Extraordinary evolution

Chapter 8 Tame!

The sky is slightly bright, and Xu Dong has appeared 300 kilometers away. For the first time, I ran to the limit at the speed of the refiner, and the refreshing feeling was fascinating. Feel the wind blowing on your cheeks, feel the scenery on both sides move back quickly, and feel the endless vitality in your body, which is unprecedented!

Xu Dong stopped and suddenly found that he had run 300 kilometers in two hours. At such a speed, ordinary cars may not be able to achieve. The inhuman body of the refiner is really extraordinary.

The punch was a little heavy, and the old pig still hasn't woken up. The mysterious Lola stood beside without blushing and panic. She seemed to be able to catch up with Xu Dong's speed and seemed to be very comfortable. Thinking of the feat of turning into stardust and killing rovers that day seems to be reasonable.

Xu Dong found a clean place, took out the map obtained from Chen Guang, took a glance and determined his location. It's only seven or eight days away from Lanlan City.

He had previously asked Lola that Lanlan City is a traffic center. After arriving at Lanlan City, he can go to the sandy castle outside Zhenxiong Pass through the small transmission array inside. It's only a month away from Shadi Castle to Zhenxiongguan.

Of course, it will cost a lot of money to use the transmission array.

40,000 gold coins and ten temperer cores.

It should be known that this is the only transmission array in this frontier land, and the temperer of the border land is already the top combat power, and the surrounding forests are also rare to temperer-level rare beasts. 40,000 gold coins are easy to find, but it is really not easy to get the core of the temperer.

Fortunately, Xu Dong has a considerable number of temperer cores, so he has no worries and can choose the expensive mobile mode of transmitting the array.

It should not be a big problem to arrive at the outside of Zhenxiong Pass within three months.

Xu Dong is still quite idle now. He is not in a hurry to go to Lanlan City, but intends to use the newly obtained equipment to improve his combat effectiveness and completely complete the basic circuit.

He got some information about his cultivation from the heavenly eye by paying for the soul points of the destroyer, including information about the underlying circuit.

The awakener begins to know how to use his own power, just like a baby, while the temperer enters his adolescence and begins to develop in his own characteristics or direction. It is difficult to judge what kind of talent or specialty a child will have, but there is basically a clear idea to judge what direction a teenager is suitable for.

In the same way, the armor of the refiner has adapted to his own strength and began to move closer to his specialty.

Therefore, the base circuit is the first obstacle to the growth of the temperer.

There are two ways to obtain the base circuit, the first is to rely on the gas method. However, not every method is suitable for its own development, which is like some students who are proficient in mathematics, some are proficient in English, and some are more successful in Chinese. The second is to obtain a base circuit specially designed for yourself by selecting external equipment suitable for yourself and collecting a complete set of external equipment.

The base circuit is an organic combination of its own magic armor and external equipment or gas gate, which is unique and permanent, so it must be cautious.

Xu Dong continues to digest the information obtained from the heavenly eye.

After the base circuit is successfully activated, it can absorb the power of attributes, which is another hurdle for the temperer. Thinking of the second master Ma, he has been a temperer for more than ten years, but in the end, he has never been able to gain the power of attributes. In the end, he still relies on gambling and fighting to get the fire forging elixir from Yang Shengyao to make a breakthrough.

After absorbing the power of attributes, the base circuit can be the power of the flint circuit. The power of the circuit plays a big role. One is to deprive the soul to make it into a soul, so as to load it into the internal and external equipment and improve the quality of the equipment.

Compared, another role is more important!

Integrate equipment skills and create your own unique skills!

This is another hurdle that the refiner has to overcome!

However, everything is based on the last piece of external equipment - Tianlu Arm Armor.

Xu Dong took out Tianlu's arm armor and couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

At this time, Rora's faint voice came, "Second-order equipment is not first-order equipment. Second-order equipment is spiritual. Although there is only a trace of spirituality, it is not easy to subdue. And I haven't seen you break through the tempering person for a long time, and I'm afraid the opportunity is even more slim.

Xu Dong frowned, "Spiritual? What's the solution?"

Lola wondered, "Don't you know? But don't you still have a second-order equipment? Anyway, it's unreasonable how you subdued this external equipment.

Xu Dong recalled the scene when he was marked at the beginning and vaguely had something to do with it.

La told: "There is no such thing as spirituality as first-order equipment. Anyone can wear it and exert powerful power as long as they want. But if the second-order equipment has a trace of spirituality, it needs to be subdued so that this trace of spirituality can be subdued by you to make full use. As for the third-order equipment, it already has a soul prototype, which is more difficult to subdue; the fourth-order equipment has its own soul, and may even be unable to surrender or choose its own master. As for the fifth-order equipment... it's more magical than just equipment.

Xu Dong said, "So what should we do to subdue the second-order external equipment? Is it very dangerous?"

La shook her head: "That's not true. The surrender of second-order equipment is a contest at the level of consciousness, which occurs in the world of consciousness. The situation varies from person to person. By the way, haven't you told me how you got your second-order equipment?

According to reason, everyone should have their own secrets. Xu Dong can choose to answer or not to answer. However, he has a natural closeness to Lola, as if even if the whole world wants to kill herself, she will not do so. Therefore, without thinking much, he rushed out and replied, "I made it myself, and I got it by melting a large number of first-order external equipment."

Lola laughed, "Impossible! You don't have the base circuit and the power of the circuit. How do you melt the first-order equipment? If you don't want to say it, don't say it. There is no need to deceive me with such lies. Do you think you are a genius forger?

Seeing that Lola's face was disbelieving, Xu Dong had no choice but to shrug his shoulders and then refocused his attention on the Tianlu arm armor in his hand.

Even if Lola said that the chance to subdue Tianlu's arm armor with her current strength is very slim, Xu Dong believes that he will never win without taking the first step.

When he completed the main task of Destroyer and the blood power in his body was completely liberated, he had successfully integrated into this plane and become the most authentic human being, and no longer could not use the embarrassment of external equipment. Therefore, he doesn't even need to use the equipment system. Now, he has to try to see if he can tame it.

As he said, Xu Dong pierced the metal arm armor into his arm.

The next moment, the red light on the Tianlu arm was shining, so strong that it was about to overflow. The life circuit on it lit up with a dazzling light. A giant horned deer twisted and revealed resistance, using the two giant horns above its head to keep swinging, as if to break free from Xu Dong's control.

In fact, an indescribable force appeared quickly, and it seemed that an invisible hand appeared, pulling Tianlu's arm armor to grab it from Xu Dong's arm!

Xu Dong frowned and shouted in a low voice, "You look down on me too much, don't you? Stop it!"

After saying that, he stretched out his left hand and fixed Tianlu's arm. However, the resistance of Tianlu's arm armor is equally strong. After Xu Dong tried his best, even the reckless ancient armor was completely activated, but it was still slowly broken away.

Bad! If it goes on like this, sooner or later you will be freed by it. Xu Dong's eyebrows frowned tighter, as if there were two bumps.

After a glance, Lola withdrew her sight and said lightly, "I said, with your current ability, it's still a short time to subdue the Tianlu arm armor. Let's give up and don't waste time and energy.

Give up? Xu Dong smiled at the corners of his mouth, "I haven't given up such a statement in my dictionary!" Stop it!"

With a break, his right hand suddenly punched, and the attack was too fast, causing a sound explosion. In the roar, a punch had been punched into the ground, a large number of sand and stones were raised, and the ground even formed a horrible pit!

After one punch, Xu Dong did not stop, jumped up in vain and continued to hit the ground with one punch.

Boom, boom...

This land was affected by seedlings, and dozens of pits appeared, and many trees were shaken by fallen leaves.

I don't know how many punches he had. Xu Dong suddenly found a strange energy coming from Tianlu's arm. This energy moved all the way up his arm and hit his mind in the blink of an eye, so that his whole body was shocked violently.

After he woke up, he immediately found that his surroundings were gray and had entered the world of consciousness. And he himself turned into a tree of consciousness. Opposite him, a two-meter high, hoof like a sea bowl-sized Tianlu was digging earth and facing himself angrily, and a pair of ferocious giant horns also pointed to him!

Is this the collision in the world of consciousness? Xu Dong thought silently. He did not have a trace of fear, but released his power freely.

The green leaves of the tree of consciousness are automatically windless, making a natural and harmonious sound, as if the quiet wind blowing in the ear when resting in the small garden after lunch is so peaceful and beautiful.

After hearing this gust of wind, Tianlu, who was originally angry, quickly calmed down his anger and looked at it curiously, as if he had been **, and carefully approached the past until he came to the tree of consciousness.

In vain, the deer was tired and knelt down, as if it had found a safe place to live and curled up comfortably under the tree. It was so meek and quiet that it even subconsciously rubbed its back twice on the tree trunk.

Lola didn't pay attention on the surface, but in fact she was secretly observing Xu Dong. After seeing that he was suddenly stunned, she naturally knew that he had entered the world of consciousness and competed with Tianlu's arm armor, and she couldn't help but have a bad idea of watching jokes.

How do you know...

emitted a shining red light, and the extremely resistant Tianlu arm armor actually glowed in the next second.

Her eyes widened, "Mondo is on top, is it subdued?"