Super Happy Evolution

Chapter 77 Wang Shuo

" Stop, stop quickly!" Zhugelun rushed over and pushed away Aunt Lin on the ground.

"What are you looking at, go back to sleep!" Zhugelan stared at Huo Jindong fiercely and said to the crowd.

Xiao Changge was helped up by Xiao Lin and was still rubbing his back: "Ouch! My waist is about to break."

Seeing everyone go back to the room one after another, Zhuge Lun hugged Aunt Lin back to his room and didn't care about her. Aunt Lin is now injured and can't leave by herself.

At this time, the wind came from the distance, and Zhugelan turned his head and saw a person rising high on the mountain in the distance, falling this way from the sky. He jumped high from where he was and should have fallen in place, but the man stretched out his arm and put it diagonally on both sides of his body and glided like a bird.

Zhugelan secretly said that he was not good, and he hugged Aunt Lin and wanted to run down the mountain.

The people in the sky fell down next to the two people with a fast 'bang'. His feet fell to the ground and splashed a lot of dust.

Zhugelan looked over and said slowly, "Four Elders!"

The world's invincible (four elders) glanced at Aunt Lin a few times: "Who is this man?"

Zhe Gulen's eyes turned around and was about to open his mouth, but the invincible found his flustered eyes: "Do you want to lie to me?"

Zhuge Lun quickly said, "No, this person is my former sister. She came up the mountain to see me. She was mistaken for a female ghost by her disciple and was beaten. I was about to send her down the mountain."

The world is invincible and smiled and said, "Go up the mountain to see you?" Do you have any way?"

Zhugelan said anxiously, "Just come to see me. The road guide can be made up."

The world is invincible and laughed: "If there is no way to go up the mountain, it is to break through the mountain!" If there are no disciples to lift the ban, it will take some twists and turns for me to go up the mountain. You are a good student!"

The world's invincible looked at Aunt Lin again: "Take someone back with me." With that, he turned around and walked up the mountain.

Zhugelan turned his eyes behind, as if he wanted to take people to escape, but he finally went up the mountain behind the invincible.

The invincible took the two to his room, restrained them, and then took them to the front of the wall on one side and pounded them. The wall silently opened a secret door, and the world's invincible carried them in.

The next day, someone came to pick up Zhuge Lun's job. He was a young man. Xiao Changge recognized that this person should be a disciple of the inner door through the mark on his clothes.

The man wears a cyan robe, and the color is darker than the clothes of Xiao Changge and other outer disciples. Xiao Changge can confirm that he is an inner disciple, because there is an explanation in the pamphlet issued yesterday. There is a circular secret note on the man's chest, which can only be seen by running spiritual power in his eyes.

In fact, it is very simple to distinguish. The clothes they wear are darker, and they are all very arrogant. Even if they don't speak, they can feel arrogant from them.

The man called everyone to the open space and said, "My name is Luji, and I will represent the elders of the outer door in the future. I don't want to care about you. Don't bother me with anything. Don't come to me if you have nothing to do. By the way, the environment for my cultivation needs to be quiet. If anyone makes noise and disturbs me, then you can ask for more blessings!" After saying that, he went back to the room of the elder of the outer door.

left everyone looking at each other and soon dispersed.

Xiao Changge sat on a stone beside him and thought about what happened last night. He was curious about the relationship between Aunt Lin and Zhugelan. If Aunt Lin was also from this Qingluanmen, she should not be arrested. If not, then Zhugelan called her sister again. Was Zhugelen from another school before?

When there is no aura between heaven and earth, Qingluanmen has fallen outrageously. It is a conservative and ruley mountain village. Except for a few people with strong abilities, other people are ordinary people.

After the fog, there was aura between heaven and earth. Those who had already practiced and achieved something went up with rockets. After all, they all know the principles, skills and methods, and also have their own understandings and opinions, but there is no aura between heaven and earth, so they have made dozens of times the effort to practice, and there can only be a trace of progress. It is very powerful to cultivate for more than ten years to open up Tianmu.

After the new blue people changed the earth's environment, the biggest beneficiaries are these people who have inherited the previous cultivation sects. They all have the practice classics and experiences left by the aura of heaven and earth. Therefore, in a short time, these sects have almost recovered. Many people have achieved cultivation, so many sects are eager to The matter of receiving apprentices.

There are many residents who used to live in Xiaopuye Mountain in the outer gate, and the others are disciples who have been brought in later. Regardless of their talent, they will first inspect the outer gate for a period of time to sharpen their temper.

External disciples such as Xiao Changge will be adjusted to the inner door as long as they can practice spiritual power.

Originally, the residents who lived here knew each other, and they didn't know much about the ideas of the leaders and others. Even if they treated these newcomers with kindness, they were unconsciously a little xenophobic.

So these external disciples are roughly divided into two circles: original residents and new income disciples. Then each group has its own small circle.

Several people gathered together and pointed at Xiao Changge. Among them was a thick and strong man whose face was slightly red and his eyebrows were heavy.

One person next to him said, "They are the ones who came yesterday. I went to teach them." This man is also very strong, but he is a little worse than the strong men in the crowd.

The strong man in

nodded, and he walked over to Xiao Changge and others.

Xiao Changge was thinking about Aunt Lin's secret. A person came over there with a very strong body and beautiful eyebrows, but there was some evil spirit in his eyes, which seemed a little imperratic.

The man came over and stared at May and looked at Xiao Lin. When he got close, he looked at Xiao Changge: "You guys, are the head?"

Xiao Changge was interrupted by him and looked over and heard something that he didn't understand: "What's the head?"

The man pointed to a person in the crowd not far away: "See, that's our eldest brother Wang Shuo, the leader of the * city evolutionist. Who didn't know how powerful my brother was in * City before, but now he is lucky to enter the sect of practice together. How can you hang out with us? With our cover, it will be convenient to do anything in the future.

Xiao Changge was a little stunned by what he said. Is this asking me to go and recognize my eldest brother?

Xiao Changge has not studied hard since he was a child under the influence of his family. Although he has never been a big brother, he has never been a younger brother. He has always been his own way. He never cares about other people's affairs if he does not provoke him. Once several people were full enough to suppress him and improve their influence, but later they all eat It's slimping.

Xiao Changge shook his head and said with a smile, "You can do whatever you like. Let me fool around with you. I'm used to being comfortable and don't like to be constrained."

The man still wanted to argue and persuade, but Huo Jindong next to him pulled over: "Get out of here!"

The man was directly pulled out and fell to the ground and rolled out far away. Obviously, Huo Jindong gave him a lot of smoke.

The man stopped getting up and flowing blood along his mouth and returned to the group.

Wang Shuo was very unhappy to see that his little brother was beaten. After all, he was fooling around with himself. If he didn't give his little brother face, he would not give himself face and took everyone around.

As a former evolution, although he has lost his ability at that time, Wang Shuo is still very confident, because he is an evolutioner of the power system. No matter what kind of evolution, although he is incapacitated, his physical quality is much better than that of ordinary people. As a former power evolution, his physique is better, and he has also understood some things. Now he can vaguely feel the aura to make some use.

Because of my ability, I can stand firm and organize a small group among these foreign disciples of the outer gate of Qingluan Gate. Originally, I saw Xiao Changge and others get together, and it seemed to be very powerful, which made me want to make friends. After all, I will definitely enter the inner door in the future, and I will take a group of younger brothers who can't enter the inner door. What's the use? He is still more optimistic about several people. He won't admit that he is a little moved by those two girls.

Huo Jindong rushed directly when he saw them around without saying anything. Several people nearby were directly knocked to the ground by him. He did not stop attacking Wang Shuo.

The people brought by Wang Shuo gathered around and attacked the crowd, and Zhang Tiesha, May and Xiao Lin also rushed over to fight.

Xiao Changge didn't want to make trouble, but it was annoying to play with Huo Jindong. They just gathered around. Why didn't they talk and do it directly?

Older, Xiao Changge has learned to be civilized and negotiate. In fact, any problems are caused by misunderstandings. Everyone is heartfelt and it's over. Why do you want to do it? The proficiency of his negotiation skills is still very low. Just as he was about to brush his proficiency, the child started directly. This is a style that Xiao Changge didn't use for a few years ago.

Xiao Changge got up and fought randomly. Wang Shuo brought no one in this group except himself. After all, she was a girl if she lost her ability. Xiao Changge took care of her nearby for fear of her injury.

Zhang Tiesha's physical strength rose quickly after passing the medicine. Xiao Changge didn't have to care about him at all, and he would not admit that he was a man who thought so.

As for Huo Jindong and Xiao Lin, Xiao Changge is extremely relieved. In order to get freedom, they once helped the doctor complete many difficult tasks. Over the years, they have survived, and there is something wrong with them.

A group of people fighting is very lively. Xiao Changge hasn't felt this way for a long time, and it seems that his blood is also a little boiling.

Roji had just crossed his legs in the room and was about to run his spiritual power to continue to open up several meridians on his legs. At this time, there was a quarrel outside, crackling as if he were fighting.