Super Happy Evolution

Chapter 42 This is not good!

The five people came to the body dismembered by Huo Jindong, put their hands on their chests and saluted, and then turned to face the two.

The person in front took a step forward, and the four behind them lifted the body on the ground and put away the protective clothing scattered on the ground from the hole into the huge metal ball.

The man in front of him didn't say anything. He raised his arm and pointed it at Xiao Changge, which shot a light from his fingers. Xiao Changge and Huo Jindong quickly avoided and found that the trees behind them had been cut off by the light.

Huo Jindong raised his hand and clenched his fist and shouted, "Strong!" The white light flashed over and flashed. In an instant, he flashed to the alien in protective clothing and raised his hand to hit it.

The alien completely ignored Huo Jindong's attack and kicked Huo Jindong. The foot kicked Huo Jindong's chest and kicked him out. The alien pointed to Huo Jindong and shot a light. Huo Jindong rolled to avoid the light, and the light drew a curved tracking mark on the ground behind Huo Jindong.

Huo Jindong saw that the alien's fingers no longer shot energy, so he stopped gasping and staring at the aliens.

Xiao Changge spread out his hands and said with a smile, "Brother, can't we talk about it?"

The slightly bloated alien life was stunned for a moment, and then said in a mechanical voice, "Human, you are not qualified!" After saying that, he rushed to Xiao Changge and knocked Xiao Changge out with his elbow.

Xiao Changge was hit with his feet upside down and hung upside down on the big tree. Xiao Changge spit and smeared: "What a mother!" With that, he turned over and jumped down and rushed to the alien. He jumped up and hit the neck of an alien life with his knee.

The alien life was knocked back. Xiao Changge fell down and raised his hand to attack a few times and grabbed an arm of the alien life to fall down. Unexpectedly, the alien life was extremely heavy. Xiao Changge carried it up and was powerless to continue, so he had to let go of the alien life rolling away a few times and avoid it.

The alien life was hit by Xiao Changge in the neck and seemed to have had some impact. He shook his head and walked towards Xiao Changge with heavy steps.

Xiao Changge raised his finger to the right, and he ran a few steps to the left.

The alien life really chased after him. Huo Jindong jumped from behind the alien life, kicked it on the neck of the alien life, punched it on the back after landing, and found that the alien life turned to him and retreated.

Xiao Changge took advantage of the alien life to turn around to chase Huo Jindong, jumped up and kicked his neck a few times. The alien life was kicked unsteadily and staggered forward a few steps.

Huo Jindong caught a glimpse of the sword beside him and picked it up. He turned around and rushed to the neck of an alien life and stabbed it in.

After the first sword was stabbed in, Huo Jindong pulled out the sword and stabbed it a few times.

Xiao Changge also kicked the head of the struggling alien life. The alien life, which had been stabbed through his neck, was kicked in the head vigorously by him, with a sharp roar in his mouth and a 'cluck' sound on his body. As soon as the two saw something wrong, they quickly separated and retreated. Huo Jindong threw the sword over.

Xiao Changge turned around and jumped to catch the sword. The two stepped back a few steps. The alien life stood up and his protective clothing emitted red light. A few rays of light shot out of it, and the two quickly retreated to avoid.

The alien life began to walk towards the hole in the metal ball. Before the two approached, the alien life shot many rays without warning.

The two did not dodge the rays and were shot on their bodies with several wounds. Xiao Changge endured the pain and aimed at the alien life and threw the sword into the neck of the alien life.

The alien life was driven by a huge force and hit the giant ball and rolled it, flowing a lot of pink** along its neck.

Huo Jindong kicked two feet on the body and heard the sound of 'kaka'. After the alien life's protective clothing disintegrated, he also picked up the protective part of the protective clothing on the ground and put it on himself. He pulled out the sword inserted in the neck of the alien life and threw it to Xiao Changge. He looked up and smiled proudly.

Because they knew that there were four alien lives in it, their ray attack was still very powerful, so the two did not advance, but retreated to check their wounds.

The wound caused by radiation burns is not very deep, but it is very painful. The two picked up the stones on the ground and threw them into the hole, but the people inside did not come out.

A spacecraft flew from the distant sky, and the spacecraft flew very slowly. I will! Unexpectedly, they also had accomplices. Xiao Changge was about to escape and found that the spacecraft was very familiar with the imitation spacecraft of the research institute.

The spacecraft slowly landed behind Xiao Changge and the two of them. The jet at the bottom of the ship spewed out a large number of flames, vaporizing the trees below in an instant. The spacecraft fell down and overwhelmed a lot of trees.

The hatch opened and protrude a ladder. Dr. Mu and No. 1 came down with many fighters wearing different protective clothing from aliens and laser guns.

Dr. Mu and No. 1 walked close to the two, and the fighters began to surround the huge metal sphere with laser guns and rushed into the hole.

Dr. Mu, dressed in white overalls, smiled and hugged him. Xiao Changge hugged him and patted No. 1 on the shoulder.

Dr. Mu stared into Xiao Changge's eyes and said, "Son, I found that you seem to have forgotten the past. Are you interested in coming back to help me?"

Xiao Changge smiled at him: "Although I don't know when I will figure it out, I want to live a normal life. When I play enough, I will go back."

Dr. Mu smiled and said, "Son, you are a little unconfident. This is not good!"

At this time, the sound of fighting was heard from the giant metal ball, and soon the fighters came out carrying several bodies.

A fighter in a fully enclosed protective suit trotted over: "Doctor, the second closed warehouse inside can't be opened."

"Well, send the technical team there." Dr. Mu ordered.

The giant metal ball vibrated a few times, and some white fog spewed out of the round hole above, and No. 1 stood in front of everyone.

A larger metal door was opened on the metal sphere, and a heavy robot about four meters high jumped from it and splashed dust on the ground.

"Human beings, you have made unforgivable mistakes, and you will be punished!"

A deep voice came from the chest of the heavy robot.

The fighters of the research institute shot one after another, but it was useless. The laser gun hit the heavy robot and was reflected elsewhere without causing any damage to it.

A large amount of white gas erupted behind the huge robot, and crashed into the fighters very quickly. Many people were hit by it in the sky. People who were not knocked down waited for it to raise their huge fists and smash them down. The combatants who were smashed were immediately blown into flesh and blood and splashed everywhere.

Dr. Mu hid in the imitation spacecraft along the ramp under the protection of the staff.

No. 1 stepped forward with Xiao Changge and Huo Jindong to face the huge robot that was slaughtering combatants.

At this time, two people emerged from the dense forest behind them. It was Shangguan Waner and Aunt Lin. Xiao Changge turned his head and looked at them and ignored them.

Xiao Changge rushed to climb the robot's leg armor and jumped to the robot's body with a sword and cut it. The robot's armor is very thick, and Xiao Changge's sword can't penetrate the armor and cause damage to the robot at all.

The robot raised its hand to catch Xiao Changge. Xiao Changge turned over and jumped down from it. The transportation force aimed at one of its legs and pushed out a palm: "Aha!"

The robot was hit on his leg by Xiao Changge's powerful palm and suddenly stood on the ground. Huo Jindong and No. 1 rushed over and learned to beat Xiao Changge on the big robot when he saw that there was no good place to start.

The big robot was patted by three people with a stream of black smoke, and his hands randomly pulled back the three people and stood up again.

Seeing the robot charging himself, Xiao Changge quickly turned over and dodge. The huge robot rushed to Xiao Changge's body and scratched half of Xiao Changge's coat, revealing his strong muscles.

Shang Waner and Aunt Lin stood behind Xiao Changge. The huge robot rushed over and the two of them rolled sideways. Xiao Changge got up and chased after the giant robot with their palms.

The giant robot turned around and began to chase Huo Jindong again, but Huo Jindong was very fast and ran towards the giant metal ball with the giant robot.

Xiao Changge chased the ability to simulate the fire system and burned a blazing flame in the palm of his hand, jumped up and patted the back of the giant robot.

No. 1 behind him took out a small bottle from his pocket and threw it on the head of the giant robot. The bottle hit the head of the giant robot and cracked, and the light blue ** flowed down the robot's head.

Xiao Changge slapped the back of the robot, turned over and moved a few steps to one side and was about to attack again. He found that the ** flowing from the head of the robot and the flames left by the place he hit burned instantly.

The robot made an electronic sound, and the robot stopped chasing Huo Jindong and turned to the door where it came out on the giant metal ball.

Xiao Changge saw that its pace became a little slow to escape. He chased and imitated the ability of the ice system and hit the robot's leg, but it had little impact on it, and the robot still ran slowly.

Huo Jindong also took out a small bottle and threw it on the robot, and the flame on the robot burned more fiercely. Everyone stared at the robot and slowly stopped, and black smoke kept screaming.