torture.

I don't know how long it took, and I was about to vomit. Suddenly, there was a violent shaking around me. I heard a crack, and then there was a crackling sound. It seemed that something outside was broken by the giant.