long candle

Chapter 382 Artificial Traces

While making shields, I heard No. 2 say to me: "These bugs may be creatures of the same era as people of this civilization. At that time, people generally had extraordinary abilities, so in order to compete with each other, they must have ways to destroy superpowers."

No.12 also said: "I understand what you mean, as if people can use mosquito incense to kill mosquito sauce paper, mosquitoes will also evolve a gene that can resist mosquito incense because of the need to survive. This is the instinctive sauce paper for survival."

I heard him have a Taiwanese accent. While organizing the shield, he said, "You fucking work hard. At this time, you still have the heart to give me a Taiwanese accent."

On the 12th, he smiled bitterly and said, "Do you think I want to? Because the weather is too cold, my tongue is so cold that I can't pronounce the sauce paper properly!"

At this time, No. 2 said, "Don't worry about him. What's wrong with him? Now the most important thing is to find a way to resist the attack of these strange insects. Otherwise, we will go to the street today!"

I heard that another Hong Kong accent came here, and I couldn't help but vomit blood. I said to myself that these two people were dying. I was so happy. Did you still come to COSPLAY for me? Is it the old man's possession or Jay Chou's upper body? Do you want to have a RAP?

But I'm really drunk. I can only hold up the shield so that the three can slowly approach the giant's face.

At this time, we went to see the giant who fell to the ground. All the snowflakes on his body had shaken off, so what we saw was no longer a snow-white person, but a human with a normal complexion but a very tall figure.

He was wearing a jumpsuit made of animal skin, which looked like a hairy elephant, because the hair color was almost the same as the one on my body.

The giant lay on his side on the ground, and his posture was a little distorted. It seemed that he fell down. He may have fainted. In short, his body was motionless.

I set up three barriers in the sky, against the crazy attack of those bugs, and moved little by little to the giant's face.

However, it seems that he is not lucky. We found that although the giant was lying on his side, his face was facing the ground. He could only see that he had long black hair and a strong body. Judging from his beard, he should be a man.

There's nothing we can do. Now our strength can't turn his head around, so we can only shout, "Hey! Big man, are you all right?

The giant did not respond at all and remained motionless.

We looked at each other and there was nothing we could do.

Observing the cave we fell from, it now seems to have been filled by the snowstorm above, but we still see that there is a curved ice cap dome about ten stories high from us. We don't know whether it is man-made or natural. In short, A big hole was smashed when the giant fell.

There are many ice fragments around the giant, some inserted into the skin. Although it is not very deep, bright red blood still flows out.

Although the insects circle around us and constantly destroy the shields in the impact and spray, the speed of their destruction is not as fast as the speed I made.

And it doesn't consume much energy to make such a shield.

So in this case, we can't leave the savior behind, and we can only bravely treat his wound.

I separated some of my mind and pulled out the ice fragments that plunged into my skin first.

It seems that because of the pain, the giant moved slightly, but there was no sign of waking up.

Then I took out the special wound medicine and gauze from the box, carefully climbed onto the giant and treated his wound.

After doing these well, the giants still showed no sign of waking up, but those bugs lost many companions under the condition of long-term attack, so they no longer launched an attack. At first, they just circled around us. Maybe they wanted to change the way of attack and find a way to break through our defense.

I know that these bugs have a high IQ and should be very difficult to deal with, but they also give me a chance to breathe.

At this time, No. 12 said, "Otherwise, let's move it to a safe place. These bugs may move the target later and attack him, and our shields don't seem to be able to protect him. Because he is too big."

I thought about it. Although the giant is very large, there is No. 12, and it is not difficult to move it.

But first you have to find a place to shelter, especially those bugs.

The ideal state is to have a room that can close the door.

But I looked around and there was no such place.

Although there are many traces similar to artificial construction here, whether it is an artificial relic or not needs to be further verified.

It can be concluded that the ice layer we see in the distance should be created by intelligent life, but it is difficult to say whether this is an underground building attached to the ice city.

In order to explore the surrounding situation, I said to the two: "I don't think those bugs have the intention of attacking the giant from beginning to end. Now we want to heal the giant, and also want to find a place to take refuge for ourselves. We must observe the situation around us, so we can only leave him first. But I don't mind if any of you want to stay and watch him.

2 said, "The situation here is not clear. It's better not to separate now. Let's go and have a look together."

1 is the one who is the most reluctant to act separately, so he also nodded hurriedly and said, "If you want to go, let's go together, or you will come back and find out who has lost it, and it will be too late to cry."

I said, "Well, I think the glowing blue crystal is quite suspicious, otherwise we'll go and have a look first."

The two agreed with my suggestion. Obviously, this underground glow is the most interesting.

The huge blue crystal doesn't look far from us, but it actually took us ten minutes to walk.

But on the way, we found that there seemed to be a way in the mysterious space below.

The ice under our feet is very strong and flat, which seems to be convenient for walking. There are also some vertical nicks on it to prevent the soles from slipping. The distribution of these nicks is very uniform and not natural.

When we came to the glowing crystal, we found that the crystal was not ore, but a lighting facility made of ice crystal plastic. In the center of the ice crystal, there is something similar to a light-emitting tube, and we don't know where the energy comes from.

No.12 suggested breaking the ice, but this request was rejected by me and No. 2 at the same time.

The biggest taboo in the underground palace expedition is to destroy things. Even if nothing happens when it is broken, it is meaningless and unknown.

Before, because there was darkness around us, we couldn't see what was going on in the dark. In addition, the bright blue crystal covered the eyes with a leaf, and the scene behind could not be seen clearly.

Now that we have passed through this blue crystal, we find that there are many similar crystals in the depths of darkness.

Each of them is far apart, about 100 meters, but almost all of them are symmetrical structures, marking a bright road for us remotely.

I don't know where this avenue leads, but I found that this road is slowly uphill, perhaps the entrance to the huge ice city.

"Walk down this road to have a look, or explore in the dark?" 2nd, ask for my opinion.

I frowned at the distance of the road in front of me and said, "I think it will take a long time to get to the end of this road. However, our task now is not only to save the giant, but also to prevent the resurrection of the Toad King, so I suggest that we go down the road and maybe we can go to the Ice City. If the toad king is a hegemon, he is very likely to live in the city.

2 nodded and said, "That's what I mean. There is not much time left now. It is said that there will be a very obvious omen when the Toad King is resurrectated. I think that omen should come soon. Let's be careful."

I denied his words and said, "No, you two run as fast as I am. If there are no meaningful clues at the end of the road, it will be a waste of time to go together. We must act separately now."

2 seemed to understand what I meant and asked, "What are you going to do with us?"

I looked around and said, "Now we have three clues. One is to find Li Laohan and his son and ask them why they mysteriously disappeared. The second is to save the giant and see if we can find any clues through tentative communication. The third is to enter the ice city to explore and directly find the hiding place of the Toad King. You two need to explore a large dark area here. First of all, find out if there is a space that can accommodate you to hide and wake up the giant, and at the same time. Pay attention to the whereabouts of Li Laohan and his son, and I will confirm the third possibility.

I looked around and said, "Those human worms are missing. I don't know where they have hidden, but they certainly haven't given up. You must be careful."

2 said, "It's okay. With me, they can't get in."

I nodded my approval, and then said, "If I find the trace of the Toad King, I will launch a signal bomb, and then we will quickly make up. If you have the same clues, the signal bomb shall prevail."

No.2 patted me on the shoulder and said, "I know you can do it, but I can do everything. I don't want to lose you as a companion."

I also patted him and said, "We are not companions now. We are already brothers who are born and die. Let's do something big together!"