Extraordinary evolution

Chapter 8 Life Change

The sad screams spread rapidly on this empty field, and everyone changed their colors.

However, to Xu Dong's surprise, their next second reaction was not to turn around and run away, but to grab the baskets full of grain. Between life and death, the power of these old and weak villagers can't be underestimated, and they can even run quite fast with the harvested food.

In the bumps, the ears of grain on the basket kept falling, as if a golden road was paved behind them. Although the children knew that time was tight and were likely to die under the mouth of the mountain dog, they still stubbornly bent down to clean up the scattered grain ears.

Although their speed is not slow after carrying a large amount of food, being caught up by mountain watchdogs is almost a certainty!

Seeing this scene, Xu Dong was shocked and didn't understand what these people were doing. Is life or food important? If you put the grain here, you can't collect it today and tomorrow, but if you accidentally leave your life here, there is really nothing!

In a hurry, Xu Dong even knocked off Shengnan's hand reaching out to the basket with one hand and said angrily, "Don't want to die? Hurry up!"

Unexpectedly, Shengnan stamped his feet in a hurry and stretched out his hand again to carry a basket full of ears of grain on his body, as if it were more precious than his own life. Xu Dong was furious and simply took her hand and turned around to run away. Who knew that Shengnan actually screamed with extreme horror and said something completely unprepared: "It's going to rain in the next two days. If there is no food, we can't survive this winter!"

After saying that, Shengnan, a girl who didn't look strong, even burst out of strength in her hands and suddenly broke away Xu Dong's hand and almost rushed to the basket full of golden ears with a crazy posture with both hands and feet.

Xu Dong stood on the spot, and he could clearly see the big scarlet tongue sticking out between the gray-haired mountain guard dogs running! His eyes shifted from the incoming mad dog to the basket of grain ears, and he only felt that the golden grain faintly emitted a bleeding color in the western sun.

In his last life, he has never worried about food, clothing, housing and transportation. Naturally, he can't imagine the meaning of a winter grain in the hearts of this era!

A stream of blood boiled in the heart cavity, and as the powerful heart kept pumping out, it flowed to the whole body, and finally rushed straight to the forehead!

At this time, Uncle Big Bear's loud shout came from one side, "Xiaodong, I'll lead them away, and you protect them!"

The North Point Bear obviously did not expect that he would be attacked by the mountain guard dog at the time of harvesting grain today, so his dark iron bar was not brought on his body at all. Now he is just a hoe in his hand. As he spoke, he took a deep look at his daughter who was struggling to move the basket, and then went to meet the mountain guard dog running less than 200 meters.

A distance of less than 200 meters is enough for Xu Dong to see the appearance of these mountain guards. Compared with the same kind attacked yesterday, they are smaller, but their limbs are longer and more powerful, which is more suitable for short-distance sprinting. In the running, the massive strong muscles rhythm powerfully, but people can't help but connect with the word "tough".

Xu Dong has a feeling that if he despises them because of their small physique, he will definitely pay a heavy price!

What's more, the number of mountain watchdogs is 20, no less than 20! Such a number fights with them on such an open flat land. With their mobility, even if the bravery of the big bear in the northern corner wants to completely drive them away, it is likely to end up with hatred. No matter how bad it is, it is the result of serious injury!

In this moment, Xu Dong's figure suddenly crossed the North Point Bear and took the lead in running in the direction of the mountain guard dog.

The big bear in North Point was shocked, "Xiaodong, what do you want to do? Come back soon!"

Xu Dong didn't expect that his fully strengthened body could burst fast enough to participate in the Olympic Games. This discovery made him secretly happy and at least 60% sure of what he would have to do next. Therefore, he roared without looking back: "I run faster than you, and it should be up to me to lead them away!"

Xu Dong has never seen the big bear running with all his strength, but he is naturally sure that he dares to say this - if his speed is fast enough, then the body of the mountain guard dog can be added to six in yesterday's attack! Judging from the fact that he must rely on a corner to defend against the counterattack, he will at least not move faster than himself at this time.

In fact, even the big bear in the North Point was secretly shocked by Xu Dong's running speed, and couldn't help thinking, "Xiaodong's speed is infinitely close to the extreme?" Who the hell is he?!"

Xu Dong ran away to the mountain guard dog, and the distance between the two sides kept approaching. It seemed that the prey did not retreat, causing the beasts to show an excited bloodthirsty light in their eyes. They seemed to have hit a large dose of hormones and accelerated again. It can even be seen that large pieces of wet mud were splashed back by the claws.

100 meters!

70 meters!

40 meters!

Ten meters!

Xu Dong immediately launched the insight skill, and a series of information immediately passed through his mind:

Species name: dog

Species introduction: Compared with ordinary mountain dogs, scout dogs are finer and more streamlined, but for them with four strong long legs, this is not a disadvantage, but an advantage - this allows them to run faster in the dense forest, which plays a great role in both tracking and reconnaissance. . The most amazing thing is their horrible auditory system, and even the slightest sound can't escape the triangular ears.

At the same time, Xu Dong directly landed on the ground in the posture of a football player, plowing a deep mark in the wet field, and even the weeds rooted in the soil were turned up, ** with brown roots. He squeezed his lips, which made his expression look particularly calm and serious, but when he saw his right hand shake violently, a stone that had been prepared for a long time shot out.

When he hit a stone, Xu Dong didn't even look at it. His feet suddenly exerted strength and turned around and ran away!

The next moment, a scout dog suddenly heard a sharp and desolate sound, but the stone hit by Xu Dong hit the corner of its mouth and scraped it all the way up to the corner of his eyes. The sharp edge of the stone not only knocked off two white canine teeth at the moment of hitting, but also dragged a four-centimeter bloody wound on its cheek.

Xu Dong's move is tantamount to domineering on the tiger's head, or scratching his horse's oil in front of the underworld boss, like pouring a basin of cold water into the boiling oil and suddenly frying in the dog. Immediately, at least two-thirds of the scout dogs ran towards Xu Dong with red eyes. Among them, the one who was severely damaged by Xu Dong took the lead.

However, unexpectedly, after chasing Xu Dong less than ten meters, these dogs turned their heads and continued to rush in the direction of the villagers. At this time, those villagers could run to the Ridge, hundreds of meters away from the entrance of the village, and they were afraid of being caught up in ten or twenty seconds.

Xu Dong still squeezed his lips, but with a look he had already expected. He raised his hand and waved again, throwing out four irregular stones in a row, rubbing the air and making a shrill.

These 20 scout dogs have been fan-shaped, and it seems that they intend to make dumplings for the villagers and kill them in one go. This approach has both advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that Xu Dong basically does not need to aim. As long as he throws it hard, he will definitely hit.

Four more scout dogs in the dog group were hit and cried in pain. Two of them were simply lucky. One was hit in the nose. Not only was he lying on the ground and rolling, but also his nosebleed and saliva could not flow out by himself. The other was shot directly into the joint of his hind leg. It was obvious that when he stood, the leg was no longer working hard and turned around.

This action of the fairy's four consecutive attacks really aroused the anger of the dog group. Suddenly, a long and cold howling sounded among the dogs, making the long roaring dog hidden in the center. This sound immediately made Xu Dong notice it.

Its body shape is almost the same as that of other scout dogs. The only difference is its hair color. Its gray short hair seems to be oiled, which looks particularly oily and smooth. From a distance, it seems that there is a dark light flowing.

Xu Dong squeezed his lips and thought to himself, "Just now, I guessed whether this group of scout dogs would have a leading guy like yesterday's group. I really guessed. In this case..."

The dogs turned their heads again and rushed towards Xu Dong. They rushed angrily, and the bloody light in their eyes was even thicker. Once they were caught up and bitten, they were afraid that they would be torn to pieces the next moment!

People like Xu Dong certainly run away as soon as they see such a situation.

The big bear in North Point never forgot to pay attention to Xu Dong's situation. Seeing that he had successfully attracted the mountain guard dog group, he suddenly looked happy and couldn't help shouting, "Xiaodong has successfully attracted the dog group. Go!"

One of the old guys also noticed the situation there and actually wanted to run back to the Yellow Valley. It seemed that he was going to get another one.

The big bear in North Point was furious, "Master, come back. Xiaodong is taking your life for your life. Don't ruin his painstaking efforts!"

The three masters were about to say that the boy ran like a rabbit and would not die for a while. But when he saw that the big bear's eyes were already red, he didn't say this sentence after all. He could only turn around reluctantly and hurried to the entrance of the village.

Wait for a large group of people to reach a safe position, Xu Dong and the mountain guard dog group have run away far away. The big bear in the north corner is so anxious that it runs out with red eyes with a strong hoe in one hand, even turning no to the call of his daughter Shengnan.