Super Energy Power

Chapter 248 Dahua Integration

When Su Cheng returned to the company, he did not immediately discuss the methanol factory or the Haicang plan, but announced the meeting of the board of directors to discuss the relocation of the group.

As soon as the heads of the group's companies heard about it, they came here. After three years of development, there are many companies under Dahua Industry, as well as foreign joint ventures, but the office conditions are getting worse and worse. In the early days, the Jinan Power Plant still had office buildings that could be relied on decades ago. The later companies either rented it or relied on the Jinan Power Plant, and it was uncomfortable to live in it.

Even Su Cheng's own chairman's office fell on the site of Jinan Power Plant. The current conference room is no exception.

I waited for a day. The next afternoon, the domestic management personnel arrived, and foreign companies were transferred by phone to listen to the intermittent broadcast.

The executives of six large companies and the group headquarters gathered together and sat in a room. Looking at the dark people's heads, Su Cheng was a little dizzy in an instant. It is said that in the late 1980s, Chinese companies expanded rapidly in the early 1990s. In 1987, the Helios Group started with 50,000 yuan, and sold health care products to 1.3 billion yuan in 1993. In 1984, Jianlibao was amazing. In 1991, it went to the United States to buy a floor of the Empire State Building... Now it seems that such a thing There is no doubt that he fell on his own head.

The long tables in the conference room are still put together with desks. There is no curvature. The stiff rectangle is placed in the center of the conference room. The surface is covered with red flannelette and two bundles of plastic flowers, which looks a little classy.

Su Cheng sat in the first place of the opposite door, and on the left is Chen Zunian, the director of Ji*nan Power Factory. His next leader is Wulang Xu Lichen, the head of the maritime transportation company. Opposite the two is Li Huanxiang, director of Dahua Laboratory, and the next is Silang Xu Haoqiang, the new head of Dahua Gas Company. They added Sestan Oil and Gas Field Company, and a total of five companies are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Dahua Industrial Group, which are also 100% owned by Sucheng.

Due to the importance and particularity of the Setan oil field, Su Cheng, on the one hand, has personally experienced it, and on the other hand, he has poached Eli, a professional manager of the Continental Petroleum Company, as the general manager of the Setan oil field. His work is so heavy that he can't get back to China on time. So I listened to the report by phone.

From Goro and Silang, they are Yan Xuecan, the liaison of Dahua Shipping Industry, Liu Pinshan and Shu Hao of Deppon Water Heater Company.

Dahua Shipping is a joint venture with a 50% stake in Halliburton. It also has the German Fenor Company and the Dutch Newco Company, which was acquired by Halliburton. In addition to retaining the design capability of offshore drilling platforms, Dahua Shipping also has a series of patents for power positioning, leak prevention system and fire protection system. It can be regarded as the first time since Dahua Laboratory borrowed chickens and eggs. The most cost-effective golden egg hatched. The researchers who study drilling platforms and other related technologies are all from domestic colleges and universities, as well as various research institutes and research institutes of PetroChina. Even now, except for the researchers of two foreign companies, there are few researchers who are completely their own. Although there is no "preparation", there are many drilling platforms made by Dahua Shipping in cooperation with COSCO Shipping.

In the consideration of Sucheng, Dahua Shipping is a transitional company. In the future, it may sell its shares to Chinese companies such as COSCO Shipping, or reacquire the shares of Halliburton for privatization. It all depends on its own development. Marine engineering equipment is a company that is very professional and attaches great importance to accumulation. Even if there was a national battle, Dahua Shipping had to design its own offshore drilling platform only after annexing Fenor Shipping and Nuco Company and conscripting hundreds of people from Halliburton. And the ability to manufacture some key equipment. Su Cheng estimates that it is difficult for Dahua Shipping Industry to make profits directly without three or five years, ten years and eight years.

Compared with the above companies, Deppon Water Heater Company is much less dependent. It is not a member of Dahua Industrial Group. Sucheng also only owns 30% of Deppon's shares and does not participate in the operation. It was only because of the relationship between Shu Hao and Su Cheng, and the new industry status of Dahua Gas Company in the future that Liu Pinshan attended the meeting. Under Deppon Water Heater Company, there is the Sichuan Long March Factory, which makes fans and air conditioners. Its factory director was not invited at all.

In addition to the heads of the seven companies, there are Gu Haijian of the Offshore Petroleum Research Institute of Dahua Laboratory, Yao Zefan of the Third Oil Extraction Institute of Dahua Laboratory, Li Lin of the Public Relations Department of the Group, Zhong Zhigen and Zhang Chao of the Strategic Public Relations Department, and Xu Feng, the fourth sister of Su Cheng'

This is a typical Chinese-style group enterprise structure. Three of the seven companies are family members of Sucheng. Although the headquarters finances are taken care of by a special person, they must be placed with relatives at ease.

In fact, this is also the only way for Chinese enterprises. China's Criminal Law was only amended in 1997 to abolish the crime of speculation, and in 2008, the Interim Regulations on Administrative Punishment for Speculation was abolished. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the legal provisions had been smashed by the road-seekstone, and the guarantee of the system was far less reliable than the family.

Even if there are unreliable family members, it is much less likely to have a crisis.

With the attendees and recording personnel, there were more than 20 people sitting in the conference hall, and the crowded heads made the room extremely lively. Adding a handful of melon seeds, it's the Spring Festival.

After waiting for others, Su Cheng coughed gently and said, "Let's start."

Everyone suddenly calmed down.

"There are two main things today, one is the relocation of the group. This matter can be finished in two sentences. I'll talk about it first. Seeing that everyone was staring at him seriously, Su Cheng also sighed at the Chinese people's desire to buy a house. Thinking about it again, he was not like this.

He smiled and continued, "I have bought three plots of land in Shanghai Pudong in my own name. The Lujiazui plot is the smallest and most core, about sixty or seventy mu, which is used to build a headquarters building for the use of the Group and Setan Oil and Gas Field Company. There are 2,300 mu of land along the Huangpu River for the construction of office buildings and experimental buildings for use in Dahua Laboratory. The power plant, maritime transportation company and Dahua Shipping Industry did not move, and Dahua Gas Company continued to flow. Except for some liaison departments left in the group, you can move wherever the gas pipeline is laid.

Shiro said "Hey" and caused a gentle smile.

Li Lin didn't avoid formal occasions. She said with a smile, "Dong Su, do you think there are three plots and the largest one?"

"If Haicang's methanol project cannot be determined in the end. Then move to Pudong. Otherwise, use it for another.

"Why can't you be sure?"

"For example, the Haicang plan failed. There is a problem whether our methanol project can continue. This was the first time that Su Cheng said that the Haicang plan might fail, and everyone was immediately surprised.

Li Yanxiang's eyes widened in disbelief: "Didn't you say that the country has invested 300 million US dollars? And. Su Dong, you also said when you came back, the mechanized engineering army has gone up. How can this fail?

Shiro Xu Haoqiang also said in disbelief: "What if this fails? Can't the big ethylene come out?"

Only Zhong Zhigen thought about it. He studied parallel engineering in the school. After being dug into Dahua Industry by Sucheng, he still did enterprise management and advanced manufacturing technology, and was well aware of the risks of the big petrochemical project.

"For a $7 billion project, any problem may end." Su Cheng did not continue the discussion, but said, "This is the second question I want to talk about. The company must integrate resources and practice internal skills. Only in this place can we resist external changes. Therefore, the group will shrink investment, reduce expenditure and maintain sufficient cash.

In a word, he pulled everyone back. The integration of resources is related to everyone's vital interests. How can you not be careful?

Su Cheng said seriously, "First of all, we should integrate the R&D department of Jinan Power Plant into Dahua Laboratory and set up a diesel engine research institute. The power plant only retains one technical section, the same as before, to reduce duplicate investment.

Chen Zunian shouted, "Yes."

Su Cheng has communicated with him for a long time. As the first wholly-owned subsidiary of Dahua Industry. The status of the power engine factory is special. At one time, it coexisted with the head office of the group. Chen Zunian simply agreed, which laid the foundation for integration.

"Ji*nan Power Factory should reduce costs and eliminate waste. This year's goal is to reduce expenditure by 10%, increase sales, improve quality, and become the best manufacturing enterprise under Dahua Industry. Su Cheng said so, Chen Zunian's face was embarrassed. For the power engine factory that has produced 3,500 large and medium-sized diesel engines in half a year, the 10% expenditure is very high, almost half of the profit. This is still the case that Jichai, as the only large and medium-sized diesel engine factory that has survived in China, has a good market.

Su Cheng was clear about the situation, and without his explanation, he pointed to Zhang Chao and said, "The Group Strategy Department will send personnel to help the power engine factory improve the supply chain, carry out in-depth integration of supporting manufacturers, minimize procurement costs and improve the yield. Next, it's the maritime transportation company..."

Goro raised his head.

Su Cheng took out a document and said, "Maritime transportation companies should maintain the market share of fishing boat leasing, increase the share of the ship sales market, and improve the company's profit level. After two years of fishing, fishermen should be able to afford to buy fishing boats, right?

Goro smiled like a fisherman and said, "If you make a lot of money, you can have four or five million yuan for a family. If you earn less, you can afford to buy fishing boats together.

Li Lin straightened up and said in surprise, "Make 500,000 yuan in two years? I want to go fishing, too.

"Fishermans go to sea for seven or eight days at a time. If they don't sleep well, they have to work at dawn, and they have to find a way to save themselves in case of a storm. When I'm lucky to come back, I have to share fish to sell fish, repair boats and nets, and my whole body smells of fish..."

"250,000 a year, fishy is fishy. I take a shower every day and spray perfume every day." Li Lin fell into a fantasy and could not extricate herself.

Su Chengqing coughed and said, "Goro, show her your arm."

"Oh? Oh." Goro pulled up his sleeves.

I saw that the wrists were all dark and thick.

Su Cheng said slowly: "The fishermen have been floating on the sea all year round. They can't get tanned. There is no skin cream, umbrellas and hats are useless. In addition, the sea salt falls on the skin and wrinkles in the sun. It doesn't take long to be rough like a shark..."

"I can't go if I don't go." Li Lin's face was pale.

Men make all kinds of strange laughter.

After a stup, Su Cheng also smiled and said, "Goro, the maritime transportation company can sell small tonnage fishing boats to fishermen at a discount. Half of the funds returned to the cage will be handed over to the group, and half will purchase ocean-going fishing boats, and continue to be rented."

Maritime transportation companies are connected with many shipyards. The ships they purchase mostly use the shipping diesel engines of Jinan Power Engine Factory. For the group, the expenditure is not much, but can drive the sales of upstream diesel engines.

Goro answered and said, "In this case, we can pay 30 million this year."

Before the mid-1990s, it was a harvest period for fisheries. With the spread of the mechanical network, China's offshore fishery resources were depleted, and the income of fishermen was gradually reduced. Dahua's maritime transportation company has the most and most advanced fishing boats, and it has only made a lot of achievements in fishing.

30 million yuan is quite a lot, not to mention the accumulated fixed assets. Su Cheng said with satisfaction, "While there are no restrictions in Southeast Asian countries, we should encourage fishermen to fish in the ocean. In addition, do you transport seafood to other countries to sell?"

"I made $500,000 in foreign exchange, mainly in Japan." Goro said something like a fishing tycoon.

Dahua Shipping, Dahua Laboratory and Dahua Gas Company are still investing. Su Cheng only reiterated financial discipline and asked to reduce unnecessary expenses.

When these subsidiaries were finished, Liu Pinshan couldn't sit still. He laughed at himself and said, "Our Deppon Water Heater Company has just acquired Sichuan Long March Factory. is not too abundant...if..."

Shu Hao didn't want him to break the thick soup of the Deppon water heater for a moment. He stopped and said, "We are the only three shareholders of Deppon. The air conditioning production line has been put into production. Why do you leave money without dividends?"

"This... you have to be in a hurry, and continue to expand..." Liu Pinshan has the power of small factory owners and small officials. As he thinks, it's better to keep the money in the enterprise and pay dividends. However, he had very few shares. Seeing that Shu Hao wanted to pay dividends, he quickly changed his words and said, "Debang made a lot last year, but after investing in the Long March Factory, there are only 61 million left. This Xiaoshu knows..."

Su Cheng didn't let him finish his words and said with a smile, "I didn't invest much money. I just came up with a few ideas and invited a few technical experts to do the design drawings. In this way, I'll withdraw my shares..."

"No way. They are going to scold me for crossing the river and tearing down the bridge. Shu Hao glanced at Liu Pinshan fiercely and said, "30% of the dividend, I will call tomorrow. In addition, the air conditioner produced by the Long March sells well. At that time, you need to spend less than 50 million yuan. Just give me a phone call."

Su Cheng didn't pinch and said "good" with a smile.

Then Shu Hao sat up straight and stared at Liu Pinshan again.

Liu Pinshan lowered his head aggrievedly and saw the extraordinary young Silang and Wulang in a flash. He suddenly realized that he couldn't wait to slap himself: He is a family business. What am I blindly engaged in?

... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly ticket. Your support is my greatest motivation. RT