Super Energy Power

Chapter 538 I'm afraid they have evidence

The two representatives of Minister Zheng are still cautious. Without seeing anyone, they said, "I'm here on behalf of Yunyun..."

They also pretended not to know each other and insisted on meeting Mamedorf or Husseinov before stating their origin and purpose.

Of course, before that, they will try their best to describe their importance.

However, at this time, in Azerbaijan, there are more than thousands of people who want to specul. There are also high-ranking officials who want to speculge, but Azerbaijanis don't care at all.

Although Mamedorf and Husseinov are not strong people in the eyes of the Chinese, in the eyes of Azerbaijanis, the deputy position of a foreign department is obviously more ethereal, just like a Spanish deputy minister of foreign affairs to China.

In the end, Mamedorf gave Section Chief Wang 5 minutes, and Hussainnov only gave Secretary Li 3 minutes. The two had the same approach and chatted for a while, and handed over the specific work to his men.

The so-called subordinates are those who may have received money from Sucheng.

Even in the 21st century, Azerbaijan is still a ** country. Not to mention harmless Chinese intelligence, even Hussainov and Mamedorf's own intelligence, they dare to sell it.

Even Husseinov and Mamedorf themselves can't control the leakage of information. If your men want to eat, how can they be too strict? Raise the salary? Just kidding, that's equivalent to increasing their capital in the intelligence business. What's more, Hussainov and Mamedorf can't afford to pay their salaries. They don't dare to control it, because they themselves have taken money from Sucheng.

The essence of Western electoral politics is to use money to control politics. On the positive side, this money can be a donation from the public. The more people support, the more donations. The logic of political victory is also reflected. But on the bad side, a few rich people may also influence politics. Therefore, the larger the gap between the rich and the poor, the worse the feasibility of electoral politics, and the smaller the gap between the rich and the poor, the higher the positive role of electoral politics.

The opinions of thousands of farts may not matter to any official, but no official can care about the election funds that thousands of farts can gather.

Chinese society is always unwilling to let money play its proper role, but always creates a power society by belittling it. The result is a sentence of thousands of grass people who are invincible to the powerful ministers

The in-preserving Elchibe may not care about the huge funds of Sioux City. Hussainov and Mamedorf can't care.

The media can't care.

The "**" and "Baku Workers' Daily" selected by Su Cheng were almost in the posture of kneeling, took over the written article, and posted it word without change.

The smooth process makes Dahua Public Relations Department feel at home.

Of course. The two newspapers don't know each other's articles.

The title of "Chinese Foreign Minister's Full Support for Husseinov" or "Chinese Foreign Minister's Full Support for Mamedorf" is very common to them.

is nothing more than proving the value of the candidate.

They didn't take the time to investigate the difference between Minister Zheng and Minister, but just put his last name on it.

The next day.

Secretary Li, who was relaxed, went to the restaurant to order pancakes and yogurt. He prepared two meals of traditional Azerbaijani food, and then went back to China.

Minister Zheng promised to transfer him to the headquarters. Secretary Li is convinced.

Until... the headline of the front page of the Baku Workers' News "Chinese Foreign Minister's Full Support for Mamedorf" came into Secretary Li's eyes.

Secretary Li's mood suddenly deteriorated: "This guy is really good at being a man. Regardless of the overall situation!"

He immediately attributed the reason for the newspaper to Chief Wang.


The two haven't seen each other since yesterday. He could only understand it as Chief Wang's outstanding means, which attracted Husseinov's attention.

There is no doubt. After the two returned to China, Section Chief Wang had this newspaper show, and he would definitely get more rewards.

What makes Secretary Li even more angry is that if he does the same thing. It will definitely become an example of Dong Shi, which will expose the strategies of Minister Zheng on both sides... Uh-huh. It's a little exposed now.

Secretary Li showed a cheap smile. While people were not paying attention, he rolled up the Baku Workers' Daily and put it in his arms. He secretly said: The stupid king did bad things with good intentions. If he was seen by people outside, wouldn't it turn Minister Zheng's strategy on both sides into a pressure? Of course, it doesn't matter if no one sees it. In case Husseinov takes office, it can make this speculation more heavy.

With such a thought, Secretary Li ate two mouthfuls of pancakes and put them down. He simply got up and went to the shelf of the newspaper to search for the Baku Workers' Daily.

For the same newspaper, the embassy will subscribe to several copies according to the people who read it. Secretary Li wants to find them as much as possible and hide all of them in this issue.

This is naturally the safest way to do it.

With this move, it is not a problem to counterpress Section Chief Wang. Secretary Li is secretly proud: Even if you are a fool and treacherous like a ghost, you also want to eat my Lao Li's foot washing water.

He finally climbed to the line of Minister Zheng. It is true that the latter's strength has plummeted, but he is just a deputy section-level cadre. The foundation in the foundation. Is Minister Zheng a second or a fifth-in-command? For him, it's almost the same. If he can be transferred back to the headquarters, I'm afraid the Azerbaijani embassy will be greeted by all the staff.

As he thought about it, he put away another "Baku Workers' Daily" he found. He knew that there was at least one in the reading room and the reference room, and there might be one in the living room. As for whether other officials subscribed separately, it was not what he could do.

"Maybe we should find a way to get it all back?" Secretary Li hesitated to pull it, and the afterglow of his eyes seemed to see the Russian words "Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs".

The letter paper they use every day is full of these Russian words, which can't be more familiar. Secretary Li immediately took it off the newspaper shelf.

To his surprise, this is not the Baku Workers' Daily, but **, and the title has also been changed to Chinese Foreign Minister's Full Support for Mamedorf.

Secretary Li was confused at first, and in an instant, he was confused. Soon after, it became frightened.

It's too vicious!

He is very sure that this is not the message he asked someone to publish, and he does not have such resources and background.

In this way, the report of "China's Foreign Minister's Full Support for Husseinov" in the Baku Workers' Daily will not be published by Chief Wang.

And there is no problem with these two articles alone. If you read them together, there are many problems.

It is the first point. It implies that Minister Zheng is a wall-riding faction, which is a great harm to a diplomat.

Of course, compared with the next impact, this damage is also the level of Band-Aid.

Because Secretary Li knows it more clearly. Minister Zheng's support for the two Azerbaijani presidential candidates is absolutely a private act.

Su Cheng supported the foreign presidential election as an entrepreneur and was criticized by Minister Zheng in the name of justice. What about Minister Zheng himself?

The crime of interfering in foreign diplomacy is inesistence. It is inevitable to be unorganized and undisciplined, and knowing the law and breaking the law is even more obvious.

In addition, the deputy minister is regarded as the foreign minister by the other party. It is debatable no matter what the minister thinks. If you think about it a little more deeply, what Minister Zheng did is also the lice on the bald head, which is obvious.

It can be said. Whether it is thinking horizontally and vertically or 360 degrees in the southeast and northwest spiral, Minister Zheng is a wound all over his body, and there are too many weaknesses of being attacked.

The most important thing is. Who ordered this matter, and who will publish the article?

The existence of the behind-the-scenes manipulator. It made Secretary Li feel cold all over. I have been a diplomatic entourage for a long time. I have heard a lot of spy stories, but I have never experienced a real secret war.

"Where did the news leak?" Secretary Li turned his mind and read the article quickly.

The report of "China's Foreign Minister's Full Support for Mamedorf" occupies a longer length. The front page of "**" gives it less than a quarter of the column, but it is very obvious. The specific content is written in the second edition, about 2,000 words.

The content, not only Secretary Li's promise to Mamedorf, but also the chat content after his meeting with Mamedorf's men, is like listening in person.

In addition, the furnishings in the house that Secretary Li did not notice that day were also listed above.

"It was the Azerbaijanis who leaked the secret. Fortunately..." Secretary Li breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly became nervous again: "It's over. It's so specific that it's not easy to prove that the other party is talking."

vaguely, Secretary Li was more worried about whether Mamedorf's people had prepared a camera or tape recorder. At that time, it was in someone's office, and I didn't want to set up anything.

The chaotic thinking hit Secretary Li's head like a comet, which made him dizzy. He didn't know what to do. He hid the newspaper and stumbled back to his room.

For a long time, the door was knocked, and the outside shouted, "Li Mi, my Lao Wang."

is Section Chief Wang of the Economic and Trade Commission.

Secretary Li is in high spirits. This is his only ally in Baku.

He rubbed his eyes hard, opened the door, and couldn't smile and said, "Have you heard about it?"

"What did you hear about?"

"This." Secretary Li had the newspaper in his hand, handed it directly to Section Chief Wang, and then took another one from the desk.

Section Chief Wang took a look, took the newspaper in his hand, and read it with difficulty. He didn't learn Russian until he arrived at the unit. It's okay to hear, but it's difficult to read and write, so he usually doesn't read newspapers very much.

It took him more than ten minutes to finish reading a report, and then he lost his face and fell into the long-term examination.

Secretary Li suddenly relaxed a little and felt much better. Sure enough, he passed the disaster on to others, and he only had to bear half of the disaster - hey, is that what he said?

He coughed gently and said, "I don't know if the news will spread to China. Let's remind Minister Zheng to pay attention first. Ask him to say hello to Counselor Han. Don't write a report here. Maybe you can hide there.

Section Chief Wang is older. Although he is not proficient in Russian, he is well versed in the world. After listening to Secretary Li's words, he smiled bitterly: "The two newspapers published two opposing articles on the same day. Not to mention, what if they fight?"

"A war of words?" Secretary Li had a newspaper in his mind, and one report debated with each other. This argument proves that Minister Zheng supports Mamedorf, and that company argues that Minister Zheng supports Husseinov. At the election time, every media seems to have added gunpowder. Abuse and controversy can also lead to an increase in sales. Why not?

"The more media is reported, the greater the pressure on the embassy here. In the end, what do you think Azerbaijan will do if it submits a handimission to the country? Chief Wang took a deep breath, and the shadow of Su Cheng appeared in his mind.

Secretary Li was as dumb as a chicken and asked, "What should I do?"

"I asked you what to do." Section Chief Wang is angry and angry. He is an official of the Economic and Trade Bureau, not from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This time, it can only be said that he was obsessed with this matter. With such a result, he suddenly felt trapped.

"Maybe... they won't have a war of words? After all, it's a foreign matter. Don't they still have their own campaign work to do?

"It's better... I'm afraid... by the way, is it right to write the details of Mamedorf's report?"

"Is it right to write the details of Husseinov's report?"

"There is not much difference."

"My so is mine."

Section Chief Wang licked his lips and turned into a long sigh: "I'm afraid they have evidence." To be continued) RS