Super Energy Power

Chapter 373 Finishing the Well

A lock! Dong Dong!"

In the haze, there was the sound of gongs and drums in Su Cheng's ears.

A few seconds later, he suddenly lifted the quilt and shrank while being frozen. At the same time, he realized that this was not a dream.

The voice of drilling captain Li Renjun is more broken than the broken gong in his hand: "Big wind and sand, press the sandbag! Big wind and sand, press the sandbag.

Before Su Cheng woke up, all three people in a tent jumped up, put on their coats in a mess, began to check the rivets around the camp, and moved the sandbag in the middle as a table and bed, blocking it in an unreliable place.

I don't know when the wind of "huhu" became sharp.

Su Cheng heard Li Renjun's sharp shout again, understood and whispered, "Is there a strong wind?"

"Listen to the sound, it's a ghost place!" Lao Feng quickly put on his clothes, sorted out the mattress and other things, lifted a board on the ground, exposed the black hole below, simply laid the plastic cloth, threw all the bedding in, and said to Su Cheng, "Su Dong, you go down first."

Under the board is a pit more than one meter deep, which is usually used in the local cellar. This kind of windy weather has become a safe wind tunnel. Even if a strong wind can blow away the house, it is impossible to blow out the people in the pit.

The cellar is very small, and you have to hate to hold 4 people. Su Cheng shook his head and said, "I'll help you clean up together and then go in together. Such a small black nest, I don't want to be alone.

"You go down first, we'll pack up, and then go down."

"Four people are fast." Su Cheng opened a instant noodle box and swept in the teacup, tooth vat and other items.

Lao Feng is no longer reluctant, but his hand moves faster.

They put the camphouse in the back of the mound, which is theoretically safe. However, the mounds in the Siberian Plain are generally not large, and the drilling team cannot set the barracks too far from the well station, so there is still a certain danger.

The most important thing is that everyone is not familiar with the environment here. Everyone is not sure what kind of bad weather they will encounter. It's a lie to say that they are not afraid. A strong wind a few days ago covered a truck. Who knows what the result of today's windy weather will be?

Several people quickly completed the finishing work. Throw things into the pit, and then jump into the pit.

At this time, there was already a crackling sound outside, which was the sound of earth bumps hitting the wall of the barracks.

The black hole in the pit, the bedding and other soft things are wrapped in plastic bags, placed at the bottom, four people or squatting or sitting curled up below, one hand pulls the handle of the lid hard.

No matter how strong the wind is, as long as the insulation cover on it is not broken, nothing will happen to people.

Su Cheng's eyes were dark, and he only listened to the sound of the wind outside getting louder and louder.

After a while, Lao Feng shouted bitterly, "Damn, **what, it's my egg!"

"Oh, I'm looking for the egg I cooked this afternoon... Xiao Liu, who nestled in the middle of T, was a little wronged: "I was going to have breakfast tomorrow, but I'm hungry now, so I want to eat it."

Lao Feng vented his anger with his nose: "Don't let go!"

In the middle of the night, the wind and snow gradually faded away, and the four of them slept for two hours, and opened the door at dawn.

Outside the door, the pile was neatly of half a meter of snow, white and bright, dazzling.

Lao Feng gave everyone a shovel and said, "Open the door for Lao Huang."

"Open the door?" Su Cheng followed in surprise. He was surprised. He knew that Lao Huang was the deputy captain, and he was also in charge of life and logistics. He was the big accountant of Team 1105.

"The door of the camping house where Lao Huang lives opens out, saying that it is a provincial place. Such a heavy snow, it definitely can't be pushed away. He pointed to his head and said, "The people of Nansi Factory, there is a problem here. It's a place to save a fart. This is us who came out together. If Lao Huang is alone and can't destroy the house, he will die inside."

The half-meter-thick snow outside the door is continuous, and it is too difficult to push it open when it is blocked, so the camping house should be designed to open inward for safety reasons.

This is a simple truth, but in the 1990s, not every product manufacturer could take all those simple truths into account. At this time, state-owned enterprises are in a state of brain production. In the past, they used the resources of research institutes and design institutes in various places to carry out technology research and development, design and improvement. With the wave of market economy, overwhelmed factories often took measures to save design fees. The researchers of the design institute have made drawings and no one wants them. Naturally, they will not do the design seriously. In order to evaluate the title, some people draw pictures without argumentation and publish them in journals, even if it's over. Manufacturers who get these drawings are often like treasures, find a few technicians to modify them according to the cat and tiger, and start production. The result is naturally problematic.

Because it was copied, the designer had no responsibility, and the producer did not have the ability to adjust the design, so that the stupid design filled the whole country. The drilling team received a camphouse that opened the door to the door, which was really not surprising.

Looking at the appearance of Lao Feng, they seem to be used to it.

Lao Huang's camp house was built under another hill a few hundred meters away, and thick snow was piled up in front of the door.

When Su Cheng and others arrived, the other two people in the same room as captain Li Renjun had already arrived. They were chatting with snow shoveling with a smile. Lao Huang in it also sang a word: "Wear an aluminum helmet to the end of the world, and the goose feather snow in Tianshan Mountain. Facing the wind and sand of the The sky is not afraid, the earth is not afraid, the wind, snow, thunder and lightning are at will,..."

In the heavy snow in Siberia, singing "I offer oil to the motherland", a heroic feeling fell into my heart.

Su Cheng smiled, bent down and began to shovel the snow. Six people worked together, and in a few minutes, they cleaned up the snow in front of the door.

Lao Huang gently pushed the door out. First, he smiled at Su Cheng, then kicked the door hard and scolded, "Let's see how I can deal with you when I come back."

Lao Feng said "Hey" and said with a smile, "What can you do with it? Let's use it, brother. Let's go and see how the other barracks are doing.

Lao Huang's camping house is still brand-new. The door is made directly outside. He wants to change it to leave. The workload is not small. He shook his head and is full of admiration for the production capacity of some enterprises.

At the same time, I am also full of admiration for the drilling workers. With such equipment and tools, it is not easy for everyone to work with a smile.

If you are a worker from Europe and the United States, if you encounter a camping house that is open outward and angry, it is estimated that you can laugh out your lungs. A lawsuit will be knocked down. The workers have to go home to rest, and the lawyer will have to pay one million yuan to go home to buy a car. After the oil company spends Nearly tens of millions of G-s are in a happy situation.


Lao Huang kicked the door again, took out the shovel, and said, "I'll show you." Seven people lined up in a long line and walked through the camp with one deep and shallow foot. When they went to the well station again, Li Renjun had already commanded the troops to start the war.

Lao Huang hummed silently and went towards his job. He was very relaxed, as if he was not the one who was locked in the camp just now.

Sucheng will not do the technical work of drilling, so he will go to see the excavated insulation wells and check the temporary pipes to ensure that there is water when drilling.

His status as chairman has been paid attention to in the first few days of coming to the station. In recent days, everyone has been used to it, so they treat him as a special worker. Work and so on should still be done.

In fact, staying in the desolate South No. 2 well has no entertainment except for work and chatting. Although there are lights to read at night, the weather is really cold, and it won't be much comfortable to stay in the barracks.

Su Cheng has urgently purchased and transported a batch of sleeping bags from the rear, but it will be shipped to the South No. 2 well. At least more than ten days, he has not seen anything so far.

At this time, the second drilling team also set off. When the third drilling team sets off, they can bring sleeping bags.

"950 meters!" Old Huang roared and woke up all the stuffy workers.

According to the plan, the South No. 2 well will start to be centered at a depth of 1,000 meters. The result of taking the heart will largely determine the fate of the South No. 2 well.

Su Cheng did not interfere with Li Renjun's work, but continued to do his own things and waited for the captain's order.

In the buzzing sound of the motor, Li Renjun personally recorded the pump pressure, pump volume, drilling pressure, turning...

The people around are also nervous and busy.

On the contrary, Su Cheng let go and stood aside, waiting for the result.

Everyone works in an orderly manner, and Li Renjun is even more busy before and after running, and has no time to care about other things. Continuous heart-taking is quite a test of technology and equipment, and it is not enough to pull out a drilling team.

After the study and experience of later generations, Su Cheng knew that geological research would become more and more dependent on drilling, so he had already arranged Dahua Laboratory to study relevant technologies. The continuous heart-taking technology adopted by the 1105 team comes from Dahua Laboratory, including a complete set of technical specifications, as well as suitable earth-taking tools, casing and other tools. In a few years, Jichai will also make a suitable drilling rig, so that the whole heart-taking process will be localized.

One end of the active head of the movable earth collector used by Team 1105 is connected to the drill pipe, and the other end is connected to the core drill tool. By forming a vacuum at the top of the core tube, the core is taken to the ground.

Li Renjun made preparations and immediately ordered to take care of himself.

This work continued until the evening, with a total of 340 meters of rock cores, and more than 20 oil-containing display layers were seen one after another, with a thickness of more than 40 meters. The color of the oil sand is also very beautiful, full brown and yellow, and it smells like an exciting oil.

If it weren't for the work, everyone would cheer up.

Li Renjun asked Su Cheng excitedly, "Is it over? In this way, the probability of industrial flow is large.

The four steps of oil exploration wells are cardiacing, electrical testing, well cementing and oil testing. Once the well is completed, it will enter the state of oil test. If the industrial flow can be generated, the exploration process can be declared complete.

According to Qin Shiwei's plan, 1000 meters will be continuously taken. Once the oil and gas reaction is found, the oil test should be completed to save time as much as possible.

Su Cheng suddenly hesitated at this time.

Qiuming Oilfield is a world-class oilfield, and Sucheng knows more about it. In terms of depth, more than 2,000 meters is its main oil layer.

Now it is only about 1,500 meters. Can the industrial flow be obtained after the well is completed immediately?

Su Cheng put a question mark in his heart.

... (To be continued.