Extraordinary evolution

Chapter 61 Ambush Patrol

Two-in-one exclusive skill upgrade task: scavenger

Mission introduction: Before registering, please collect three successful qualification certificates for the adventurer assessment

Mission completion reward: talent skill strength, devouring +1 level

Mission Failure Punishment: Deprivation of the Right to Live

When the task information appeared, Xu Dong finally understood the meaning of the idiom. He only felt a strong chill surging from the tail keel, which spread to the back of his head and his scalp exploded! This feeling of falling into an ice cave is extremely uncomfortable, and what is more unacceptable is that the punishment for the failure of the mission is death.

Xu Dong's reaction was like the defendant who went to court because of the rude old woman. As the presiding judge fell with a hammer, he read the judgment aloud, sentenced the defendant to death, and executed immediately! That kind of sudden crisis, the psychologically fragile ones will directly collapse and fall to the ground.

Fortunately, small steps, as the main talent skill, are not included in the upgrade task, otherwise, the task will be more difficult!

At the critical moment, Xu Dong forced himself to calm down and began to think about countermeasures. After a long time, his face slowly lifted from the ground, and his panic looked swept away, replaced by an incomparable strength and calmness.

After releasing the iron fist, Xu Dong was not in a hurry to act. On this day, both mental and physical strength have experienced great consumption. On the surface, it doesn't seem to have any impact, and I'm most afraid that my physical function can't keep up at the critical moment and fall off the chain. Therefore, he asked the boss's wife to bring two buckets of hot water and start taking a shower.

There is a mirror in the bathroom, and Xu Dong can see his body in the surrounding steam. At the beginning of the time travel, his body was strengthened to a certain extent, and then his physical function could be further developed in continuous battles. Among them, after taking the divine fruit, this development has been essentially strengthened.

At this time, he had no fat all over his body, his muscles were strong and natural, and his skin was compact and tough. Looking at himself in the mirror, Xu Dong seemed to see an adult cheetah. He was ready to tear off the calm veil in the dense forest and show its brilliant brilliance!

Clean the body, Xu Dong put on his clothes again and slept.

This night was a calm and sweet night for Xu Dong. When he let go of all the mental burdens and put all the cells of his body into hibernation, the newly acquired power of flesh and blood armor is constantly strengthening his body, making his function more compatible with the enhanced power of flesh and blood armor.

He was speechless all night. When the first ray of sunlight penetrated Xu Dong's bedside in the morning, he woke up. The moment he opened his eyes, it seemed that a dazzling brilliance flashed in his pupils. Full spirit, after a fully resting body, the two seem to contain infinite vitality.

Xu Dong clenched his fist and couldn't help smiling confidently: "I like this feeling of full power."

When I went out, the hotel was quiet and smelled. The room upstairs is silent. I don't know whether there are people living in it or empty. Xu Dong didn't care and went straight to the counter and ordered a rich breakfast.

After having a full breakfast, he was about to go out, but the boss's wife shouted him, "Your Excellency, the whole city will be under martial law today. You'd better be careful when you go out."

Xu Dong thought for a moment and asked some questions. After getting satisfactory information, he slowly walked out of the hotel gate.

In usual days, the blood helmet city at this time has long been full of people, and merchants and businessmen have already opened their doors to do business. Today's situation is very different. The empty streets are so deserted that there is not even a ghost. The occasional sound of footsteps is also the movement of residents who have to go out and walk quickly.

As for the examiners, none of them were seen.

It was said not to talk about people during the day and not to talk about ghosts at night. This idea fell down, and a thin man came out of the door of the hotel opposite. The man was wearing a low-key exterior equipment, which seemed ordinary, but there was still a faint smell of un pleasing flesh and blood armor inside.

Obviously, after careful dressing, this guy's face is wrapped in a wide cloak and hood, and he can't see his true face.

After going out, the man saw Xu Dong face to face. His body stiffened slightly and instinctively pressed his hand on the sword pinned to his waist. Facing the direction of Xu Dong, he carefully moved against the wall. Obviously, he was also worried about the fierce battle early in the morning and the loss of combat effectiveness.

However, Xu Dong turned a blind eye to his movements. For the time being, he did not intend to startle the snake. In comparison, he prefers to move later. It's just that this man's dress also reminded him that it is better to cover up his appearance at this time.

The man left quickly. Xu Dong's eyes withdrew from him, and there was some pressure in his heart.

Why do you say that?

Because the man's strength is not weak, the strength of flesh and blood armor has reached 150. According to Xu Dong's own calculation, when all the skills of the one-star awakener are successfully upgraded, his flesh and blood armor power should be about 200, officially entering the two-star awakener stage.

Looking at this person's look and reaction, it is estimated that he belongs to the candidate who did not pass the entrance examination. The awakener of 150 flesh and blood armor power has not passed the entrance examination, so how strong should those guys who have passed the examination be?!

Find a cloak and put it on, Xu Dong walked through East Street and came to the vicinity of a building.

This building has a conspicuous sign, which is a shield with the family emblem of the owner of the Blood Helmet City. This sign is obvious, guarding the order of the Blood Helmet City. The name of this building is an order shelter. In modern official terms, this is a public security bureau. What's in the Public Security Bureau? There are police and arrested criminals.

The five-person patrol team came out like water and flowed into the street river in the city, and some sent prisoners from the outside. Every twisted prisoner will wear special shackles on his hands and feet. The core function of these shackles is to limit the power of flesh and blood armor in the other party's body.

Xu Dong also noticed that the patrol team was basically equipped with knife and shield hands and bow and crossbow hands. He once heard that these weapons are not ordinary weapons, but use the flesh and bones of rare beasts as materials, which can stimulate a certain power of flesh and blood armor. In other words, these weapons have been able to pose enough threat to the armor.

At this time, a patrol team came out of the order shelter, which may have just caught an adventurer candidate who tried to break the order and got a considerable commission. The five people were very excited and had a sense of doing a big fight.

When they entered the effective range, Xu Dong played an insight skill.

A series of information revealed

race: human

Name: Patrol

Level: none

Introduction: Patrolmen are social roles in maintaining order in the blood helmet city. They are elites selected through layers in and around the city. After standing out, he experienced a series of training. They have a good sense of cooperation, and almost everyone has extreme physical quality.

Equip Ability:

The power of giant bears: Gloves made of savage grizzly bear fur can enable patrolmen to exert great power beyond ordinary people.

Eyes of the Eagle Falcon: A helmet made of the tail feathers and cornea of the gray-tailed falcon ensures that the patrol has a sharp eye.

Wild Fox Foot: The boots made of blood-footed wild fox fur are enough to give patrolmen an amazing speed when running and jumping.

This series of situation descriptions surprised Xu Dong secretly. Especially those three equipment capabilities, once they are effective at the same time, these are not even the combat effectiveness of the patrol soldiers of Jiashi, which is not a new awakener!

In fact, if you think about it carefully, their ability to catch violators is enough to show their strength. After all, the gap between Jiashi and ordinary people is too exaggerated. Even the awakeners who have just broken through are by no means the existence that five ordinary people can catch.

Xu Dong's original idea couldn't help but be secretly pressed down after insight. He did not act immediately, but hung far behind the team.

After spending three hours, Xu Dong finally understood that each patrol that seemed to patrol randomly actually had a fixed route. They usually patrol along the streets and only take the alleys when they are about to reach the patrol point and return. This is the reason why Xu Dong is always undiscovered. Naturally, this discovery of the alley immediately cheered Xu Dong up.

Finally, after following the patrol team for the sixth time, the other party arrived at the patrol point and was ready to enter another area to go back. When he entered the alley, Xu Dong, who had been ambushed early, burst into trouble in vain.

He fell from the sky like a big bird and fell directly into the middle of the patrol. The lack of weapons is because he dares not kill, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't do his best. At the moment of landing, the reckless ancient armor was completely inspired.

The patrol team is indeed a well-trained order maintainer. A knife and shieldman in the middle subconsciously waved his shield and hit Xu Dong, and shouted fiercely at the same time: "Sneak attack! The crossbowman retreated!"

Almost at the same time, the five-person team has quickly entered their respective roles. The two crossbowmen quickly retreated. In the process of retreating, they clicked twice, and the crossbow had been winding. When they stood still, * took the opportunity to aim at Xu Dong.

On the other hand, the other two knives and shields raised a hard and strong shield in one hand, and the other hand waved a knife at Xu Dong. At the same time, the power of the giant bear played a role, and the machete directly made a sharp roar, afraid that a cow would be split into two pieces!

At the moment Xu Dong landed, he felt the other party's shield hit, and calmly exhaled a turbid breath. His feet rubbed on the ground, bent down and cut into the gap of the shield, but bumped into the other party's arms. Immediately, he punched out with a hook and punched the other party's mouth and nose. In particular, he also launched a powerful skill, directly breaking the bridge of the other party's nose, and two blood sprayed crazily from his nose and mouth!

Start with small steps!

With the blessing of small steps, Xu Dong's speed was amazingly fast. After solving one person, he skimmed three steps again. In the gap between the staggered blades, he narrowly and narrowly wiped away, and the next second he appeared behind the two knives and shields.

A heart kicked a knife and shield hand in the back, as if an out-of-control carriage collided head-on. The knife and shield hand suddenly made a scream and fell out. After drawing an arc of three meters before rolling, he could no longer stand up.

The last knife shield hand felt the wind behind him, his expression changed dramatically, and his backhand swept out. But I didn't think about it, and it failed!

The next second, he only felt a heavy head, as if something had stepped on the top of his head. When he came to his senses, he found that Xu Dong jumped up in the air, took the opportunity to pass the water on his forehead, and rushed to the two crossbowmen.

In this space, he is a live target. The two crossbowmen are fierce in their hearts and decisively pull the trigger. Two crossbows broke through the air, and there was a shrill sound in the air!