Super Energy Power

Chapter 123 Exploration Team

Chapter 123 Exploration Team

The professional terms spoken by Sucheng in just 30 seconds are enough for oilfield cadres to think for three or five minutes.

It's not their fault. Technologies such as "synthetic acoustic logging" have begun to be used by foreign companies, and domestic research institutes have just begun to track and research.

Not to mention that the cadres in charge of production don't understand, even the cadres in charge of technology don't dare to understand.

Su Cheng can say it in one breath, thanks to the good short answer questions when he was in college.

Secretary Liu was stunned by him and asked, "Do you know these technologies?"

He is the deputy secretary in charge of technology. Although he has been away from front-line research institutions for a long time, he finally knows that these professional terms are true.

Su Cheng smiled and said, "Of course I don't understand technology... However, I can find a way to apply various technologies and ensure that the reserves of oil fields can be measured."

In fact, there is no need to measure it. He has remembered the reserves of the Qidao oilfield: more than 100 million tons, and the reserves of the whole shallow sea exploration area of victory exceed 400 million.

This number is one of the best in China's shallow sea oil and gas fields, which has created the Shengli Oilfield Marine Oil Production Plant with an annual output of 2 million tons.

When he graduated from Sucheng, this oil production plant was the best-paid factory. Just because I have to go to sea in shifts, I am slightly disliked. Of course, Su Cheng was not qualified to dislike others at that time.

Secretary Liu doesn't believe Su Cheng's words, but he doesn't wait for him to ask again. Lin Yonggui has said // the fastest text update of the book fan building no pop-up window and no advertisement // said: "Su Cheng, if you want to participate in shallow sea exploration and development, you can only participate Organizational arrangement, can it be done?

"Yes." Several companies under Sucheng are far from being able to participate in offshore oil exploration. Now that he has a stake in PetroChina, he is also willing to work for a few months as a reward.

Lin Yonggui nodded and said, "In this case, I authorize you to form a capable exploration team to be responsible for oil exploration in shallow sea areas..."

"Secretary Lin. Even if we find shallow sea oil fields and explore reserves, there is no way to develop them on a large scale..."

"We can apply for state assistance." Su Cheng said with a smile, "As long as we explore the shallow sea oil field, I believe that the head office will be willing to send people to focus on tackling key problems."

"What if we can't get under the head office?"

"If Secretary Liu is not confident, he can give me this job. What's so difficult about the shallow sea oil field?

"Good!" Qu Guoda took the opportunity to applaud, and Lin Yonggui also applauded gently. Everyone then cooperated with all kinds of applause.



Secretary Liu's angry nose was black and his face was bright. Everyone's applause for Su Cheng seemed to have become an irony to him.

Some people watched the words and quietly stopped clapping, but Lin Yonggui's fierce eyes swept over, and those who stopped clapping had to start clapping again.

The applause lasted for more than a minute.

Secretary Liu's breathing is about to stop.

After the "pop" sound stopped, Lin Yonggui sat back in his position, kneaded the paper of the military order and threw it away, and then said, "From today on, Su Cheng can order generals. All units should seize this work, especially all exploration units. Don't think about being lazy and slippery. If anyone doesn't work hard, I don't want such a unit.

He didn't say that. Now is the time for institutional reform. The requirements for reducing the size of the establishment are issued to various enterprises and institutions in the form of documents. Although there are policies and countermeasures, if Lin Yonggui doesn't want countermeasures and really abolishs one unit and dozens of establishments, he will only be commended and will not be criticized.

At that time, there will be no place to cry.

At the end of the meeting, Su Cheng was immediately surrounded.

All units with exploration teams, exploration offices, and even ordinary drilling teams are like grabbing wages and rushing to give away.

Qu Guoda was also among them and shouted, "Su Dong, Su Dong, the exploration team of our seven factories is also top-notch."

So everyone called "Su Dong" randomly, and then reported their exploration team. In fact, as long as next year's exploration focus is shallow sea areas, these exploration teams can only go to shallow sea areas.

Su Cheng had to follow them, write down the names and people of each unit, and make an appointment for an interview.

The word "interview" is quite new to state-owned enterprises, and everyone agreed with a smile.

When the people were about to leave, Qu Guoda asked Su Cheng, "How are you going to start?"

"Start exploration from the very shallow coast."

The extremely shallow coast refers to the sea area with a water depth of less than 15 meters. With the current technology of Shengli Oilfield, only very shallow coastal deposits can be extracted.

Qu Guoda also knew this truth, but he hesitated for a moment, but whispered, "If you can explore oil reservoirs from the very shallow coast, it's best. If not, don't give up the deeper shallow sea."

He wants to complete the so-called "big oil field" task first.

The so-called large oil field is not a single large reservoir, but dozens or hundreds of large reservoirs gathered together, just like there are many oil tanks underground. Of course, this is the situation in China and most oil-producing countries. If it is in the Middle East, there are only one or two oil tanks underground in those countries, which can be sprayed continuously.

Su Cheng said "good" with a smile, but he didn't take it seriously.

When he returned home, Su Cheng unfolded the borrowed map and began to draw lines near Cheng Island.

Although the approximate location is known, the exploration area of the island oilfield is more than 4,000 square kilometers. With such a large area, it is difficult to complete the exploration within a year.

Suchong can only look for known oil wells along the coastline.

Before the discovery of the Zhengdao oilfield, there were some oil production wells here, but they were not in the right place and valuable industrial flow could not be found.

In fact, if China does not exploit its own oil fields, it will naturally be excellent. But no country in the world can do this except the oil-poor country.

It is even more impossible for a big country like China. On the one hand, the exploitation of oil is not only the exploitation of oil, but also drives the employment of tens of thousands of companies and more than tens of millions of people upstream and downstream of oil. On the other hand, countries that do not dig oil have no technology to dig oil from other countries.

In international oil trading, Japan has repeatedly been able to obtain oil fields from abroad, not only political factors, but also economic and technological factors. Many oil-producing countries, including Saudi Arabia, are technically dependent on Japan, so they cannot categorically refuse Japan's demands. In contrast, it is difficult for China to come up with attractive terms other than paying for it.

But Japan's technology is not changed out of thin air. They rely on the accumulation of technology purchased from the United States in the early stage and the accumulation of oil production experience in the later stage.

China has neither a godfather nor a benefactor, so it can only be self-sufficient and start from practicing in its own oil field.

Shallow sea oilfield is a very competitive marine drilling technology.

If you want to buy an offshore oil field abroad, in addition to the price, the tender also needs to meet the requirements of environmental protection. By the late 1990s, it was customary for oil not to enter the sea. If China does not develop its own offshore oil fields, it will never buy offshore oil fields from other countries.

Su Cheng was in the bedroom and drew pictures all day long.

After dawn, he put away the messy map, rolled it up and put it in the big bag.

A large package.

When driving to the "Victory Machinery Factory", the exploration team members of each unit were almost there, and hundreds of people flocked inside and outside the administrative building, waiting for the assignment of work.

In the thought of normal people, Sucheng will naturally accept everyone. Just like a shallow sea battle, he needs a large number of people to search for a wide area. The so-called interview, ten ** is a passing scene.

But Sucheng has no interest in a large number of people.

Because the number of exploration teams increases, it means that the number of drillings increases. 400 people have to drill 10 wells every week, which costs millions of yuan. Such a high cost is completely unnecessary

Su Cheng thinks so and does the same.

He first selected three relatively complete exploration teams, and with the help of the main and deputy captains of six exploration teams, he selected about 50 people to fill the exploration team, with a total of about 150 people, even if the construction of the exploration team was completed.

In the afternoon, the others couldn't help shouting when they saw that Sucheng still had no intention of building another exploration team.

Su Cheng had to come forward to persuade: "At present, there are enough manpower. If not, let's do paperwork for the time being."

In front of the office building, it was much quieter in an instant.

It's not satisfied, it's surprised.

An old drilling captain shouted below, "I have graduated from high school for more than ten years. How do I do paperwork?"

"Then draw a picture, draw a picture..."

In fact, drawing does not provide pen and paper.

However, everyone was worried about being abolished by Lin Yonggui, so it was not easy to go back immediately, so they had to rely on Shengli Machinery Factory, disguised as drawing documents, and really chatted.

In this way, the sense of honor of the selected exploration team has been greatly increased.

One more day later, Professor Song Zhijun of China University of Petroleum, accompanied by Professor Qin Shiwei of the Drilling and Oil Extraction Research Institute, also came to Shengli Machinery Factory.

Qin Shiwei used Kong Wu's powerful arm to hold Professor Song Zhijun, who was as proud as a rooster, and said, "Su Cheng, Professor Song is an expert specially invited by Secretary Lin. He is very accomplished in petroleum geology, reservoir geochemistry, and the 'high-resolution sequence stratigraphy' you mentioned. You can ask any questions. ."

"Hon, Professor Song." Su Cheng failed to disguise himself as ecstatic. Although this Professor Song seems to have heard of it before. However, he doesn't really need an expert in petroleum geology.

Song Zhijun's work is to reduce the exploration area from 9.6 million square kilometers to thousands or even hundreds of square kilometers. The level is similar to that of Su City's memory, and the error is only about dozens of times higher.

In Song Zhijun's life, it's good luck to be able to deal with a big oil reservoir. Su Cheng really doesn't want to count on him.

Qin Shiwei is a little strange. In his impression, Su Cheng is one of the few managers who attach great importance to research. The current appearance is inevitably disappointing.

The wrong thing about his understanding is that people who understand technology respect research, and magic stick witches hate research.

In July, Sucheng decided to sell prophetic medicine, so he was naturally not interested in seeking knowledge.

Song Zhijun pretended not to care and asked with a smile, "I heard on the way that Su Dong knows high-resolution sequential stratigraphy. I don't know which famous teacher and apprentice it is?"

Song Zhijun, who thought he had absolute authority in this field, looked at Su Cheng opposite and was ready to hit him severely.

Su Cheng didn't know it at all and answered honestly, "Jin Ming."

"Oh? Which university?" Song Zhijun secretly rejoices: I haven't heard of it.

"Beijing University."

"Famous school!" Song Zhijun began to think nervously. After admiring, he still didn't think of his name, so he asked, "What is his masterpiece?"

"The poetic rhesion of Chinese novels from the narration of natural scenery."


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