Super Energy Power

Chapter 560 Public Relations

Azerbaijan's bidding instructions will spread throughout Central Asia and the oil industry in just a few days. The direct result of it is to make the high-consumption places in Baku more and more popular.

Bars that provide mellow wine, nightclubs for beautiful women and strong and handsome men, and well-defensive casinos... These luxurious places located in old Soviet-style buildings, like spring mountain flowers, have opened all over the Caspian Mountain City in a chaotic and orderly manner. Baku Airport, which has not yet recovered, keeps opening additional flights, and the routes to London, Paris, Tokyo and New York are full.

Many officials who have never left Azerbaijan in their lives suddenly become guests in luxury places. They drink wine, enjoy beautiful women or men, and spend a lot of money in the oxygen-filled hall... By the way, major oil companies have also taken countless information from them.

The so-called snake has a snake path and a rat has a rat road. Although these old and new Azerbaijani officials can't directly provide ready-made documents and answers, they can at least provide fragmented information.

Little Aliyev can't do hundreds of pages of documents alone. He has an assistant to help, and his assistant also needs an assistant to collect and sort out information.

Azerbaijan's bidding method imitates the oilfield policies in South America and Eastern Europe in recent years. Although it cannot be bidsed by other companies, it is enough for ordinary oil companies to support their bidding bids.

Dahua Industry is also not exempt from vulgarity. Dahua Public Relations Department uses a familiar method in China to provide a large number of air conditioners and central air conditioners to relevant departments and individuals in Azerbaijan at a low price in exchange for good impression and information.

Today's Baku is a big construction site, and those officials are willing to be in a chaotic environment. Since the 1980s, Baku has not been popular with Moscow. He has never been treated like this.

Li Lin pulled Chen Baoqing from the compressor project team of Dahua Laboratory to work for the Azerbaijanis in person.

She was wearing high heels and short skirts, running around the wide and long stairs, walking through the dark corridor from time to time, and arranging the workers to do this and that.

Whether it is domestic workers or locally recruited workers, they are happy to listen to Li Lin's greetings. Anyway, this upturned woman is always more popular than the foreman.

Chen Baoqing hated the chaotic environment and splashing dust. He said anxiously, "Just leave the installation of the air conditioner to the workers. Even if you ask me to come, I won't either."

"I'm very worried about such a large building with the modified central air conditioner without Team Leader Chen." Li Lin's tone is a little bit of Hong Kong and Taiwan accent, and she uses the charming cuteness of the 1990s, which is one of her tricks for internal public relations. If she were a foreigner, she would use the newly learned London accent. Although she is not good at reading and writing, Li Lin works very hard in terms of language, especially tone. It is also because of her example that Dahua Public Relations Department has not experienced a big change of blood. More than 60 employees have relied on their own efforts to keep up with the development of the group, and they have made a lot of efforts as a result.

As a professional and technical researcher, Chen Baoqing has the otaku attribute of 80. He looked at Li Lin up and down, gave in again, and said, "What do you want me to do?" First of all, there are engineers in the laying of the central air conditioning line, and I'm a scientist..."

"Yes, yes, yes." Li Lin covered her mouth and smiled: "You are an expert in the compressor project team. I just want you to check it."

"It's a waste of time." Chen Baoqing said secretly: If it hadn't been for the letter from the headquarters, the ghost would have come to the place where it was frozen at night during the day.

Li Lin knew the character of the laboratory expert and said with a soft smile, "It's not that you are here, so they are at ease. There are several companies competing with us for the air conditioning project. If it is not for you, how can we fight for it?

"You can compete for it, but the price is low, right? The price of cabbage, don't be a fool." When Chen Baoqing said this, he shook his head and said, "Tell me, it's so competitive to make a commercial bribe. Those foreigners are also stupid. It's enough to reduce the price, but it must be sold at cost price."

"Their business department doesn't cooperate well. For those group companies and consortia, it's just the oil fields in Azerbaijan, so they can't cooperate fully.

"The scale of Dahua Industry is not small." Chen Baoqing curled his lips and said, "Recently, the application for project funds has been slower than before."

"If it's too slow, you can appeal to the board of directors." The directors and general managers of branches of many departments of Dahua Industry are directors. Although they do not have equity, they have higher management dividends and a stronger voice.

Chen Baoqing smiled twice and said, "It's just a few days slow. There's no need to complain. By the way, I heard that the pipeline company is also inspecting the Shuyou pipeline compressor. I don't know if Mr. Li can help me speak. After all, the company's compressor is safe to use.

"Su Dong has asked all departments to be independent. Whether to use the company's compressor depends on the final score." When Li Lin said this, she turned around and said, "Let me ask for you, but the requirements for pipeline compressors are very high."

"I'm not afraid of high requirements, but I'm afraid that some guys worship foreigners. You don't know those things of the procurement committee. They are very picky, and the smooth surface that is not useful at all has to be investigated..."

"There are a lot of people in the laboratory who are from the procurement committee, right?"

"This... Some people are also changing." Chen Baoqing was very embarrassed. The usual complaints in the laboratory seemed to change when he went outside.

Li Lin laughed twice, turned around and said with a smile, "I'm here. Why don't we go to the banquet together in the evening? I heard that there are a lot of delicious food.

Chen Baoqing looked at her suspiciously and said, "The banquet in the evening is the banquet of the Azerbaijan National Petroleum Corporation, right? Is it appropriate for me to participate?"

"It's suitable, why isn't it appropriate?" Li Lin smiled and said, "Isn't the extension of the China-Kazakhstan oil pipeline going to be built to Baku? Your air conditioning compressor project will also pass the acceptance of Azerbaijan in the future. It's always beneficial to be familiar with it now.

"That's right." Chen Baoqing still looked suspicious and said, "It's just that your enthusiasm is a little strange. Let's say first that I have a wife."

"What nonsense, I'm looking for you to protect us." Li Lin was weak and said, "As you know, most of us are women in the public relations department. Recently, Azerbaijani officials have been unable to talk. They often want to eat tofu, so they have no choice but to ask you for help."

Chen Baoqing frowned: "Why don't you find the company's security department?"

"They will do it if they are not good. After the action, they don't care. The results of our public relations department are not going to be destroyed. It's okay. You just need to bring a few people to the party with us to fill in the number of people, so that they don't dare to mess around. The most common thing for those officials is the level of eating tofu, and they don't dare to really do anything. Speaking of the back, it turned into Li Lin to comfort Chen Baoqing.

At this point, Chen Baoqing had no choice but to go back to count the personnel and try to find a few big ones to change into suits and attend the evening banquet.

Li Lin focused on the deputy of Little Aliyev, and more accurately, it was the "Auxiliary Minister" of Little Aliyev. His position is comparable to that of Sucheng, and he is also the vice president of the Azerbaijan National Petroleum Corporation. Unlike him, he is also responsible for the daily affairs of the Azerbaijan National Petroleum Corporation. Because little Aliyev does not design practice, Sakbal is a veritable second-in-command and has a lot of power. In some ways, he is better than little Aliyev.

Matters such as oilfield bidding are ultimately decided by Aliyev and his son, but the whole process is under the control of Saqbal. Neither Aliyev nor Aliyev Jr. has the time, energy and professional skills to manage all this. Sucheng can affect Aliyev and his son, and the rest will be done by the Dahua Public Relations Department.

Due to Azerbaijan's reshuffle and the small number of current officials, Saqbal's power has become unprecedented. It can be said that he is the first point for oil companies to break through.

In the whole banquet hall, the most eye-catching person is the thick Saxon Bar.

Even when Sioux City arrived at the venue, his popularity was inferior to that of Saqbal. Only a few high-level representatives, such as Ducat, greeted them casually and gathered together. Nevertheless, they all sent people to flatter the rude former Soviet accountant.

Saqbal smiled cheerfully. Like several subordinates of the Azerbaijan National Petroleum Corporation, he was an upstart who gained power after Aliyev took office. It was the happy time to enjoy power, but his style maintained the rudeness of the past.

In a moment, there were two beautiful female representatives who escaped from the circle with a shocked face.

Despite this, more female representatives rushed to Saqbal like a lantern moth.

Li Lin hesitated for a moment and still pulled Chen Baoqing forward.

"It will be taken advantage of." Chen Baoqing whispered.

Li Lin bit her lip and said unwillingly, "If you are taken advantage of, you won't lose a piece of meat. If you protect me a little, it's best not to be taken advantage of."

Chen Baoqing was happy and said, "Look at what you said, in fact, you are still unwilling."

"On this kind of occasion, what they can't do is to take advantage of the door-to-door delivery at most." Li Lin waved her hand and said, "As long as I have a clear attitude, they will know what's going on."

"Can dogs change to eat shit?"

Li Lin laughed and said, "So, people are different. They are happy to eat shit, and they are happy to take money."

While talking, the two of them gathered in Saqbal's circle together. At this time, he and his subordinates were talking about the glorious past of the Baku era. There were always a few girls sent to the door around the sweaty Saqbal.

As she drank more and more, Saxon Barr became more and more in shape. Soon, she turned her eyes to a French girl.
