Super waste

[17. Journey to the future]

Corinne immersed her whole body in water and silently felt the warmth and tolerance of warm water. Then she closed her eyes and let out a comfortable whisper.

Her hands gently stroked her skin, and her skin was smoother than before, which made Corinna very satisfied with her body, at least she was beautiful.

Corinne knew that it was because of the special constitution of witch royal women.

This unique physique of the witch will not only permanently keep Corinne's body young, but also continue to make her pores more delicate and smoother, without the rough thick cocoon of her feet. Now her skin can be said to be the most perfect skin that women all over the world envy.

And Corinna also knows that this will be eternal.

Sometimes she can't help thinking that if she is really as young as she is now, it may be a bad thing.


"When will I have a true love that belongs to me?" Corinne thought quietly in her heart.

Corinna, who is 20 years old, is still a little girl. At the age of longing for love, she will naturally long for her guardian knight to appear. However, due to the thousand-year-old rule of the witch royal princess, will she still get true love?

"Will I get married like this when I go back this time? Marry a man you don't love?" Corinne said to herself.

Corina shuddered at the thought of that.


The door of the bathroom was pushed open.

Corinna was shocked and turned her head to look at the door and saw Ian coming in.

The woman could have made Corinne scream involuntarily, shrinking into the bath in a panic, with only one head exposed outside. While screaming, Corinna also shouted, "What are you doing in here!"

Ian frowned, and Colina's scream made Ian a little strange. Then he took off his clothes and casually answered, "Take a shower."

" I'm still inside. Get out quickly!" Corinne is shy and angry. Didn't he have eyes? Don't you see that you are taking a shower? Unexpectedly, there was no reaction at all, and he deserved to be so righteous.

"I know, why did you let me out?" For some "unreasonable" requirements, even Colina, Ian will not pay attention to it. He sees Corinne taking a shower, but he also wants to take a shower. Why let him go out?

Ian thought about it inexplicably and continued to take off his clothes with both hands.

"I... I... I'm a girl. How can you be a big man..." Corinne was so ashamed that she couldn't even speak fluently.

"Why can't men take a shower here?" Ian looked up at Corinne and answered seriously.

Corinne's heart suddenly felt powerless. For this nerd who didn't know anything about the world, Corinne was simply powerless.

The last dress also broke away from Ian's body, revealing his strong and perfect muscles. The edges and corners are clear, and each line is like a knife, as if it were carved into marble, full of power and beauty everywhere. ** huge male symbols are clearly visible.


Corinne screamed loudly and covered her eyes with her hands, but before that, her eyes inevitably looked at Ian**'s body.

The male charming body made her confused, and the huge male logo made her panic. Although Corinne is an inhumane little girl, her rich and luxurious royal life experience still gave her enough experience to judge that the body in front of her is a perfect male body. .

"This is not a man, so what is a man?"

Corinne can't wait for a crack under the bath that allows her to get in. If Corinne is convenient now, Corinne will not hesitate to beat the guy in front of her.

"Get out! Get out quickly!" Corinne is about to cry. Feeling the huge shame gradually spread to her whole body.

"Why?" Ian asked puzzledly, and then directly ignored her unreasonable request and walked to the bath.

Corinna, who was blindfolded, felt Ian's approach and suddenly screamed again: "Don't come over... Don't come over!" While screaming, he moved to the other side of the bath, as if someone was doing something wrong with her.

In fact, she now wants to leave this place that makes her ashamed to death, but it takes some distance to leave the bath to run out of the bathroom. At the thought that this would expose her innocent body to a man's eyes, Corinne can't hold up this courage.

Let's talk about it again. There is also an old Jack outside. And Kate and others, how dare Corinne run out like this?

The bath is very large and can accommodate more than a dozen people at the same time. Corinne retreats to the other side. As long as Ian doesn't follow her, she won't touch her.

Of course, Ian didn't come in to touch her. He jumped into the bath, and Ian rubbed herself.

Ian is not familiar with the strange behavior of bathing.

In the same way, he will not have the concept of men and women being different.

Ian rubbed his body hard. Although he didn't know how to take a shower, he still knew how to clean himself.

rubbed very hard and almost rubbed off a layer of skin, but he still felt a little greasy.

Corinne covered her eyes and curled up into a ball. At this moment, she seemed to feel her heart beating violently.

"Why is this so?"

Corinne's brain is as chaotic as a paste and completely at a loss. She has never encountered such a situation. At this moment, she is "bathing" with a naked man, which is really ambiguous!

The shocking glance before closing her eyes, although it was short, she had a panoramic view of Ian's masculine body. After closing her eyes, the shy picture became clearer and clearer. Corinen felt that her mouth was a little dry, and her ears seemed to roar her violent heartbeat, although she no longer had a heartbeat. But how can she care so much at this moment?

"What should I do? Get out of here? No, you will be seen by him! Will he come? What if he comes over..." Corinne thought wildly, and the more she thought about it, the more flustered she became.

Corinne is thinking nonsense, while Ian on the other side is worried about how to wash her body.

Ian has no experience in bathing, so he doesn't bring a towel. It is difficult to wash the oil stains on his body by relying on his hands alone. When people take a bath, he usually cleans with soap glue made from the secretion of a soap tree. He doesn't have it either. Naturally, he can't rub it cleanly. Coupled with the structure of the bones, he can't build his back.

For a long time, I didn't feel that Ian had any signs of approaching her. Corinne's panicked heart finally calmed down. The pattering sound not far away kept seducing her curiosity. Corinne finally couldn't help secretly opening a crack in her eyes. The situation she saw made her complazzle and lose her voice. Laugh out.

At this moment, Ian is desperately bending his hands back. Because of excessive force, he pulled the muscles of his face, causing him to crack his teeth and mouth. How funny it looks.

Hearing Corinne's laughter, Ian turned his head to look at her.

Corinne also immediately sensed the embarrassing situation at this time, and suddenly felt her face and neck as hot as fire. She shamefully buried her face deep in her hands, and her whole body slowly drilled into the water.

Ian looked at Corinne's twisted and blurred figure in the water with a puzzled look in his eyes. Of course, he would not understand the "strange" psychology of women, so he couldn't figure out why Corinne had so many "strange" actions.

I can't figure it out after thinking about it, and Ian is too lazy to think about it again. He continues to concentrate on fighting against the dirt on his body.

The warm water gradually dispelled Corinne's hot shame. For a long time, Corinne couldn't stand the curiosity again and secretly opened a crack and looked at Ian through the pool.

Looking at Ian's clumsy movements, Corinna's nervousness slowly calmed down.

Sure enough, he just came in to take a shower, and a trace of enlightenment suddenly rose in Corinna's heart.

With this understanding, Corinna naturally remembered Ian's emotional intelligence, a piece of white paper. I'm afraid that now she doesn't even know how men and women are separated. Naturally, there won't be any bad intentions for her...

Thinking of this, Corinne was greatly relieved, and her heart was relieved and faintly lost.

Ian still tried his best to wash his body, but it didn't have much effect. A layer of oil stains still stubbornly attached to him. He remembers that he has often bathed since he was conscious, but these oils still can't be washed off. These grease have accumulated for a long time, which is very considerable.

I don't know when Corinne has come out of the water, showing half of her head and looking at Ian with half-open eyes. Seeing his clumsy appearance, Corinna has an impulse to laugh...

Finally, she couldn't stand it anymore. Corinne picked up her soap and handed it to him.

"With this..." Her voice was as low as a mosquito.

However, Ian's sensitive ear power still heard it clearly and looked up at Corina. When he saw Corinne's white jade-like arm with soap, he suddenly felt an unprecedented impulse - the impulse to touch it.

There was an impulse in his heart, and he immediately took action and stretched out his hand to quickly touch Corina's arm.

"Ah!" Corinne screamed again, and her hand shrank back like an electric shock, curled up tightly, looked at Ian in panic, and screamed, "What are you doing!" Looking for death! You are now defiled by the princess of the witch clan! Any warrior of the witch can split your head!"

Corinna threatened Ian loudly, and the soap glue fell into the water and splashed a small splash.

Ian stood in the water, recalling the feeling when he touched Corinna. Then he touched his hand and finally came to a conclusion: "Yours is still slippery."

Corinna had a feeling of crying and laughing, which scared her a lot. It turned out that she just wanted to compare whose skin was smoother, which was really unbearable.

Ian got into the water, picked up the soap glue, held it in his hand and looked at it. He didn't know how to use it.

"Paint it on your body." Seeing Ian like this, Corinne couldn't help hinting.

"Oh." Ian answered, picked up the soap and rubbed it hard on her body.

I wiped all the places within the reach of my hands, but my back still couldn't be constructed, and my hands were about to break...

Ian suddenly turned his back to Corinne, turned his head and said to her, "Come on."

Corinne only felt that her face burned like fire, and there was an impulse to escape from this place desperately. She knew that Ian was unintentional. This nerd had no concept of men and women in his heart. She asked Corinne to wipe his back, just like Corinna asked Kate to help fight, which had no special meaning.

However, even if her experience is rich, Corinne is a little girl who is in love. How can she do such a shameful thing?

"Hurry up." Ian urged.

Corinne lowered her head, tremblingly walked behind Ian, took the soap glue, and dared not look at Ian's body, and only erased Ian's back with a rough impression.

The skin touched each other, and Corinne's heart was about to jump out. This was the first time she touched the young body of the opposite sex. The powerful feeling under the strong muscles touched Corinne's heart.

"My great ancestor!" Corinna didn't dare to raise her head in shame: "Is it because my vow has not been fulfilled and there will be retribution so soon?"

Corinna still remembers her own vows in the temple.

"Is it... Do I, Corinna, really want to dedicate my first time to this nerd? Corinne's heart had already started to beat, blushing and bowing her head in the bathtub.

A whole piece of soap glue was wasted, making the whole bath full of bubbles. Ian finally washed it and didn't wipe his body. He got wet and put on his clothes and left the bathroom.

Corina collapsed in the bath, with a shy face and a complicated look at Ian's departure back...

The moon shines on Corinne, who is blowing on the deck, and Corinne is still dazed by what happened in the bathroom.

Corinna looked up at the starry sky in a daze. It was so beautiful. Corinne thought.

"Does the oath made in front of the ancestors really come true?" Corinne thought foolishly that all this was done by herself. She first made a vow, then selectively forgot, and then the retribution happened again.

Corinne couldn't help sighing, but her thoughts have drifted far away...

"You little idiot... Was it specially sent by the ancestors? Corinne thought. Before leaving the ethnic area, Corinna specially asked the occupiers in the clan to gossip, and the result was great luck. Now that the temple has exploded, and the treasures have also been destroyed by the big explosion. Thinking of the future crisis in the clan, Corinna can't help but fall into deep self-blame and worry. Even Kate sneaked behind Corinne, but Corinne didn't even notice.

"Your Highness." Kate suddenly made a sound and pulled back Corinne's thoughts. She seemed to be shocked by Kate, paused, and then asked, "What's the matter?"

Kate took out a letter from her arms, bent down deeply, handed it to Corinne, and whispered, "Go back to the princess. His Royal Highness the little prince wrote a letter.

"Is it finally here?" Corinne's expression suddenly relaxed, and she quickly opened the letter and read it carefully.

Kate stood quietly behind Corinne without moving a step.

After a long time, Corinna slowly put down her raised hand and closed her eyes for a while. When she opened it again, she was extremely resolute!

"Kate!" Corinne whispered, "Go and tell them that we will leave early tomorrow morning."

"Yes." Kate firmly obeyed Corinne's orders.

Corinna took a deep breath: "Brother wrote." He turned to Kate and said slowly, "Brother wants us. Go to the sea."

Corinne pointed to the calm sea under the moonlight and said firmly and slowly, "Go to the sea and compete for the land that belongs to our own family!" The nine races have begun to move, and their goal is the sea!"

"And we!" Corinne clenched her fists, "We witches must not stare at this sea, this blue territory, and the endless resources buried under this blue sea, all fall into the hands of the nine clans, so as to accumulate enough strength to become the hegemon of the world!"

Kate took a deep breath. He hasn't had such a blood boil for a long time. His Royal Highness is right. We witches really can't continue to follow the ancestral system and stick to the rules. Kate whispered.

Suddenly, Kate knelt on one knee, gave a solemn salute to Corinne and said solemnly, "I, Kate, would like to cross the wilderness for the future of the witch clan!" He died in a foreign country! May I follow the princess, the little prince, and create a hegemony for the witch all my life!"

"Tomorrow... Take him... Take it with you, too." Corinne suddenly said in a low voice. She looked up at the starry sky and felt that the stars in the sky were so bright at this moment.

"Yes." Kate smiled, "He will be a good assassin, for sure."

The sea breeze with a little fishy smell blew slowly, but Corinne's mood at this moment could not calm down for a long time. That thought also drifted farther and farther with the sea breeze...

At this time, Ian was lying **, staring at his **. Ian pressed the slightly thick little brother with his hand, and he was extremely puzzled. Since he saw Corin's white body in the bathroom, this strange change began to occur here...

However, Corinna was panicked and stayed in the water most of the time, so she was not found.

Ian didn't know why this change happened, but it didn't seem to have any impact on his body, so Ian chose a posture that made him comfortable, closed his eyes quietly, and soon fell asleep.