Super Energy Power

Chapter 116 Visiting Group

In June, more than 80 graduates signed contracts with Dahua Laboratory one after another. Almost all of them chose private enterprises. The salary of 300 yuan is really not worth mentioning compared with the salary of 70 yuan.

From the end of the 1980s to the early 1990s, it was also the most carefree time for white-collar workers. They took at least four or five times the salary of ordinary civil servants, and most of them were in large coastal cities, so they did not take the establishment into account. In fact, it will be the same in later generations, but the market has been messed up by white-collar workers.

At the same time, three oil production commissioned research and development contracts were signed, indicating the responsibilities and interests of Dahua Laboratory and the three oil production institute in the written document. It shows that Dahua Laboratory has all the patents, and the three oil extraction offices can use these patents for free.

After finishing these, Lin Yonggui and others, under the leadership of Su Cheng, visited the oil production institute three times from beginning to end.

In addition to the leaders of the research institute, there is also Deputy Secretary Zhu, who is in charge of technology.

They all urgently felt the importance of the three oil productions, and naturally wanted to see how Sucheng achieved after taking charge of the three oil productions.

When I walked into the compound of the oil production institute three times, I saw another two-story building inside. The outer wall was painted blue and white, and it gradually changed from the bottom to the top, which was extremely beautiful.

Su Cheng introduced: "This is the Dahua building donated by our Dahua Laboratory three times to the oil production institute. By next year, there will be larger buildings to be built."

Behind the three oil harvesting stations is an old orchard, with apple trees that do not grow apples and pear trees that do not grow oranges... Now only a row is left next to the road, and all the rest are dug out and building on the flat ground.

Lin Yonggui took a look at Su Cheng with great interest, and walked into the two-story building of the oil production center first.

Each material is a group of two or two researchers working, and the schedule can be seen from the wall.

Deputy Secretary Zhu looked through it curiously and saw that it said, "February 3, 1988, complete the axial test... and apply for a patent."

The whole page is full of detailed records of participants and devices of the axial test, but there is no specific test content.

Deputy Secretary Zhu asked curiously, "What's wrong with this patent application?"

"Three times of oil production is a series of patents. It doesn't mean that the patent is finally completed before applying for a patent. In that case, other countries will have been one step ahead. So we are applying for a patent while completing the work.

"Have you applied to Dahua?" Deputy Secretary Zhu seemed to care about it.

"Dahua Laboratory." Dahua Laboratory is another independent entity, with only one legal person in Suchong, with a registered capital of 3 million. As a pure research company, investment and output will be settled independently. For example, Dahua Industrial and Jinan Power Factory will use patents, and will also carry out the process of bargaining and payment. After all, there are still 49% of the oilfield shares in Dahua Industry, which can be done now. In the future, if there will be professional managers, they will naturally go their Son.

Deputy Secretary Zhu said "Oh" gently and asked, "So, how is the creation of the employees of the three oil production institute reflected?"

Su Cheng looked at Lin Yonggui and saw him smiling, and knew that Deputy Secretary Zhu was the representative of the opponents of the oilfield.

So, Su Cheng raised his eyelids and said, "In order to do this axial test, we bought and used a total of 1.6 million yuan worth of equipment, paid 7,000 yuan for overtime, and about 100,000 yuan for materials. It costs 1,000 US dollars to apply for a patent. In order to update the fastest text of this axis // book fan building no pop-up window no advertisement // we spent $70,000 to apply for all the affiliated patents of the test. If the oil field is willing to pay and pay interest during this period, I can transfer it to the oil field. Deputy Secretary Zhu, what do you think?

"How can there be so many!"

"Sun Lixian, take out the experimental records."

Su Cheng shouted, and Sun Lixian immediately took out a instant noodle box from under the table, which was full of bound experimental records.

Ses of the graduates spread out the record of the experiment on the desktop, and someone crowded there to watch it.

Only the records of the purchase of each instrument, as well as the usage and records, as well as the payment of overtime and overtime pay, are listed.

Su Cheng shrugged his shoulders and said, "If you work normally for 8 hours, you will naturally save overtime pay. However, this technology is not expected to come out until next year. At that time, we don't have to apply for any patents. They have already applied for it in Japan."

Facing Lin Yonggui, he arched his hand and said with a smile, "Secretary Lin is extraordinary. We have completed the experiment ahead of Japan this time, which has filled the domestic gap and reached the world's leading level."

Deputy Secretary Zhu blushed and looked at a random one and said, "Where is your newly purchased tool microscope?"

"Oh, here." Su Cheng took everyone to the adjacent room and said, "There are four microscopes in the row here, all of which are cutting-edge products in the world. This is our newly purchased tool microscope."

In addition to the appearance of the microscope, the tool microscope also has a box-sized external operation panel listed next to it. From the perspective of the 1980s, it is still quite high-tech. Except for people like Su Cheng who have used it before, others have money and can't even think of buying it.

Su Cheng stood next to the microscope and introduced: "The tool microscope is mainly used for measurement. The difference from the general microscope is that it has a very high operating accuracy on the workbench. It is equipped with several special eyepieces, which can measure plane or three-dimensional data. The latter is particularly powerful."

Lin Yonggui used the microscope with great interest and said with a smile, "This device is very similar to the instrument I saw in the hospital in Shanghai. How much does it cost?"

"200,000." Su Cheng smiled slightly.

"200,000 yuan?"

"Yes. Its lens is relatively expensive. Several of them are bought from abroad, but it has a wide range of uses. In addition to ordinary length and angle measurement, it can also do contour measurement and polar coordinate measurement, which can check the shape of various apertures, threads and gears. We are working on trial production of three oil production equipment, which is a high demand.

Lin Yonggui turned his head and asked Deputy Secretary Zhu with a smile, "Can we pay this money from the oil field?"

Deputy Secretary Zhu is in charge of technology. It's amazing to be able to approve 1,000 yuan in his hand. Lin Yonggui himself didn't say that he would approve the money, but asked him. Naturally, it was a run.

After a moment of hesitation, Deputy Secretary Zhu said helplessly, "Our budget has been approved a year ago, and there is no such fund."

"In this way, there is no harm to us to give up the patent."

"Of course there is nothing." Deputy Secretary Zhu's words also became smooth.

Lin Yonggui smiled and turned around and asked Su Cheng, "What is the total amount of your investment in the three oil production technology this time?"

"12 million yuan, now the prototype is coming out."

"12 million?" Even Lin Yonggui, who was expected, was shocked and asked, "How much did we allocate for the three oil productions?"

Someone soon answered: "170,000 a year."

"Dozens of times the investment. Lao Zhu, the technical cooperation between our oilfield and private enterprises not only accelerates the technological innovation of the oilfield, but also reduces the investment in the oilfield. In terms of cost, there is almost no increase. In this way, we should promote it... What do you think?

"Secretary Lin is right. This new model is very important for improving the competitiveness of oil fields." Deputy Secretary Zhu's answer was very official.

The words of the two people were immediately recorded by the accompanying staff. After going back, these words will be sent under the file after some modification and deletion.

Deputy Secretary Zhu is in charge of technology. Naturally, he hopes that the technology will remain in his own hands, but he also knows that there is not such a large amount of money in the oilfield. He sighed secretly and said, "Factory Director Su really cost 12 million yuan, and he can't even take out the oil field!"

"After this experiment, the instrument will eventually be used. Of course, some experimental materials cannot be recovered. This can only be found when selling it to other oilfield polymer drive equipment." Su Cheng smiled and said, "We have reached an agreement with Shengli Oilfield, and the results of the three oil production technologies will be provided to Shengli Oilfield free of charge. In this case, the investment of 12 million has to be recovered from somewhere else.

"How much is Dahua's equipment going to be sold?"

"The cost of our equipment is estimated to be between 60,000 and 80,000. Let's sell it for 500,000." Su Cheng has made a plan for a long time.

The profit of 6 to 7 times made both secretaries wide open their eyes, and Deputy Secretary Zhu suddenly felt a little more comfortable.

Thinking that he could spend less than 100,000 yuan, he could buy equipment from other oil fields at a cost of 500,000 yuan. He smiled and said, "It's not easy to fool the short camels in Daqing. 500,000 yuan. Are they willing to buy it?"

"They buy 100 pieces of equipment, that is, 50 million yuan. I estimate that they can produce an extra 1 million tons of crude oil a year, which is at least a profit of 100 million yuan. In the future, there will be so many more every year... It's appropriate." Su Cheng stopped for a moment and said in a joking tone, "If they want to develop it by themselves, I estimate that they will succeed in three years. At that time, our second generation of equipment will be developed."

"When you say so, it really feels like it's better to buy..."

"The meat is rotten in the pot." Su Cheng kept smiling and said, "I guess if they don't buy our equipment, they will eventually buy foreigners."

If it weren't for Sucheng, Shengli Oilfield would eventually buy foreigners. This plan has actually been made.

The scientific research ability in China in the 1980s and 1990s was very weak, especially the ability of independent research, almost impossible - because of the lack of funds and investment. Without a dime, the scientific research institute can't grow the research results.

In fact, if the cost of some scientific research is calculated, the domestic cost is higher than that of foreign countries, which is just like the production cost of domestic factories in the 1960s and 1970s. Although the salaries of scientific researchers are very low, the investment in materials and equipment is the same. If the domestic project team does two more sets of experiments and wastes two more materials because of the relationship between level and experience, the cost will suddenly rise.

Secretary Zhu knew this and was not happy at all. Instead, he suggested, "When can your test machine be made? We can invite the leaders and technical backbones of other oilfields to visit our oilfields and help you do sales by the way."

......(To be continued