Extraordinary evolution

Chapter 241 Invitation to War

From a distance, the position of the doorman is like a huge mushroom-shaped flame, like a burning fireball. When the explosion came out, the trees on both sides were affected by the air waves, and the nearest old pine tree surrounded by one person broke and rolled away, and even pulled up and rolled upside down!

The rolling heat wave can be clearly felt 100 meters away. This shows that the amazing power of this explosive array is very terrible. However, the materials spent on arranging such an explosive array, especially the array covering at least 20 meters, are of course very expensive, and even a temperer core with fire attributes is needed!

Cheng Jianbang reacted quickly and rushed out earlier. It was still within the range of the explosion array, but it was at the farthest position. At the moment of the violent explosion, the heat wave overturned him several heels, and then fell heavily on the ground. His face was full of fire and embarrassment, and his forehead also tore out a palm-length opening. The wound was ferocious and twisted, like a huge fish mouth, in which blood flowed happily and dyed half of his face red.

However, he did not realize it at all, staring at the explosion point, which should have stood 400 people!

At this moment, the ground exploded and the soil turned open, revealing a huge pit three or four meters deep and at least 30 meters in diameter. Because the explosion was too violent, the soil in the pit was charred black, with blue smoke steaming, and scattered and tragically sprinkled with burnt limbs, internal organs and meat pieces. The smell spreading in the air was disgusting!

The eyes moved along the center of the explosion. The closer to the center, the fewer fragments the body will be. Instead, they will be replaced by black carbon, which is the residue of the soldier's instantaneous carbonization at high temperature! At the center of the explosion, the residual temperature is still hot, and even signs of melting of the soil and the melting of waxy armor!

Cheng Jianbang finally came to his senses at this time and shouted sadly: "Save people, save people immediately!!"

Most of the soldiers who can survive are not hit by a frontal impact because their position is on the edge, but this number of soldiers are less than 100, but fortunately, it doesn't mean that it's okay if there is no frontal impact. How violent the impact wave is. After being hit, they will break their hands and feet, and most of them will directly kill themselves. Therefore, although there are only a hundred people who survived, only 42 people can act normally. Among these 42 people, including the city-building itself!

The 42 people immediately launched a rescue and moved the seriously injured brother to a safe place.

However, at this critical moment, in the village gate of North Point Village in the distance, a team of soldiers in iron armor came slowly and solemnly. The first row of soldiers made a protective posture. The iron shield stood up and the steel gun was put out from behind the shield. From a distance, the iron shield was like a mirror and a forest of long guns, and a strong and elite meaning was about to come out!

In particular, even if they have been convinced that their opponents have been severely ambushed, they do not dare to be careless at all. It is the reason why the lions and rabbits do their best to stabilize the essence, and slowly, the momentum caused is really enhanced step by step. After a red flag suddenly unfolds, this momentum has reached its peak!

Cheng Jianbang took a deep breath, "The fierce barracks of the Fourth Corps of the 17th Border Defense Army!"

It's not a personal camp, but a tough camp! Cheng Jianbang smiled miserably. How can he not know that he was completely in an ambush? What frightened him even more was that the enemy's tentacles had penetrated into his doorguards. Otherwise, how could he go to the field?

He looked back at his brothers, and they also saw the fierce barracks chasing step by step. Everyone's face was first gritted anger, followed by cold sweating fear, and finally they didn't know what kind of look was on their faces. If there are any words that can be described, then the emotions flowing on everyone's fiery faces should be called "at a loss"!

Cheng Jianbang can clearly feel it, and the eyes of the brothers are all gathered on their faces.

Escape? Or war?

If you run away, you are bound to give up the injured brother, and you may not be able to escape successfully. What's more, once you do something like abandon your brother, the army will collapse. Without the enemy to take action, the team will also disperse.

But let's fight, there are only 42 people who can exert their combat effectiveness. With high-end combat effectiveness, only you, a slam awakener. And the other party is a neat number of battalions. Needless to say, the camp owner must be a full slam awakener. The deputy battalion owner is a five-star awakener, and the captain below is at least a one-star awakener!

What should I do?! For the first time, the city-building state encountered such a dilemma. But time was spared. He gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, "The doorman has no runaway bastard, only a good man who died in battle!" Brothers, copy the guys, do it, avenge your brothers!!"

With the roar of the camp owner's exhausted roar, the numbness on the surviving soldier's face quickly disappeared, as if his soul had been reloaded on his body. A person's eyes were congested and red, and he did not hesitate to pull out his sword, pick up his shield, and raise his bow and arrows. Even the soldiers who had been severely damaged could still move their hands, grab weapons, or pick up arrow barrels to give final support!

"Fight you!!"

The team of less than 100 people suddenly burst into the sky and shouted angrily. Even the soldiers opposite were slightly changed, and there was still a sense of admiration and respect in their eyes.

At this time, with the order of the city state, the remaining soldiers began to quickly form a defensive counterattack. The outer circle was the knife and shield hand, followed by the long shooter, then the bow, the crossbowman, and finally the wounded soldiers. This change was also completely completed between two or three breaths, which shows that the doorman also had several brushes.

In the blink of an eye, if you really bite down stupidly, you may collapse two teeth!

When the array of the barracks was about 50 meters away from the doorman, there was a sudden surge, and the soldiers neatly gave up the middle position. Soon, a thin man in steel armor came out surrounded by a group of soldiers. This man is good-looking, and his eyebrows are like two swords, giving people a tough and fierce feeling. He narrowed his eyes, revealing a trace of light, and shouted from afar, "I'm the owner of the barracks. Are you Cheng Jianbang of the guard?"

Obviously 50 meters away, the fierce battalion did not shout loudly, but the guards clearly heard each other's words, as if they were talking close to their ears. Cheng Jianbang was secretly about for the strength of the other party, and at the same time gave birth to a humiliated anger. Son of a bitch, what does it mean that you are the owner of the camp? I am so-and-so of the door guard?

It's true that new hatreds and old hatreds come out together. The city-building state is calm, but it doesn't mean that the guards next to it can stand it. They suddenly scolded, which probably means using one part of their own to have a close contact with each other's female relatives or something.

Zhang Jian listened to these unpleasant words with a faint expression. He shook his head and smiled and said, "Poor guy, can scolding change the current situation? The more you scold me, the longer I will torture you later..." At this point, he turned his head and looked at the sergeant behind him. "You all showed me a trick to watch. Who scolds me the most? Torture me vigorously later. Don't kill me too soon!"

After saying this, Zhang Jian once again put his eyes on Cheng Jianbang's face and said with a faint smile: "Isn't the power of the explosion array uncomfortable? In the blink of an eye, 400 people died and 100 people left is not enough. As the leader of a battalion, you must be bleeding, right?

No matter how calm the city Jianbang is, it is unbearable. It gnats its teeth, and its face is twisted and ferocious: "My city Jianbang didn't expect to go back alive today. Don't talk nonsense. Let's see the true chapter under us!"

The voice of Cheng Jianbang is sonorous and powerful, and this response is also decisive enough. It is said that a bear will be a bear. With such a determined camp owner, there will naturally be the same tough sergeant. In an hour, the soldiers of the guard roared in unison again: "Don't talk nonsense!! His grandmother has the guts to come and kill me!"

Zhang Jian originally planned to suppress his opponent's tenacious arrogance with words, but he didn't expect it to be more flirty. After secretly, he finally knew that playing tricks would only waste time. So he smiled faintly, "Who said that you must not be able to go back alive?"

As soon as Cheng Jianbang heard this, he immediately realized that something bad was happening. Sure enough, Zhang Jian said loudly, "I heard that the owner of the city camp has been famous for a long time, and his magic knife is amazing. I have a subordinate, but what I practice is also a magic knife. Why don't you two compete with each other?

Zhang Jian said this and stared at the relatively thin battle array of the door guard. "If you win, I will allow you to send away all the seriously injured soldiers safely. What do you think of this resolution?"

Cheng Jianbang's eyes spewed flames. You should know that at this time, the door guard can cheer up, relying on the meaning of a mourning soldier. To put it simply, I will die here horizontally and vertically. Anyway, I have to pull a cushion before I die! Now that Zhang Jian has put forward such a way of gambling, it will invisibly give the soldiers of the guard an illusion that they will not necessarily die! In this way, the momentum is exhausted, and this battle is bound to die.

This sword looks dignified. How can it be so vicious? First, it uses the next three methods to drive scattered people to attack, and then bury the explosion array to deal heavy damage. In the end, only 100 people are unwilling to let go, and they actually want to kill a piece of the doorman!

However, such a gambling fight is a clear conspiracy. You have to fight. If you don't fight, you have to fight. Cheng Jianbang activated his external equipment and walked out with a calm face.

A strong man with a beard also came out on the opposite side. He also activated his external equipment. Compared with the less than 100-person team behind the city Jianbang, behind this beard really burst into a large area of green light!

Looking at the five-star awakener in front of him, but has stimulated the opponent who is not hesitate to awaken his strength, Cheng Jianbang's face looks like the bottom of the pot, gritted his teeth and said, "Despicable!"