Super Happy Evolution

Chapter 4 Take your eldest sister with you

"Hight!" Liu Zheng shouted loudly and then whispered, "Where are your partners doing things? I'm here to let out. What should I do? Do you understand?"

The man quickly pulled his girlfriend and turned to another fork: "Ok, understand, brothers are busy. Let's have tea together some other day." After saying that, he dragged his girlfriend and trotted away.

Liu Zheng wiped the sweat on his head and put the knife back in his pocket. He found that the pocket had been torn and half of his trousers were torn, so he had to put it in another pocket and tie them together with his hands.

Liu Xiaofei wiped the sweat on her head and asked in a low voice, "Brother, don't lie to me. Xiao Changge really went to smash the ATM?"

Liu Zheng sat on the stone and bowed his head and pounded his trousers: "I don't know what to do. We just walk around. He has nothing to do with us." He is also a little uncertain about his feelings.

Xiao Changge let the two guard it. He went inside, took out the newly bought wallet, took out the replacement card and stuffed it in: "Damn it, this woman is really cruel. Even if I write the password on the card, you won't take away all my money. Didn't you just ask for the fare? Mad, it seems that I's stared at you. Oh, my God How can there be such a woman in the world? Don't let me meet you next time, or you will be in trouble. I must stare at you. Who asked you to charge first?

Xiao Changge pulled out the card and flew casually, pulled his hair and shouted, "Damn it, it's okay for me to take advantage of you. If you take advantage of me, you don't leave a dime for me. It's really immoral."

Xiao Changge stroked his chest to calm down, and then took out another replacement card and stuffed it in. Fortunately, my brother was not stupid. The password was written on the card with no money, but what was the password of this card without a password?

Let me think it's 3237154. No, my God, what is the password of this card?

Xiao Changge began to pull his hair and meditate. At this time, he definitely can't call home to ask. It's time for his bad memory. Is it my birthday?

Xiao Changge quickly tried it once. No, I'll wipe it. What's the password?

After a long time, Xiao Changge, who was lying next to the ATM, finally remembered, as if he had written down the password on his mobile phone. Why is his memory so bad?

Hurry up and take out your mobile phone to check.

When Xiao Changge walked over, the Liu brothers and sisters were squatting under the tree and drawing circles.

"What?" Xiao Changge walked over and asked.

"It's nothing. Just now, we came here to guard. There were three groups of people who wanted to go there. My cousin begged my grandfather and grandmother to finally persuade them to take that road." Liu Xiaofei said.

Xiao Changgexin said that I like to forget the password when withdraw money. How can this secret be known to others, so you two have to help me keep it.

"It's okay. Everything has been done. Let's go back and share the money."

Liu Xiaofei watched Liu Zheng take the money from Xiao Changge, and then he put the money in his pocket. At that time, he was angry and stared at Liu Zheng angrily.

Liu Zheng made a silent motion, looked at Xiao Changge, waved his index finger at Liu Xiaofei and whispered, "Let's talk about this later."

After breakfast and share the money, Xiao Changge put his legs on the table again: "I have to run away if I have to pay for the road. Does Xiao Zhengzheng want to run away with me?"

Liu Zheng shook his head: "No! Just run away by yourself. I'd better live a stable life at home!"

Xiao Changge smiled and said, "Little Zhengzi, do you know how much money I installed on the ATM yesterday? Run away and play with my brother, and the consumption is all my brother's. Even if my brother is arrested, there is nothing wrong with you.

Xiao Changge waited for a while, and Liu Zheng did not respond. Xiao Changge was about to leave. Liu Zheng said, "Can you take my cousin with you?"

Xiao Changge was stunned for a moment and said happily, "That's a good relationship. Take your eldest sister on a trip, so you don't have to worry about anything!"

"I'll wipe it, are you looking for a lottery? This is my cousin. Although you don't do bad things in front of my sister, don't talk nonsense and ruin my sister.

Liu Xiaofei talked about Liu Zheng: "Brother, I'm here to go to school."

Liu Zheng comforted: "Don't you have to wait for eight months? It's okay, just go on a trip. I don't worry about you at home!"

The three of them went to the foot of Cangming Mountain and looked at the continuous and towering peaks.

"Nature is really amazing. Every time I come here and look at the scenery here, my whole heart is relaxed." Xiao Changge sighed.

Liu Zheng's brother and sister are also virtuous. They look up at the mountains in the distance and narrow their eyes slightly, feeling the vastness and beauty of nature.

The roadside at the foot of the mountain is full of stalls, but it has no impact on the natural landscape here. The mountain is still so high and vast, which adds another lively scene here.

Xiao Changge said goodbye to the two and played separately.

Winding up the mountain road and passing a huge multi-storey pavilion, Xiao Changge walked behind the pavilion and leaned against the stone wall. He took out his headphones from his pocket and stuffed them into his ears and pressed them. His whole look became cold.

The sound of 'tit, pit, pit' comes from the headphones.

Not far from the hillside, a beautiful woman in a customized uniform came out. The woman's face was very cold. When she saw Xiao Changge, she smiled, and the whole sky seemed to melt. The woman suddenly changed from cold to endless warmth, which was so cute.

Xiao Changge looked at the woman coming with a blank face. The woman walked to Xiao Changge and did not mind because of his coldness. She kept smiling.

The woman walked to Xiao Changge, naturally reached out and took his arm, and walked to the pavilion like a couple.

At the top of the multi-storey pavilion, the woman took his arm and leaned her head towards Xiao Changge's chest: "Why haven't you contacted us all the time?"

Xiao Changge looked at the scenery in the distance and exgrily said, "The past has passed. Maybe it will be better if you forget it."

The girl was silent. Xiao Changge was used to trying to take out a cigarette from her pocket, but found that she had not touched it for a long time, and naturally there was no cigarette in her pocket.

The woman took out a beautiful cigarette box from her bag, opened it and gently put it on Xiao Changge's lips. When Xiao Changge held the cigarette, she snapped her finger, and a faint blue flame ignited between the girl's thumb and index finger.

Xiao Changge came over with a cigarette and lit the cigarette and took a deep breath. He raised his hand to take off the cigarette, exhaled smoke, and blew out the blue flame between the girl's fingers: "You know? Every time I see you, I feel very weak.

"Because I feel old, or do I have any unhealthy associations?" The woman joked.

Xiao Changge's fingers trembled unsteadily, and the smoke in his hand fell to the ground. He handed it over with a chip in his left hand: "Take it back and try not to find me again in the future." As he spoke, his face became tired, his face became much older, and his legs trembled.

The woman took the chip, carefully took out a small silver-gray box from her bag, entered a few passwords, and then opened the box, and there was a white fog rippling out.

The girl carefully put the chip into the dent left in the middle of the small box and gently closed the box. After putting it down, she put her finger on her lips and gently blew it.

After doing all this, the girl saw Xiao Changge's increasingly old face and bit her lips and said, "If you really don't like it, just call and refuse it. It's embarrassing for you."

Xiao Changge covered his face with both hands and squatted on the ground and roared in a low voice: "Go back. I just don't want to think of it. Maybe it's the same as before. It's just because of my career. When I figure it out and play enough, I will go back. I won't leave you alone."

The girl couldn't bear to look at Xiao Changge, and the corners of her eyes became moist, but she forced herself not to let it fall down and turned around and left quickly.

When the girl went far away, Xiao Changge squatted on the ground silently. After a long time, he had the strength to get up.

"Don't blame me. If you do something alone, you will get bored after doing it for a long time. Maybe I'm just **." Xiao Changge said and looked into the distance, and his mood became relaxed with the distance of his eyes.

In the evening, Liu Zheng called, but Xiao Changge did not answer. The phone rang several times and stopped ringing.

He was alone at the top of the tower, watching the sky getting dark, the sunset reflecting the stars all over the sky, and the dots of stars cooperating with the surrounding mountains, making himself feel the vastness of the world.

In the deeper depths of the stars, there is a wider and more boundless universe.

Xiao Changge's heart relaxed with his eyes. Yes, in this long universe, I, Xiao Changge, is just an inconspicuous little creature who wants to forget the past! After several years in a hurry, it may be like this dust falling and fused into the vast universe.

Xiao Changge watched the sunset, the stars move, and the stars rise, and then calmed his mood.

Open the cigarette box left by the woman on the wall and took out a cigarette. He raised his arm. Somehow, a faint blue flame had been ignited between his thumb and forefinger. Xiao Changge lit the cigarette, then extinguished the flame between his fingers, picked up the cigarette box and threw it out.

Seeing that the cigarette box fell far away in the bushes, I sighed and exhaled a puff of smoke. Maybe I should remember that I just relaxed myself.


Luo Jiaqi has been very annoying recently, not only very annoying, but also very annoying.

Her irritable mood made her unhappy and wanted to find fault with everyone. The uncle in the hairdressing room, colleagues in the office, and even her boss became her venting venting emotions.