Super Energy Power

Chapter 570 Compressing Competitors

The role of technological progress in reducing ** is obvious.

Signature, seal, secret memory... The software program reduces the possibility of hidden operation step by step, especially when a technology is just invented, its preventive effect is the strongest.

Large oil companies in the early 1990s have been familiar with the use of various computer programs. As early as the 1970s, supercomputers and mainframe computers were used in the petrochemical field. They were the first industrial systems to buy large and supercomputers.

However, the time for computers to enter the field bidding is greatly pushed back. Although the transparency of bidding may reduce the cost of bidding enterprises, the cost is not worth mentioning compared with the bidding price.

In less than 10 years, the international oil bidding will become an electronic screen-style bidding. All the company, bidding price and other information will scroll on the electronic screen of the bidding, allowing the oil company to bid again. The transparency is terrible. The final result is naturally a great increase in the income of oil-producing countries and the profits of oil companies. It has been greatly reduced.

From the era of earning $10 for $30 to $5 for $100, it only takes almost 5 years.

It can be said that the 1990s was the last decade for oil companies to receive oilfield bidding dividends. The wonderful division of contracts and the dark operation per second complemented each other, achieving the last glory of the seven oil sisters in the 20th century.

After that, oil companies have to rely on management and derivative value to make money.

The weakness of new energy enterprises in the face of super oil enterprises was established as early as 10 or 20 years ago.

Half a century of accumulation has not only created countless oil companies with assets of hundreds of billions of dollars.

And it has created many millionaires with billions of assets and trust funds with hundreds of billions of billions of assets.

As for the rich man who can't tell the total assets, he was born as early as the Rockefeller period.

The complex trust and share system makes it impossible for the modern accounting system to calculate the number of their assets.

It is almost impossible for enterprises of these sizes to be defeated commercially.

And enterprises and individuals with such super-scale assets have always pursued low-risk and even risk-free strategies.

For example, the diversification of investment has been almost branded on the soul of super oil companies since the 1960s.

When the official bidding in Azerbaijan began, there was no super oil company.

Finally, they choose the means of independent bidding. Compared with ultra-high profits, they obviously care more about ultra-high risks.

On the contrary.

For large and medium-sized enterprises, 12 of them finally applied for independent bidding for one or more oilfields, including Dahua Industry.

Although Sucheng is expected to do this.

But I was still a little surprised.

He doesn't remember the Azerbaijani oil in history.

How is it subdivided in the end? All I know is that bp is a big winner.

But now, the British Petroleum Company does not choose to bid independently in any of the oil fields.

Correspondingly, at least 20 oil development enterprises have chosen to cooperate with bp to bid for oil fields.

Rough calculation, if bp wants to become a big winner, the joint bidding group it participates in must get more than half of the oil fields! Think of it here.

Su Cheng couldn't help turning his eyes to the right.

There sat Ducat and his allies, congested with hundreds of people.

and divided into different small groups, the discussion was extremely intense.

For many small companies, it has achieved its goal to get a 10% interest in a large oil field.

Su Cheng stared at the representatives of companies that he might not be able to name.

Such small and medium-sized oil development companies are actually the most, but their strength is not necessarily weak.

For example, the Sabada Company, once owned by the Bush family, was founded and operated by young Bush Sr., relying on the connections and background of his father as a Connecticut senator and Wall Street banker.

Such companies do not necessarily have strong technology or strong capital, but their performance in bidding is unpredictable.

It can be said that what China's second generation of officials and the third generation of officials are also doing, and the second generation of foreign officials and the third generation of officials are also doing, and the means are generally dirty and ugly. The difference is only in the low level of development in China. The business of the second generation of officials and the third generation of officials inevitably The ugly side of the three generations of officials is less likely to appear in public.

Su Cheng looked at others, and others were also looking at him.

After a while, Shigeru Nishioka of Japan's inpex company came to Su Cheng, blocked his sight and said with a smile, "Chairman Su, I heard that Dahua Industry is going to bid for the No. 6 oil field independently. We are opponents."

Xigang Mao is as humble as before, as if he had admitted his mistake and informed Su Cheng. From a polite point of view, it is not easy to do this.

The saying that many people are not surprised can always be well reflected in the Japanese.

The other party bent down and bowed, and Su Cheng was not very aggressive, so he nodded indifferently and said, "Really? Well... I wish you all the best."

"Thank you."

Shigeru Nishioka's skin is rough, and there are deep wrinkles on his forehead, like drilling workers are more than high-rise office officials.

He said sincerely: "Japan International Petroleum Development Co., Ltd. will form a bidding group with Malaysia National Petroleum Corporation and Japan Petroleum Corporation to jointly bid for the No. 6, No. 8 and No. 9 oil fields, which is hereby explained."

He paused for a moment and said, "Although it is a competitor, inpex is still eager to cooperate with Dahua Industry in other fields.

After the bidding is over, I hope to discuss this matter with you again.

Japanese oil companies entered the world's crude oil development field in the 1960s and 1970s and obtained a large number of oil fields.

In terms of time, if the conditions and management of the oilfields they obtained in the early stage are not ideal, the oilfields have entered the curve of production capacity decline.

Therefore, like established oil companies, Japanese oil companies are very enthusiastic about the idea of three oil production.

Su Cheng said indifferently, "This is the matter. You can send someone to talk to Dahua.

Of course, if you are willing to give up the bidding competition with Dahua, you can talk about cooperation now.

Dahua's three-time oil production technology is ready to be sold for money, because it is a technology that is being researched and developed.

In another two years, Dahua's technology will definitely be updated, and other companies may also develop their own three oil production technologies.

Shigeru Nishioka did not previously accept the requirement of Dahua Industry's technology exchange bidding right.

I won't accept it now. I just said with a humble smile, "The bidding for the oil field is decided by the president, and I have no right to change it.

Nevertheless, I still earnestly hope to discuss cooperation with Dahua Industry in the future.

"I'll talk about it next time."

"See you next time."

Shigeru Nishioka bowed another 75 degrees and turned to the representative of Exxon Oil not far away.

Su Cheng waited for him to go a little further and whispered to Zhang Chao, "How many companies are there bidding for the No. 6 oilfield?" A lot."

Zhang Chao spread out his hand and said, "The analysis group is discussing which competitive companies are.

At present, at least seven companies have a strong interest in the No. 6 oil field.

Azerbaijan has released a lot of oil fields this time, and the time is tight.

As a result, each company has to focus on bidding for some of the oil fields according to its own strength and focus.

Even cooperative bidding is no exception.

The only special one is the bp company.

Since the mid-1990s, the most perverted oil companies have been bp companies that pursue the "elephant" policy, which have appeared in almost every corner of the world.

And it can always take the most fertile oil fields.

The continuous success has prompted them to expand. By selling the assets of other departments of the company, bp has been able to obtain a large amount of funds to support its expansion.

Under the guidance of this business strategy, bp even sold its proud chemical group for nearly $20 billion.

The great success has made bp's elephant policy increasingly praised by countless business schools as a textbook.

and hailed it as "elephant dance".

However, few companies can really copy elephant dances.

Replications are mostly between drunken elephants and crazy elephants.

As a British company, bp works more crudely than American companies, and naturally more violent than Asian and South American companies, just like a representative of the new imperialist company.

In Azerbaijan, only bp company is determined to achieve every oil field. For this reason, they have organized at least six or seven company groups, which is equivalent to three or four times the number of employees sent from the headquarters to get the most oil fields.

It turns out that they have done it. Even if they don't care about the gains and losses of the Aziziu oil field, bp can get a lot of oil resources from Azerbaijan.

At present, Dahua Industry, if you want to fight against the complete bp, it is a fool's dream.

The strategic focus of Sucheng is the No. 6 oilfield. He only cares about the gains and losses of the No. 6 oilfield, and does not care what the consortium of the four companies will eventually achieve.

Companies that also pay attention to the No. 6 oil field are only about one-third of the companies participating in the bidding, because the No. 6 oilfield is an offshore oil field, the cost is naturally high, and the required technology will be relatively high, which dispelled many companies.

Of course, if they knew that the output of Azijiu oilfield would be more than half of the 11 oilfields, they would definitely have different results.

But for now, it is impossible for all companies to focus on bidding for No. 6 oilfield.

Su Cheng asked, "Which companies are interested in No. 6?" Zhang Chao looked back at his notes and exhaled, "Exxon Group, 4 companies.

bp's corporate group, 6 companies.

Shell's company group, 3 companies.

Chevron's company group, 5 companies.

Total's corporate group, 2 companies.

Just now, the Japanese inpex company group, three companies, plus the Eni Group group formed by four companies, and we have at least eight strong competitive teams. In addition, there are several independent or joint bidding groups.

Based on the information he saw from Aliyev, Sucheng thought for a moment: "You can't let them bid for the No. 6 oil field so simply. Find a way to compress it."

Zhang Chao was surprised and said, "How to compress it?" The Information Bureau provides information, and your strategy department will find a way.

Su Cheng recalled the bidding strategy he had learned in school, breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's like Japanese inpex. In my impression, they are the money bags of the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party.

In July this year, the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party stepped down, and Prime Minister Ki Miyazawa resigned... Well, there have been many internal scandals of the Liberal Democratic Party. I don't believe that inpex is clean. Now Hosokawa is the prime minister, right? In the eight-party coalition government, the new party must be very poor. We provide them with funds to tighten the funds of inpex, check the relevant banks, and check the expenditure of inpex.

Anyway, as long as inpex and Japan Petroleum Corporation choose the contraction strategy, it will be successful.

Su Cheng said it so clearly.

Naturally, I have done research.

Zhang Chao nodded quickly and said, "I immediately sent someone to make a plan, but... Even if the Japanese New Party is willing to collect money, I guess I dare not do it too obviously. It is impossible to force inpex to quit..." "Without them to withdraw, the lower the bid of other companies, the less we will pay the price.

Let inpex choose a lower amount to win.

Sucheng agreed to Aliyev's state loan and other conditions, which means that he can get the bidding reserve price of each company directly from Aliyev at that time.

As long as you look at the tenders of other companies and pay a slightly higher price, you can get the Aqijiu oil field.

If it is a large oil field like Sertan, it is enough to have such preparation.

Get an extra 1% share.

or getting 1% less is irrelevant.

However, Aqijiu Oilfield is a super oil field. After 2000, its peak production capacity will exceed 1.3 million barrels a day. At a market price of $100, it means that the daily output value is $130 million. Dahua Industry gets 45% or 46%, and the difference of the day. There are 1.3 million.

There will be a gap of $400 million a year.

At the same time, 30 years.

The gap between the 31-year or 35-year contract is even more obvious. If 1 percentage point is put into the 35-year contract, it is about 10 billion US dollars.

Instead of giving so much money to the Azerbaijani government, Sucheng might as well bribe the political opponents behind several companies.

He spent so much energy on the Azijiu oil field, so naturally he wanted to make the maximum profit as much as possible.

Each oil company has its own problems and its own contradictions. In the group of companies composed of several companies, the problems and contradictions will only be more prominent. If you make good use of them, you can naturally get the results Su Cheng wants - after any collective has contradictions, their solution can only be compromise and conservatism.

For the oil masses participating in the bidding, the first choice to choose compromise and conservatism must be to reduce the bid in their dark bids.

In the end, the reduction of these bids will return a large amount of profits to Suzhou City.

As far as the current ** Japanese political arena is concerned, 100 million yen has been used to bribe party bosses, and 500 million yen is almost more than enough for the Prime Minister.

In the "Lockheed case" of bribing Tanaka Kakuei that year, Lockheed took a secret public relations war to forcibly reverse the aircraft contract, which cost only 3 billion yen.

Sucheng just wants a conservative contraction plan, which is initiated by the political opposition. Politicians who believe that they are old and elite have enough means to achieve their goals. Maybe they can complete their intentions in less than 100 million yen.

In addition to Japan Petroleum Corporation, bp's supporters are the current opposition Labour Party, and Exxon and Chevron are well-known ** companies. On the premise of not clearly knowing that the No. 6 oil field is a super large oil field, they are vulnerable to domestic politics. The remaining Shell, Total and Eni, as well as they The company group formed also has its own problems. No one is invulnerable. As long as you take out the money, there are even special political troupers to provide you with information to achieve your goals.

What makes Zhang Chao scratch his head is that the time is too short, and Sucheng's plan is so complicated, involving at least seven or eight countries. Even if there is a mature bribery channel, these things are far from smooth.

However, Zhang Chao can only struggle to undertake this task.

No oil bidding was smooth sailing. For the sake of oil, Mexico changed its own principles of nationalism. Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and other countries built a complex and difficult-to-functioning OPEC, and the Americans beat Iraq twice! It is not easy for a country to get oil. It is naturally not easy for companies to get profits while getting oil.

Since the 1950s, oil bidding has always been more and more difficult.

The latest technology, the dirtiest means and the lowest bottom line are like the labels of oil companies.

Those international giants and their shareholders have also become better and better at learning, more and more open, and more difficult to deal with. Companies that do not do so are either eating old capital or being merged by other companies that are good at learning... It won't be long before Su Cheng's method of compressed bidding will become everyone. The textbooks studied by oil companies are copied in due course.

From the perspective of oil companies, they are not afraid of complex plans and changeable environments, and they do not lack the courage to execute and the courage to bear losses. Their only goal is to succeed.

can only be a success.

The failed oil company, no matter what strategy it takes, is meaningless.

Successful oil companies, no matter what strategy they adopt, are full of value.

A failure may bury a huge empire, and a success may push an ordinary oil company to the altar.

At this point, Dr. Armand Hammer's Western Petroleum Company can be regarded as a good example.

Large oil companies that are large in size and unwilling to fail are often the footnote to the success of flexible oil companies such as Dahua Industry.

Zhang Chao exhaled gently under great pressure, said hello to Su Cheng, and was ready to go out without saying a word.

God knows how long the next meeting will take, and he doesn't have much time to waste.

Planning the plan, arranging manpower, supervising the work, evaluating the effect... None of them seems to be completed in a few days, and the next few days were originally reserved for companies to prepare tenders.

... (To be continued.


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