Super Energy Power

Chapter 356 Asian

Most of the equipment in the Skoller oilfield is leased from the Russian oil sector. The budget of 50 million US dollars does not allow them to be extravagant.

Moreover, with Barwell and others, they often rent equipment in rubles, or mixed with rubles and US dollars, and a small amount of domestic equipment, which is transported by railway lines. Due to the power gap between the two sides, the agreement was signed in favor of Dahua and [China] Bank of China. Although the funds were loaned to three Russian companies, they were still fully controlled by Dahua Industry in the actual use process.

Qin Shiwei, who is in charge, is used to being diligent and thrifty in China, and he has no habit of Western oil companies spending a lot of money at all. He doesn't need dollars if he can use dollars, and if he can rent, he doesn't have to buy it. Equipment from the Russian oil sector is often continuously priced.

After two weeks, the oil field has taken shape. The camping houses and generator sets for the headquarters were all installed, and the moving work such as leveling the site was completed quickly. At the same time, the hired Russian company began to pave the way to the well. Qin Shiwei reviewed the seismic map and deployed exploration wells.

Until the first exploration well was drilled, there was a surplus of $50 million.

Shamir slept in the oil field for a long time, looking at the report with one eye and looking at the oil field with the other. Seeing that the derrick was set up and the rig rumbled, he couldn't help but be surprised and said, "50 million dollars is really enough?"

Qin Shiwei said carelessly, "They have completed the census wells and pre-explored wells. The data is quite clear. We do it on their basis. It's naturally simple."

They refer to the oil sector of the former Soviet Union. Siberia is a key area developed by the former Soviet Union. The Soviet government has invested heavily in this and produced a lot.

Shamir is half a lay person and asked directly, "Can it produce oil?"

Qin Shiwei said through translation, "This well is not necessarily. But generally speaking, it's definitely possible.

He dares to be so sure, which is also based on the situation of the Schiller oil field. The former Soviet Union has made long-term large-scale investment in Siberia, and the geological structure of many areas is quite clear. Like the Soller oilfield, it is arranged in the sequence waiting for development. It belongs to the oil field waiting for production, but because of the collapse of the Soviet Union, it has benefited both domestic and foreign private developers.

Shamir looked at the drawings pretentiously. Then he asked in a low voice, "How confident are you in producing oil in this oil well?"

"It's hard to say."

"According to your estimate?"

"I can only say that the probability is very high." Qin Shiwei looked at Shamir strangely.

Shamir hesitated for a moment and whispered, "Our investors, you know, some gentlemen hope to visit the oil field. After all, it's a multi-million dollar project.

Hearing what he said, Qin Shiwei understood and said, "Be sure of it. Half and half. Therefore, the safest way is to wait for oil production before inviting someone to come.

"Some people can't wait." Shamir didn't say anything at this point.

Qin Shiwei knows what he means. Oil fields with reserves of 50 million tons can only be taken down with an injection of 50 million yuan. Naturally, all kinds of tricks are indispensable. However, he himself is reluctant to get involved in this kind of thing. After thinking about it, he said, "I will try my best to ensure the progress. But it is impossible to know whether oil can be produced or not.

"Of course." Shamir smiled easily.

After waiting for a week, the characters behind Will, Shamir and others began to appear in the Soller oil field one after another.

At the beginning, Su Cheng didn't pay attention, but with the number of people in Sculler, Qi Xiaokun came to him and said, "The people who came can't all be Barwell's investors."

As a member of the military attaché office of the embassy, Qi Xiaokun has rich information channels and has considerable information accumulation for the former Soviet Union and now Russia.

Su Cheng couldn't help saying, "What is not an investor? KGB? Is it necessary?"

Qi Xiaokun smiled at him and said, "It's not that serious. The KGB is too busy to take care of himself. I'm just an identity analysis of people, and they don't need to unite. Um... I noticed that the highest status in it is the deputy minister of the Ministry of Geology, the retired minister of the Ministry of General Machinery Manufacturing, followed by the widow of the minister of the Ministry of Chemistry and Petroleum Processing Industries, and the others are former Soviet cadres at a lower level... In addition, there are several people serving in the Russian government. There are the energy agency of the Russian Federation, the industrial belongings of the Russian Federation, all of which are hot positions... and the officials of the Regional Development Agency of the Russian Federation..."

Su Cheng interrupted him and said, "Why can't these people be investors?"

"Russia now? They won't come with so many people just to divide up a 50 million tons of oil field. Although it's a lot of money, it's unnecessary. You know what I'm talking about. Qi Xiaokun rubbed his hand and said, "I guess it's no problem for three or four people to unite and take down the Skoller oil field."

Su Cheng nodded helplessly.

Although it is a multi-billion-dollar deal, just as Sucheng is unwilling to participate in the investment, these Russian and former Soviet officials will have the same concerns. Not everyone is willing to wait for a few years and then fantasize about the rest of their life.

"So what do you think their purpose is?" Su Cheng turned his head and asked Qi Xiaokun again.

Qi Xiaokun took out a chocolate bar from his pocket, tore open the package while thinking, took a big bite, and then said, "I personally guess, I guess they are all interested in oil fields."

"But it doesn't have to be the Skoller oil field?"


Su Cheng touched his chin and smiled: "I was thinking of selling jeans in Russia, but I didn't expect that they didn't have to publicize it by themselves, so they came to me."

"What sells jeans?" Qi Xiaokun didn't understand.

Su Cheng told the story of people who make jeans who make more money than gold digtors by selling strong trousers, and then said, "I'm not optimistic about holding oil fields in Russia for a long time, but it's a good choice to be a technical service provider and provide credit services by the way. Moreover, it can also gain a certain amount of oil control and influence.

It is very difficult to hold more than 50% of the oil field shares in Russia for a long time, which requires long-term struggle and careful caution. Sucheng doesn't want to devote the rest of his life to the power struggle in Russia. However, if you only hold a lower proportion of shares, such as 5% or 10%, and get them in a reasonable and legal way, the risk will be very low.

It is impossible for Dahua Industry to obtain the strength of a financial oligarch in Russia. Therefore, it is far easier to make money by occupying 60% of the shares of a company than 10% of the shares of six companies.

Of course, the disadvantage of doing so is to understand six companies separately. From dealing with the relationship between two companies to dealing with the relationship between seven companies, the management cost will rise a lot.

Qi Xiaokun swallowed the chocolate bar and said, "There should be a lot of people who think the same as you. I noticed that there are people from oil companies among the visitors."

"Huh? Which one?"

"Slumbeshe and Halliburton, this is on the list. There are still some people who are still being identified.

Schlumbecher and Halliburton are one of the world's leading oilfield service providers. They do not extract oil by themselves, but rely on oilfield services and become the world's top 500 companies. It is not surprising that this appears in Siberia. In fact, in the Iron Curtain era, Schlumbeshe and Halliburton did not sever relations with the autocratic Soviet Union at that time. Similarly, they did not cut off their relationship with the country.

It can be said that even if a penguin wants to extract oil in the Antarctic, they will send a sales team to ask "Do you want to help?"

Schlumbeshe and Halliburton's technical means are naturally much more advanced than that of Dahua Industry, but the fees are also much more expensive. Give them 50 million US dollars. It's good to be able to make an exploration well. If you want to help extract an oil field, you can't think about it without 500 million US dollars. The two do not belong to competitors of the same magnitude at all. If oilfield services are compared to decorating houses, Halliburton is a high-end decoration service provider with exclusive designers. Dahua Industry can only be regarded as a small construction team led by a contractor.

Fortunately, Russia in early 1992 was a dilapidated house.

Su Cheng just had an idea and continued to ask, "How long will it take for you to identify the rest of the visitors?"

"Are you in a hurry?"

"I'm in a hurry."

Qi Xiaokun put his hand into his pocket and pulled out the empty trouser pocket.

Su Cheng had no choice but to find a few chocolate bars and handed them to him.

Qi Xiaokun stuffed it into his pocket, and then said, "If you can recognize it all." Two weeks."

"Two weeks? What system do you use?

"Manual system. Draw a range and give it to the person in the archive room. You can turn over photos one by one. If you can't turn them over, even if you can't, what do you want to do? Qi Xiaokun tore open another chocolate bar and licked it with relish.

After licking for a while, he wrapped it up again and said contentedly, "Eat it today and eat the rest tomorrow."

Su Cheng turned his face and never wanted to look at it again.

Knowing the goal of the visitor, Su Cheng was not in a hurry to visit. He still pretended not to know at all, but urged the construction of the oil field to speed up and let the other party visit the development of the oil field.

People who want to make money always focus on costs and profits. The better Dahua's performance in Soller Oilfield, the easier it is to get more orders.

The two sides have been in separate ways for a few days.

coincidentally gathered under the exploration shaft.

This is the day when the oil well is scheduled to be released. Although it is only a test well, and it has nothing to do with the overall situation whether the oil can be released or not, emotionally speaking, the oil can naturally add a lot of points to Dahua Industry.

Qin Shiwei, who was dark, was bored and drilled, and regardless of the visitors gathered in front of him, Si Kongguan stood up to say hello.

At this time, another helicopter landed on a flat land.

There are many people taking helicopters to and from the oilfields. Su City just took a look and turned his head.

At this time, three yellow-skinned men jumped off the helicopter.

"Asian!" Su Cheng's eyes narrowed.

He doesn't care about Western oil service companies such as Halliburton, because the two sides are two parallel lines, facing different customer groups. But Asian oil companies are different. In terms of savings, [Japan] South Korea, Singapore and even Malaysia have considerable strength...)