Super Dao Ding

Chapter 297 The Extinction

Somewhere in the northeast of the Jinba Empire, this is a vast mountain range. Although it is different from the ancient mountains, it also gives people a sense of shock.

Ancient trees with towering branches cover the sky and the sun.

Under an ancient tree, there is a several-foot-square hole, which is covered by branches and leaves and can't see through the inside. The momentum from the ancient tree was throbbing, and the monsters within dozens of miles fled far away, as if there was some terrible existence in the ancient tree.

In the mouth of the cave, two figures are old men, with gray heads, dead and evil faces, and ugly faces. The two were carefully looking at a soul-like mass of light in front of them. A figure in the light group is closing his eyes slightly, sitting cross-legged, practicing some kind of skill.

The terrible momentum emanates from this mass of light.

"Brother, how's the second brother?" The old man's folded face on the right side of the light ball was full of cold colors, but his eyes flashed with a worried light.

The old man on the left side of Guangtuan shook his head, with a bitter smile on the corners of his mouth, and said, "Half of his life has gone. Although the soul has survived, he can only live like this, which is greatly damaged."


The old man on the right stamped his feet violently, shaking the world.

"Ghost, be careful. The second brother is recovering, which disturbs him. Be careful that I'm not polite. The old man on the left glanced at the soul body, and his heart was settled. He suddenly turned his head, his eyes were cold, and he preached to the old man.

The ghost looked ashamed, laughed several times, and said bitterly, " boss, it's really ironic that we three ghosts have come to such a field."

Ghost Tian glanced at the ghost man lightly, and then did not look again, but turned his attention to the ghost land, but secretly said, "Humph! The three of us were forced to this extent, and the second brother destroyed his body. How can such a big hatred be exposed like this? We will make him regret..."

Regret? How to regret? Two of our five supreme powers died and one was disabled. He is still just a second-grade blue king. We..." The ghost's face was full of bitterness.

The ghost sky was silent for a moment, and a vicious light flashed in his eyes and said, "Invincible head-on! Then we will come to the shade..."

The ghost's eyes lit up.

Yes, if it doesn't work, it will be cloudy.

As the two supreme powers, what will happen if they come? It's exciting to think about it. The boss is the boss. No wonder he can be the boss, but I can only be the third brother, with such a mind...


The ghost's whole body emitted a terrible momentum. The ghost and the ghost man were overjoyed and hurriedly stimulated the dead and yin qi on their bodies.

A trace of death and yin gas are wrapped around the ghost land.

With the entanglement of death and yin, the soul body of the ghost land became more and more brilliant. In a moment, the originally illusory soul body actually stared at a lot.


The interior of the ancient tree is full of cold murderous intent.

The soul of the ghostland opened its eyes, and there was a strong resentment in its red eyes, which flashed away.

"Second brother, are you better?" The ghost asked in surprise.

The ghost's whole body was gray. He stood up and nodded, "After sacrificing the body, the soul realm was finally preserved. But it also lost most of its combat effectiveness and can only give full play to the original 30%.

Gui Tian frowned, immediately relaxed and said, "Thirty is already very good. At least the practitioners of the virtual realm are not your opponent, and this result has exceeded my expectations.

The supreme strong man is the peak of the mainland.

Although the virtual realm and the supreme realm can be called supreme, only the strong who truly reach the supreme realm will understand how huge the gap between the two is.

The ghost's body is destroyed and its strength is greatly reduced, but it is not something that practitioners of the virtual realm can resist.

"What should we do now?" The ghost asked in a low voice.

The eyes of ghosts and ghosts gathered on the ghost sky. Ghost heaven is the backbone of the two, and all decisions are made by the ghost world.

After meditating for a moment, he said coldly, "Go to the Emperor Jizong."

"Huangji Sect?"

" boss, what are you doing in Huangjizong?"

Ghosts and ghosts contempt each other and don't understand the idea of ghosts.

"Hmm! Yutian Holy Land, affiliated to Huangjizong, has fought with the Ghost Kingzong for so many years, and there is no winner. And Dingyang and Huangjizong have a good relationship. This time, the second brother was injured, and Huangjizong also made some efforts. Although he is not the protagonist, he deserves to die!" The ghost said viciously.

The ghost and the ghost nodded slowly and agreed with the idea of the ghost heaven.

"Moreover, Dingyang should not be in Huangjizong now. As long as we don't meet him, where can we go to the Jinba Empire? Destroying Huangjizong is just a little lesson from us to Dingyang.

"Good! Let's go!" The ghost man's whole body exuded a blood-eating momentum and said coldly.


In the Yangfang Garden of the Imperial Palace.

It's very lively here.

The emperor and the prince of Jin drank with a mysterious figure, which is no longer a new thing in the palace.

"Who do you think lives in Yangfang Garden?" At the gate of the palace, two guards stood in the corner and muttered.

"Hey, you don't know that, do you? Of course, not many people know this news. I still know it through my eldest brother's friend's friend's sister-in-law's friend's daughter, who destroyed the ghost Wangzong..."

The companion trembling, and the cold sweat on his forehead came out.

The companion who revealed the news seemed to enjoy his companion's reaction. When he got the news, his reaction was not much better than his companion.

Ghost Wangzong?

That is a superpower of the Jin Empire. Although it is low-key, its deterrent power is not small. The guard's heart trembling at the thought of such a figure living in the palace.

tu tu!

At this time, on the street in front of the palace, a repairman rode a tall horse and rushed to the gate of the palace.

The two guards suddenly changed their faces. They hurriedly picked up their weapons, stood at the door of the palace, and shouted coldly, "Who is coming?" Hurry up!"

The practitioners on the horse seemed to know the rules here very well, but they did not disemble, but said anxiously, "I am the practitioners of the guardian family. I came here to meet the emperor in an emergency!"

With that, he took out a token from his arms and threw it to the guard.

The guard's face changed and he hurriedly got out of the road and never mentioned getting off the horse again.

When the rider was far away, the two muttered.

"Under normal circumstances, won't the guardians expose themselves? Is there anything else in the empire?"

"I don't know!"

"No! I have to say hello to the boss. During this period, I always have a bad feeling that I should strengthen my precautions.

"Hmm! Let's go!"

Not long after the horseman entered the palace, a news came out that stunned countless people in the Jin Empire...

Super forces, Huangjizong was slaughtered, and none of them survived...

Huangjizong, one of the superpowers of the Jin Hegemony Empire, has been in the Jinba Empire for thousands of years and has been respected by thousands of people. Countless teenagers are proud of being able to enter the Huangji Sect, hoping to take the Huangji Sect as a springboard and shine on the warlike continent.


Huangjizong was strangely destroyed in this way, leaving no clue.

In the Jin hegemony empire, the sound of inhaling cold air and the tone of regret sounded from time to time. The empire of Jin was in chaos.

First, the Ghost King Sect was destroyed, and then the Huangji Sect came into the footsteps.

The impact of all this brought to the civilians of the Jin Hegemony Empire is undoubtedly huge.

From winter to spring, the originally warm weather has added a little cold.

In the palace, in Yangfang Garden.

Dingyang and the emperor of the Jin Empire and the Prince of Jin had a gloomy face, as if they were thinking about something. The atmosphere was extremely solemn and depressing.

Emperor Jin Xiuwen retreated left and right, silently glanced at Dingyang and Prince Jin, with a strong worry and puzzle in his eyes.

He hesitated for a moment, and the emperor's voice was a little hoarse, and he said slowly, "The Emperor Jizong was destroyed, and there is no clue."

Dingyang sighed and said, "Huangjizong is one of the three superpowers, and it is so easy to be destroyed. It seems that the strength of the comer is very strong."

Prince Jin nodded slightly, and his originally kind face was full of fatigue at this time and echoed, "Yes! I don't know whether this force is an enemy or a friend to my royal family. And, most importantly, what will Yutian Holy Land think of this matter?

The intention of Yutian Holy Land is to unify all the forces of the Jin Hegemony Empire, but unfortunately there is Dingyang in it, so Fenglin and others are not easy to let go of.

Although Huangjizong has a heart, he does not have that strength.

Now, the Huangjizong was abruptly destroyed, and the royal family was suddenly in a passive situation, and I don't know how the Yutian Holy Land would view this matter.

Perhaps, Yutian Holy Land will take advantage of this incident to attack the royal family.

This is what Prince Jin is worried about.

Emperor Jin Xiuwen and Jin Prince Jin Xiuwu looked at each other with a wry smile and slowly gathered their eyes on Dingyang, and their eyes were full of prayer.