Extraordinary evolution

Chapter 178 Go and Return!

The torrential rain, thunder and lightning seem to be the end, but more like the darkness before dawn. Yanyan villagers knelt down in the rain, but Xu Dong was shaken by waves of pain. He gritted his teeth and jumped on the back of the clockwork. The strange dog felt his criticality. He suddenly turned around and rushed into the woods and soon disappeared.

Xu Dong only felt that waves of flesh and blood armor were attracted from his lower abdomen and rushed wildly. In this process, the undeveloped meridians were suddenly brutally opened up, and the pain caused was simply heartbreaking. This is like a low-quality small water pipe, which injects a large amount of ** and enlarges the water pipe.

If you look carefully, you can see the pale green light of the ancient armor flowing from the shoulder to the fingertips on the surface of the arm holding the blood dagger, which is the reaction of the connection between the flesh and blood armor and blood armor. If you listen carefully, it is not difficult to find that in the heavy rain, hidden under the ticking sound, there is also the sound of skin tearing. When the rain flows through the arm armor, it is stained with a trace of red.

Xu Dong felt that his arm seemed to have been cut by thousands of knives. He couldn't wait to cut it off and stop suffering from this damn torture and suffering. And he also thought that by throwing away the blood-line dagger and ending this process, it seems that there is a layer of strong glue between the blood-line dagger and the palm of his hand, and he can't even put it into the storage space.

With the inflow of the power of flesh and blood armor, Xu Dong's face became paler and paler, and he felt that his strength became weaker and weaker.

He shouted in his heart, "What kind of weapon is this bloody dagger? What the hell happened?! If it goes on like this, I won't be completely drained by the blood dagger?

However, Xu Dong never believed that this weapon from the mission reward would hurt his master. Because it's illogical! This is his reward, a weapon tailored for him!

There must be something that I ignored, it must be! Xu Dong bit his lower lip and stared at the blood-print dagger in the rushing bumps.

Because a trace of flesh and blood armor pulled away from the body into the blood-print dagger, the green silk line seems to have never been interrupted, but has been flowing along the life circuit in the dagger. The green light flowing in the blood red looks unspeakably magnificent.

The life circuit in the blood-print dagger is complicated to the extreme, like a huge maze, but the green silk thread only flows around the most central area, and finally stops at the connection between the blade and the handle, condensing into a small green dot. With the continuous injection of power, the green dots change from the size of float to the size of sesame.

The power of flesh and blood armor is the highest manifestation of the power of life. The loss of the power of flesh and blood armor brings fatigue, dizziness and emptiness, just like the feeling of consumption caused by energetic young people after a busy day. The strong weakness felt overwhelming, and Xu Dong only felt that his eyelids were as heavy as lead.

The green dot expanded unswervingly, and the capacity became less and less. At the moment when Xu Dong lost consciousness, a trace of life energy scattered in the air quietly integrated into his body through the reckless arm armor of his arm.

I don't know what happened to the boss, but it can feel it. The intuition of the rare beast tells it that although the boss will not stop, he must have encountered unprecedented changes. And he is rapidly weakening. Logically, as a three-star awakener-level rare beast, it can walk horizontally near Yanyan Village.

I just don't know why, there is always a little loom in its heart, but the unflung sense of crisis is shrouded in its heart. And this sense of crisis becomes stronger and stronger as the boss's breath is weak.

Because the unknown crisis is approaching, it is running desperately.

In just half an hour, the clockwork tired himself into a dog... He ran like crazy and didn't even know how long he had run. As soon as the strength was released, it slowed down. Just as it was about to put out its big tongue and gasp heavily, at this moment, a figure appeared 20 meters away in front of the clockwork.

This man is in his twenties, average-looking, has no external equipment, and looks very shabby. But...

The clockwork eyes instantly condensed into a needle tip, and the four flesh and blood armor parts that were dim but bulging clearly showed the strength of the comer. And the clockwork recognized that this guy was one of the two disciples of Liuhemen, Miao Douxing, who was squeezed by Xu Dong!

The clockwork immediately put away its tongue. If it can spit out words, it will inevitably burst out and curse: "Mother Xipi! I said why there was always a sense of crisis that lingered. It turned out that this bastard had been hiding and following in the dark! I'm the only one who can't beat this bastard!"

No wonder it only feels like nothing. If it hadn't been for the rainstorm, the breath flowing in the air would have been unable to hide its sensitive nose. However, after a rainstorm, all the breath and sound would have been perfectly hidden.

The reaction of the clockwork was not unpleasant. As soon as he saw the other party's figure, he immediately turned around and fled.

However, what I didn't expect was that there was another figure, which blocked the retreat, and it was another person in the Liuhemen!

However, it turned out that after the two brothers were squeezed away by Xu Dong, they were always deeply indignited, and strange things such as bloodstones have been lingering in their minds. The so-called thought of heaven and hell, they walked back and happened to see Xu Dong encountering an accident and running on a clockwork.

What a good opportunity given by Mondo!

The two looked at each other, and the evil came from the edge of courage and followed them decisively. So the scene just now appeared.

Miao Douxing sneered, "After all, we are also disciples of Liuhemen. It's enough for you not to give face to the four-star awakeners. You don't even buy Liuhemen and humiliate us! Humph, I said that mountains don't turn, but I didn't expect retribution to come so quickly. Even Mondo is on our side.

The broken knife stared greedily at the bloody dagger with strong green light and couldn't help spitting. "I didn't expect that there was such a strange soldier hidden in the blood stone. It's so beautiful, and its equipment skills will not be much worse..."

The clockwork knew that if he was holding Xu Dong, he would not be able to run away. He simply shook his body and shook the soft Xu Dong down.

Miao Douxing smiled and said, "I always thought that dogs were loyal friends of human beings, but I didn't expect you, a big guy, who knew the current affairs so well, was invincible, and immediately abandoned its owner. That's right. The rare beast has a certain intelligence. Well, the young master will send his kindness today. Let you go and get out quickly.

Unexpectedly, the clockwork grinned and pulled out his tongue, with the movements of his eyes and facial muscles, as if he looked sarcastic and disdainful. It even turned its head and spit out a mouthful of saliva, which made Miao Douxing and his broken lungs explode!

Miao Douxing's face turned pale and said coldly, "Brother, kill this dog for me. I haven't eaten dog meat pot for a long time. This time we can eat it vigorously."

The broken knife licked his lips, "Dog meat rolls around, and Mondo can't stand still."

As soon as the words fell, the younger, at least 22-year-old thin young man suddenly stepped out. On the way, a condensed fist collapsed with all its strength and hit the pointed nose bone of the clockwork.

The cohesion of Liuhemen pays attention to the first line of cohesion in the mixture. It seems that the strength is scattered and elegant. In fact, it contains murderous opportunities, and it is easy to suffer losses if you are not careful. And the coagulation of the broken knife also has a heat. When the energy is stimulated, the bean-sized rain in front of him was scattered by the air, like an invisible flower blooming out of the strength, giving people the illusion of being full of power but strong and dry.

The clockwork roared, and the tiger-style tiger hit it hard. At the same time, the tiger was furious and cooperated with the desperate courage in his heart. It was really fierce, domineering and unsuccessful!

The broken knife's eyes are straight and unbelievable, "a rare beast who can do martial arts!!"

At such a stunned moment, the clockwork tiger's heavy blow has been caught on the head.

The broken knife is worthy of being a high apprentice of Liuhemen. At the critical moment, his fists suddenly turned and pressed, and the scattered strength suddenly seemed to be pulled by invisible forces, returning and condensing into a stream.

The moment I saw the fist hit and collided with the giant claws of the clockwork, a sound that was so weak that it was almost unnoticed suddenly trembered.

Three cold shining claw blade knives popped out of the seams between the giant palms of the clockwork. The length of the claw blade knife is 30 centimeters, in other words, its attack distance suddenly increases by 30 centimeters. The broken knife's fist fell, and there was a serious mistake!

The next second, a blood light splashed, and the claw blade directly caught three traces of deep bones in front of the chest of the broken knife. It is clear that the sharp equipment skill has been launched.

The broken knife retreated in pain, and there was a shock in his eyes again, "The rare beast with internal equipment!!"

Even Miao Douxing can't believe that this Xu Dong is mysterious enough that even the pets around him are so surprising. He not only knows martial arts, but also has internal equipment - for the two brothers who have not found the equipment so far, it is really jealous and painful.

The broken knife ate a low-star clockwork claw, and his face turned red. Compared with the hot pain in front of his chest, his inner humiliation was more fierce. His whole body trembled suddenly, the developed muscles bulged, and the flesh and blood armor was formed in the blink of an eye. The powerful four-star awakener's breath made the rain fly out and can't fall on him.

The broken knife with red eyes squeezed a sentence out of his teeth: "Beast, look for death!"

After speaking, his feet pedaled the ground, and the cannonballs rushed out of the clockwork. The condensation is running at full speed, and the fists, palms, fingers and legs are furious. In the rain curtain, one invisible flower after another bloomed. Every time the flowers closed, there was a burst of condensation. In the blink of an eye, ten condensation all hit the body of the huge mountain guard dog.

Although in the case of the same level, two humans may not be able to kill a rare beast, after all, there is a one-star gap. After eating ten condensation, the clockwork can't help vomiting three mouths of blood.

The figure of the broken knife suddenly disappeared in front of the clockwork, and the next moment, a sharp roar above his head sounded.

The clockwork only felt that every cell in the whole body groaned in fear and wanted to roll away, but this coagulation was really strange to the extreme. It actually had invisible traction and completely locked it, and could only choose to carry it hard.

The broken knife is condescending, with cold eyes, using the most lethal coagulation legs, whip legs like gulls, really facing the clockwork neck. A sneer appeared on the corners of his mouth, "Wanimal, go to hell!"