Extraordinary evolution

Chapter 200 Ambush

Silently pull out all their eyes. For the five-person team, this is the first victory in their lives. Thirty corpses piled up in one place and piled up. Although they felt disgusted and trembling, the sense of achievement in their hearts also emerged strangely.

If you see a lot of dead people, your heart will calm down.

Xu Dong made a gesture, and the five people behind him were clear, put on the armor on the other side, and even rotated the key standard equipment. In this way, once there is a battle, five young people may be able to open the strength of two-star awakeners and three-star awakeners within 100 meters. Then they secretly lurked in the place where the other side's sentry was, two people in one group, three people in one group, and the monk and the dwarf were in the two groups respectively.

It is reasonable to change into the other party's standard equipment.

The standard equipment has a response to the life circuit. The more people are equipped, the stronger the strength in the response range will naturally be. Another point is that each regiment is only equipped with a kind of echoing life circuits. These first-order life circuits can enable a regiment to exert the force of the Slam Awakening within 100 meters at most.

In fact, standing in a circle with a diameter of 1,000 people and fighting fiercely at the same time requires not only the tacit understanding of the soldiers, but also quite a test of the command skills of the generals. Generally speaking, it is not easy to do. Therefore, the most common battle mode is that 250 people are in the same response area, giving full play to the strength of the four-star awakener at most.

The standard equipment on the five people belongs to the blood helmet gate guard, and the only thing that can respond to the natural life circuit is the door guard. There are only five poor guards here, which can give full play to the strength of the one-star awakener. After equipping the other party's standard equipment, the echoing manpower is the Angry Camp, which naturally exerts the strength of the four-star awakener.

When fighting, at least there will be no huge disparity in strength because of equipment. What's more, at this time, they are secretly lurking, wearing the armor of the angry Han camp, and they are accidentally hit in the face. As long as they may not recognize them immediately, they can win a precious opportunity. But it is also a good thing that kills two birds with one stone.

After lurking down, according to Xu Dong's instructions, the five people dared not leave their bows and arrows, and the swords did not dare to leave their hands.

However, Xu Dong, as the saying goes, a skilled man is bold, with his hands behind his waist, and walks straight over as if walking leisurely. The five little ones looked at Xu Dong's appearance, and suddenly burst into a collection of worship, desire, excitement and other complex emotions.

At this time, Xu Dong once again entered the state of mind like water. In such a state, he is completely integrated into nature. On the one hand, he seems to have launched the hidden talent skills of the greedy snake, even a higher-level slam awakener may not be able to easily find it; on the other hand, the sharpness of the six knowledge has reached the extreme, and any wind and grass can not be separated from his perception.

It is also because of this state that he dares to break in.

The owner of Nuhan Camp is called Nuhan, and he is already a 40-year-old middle-aged man this year. Speaking of this angry man, he is also a very legendary figure. It is said that when he was 15 years old, he became a bandang because of the destruction of his family. When he did it alone, he did all kinds of evil. Later, he pulled up a 100-person bandits to cause disaster in the countryside, and then grabbed the fruit of divine power and successfully awakened. Since then, he has become the mountain forest overlord of the border city.

Originally, this angry man's small life was also quite comfortable, but as the saying goes, people must have immediate worries, and his vision is also lofty, knowing that in the long run, it will inevitably lead to official siege. So he saw that the strength of the Fourth Corps of the 17th Border Defense Army was greatly damaged. It was when Qinghuang did not answer, and he went alone to join the regiment. That year, the boy was only 18 years old.

The commander of the regiment pitied his talent and waved a large number of people, and 100 people, even among the angry men, were absorbed, so as to form an angry Han camp as the backbone, and even allowed Nuhan himself to select new recruits himself.

The angry man knows that his foundation is weak, and he is used to the career of licking blood on the edge of the knife. If he wants to quickly rise to the throne and get a seat in the regiment, he simply regards the battlefield as a training ground for training. The feasible army's war was not a family, and half of the people died in the first battle. However, the angry man is also a self-taught wizard. The more brave he fought, the stronger he became. Later, he actually became famous by him, and the angry Han battalion soon became the elite battalion of the Fourth Corps.

And the angry man himself raised the war, and he also got a series of breakthroughs, and his ability to practice increased day by day.

The reason why the city protection encountered an ambush came from the hands of the angry man.

At this time, the angry man lay on the hill on the side of the valley. Although the weather was cold and almost dripping into ice, he was only wearing standard equipment, without even a lining in it. As long as he removed the standard equipment, he would be naked**. It can be seen that the strong muscles are bulging one by one, and the edges and corners are clearly hard rubber-like toughness, reminding people of the words burly and Hercules for the first time.

He has an ordinary face, but the fierce light flashing in his eyes from time clearly tells everyone that any enemy who looks less at him will inevitably pay the heaviest price.

"Lao Ma, send someone to call back all the whistles. After squatting for so long, I'm afraid that the Fifth Corps has been scared for a long time and dare not come to rescue. Since there is not much food and fod, don't guard it anymore, and the dog-ass bayonet camp inside are all new recruits, and this is the end of the crossbow. In order to avoid the dog jumping over the wall, it is appropriate to launch an attack now.

The angry man calculated the situation of the bayonet camp at the beginning. Not only was the general a novice, but also the sergeant under him was also a recruit who had been trained for less than half a year. He had a cavity of blood and courage, and in fact was particularly reckless. Almost effortlessly, he surrounded it in the valley at the foot of Yangshan Mountain.

And he didn't want to drink. He surrounded and helped, and ambushed half of the battalion that came to support, and he was just a single-digit loss. The will of the new soldiers is not comparable to that of a hundred war veterans. The food is exhausted, and in such cold weather, it is unknown whether they can hold the sword or not. So far, after completely killing the bayonet battalion, he defeated two battalions with his own strength, and was able to replace the commander of the Fourth Corps with this last heavy combat merit!

It can be said that both personal interests and the intentions of the Corps have been realized.

Even if he fought calmly for many years and gave orders, he couldn't help but be excited.

Lao Ma is his deputy and the first group of loyal loyal followers from the bandits. Nuhan is a righteous camp owner. When he eats meat by himself, he always leaves a mouthful of soup. Lao Ma himself is also fighting, always following the footsteps of the head, and gradually breaking through to the level of a full awakener.

Lao Ma heard the order and his eyes flashed with joy. He had long wanted to end the battle, so he immediately photographed two teams to report the news and called the whistle back.

And Xu Dong and his party encountered soldiers who came to send letters in such a careless situation.

The location of the dark whistle is at least two kilometers away from the location of the Nuhan Camp ambush. Xu Dong calculated for a moment and ambushed 800 meters away from a kilometer.

It happens to be the place where the ten sergeants of the two teams must pass.

In the call of the cold wind, two sharp arrows flashing with cold light flew out of the tree in vain. The whistling sound was hidden in the wind and there was almost no sound, and the ten people did not expect that they would be ambushed by the enemy in the same way. These ten people are basically in a leisurely state.


Two muffled sounds appeared, and a feather arrow shot fiercely into the throats of the two captains at the same time. The arrow pierced the skin and skin, pierced it from the throat, then penetrated the muscle trachea lymph nodes, and then a bloody cold light from the back of the neck, with two warm blood splashed out crazily. Before landing, it had become cold and sprinkled on the faces of the team members around.

Which of these sergeants is not a veteran? In particular, their leader was also an angry man from a bandit villain. After seeing the blood, his face did not change, but he quickly pulled out the sword at his waist with his backhand for the first time, and a smell of blood burst out!

The fierce flame of the angry Han camp can be seen!

However, as early as the moment the feather arrow was shot, the four figures were like wolves into the flock, fiercely swinging knives in the crumbs of the bush and grass leaves that smashed into fragments. Three of them have been equipped with green light first. Obviously, they have activated their equipment skills, gained strong strength, and their strength has reached the level of a one-star awakener in an instant.

The sword made of fine steel made a loud noise in the air. After the sword, there are three pairs of fierce pupils!

Almost in no particular order, three swords were cut on the three locked Angry Han battalion shals at the same time. The armor on his body, without having time to activate the equipment skills, was knocked out with the full power of the one-star awakener, and then it was torn apart like a piece of paper.

The sharp and cold sword was even more powerful. It directly broke into the skin and tore the muscles. Even the hard bone was like a pig's bone. The white bone dregs spilled out with fountain-like blood. Even with the thick nerves of hundreds of war veterans, they couldn't help howling sadly at this time.

Unfortunately, the tragic howling was involved in the cold wind, and less than 600 or 700 meters, it was unwilling to dissipate completely.

However, after all, the Nuhan camp is the Nuhan camp, and the veterans of Bai Zhan are also 100 war veterans after all. The three young rookies hit the enemy with one blow, creating irreparable sad wounds, so they thought that the dust fell to the ground and took the opportunity to cut another soldier. How do you know that the three sergeants of the angry Han Camp suddenly twisted their bodies, showing ferocity and fierceness on their twisted faces. Unexpectedly, they held the tip of the knife, hit the young rookie behind them fiercely, and stabbed them out with a knife.

Three people, three knives, but the same plan, the same action!

I'm dead, and I won't let you live well!!

Fortunately, the equipment skill has already been activated. A faint green light flashed on the iron armor, and a soft but tough force immediately covered the surface of the iron armor. The opponent's attack, which could only wipe out a few sparks, fell unwillingly.

It was also at this time that Xu Dong had taken advantage of the super agility of the five-star awakener to solve the remaining five people in the lightning. It can be seen that his attack was simple and fierce. Every enemy in the end was killed with a blow in the throat. Even the posture at the time of death, his eyes were round and he covered his throat.

For the first time to kill the enemy face to face like this, they were almost killed by the other party. For the three, it was indeed the first time in their lives.

The blank faces were stained with blood, and they were stunned in place.

At this time, Xu Dong slapped them one by one, making the three people's faces swollen, and then there was his cold voice: "This is the battle. Either you die or I die. If you don't want to die like them, throw away the poor cowardice in your heart and play with your life like a man!"