Super Happy Evolution

Chapter 107 Out of the Mind

Several people walked into the fence and entered Fang Xiao's room. Xie Zizhou carried Fang Dongze back to his room and put it away. Fang Xiao arranged a room for several people to take care of Fang Dongze in a hurry.

It's depressing for Xiao Changge to lie in **. Is this time travel? Does the new blue man still have this kind of technology?

Xiao Changge put the small metal compass on the table after playing for a while.

Lying on ** is a little boring. Xiao Changge took out the metal card called One Thousand Years of his collar and pounded it. Now he is a little bored, so he plans to sleepwalk again. Haha, there are only four of them and Fang Xiao's family three nearby. I don't know who can be attached to this time.

Xiao Changge entered the internal force into the metal card. Now Xiao Changge's internal force is much thicker than before, and it is soon filled with the metal plate to touch the ability to touch the possession.

Xiao Changge's internal force is much deeper than before. This time, more internal force has been input into it, which is different from the last Shenyou. He didn't know if it was caused by his spiritual cultivation.

This time, Xiao Changge did not faint immediately, but felt that a strange energy came from the metal card and passed it into his body with the metal card.

That energy seems to have its own wisdom and transmits it to its own brain along the meridians in your hand.

Because last time it was the ability to input the internal force to touch the metal card, I was directly dizzy. This time, I don't know if my internal force and spiritual power have been cultivated to a certain extent, and I can feel the principle that the metal card makes people magically possessed. Xiao Changge unconsciously controlled the spiritual power of the anti-dragon claws to block it. After all, it was the energy shot into his brain, which was an instinctive defense.

The spiritual power of the anti-dragon claws is very domineering, and it successfully intercepts the trace of energy transmitted from the metal card in the chest.

That trace of energy seemed to have its own wisdom and began to detour to other meridians to invade Xiao Changge's brain.

However, the operation mode of the internal force is different from that of the spiritual power. The internal force is limited by the meridians, and the spiritual power can move freely in the body, so the spiritual power controlled by Xiao Changge is very favorable, because it does not have to run in the meridians like that energy, so it intercepts the energy again.

Xiao Changge guessed that the energy seemed to be a strange internal force, otherwise it would not follow the principle of internal force operating in the human body.

After several blocks, the energy seemed to be very angry and directly impacted the spiritual power controlled by Xiao Changge, but this time it broke through.

Xiao Changge failed to block, and the energy broke through Xiao Changge's spiritual resistance and successfully invaded Xiao Changge's brain.

Xiao Changge noticed that the energy penetrated directly into the pineal body in his brain and turned into fog-like energy, which was directly absorbed by his body.

People who have practice knowledge know the role of the pineal body. Generally, the credit for the success of the opening of the sky is the result of the successful cultivation of the pineal body. Xiao Changge had also tried to practice internal forces before, but after opening the sky, he knew that it was the use of internal forces in his eyes.

However, the strange feeling after practicing the pineal body is also very enjoyable. Xiao Changge has also practiced for a period of time, trying to find out whether it can really develop the hidden ability of the human body, but failed.

This time, the energy was hindered from reopening and dissipating in the pineal body. Xiao Changge only felt a burst of numbness in the pineal body in his brain, which transmitted another kind of mutated energy, impacted in his brain, and these energies wandered in his body and the heart. The blood flow formed a cycle, and the internal force in his middle house began to gradually **, following the meridians into the brain.

Under the impact of internal force, Xiao Changge felt that the blood in his body rapidly decreased and turned into internal force. After that, he constantly impacted the brain area, and the whole brain began to feel pain and numb, and his mind was gradually lost.

Xiao Changge's spiritual power, which can be controlled in his body, began to constantly repair the damaged heart. The meridians and blood vessels in his brain seem to be completely out of control and no longer guided by Xiao Changge.

With the strengthening of the feeling of crispness, Xiao Changge felt that an energy rushed towards his Baihui acupoint, and there was a huge roar in his ears. Baihui acupoint began to have a feeling of crispness and bulging, and the blood of his whole body seemed to flow there, forming a big cycle.

This is the phenomenon of using previously unused organs. Many of the organs on the human body are unused and have been idle until the blood flows through. After a long time of warmth, the divine mind can transmit some mastery to control the past.

Just like most people's ears can't move, but a small number of people's ears can control their activities.

Most of the people who can control their ears are born to control their own ear movements from an early age, so they don't feel strange. They feel strange when they know that other people's ears can't move.

There are also some people's ear movements that are cultivated by themselves the day after tomorrow. In fact, it is very simple. As long as you understand the principle, you can use this human ability in about two days.

Most of these people are practitioners. They pay attention to the study of life because they are curious about the mysteries of the human body, and this is also an introduction to internal cultivation.

Xiao Changge also tried to warm up Baihui before and had a similar feeling, but at that time, because the internal force was not deep enough, the feeling was not as strong as it was at this moment. It seemed that there was an energy to break through Baihui acupuncture points from his brain.

Xiao Changge's physical state quickly transformed into a real state. After that, he only felt a roar that his body was out of control. He was shrinking rapidly and detached from his body, and his mind rushed through Baihui acupuncture points.

When Xiao Changge understood, he found that he had completed a process of detachment at a high speed.

He has only learned this kind of knowledge before, but he has never had this kind of experience of separation of mind, because his internal strength has not been enough and the internal force is not strong enough to meet the requirements of the separation of the mind.

Now Xiao Changge's mind suddenly panicked. He remembered that if his internal force did not meet the requirements and forced his mind to leave the body with the help of others, if no one helped maintain his body's vitality, his body would quickly lose vitality and rot.

Because this is the ability of internal force to practice to an extreme extent can only be used. If the internal force cannot reach the internal circulation of incompetence, the body will lose vitality and die after the mind is out of the body. This is also the reason why many practitioners can successfully sit down in the past. As long as the mind can leave the body and leave the body and rush out regardless of the mind, the body cannot automatically maintain vitality if it does not meet the standard.

Knowing God has become a vegetable at most. If it weren't for all the separation of gods, people would only become demented and godless.

Xiao Changge could sense that he not only knew the separation of the god, but also the separation of the god at the same time. He didn't know whether his body would immediately lose its vitality without the support of the yuan god. Xiao Changge looked down worriedly.

At this time, Xiao Changge noticed that he was a little man with a slightly white light, floating in the air in the room.

The body lying under ** quickly turned gray, like the rapid transformation of vitality of a dead body.

I'm going to suffer, now I'm out of it,

Xiao Changge is worried that it is also very important for the human body to be an overall body. The profound practitioners also pay attention to physical cultivation and finally sanctify the physical body, because even if the yuan god is successful in cultivation, it cannot be separated from the energy support of the body. Otherwise, a single yuan god will not survive for too long without energy support.

It's like a person who hangs up, but this person's mental ability is very strong, and the spirit can still exist in a state of physical death for a period of time, but eventually it will also hang up because there is no source of energy support.

Xiao Changge is only a certain achievement of the cultivation of the yuan god. In fact, he has not reached the stage of the separation of the yuan god, but he was forced to leave the body by this dream for thousands of years.

Xiao Changge felt that his genital energy had not escaped, and he was not affected by the light.

Knowing God is also called Yin God. Knowing God can't stand the sun and is injured. This is also the reason why most people who practice Yin God only dare to travel at night.

Although Xiao Changge is now separated from the yuan god, he knows that the energy of the yuan god is still very weak. It is unreasonable not to disperse at this time.

Xiao Changge was anxious about what he would do in the future if his body hung up. At this time, he found that the face of the body lying below gradually returned to ruddy. His body sat up slowly with his eyes closed. Xiao Changge felt that his body was strange and seemed to smile in the direction he was now.

The lower body sat slowly cross-legged, raised his hands and put a French style on his knees, and practiced by himself.

Because Xiao Changge is a yuan god, he is very ** to energy. He senses that his body is actually an internal spiritual force and forcibly extracts spiritual power from the surrounding air.

I have tried to find the existence of aura in this world before, but now my body has automatically forcibly extracted the aura from the air and objects. The spiritual power in my body has reached a very fast speed, and the aura that was forcibly extracted around me was absorbed by my body below in an instant. Go.

Moreover, Xiao Changge found that his body was transforming the absorbed aura into internal force through a trace of his body, and then reversed into blood to supply blood to the whole body, and the heart that had just stopped beating also jumped again.

The internal force and aura in the body are changing rapidly, which makes Xiao Changge very puzzled by what he doesn't know. After his yuan spirit leaves the body, it seems that the body does better by itself.

Xiao Changge doubted whether he had left a yin god in his body, and now the yin god is controlling his body. Shit, I won't come out for a walk and my body will be occupied by the yin god. If my body is occupied by the yin god, I still can't go back, then my body will become a corpse, a frightening existence.