Super Happy Evolution

Chapter 14 This is illegal

You know, the giant cow has mutated, and the cowhide has become extremely thick. If it is Erga, it is estimated that even the cowhide will not be pierced. Even Luo Wuzheng can only pierced the cowhide. When it encounters muscles, it will not be pierced. On the contrary, it will take a lot of effort to pull out the spear.

Luo Wuzheng chased closer, and Xiao Changge just jumped on the head of the cow. The cow was busy shaking his head to throw off the truck on the corner, giving Luo Wuzheng a chance to do it.

Luo Wuzheng ran over and looked at the buttocks of the giant cow. His legs were on the ground, and his whole body flew up and adjusted his body in the air. His whole body flew upside down. His right foot kicked on the tail of the bull, kicked the tail of the bull. His body twisted his body, and the spear in his right hand aimed at the buttocks of the bull, and he got used to it hard.

Xiao Changge was about to leave the bull's head to rescue Luo Jiaqi from the car. He suddenly felt dangerous and quickly copied it with his left hand and grabbed the spear flying out of the broken bone hole at the bull's head.

The spear shot a head from the bone hole and was caught by Xiao Changge. At this time, he heard Luo Jiaqi shouting behind him. Xiao Changge turned his head and found that the car was about to fall apart and was sliding down little by little. At this time, the giant cow also died and slowly fell to one side.

Xiao Changge quickly bounced over and grabbed the window. His right hand took out the steel wire from the belt and leaned to the lock. He quickly pulled the door and pulled Luo Jiaqi out.

The two fell to the ground. Xiao Changge picked up Luo Jiaqi and ran a few steps away. Then he turned around and watched the giant cow slowly fall down.

Luo Wuzheng knelt on the ground with one leg and gasped heavily. Erga stood up and raised their hands to cheer.

But soon they couldn't cheer, but stared straight at the giant bull.

Luo Jiaqi also stared straight at the other side, while Xiao Changge smiled bitterly.

As the giant cow fell to the ground, the truck was completely scattered. From the back door, apples, pineapples, ham sausages, bottled water, soybean oil buckets, and other things rolled out.

The box of truck picked up by Xiao Changge was full of food. When he picked up the car, Xiao Changge only regarded the car as a means of transportation and did not think about what was contained in the carriage. If he had known it, he would have gone in to find some salt during the barbecue.

Erga and several people stared at the things that rolled out of the container and turned their heads to look at Xiao Changge. Under the leadership of Erga, those people rushed over and began to pick up things and pack them.

"How can you do this? Those things are all ours." Luo Jiaqi struggled down from Xiao Changge's arms and shouted.

However, they completely ignored Luo Jiaqi's voice and didn't pay attention to Xiao Changge. Joke, this is Fenglin Town. Brother Wuzheng is here. What's wrong with your things? Why didn't you say that Brother Wu Zheng saved you? If it hadn't been for Brother Wu Zheng, you two would have killed Mad Cow!

Luo Wuzheng got up and saw that Erga were packing food in the truck, and then looked at Xiao Changge and Luo Jiaqi. He thought that they drove the truck, but he did not make a sound to stop Erga, but walked over: "Are you two?"

Xiao Changge stared into Luo Wuzheng's eyes and smiled: "My name is Xiao Changge and her name is Luo Jiaqi."

Luo Wuzheng stretched out his hand: "My name is Luo Wuzheng. We are from Fenglin Town. I don't know where you two are going?"

Before Xiao Changge spoke, Luo Jiaqi shouted at Luo Wuzheng, "How can you grab things? It's illegal."

Luo Wuzheng turned his head and saw that Erga had almost finished packing. He put all those things aside, looked here, and said with a wry smile, "Now your truck is also broken, and so many things can't be transported away. Why don't you sell them to us? Go back with us to get the money later."

Luo Jiaqi still wanted to speak, but she didn't expect Xiao Changge to smile at Luo Wuzheng and actually agreed. Luo Jiaqi was so angry that she grabbed the meat on Xiao Changge's waist and twisted it.

Xiao Changge quickly opened her hand in pain and winned at her.

Luo Jiaqi didn't understand what he meant, so she had no choice but to stop talking.

Erga didn't pack all of them, because there were too many things to take them at all. Erga shouted at the two from afar, "Come here, you two, you two take these things."

Xiao Changge didn't care about it. He also packed up something with Luo Jiaqi and went back to the village with them.

Originally, Luo Jiaqi was still angry with Xiao Changge's tolerance. At first, when she saw Luo Wuzheng being chased by a giant cow, she did not think how powerful he was, but when she returned to the village, she knew that Luo Wuzheng was very powerful.

This giant cow has at least a few thousand catties. Luo Wuzheng can drag it away by dragging a horn by himself, leaving a shallow drag mark on the road behind.

Erga and several people walked in front, and then Luo Wuzheng dragged the giant cow. Xiao Changge and Luo Jiaqi followed. They were not afraid that Xiao Changge and the two of them ran away. It's a joke that everything is here. It doesn't matter whether they run or not.

Luo Jiaqi carried a small bag and stabbed Xiao Changge with her hand: "Hey, can you beat that big man?"

Seeing Xiao Changge turning his head and smiling, he didn't say anything. He directly thought that Xiao Changge was not Luo Wuzheng's opponent. After all, such a big bull was so powerful that he could pick up the truck and almost killed himself in the car. Such a powerful giant cow was stabbed to death by Luo Wuzheng. Of course, Luo Wuzheng was powerful. Ah.

Luo Jiaqi stabbed Xiao Changge again: "Hey, you don't have a gun. What are you afraid of? Let's grab everything back. That big man won't be invulnerable, will he? Oh, so powerful and powerful, I don't think I'm really afraid of guns. Halfway through, I sighed again.

Xiao Changge patted her on the shoulder: "As they said, we are here to guard this pile of things. Can we take so many things away?"

Luo Jiaqi thought so. Even if she didn't give them anything, the car was broken, and the two of them couldn't take so many things away, so she stopped talking about it.

Soon, several wooden houses appeared at the foot of the mountain in front of them.

A girl ran to Luo Wuzheng happily: "Brother Wuzheng, I caught such a big prey today."

Luo Wuzheng wiped the sweat on his face and looked at the girl in front of him with a smile: "May, why did you run out? It's not safe outside."

May took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the sweat on Luo Wuzheng's head.

Xiao Changge and Luo Jiaqi followed Luo Wuzheng to the outside of a larger house. Luo Wuzheng knocked on the closed door. For a moment, Mayor Sang Huasheng opened the door.

Luo Wuzheng raised his hand to compare Bi Xiao Changge and Luo Jiaqi: "Mayor, these two are Xiao Changge and Luo Jiaqi. They are going to Dawan. Passing by here, the car is broken. There are some supplies that can't be taken away and they want to sell them to us."

Although Xiao Changge felt that his words were a little unpleasant, he had no words. What does it mean that he wanted to sell it to you? Obviously, you robbed it, but he said that he wanted to buy it. Now he actually said that he took the initiative to sell things to you.

After saying that, Luo Wuzheng introduced to Xiao Changge: "This is the mayor, the leader of the current Jingshan survivors gathering place."

Xiao Changge nodded and said, "Hello, mayor, we plan to go to Dawan. The car is broken and I want to stay here for a few days. Don't disturb you?"

Sang Watson lowered his head and thought about it and said, "It's okay to live here, but there is no free house. If you want, you can build your own house nearby, but if you want to be blessed by our gathering place, you have to go hunting together, otherwise our food will not be enough."

Xiao Changge nodded, and the mayor didn't want to say more, nor did he want the two to enter the house. He said to Luo Wuzheng, "Wuzheng, take them to settle down."

Luo Wuzheng took the two to the west of the house community and stopped: "If you want to live, build a room here."

Xiao Changge saw the thin middle-aged man named Erga lowered his waist into the mayor's room, leaned against a tree, sat down, and patted the open space beside him: "Sit down and rest."

Luo Jiaqi walked over and sat aside, and Luo Wuzheng also sat opposite Xiao Changge.

Xiao Changge looked at the gathering place in front of him and said, "Why are there no mutants nearby? Have you been killed?"

Luo Wuzheng took out two boxes of cigarettes from his pocket, handed one to Xiao Changge, put one in his mouth, lit the lighter for Xiao Changge, and then lit the cigarette in his mouth and took a sip. Then he smiled and said, "How can we have so much ability!" We were hunted down by mutants. At that time, most of the people in the town mutated. We divided into several groups to break out. At first, the mutants chased after them desperately, and then chased them far away from the town. Some of them did not chase them, and later they all returned to the town.

Luo Wuzheng took another breath and exhaled a long smoke: "Later, I went to the town to see that those mutants not only ate ordinary people, but also killed each other. However, over time, they didn't seem to be so crazy. Some mutants returned to their homes. They also hunted and ate wild animals, but they saw me. We will still catch up, but if we run away, or they think they can't catch up, they won't catch up anymore.

Xiao Changge's face became solemn: "You mean, they have regained their senses."

Luo Wuzheng nodded: "Not all the mutants are so crazy, and I found that some of them seem to have returned to normal, but they are still hostile to us."

At this time, Erga came out of the mayor's room and trotted all the way to the three people. He first smiled at Luo Wuzheng and said, "Brother Wuzheng, are you still there?"

Then he turned his head and looked at Xiao Changge, and his face was not so good. He said coldly, "The mayor calculated those things, which are about 700 yuan. You know that the world has changed and the prices are low, so these 500 yuan is almost enough for you."

Xiao Changge took over a few pieces handed over by Erga*. At this time, Luo Jiaqi around him was unwilling. Although Luo Jiaqi was not a businessman, the materials in the truck were packaged. How did Luo Jiaqi estimate that those daily necessities and food, The lowest price must be three or five thousand yuan. Now Erga directly gives Xiao Changge 500 yuan and plans to buy it, which is indeed much lower.