Super Energy Power

Chapter 594 Black Horse Training

At his desk, Minister Xu reviewed the report written by the secretary word for word.

The report is written in the name of the Ministry of Machinery Industry, and the content is to apply for priority use of exhibition resources. At the instruction of Minister Xu, the secretary did not explain exactly which resources they were, but just gave a few sentences in general. If you don't look carefully, it is easy to misunderstand.

For these two sentences, the front and back of the report are as many as 2,000 words, including not only the text of the Ministry of Machinery Industry to prove itself, but also paragraphs to express the use of resources. The pen in the department spent an afternoon before completing it. Standing at the desk, it was almost empty.

Minister Xu looked at it for a long time, and then said seriously, "It's not good to mention foreign exchange at all. At that time, it's easy to be thought by the superiors a sudden attack, um... Let's talk about the bank, just give the capital account to us. Naturally, it's to include foreign exchange, but Do you understand?"

"I see." The text secretary's voice is dry. He does understand that, but although he has written a lot of reports and accepted a lot of strange demands, requirements like Minister Xu are still difficult among difficulties. It's like playing the trick of picking bones in eggs under the gaze of an old hen. The worst thing is that it can't be broken. The eggshell hurts the hen.

"Go and write." Minister Xu will be critical of words, but he will not give up his ideas. With foreign exchange, you can import the necessary equipment. With foreign exchange, you can purchase finely made foreign goods. With foreign exchange, you can go abroad to study and travel... As far as the international market is concerned, foreign exchange is the real money, and the RMB is just a kind of exchange voucher. Although the scale is very large, before the WTO, its nature and Q coins are no different.

A high-end and elegant man like Minister Xu, once he holds power, he is not willing to put only Q coins in his pocket to mix the world. He is in the Ministry of Mechanical Industry, a department that wants to be in line with the world, and it is also a department that faces the challenge of entering the WTO. It is not a self-sufficient department

From the State Council to ask for foreign exchange, from the bank to borrow foreign exchange, or to intercept foreign exchange from the enterprises below, Minister Xu has thought of all the ways he can think of. At present, if the enterprises of the Ministry of Machinery Industry and Dahua Industry are divided into one or two million US dollars of foreign exchange, Minister Xu may still be reserved. The distance is so big that Minister Xu can't be stingy with one or two pens to death.

His text secretary took heavy steps and returned to his office. He thought hard, took off thousands of hairs, and finally added the words "bank supervision" and "capital account" to the report.

To add such unformatted things to the formatted statement, and it should not be obvious, which is almost equivalent to rewriting the 2,000-word report.

After two extremely painful hours, while Minister Xu was still in the office, the secretary handed in the report again.

It took almost 15 minutes, the Minister to read these two thousand words, and then knocked his finger on the table and said, "Just the capital account doesn't seem to be particularly clear. In this way, you try to borrow the funds. Don't use this word, but the core concept is to misappropriate this fund for a period of time. Decorate it, do you understand?"

When the text secretary heard "not very clear", he fainted and thought to himself: Didn't you ask me not to understand what I wrote so well?

Minister Xu knocked on the table with his finger again and said, "After writing it out, give it to me immediately. I'm in the office today. How long can I change it?"

The secretary began to pry his hair: "I guess it will take two hours."

"Speed up, I'm waiting in the office."

"Yes." The minister was waiting, not to mention the secretary. He ran back to his desk, grabbed his hair with his left hand and a pen with his right hand.

After two heavy hours.

Minister Xu knocked on the table and said, "In addition, it's really not good to borrow funds. Let's weaken it a little."

After four heavy hours.

Minister Xu knocked on the table and said, "The problem of money should be implicit. You can't let the bank supervise all of it. Otherwise, those guys who eat people and don't spit bones will have to use the funds first."

After a heavy six hours.

Minister Xu knocked on the table and said, "The exhibition group is the exhibition group, and the Ministry of Machinery Industry is the Ministry of Machinery Industry. We have to clarify the exhibition group and the mechanical industry."

After eight hours of heavy.

Minister Xu knocked on the table... When the text secretary, who didn't sleep all day and night, heard this sound, he simply fell to the ground neatly and didn't forget to pick his hair out of his mind.

"This, send him to rest and let Xiao Liu write it." Minister Xu sighed softly: "S hurry up, the exhibition will be over in one day."

The secretary shouted for two people, dragged the secretary on the ground and left.

The ill-fated report began to receive a new round of baptism.

It was not until the thirteenth revision that Minister Xu was slightly satisfied and said, "That's the only way..."

Hearing this answer, the third secretary shed tears of joy. The more important the report is, the more it needs to be modified. This seems to be a common practice. Nevertheless, the number of revisions reaches 13 times, which is still haggard, especially for such a short time and such a high requirement.

Minister Xu picked up the hot towel on the table and wiped his face, pushed the chair away, and said, "I want to go back to China as soon as possible, as soon as possible."

"The exhibition will not end until tomorrow." The secretary reminded me.

"It will be too late by the end of the exhibition." Minister Xu sighed and said, "The news of my return should be kept secret. Take an ordinary flight and buy tickets in cash."


The last day of the exhibition. Dahua Industry once again negotiated an order for an LNG ship, and with the previous order, it can be regarded as filling up the production capacity of Dahua Ship Industry next year. As one of the most complex system projects in the world, the construction of LNG ships has never been a company's business. It is necessary to have the cooperation of a fully equipped super-large enterprise such as China Shipbuilding Heavy Industry to complete such orders. Therefore, in order to avoid breach of contract, Yan Xuecan and other shipping managers pay attention to the signing of orders and are more picky about contracts.

Under the premise that the price is 10 cheaper, the newly signed contract does not have a definite delivery time. However, this is also the practice of the shipping industry, which is one of the performances of large companies. Shipping companies usually guarantee the delivery of ships in order, but they often do not guarantee the specific time of delivery. On the one hand, the number of docks is limited, and there are restrictions on raw materials, funds, etc. On the other hand, during the order period of up to one or two years, shipping companies often encounter many special problems, such as troublesome unions, if If the delivery time is forced, the shrewd and shameless union can take the form of a general strike to take away all the profits of the shipyard, or take away more than the profits.

One of the secrets of Chinese enterprises' success is that there are no trade unions. Although the interests of workers cannot be fully guaranteed, the company has gained great freedom of operation to ensure that they can enter the international market when they are behind in technology.

The trade unions of state-owned enterprises are just in vain. In addition to deducting the monthly salary of 2, there are few positive actions, which help them save a little less energy, and then help them get some orders at a relatively low price.

Although it was less than that of Dahua Industry, dozens of state-owned enterprises came together and eventually received orders of nearly 200 million US dollars, making the total number of orders of the exhibition group reach 700 million US dollars. This number greatly exceeded Director Lu's expectations. He was excited to ask him to spend a large amount of money to entrust the embassy to hold a banquet to invite people from the political and business who were familiar or unfamiliar with him.

At the same time, Minister Xu quietly returned to the capital and visited Fei Lao.

Like many senior figures, Mr. Fei allocates more time to thinking and less affairs to specific affairs. Therefore, it is quite not easy to see Mr. Fei. Even a ministerial-level cadre like Minister Xu needs something to see before he can be lucky enough to meet.

The stepping stone borrowed by Minister Xu is the report he carefully concocted. In order to send these two thousand words to Mr. Fei's desk, he also took a lot of effort.

As for how long it will take to get a response, Minister Xu actually doesn't know, so he can only go home and worry about it by himself.

Fortunately, after only two days, Minister Xu was notified by the fee office.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Minister Xu, dressed up, came to Fei Lao's yard with full courage and self-confidence.

The tight defense mode on the outside and tight on the inside makes Minister Xu slowly relax.

"Please follow me." The smile of the staff of Feiban seems to have been accurately measured, standard and rigid.

Minister Xu didn't care about anything else. He nodded slightly and followed him.

Under the eyelids of the two guards in black, the two of them were in the study one after the other. Unexpectedly, there were not only Fei Lao's comfortable chairs on the backrest, but also two other people in the room.

Minister Xu fixed his eyes and shouted with a little surprise, "Mr. Su, Mr. Liu..."

The two nodded slightly and didn't say anything.

Minister Xu was nervous again and sat down next to the door.

"I have read your report. It seems that you want to use the income of this international industrial exhibition?" Mr. Fei's eyes were half-open and half-closed, and his small eyes were almost invisible.

"We are just thinking about taking advantage of the opportunity of the industrial exhibition to use the funds to buy as many things as possible with as little money as possible. This is a very good time..." Minister Xu replied carefully and did not admit that he wanted to misappropriate.

Mr. Fei nodded and looked at the other two.

"Let's watch the video directly." Su Lao turned his neck back and chose a comfortable posture.

With the consent of Mr. Fei, the staff turned on the TV diagonally in front of him.

After the snowflake flashed for two seconds, a sea drilling platform appeared on the screen.

It is like a mutant steel octopus, with its limbs facing down, bowing its body, erecting its eyes, and standing on the blue sea, almost still.

There was the sound of the sea and the continuous noise of the engine in Minister Xu's ears, but only when you look carefully can you find that someone is running on the drilling platform. They seem to be small black spots, and they can barely see the shape.

The boring picture, accompanied by the boring sound, lasted for more than two minutes.

Just as Minister Xu began to doubt whether he was looking at the photos, the engine sound in the TV suddenly changed from continuous noise to an unstable roar.

The screen also seems to vibrate.

A few seconds later, Minister Xu suddenly found that it was not the screen that was vibrating, but the only thing in the screen that the huge sea drilling platform was vibrating.

Looking from the bottom up, its vibration range is getting larger and larger. When it comes to the middle manhole, it is like a six- or seven-magnitude earthquake, swinging visible to the naked eye.

The noise is getting louder and louder, and there is a "puff" sound of pinching cooked eggs.

"Pay attention." Mr. Liu, who seemed to be asleep, slowly sat up straight.

And just as he spoke, the manhole like a pendulum clock suddenly paused for a few seconds.

Then, the derrick made of pure steel flew to the sky like a rocket being launched.

"Fly... up?" An unexpected sound came from the TV, and people near the camera were shouting.

Under the derrick, a black horse rises to the sky and tops the derrick and other large pieces of steel to a height of 50 or 60 meters in the sky before allowing it to fall freely.

Accompanied by the shocking shouts and hoarse hissing, there are also black spots running wildly on the drilling platform. Regardless of the danger of falling objects, they quickly gathered to the derrick part in the middle, trying to suppress the spray of oil, and on the side where the camera was placed, the supervisor began to organize the workers to "rescue".

"The excessive pressure of the oil layer and the poor fixation of the derrick led to the accident. Fortunately, there were no casualties. The good news is that we may have found a great oil field... This is a report sent by Dahua Industry. I arrived yesterday afternoon. Mr. Liu's hair and beard were white, and he trembled when he spoke.

Minister Xu's heart also trembled and asked, "Does the oil field prove it?"

"Video is the best proof." Su Lao said slowly: "The Petroleum Corporation and CNOOC have sent personnel to understand the situation. Whether it is a great oil field or not, the Dahua oil field in Azerbaijan needs to be developed immediately. The extension of the China-Kazakhstan oil pipeline will also make moderate adjustments according to the information..."

"So that's it."

"Therefore, the application report of the Ministry of Machinery Industry will not be approved." Fei Lao made a long pause and continued, "Not only that, we hope that the Ministry of Machinery Industry can actively assist Dahua Industry to build this oil field in Azerbaijan as quickly as possible. Oilfield construction has a great demand for equipment, machinery and steel, which is an excellent opportunity. However, any enterprise must complete the contract with quality and quantity, and can't do anything that drags down.

"I see." Minister Xu, full of courage and self-confidence, is like a degassed colloid, soft and powerless. In 1993, China was a net energy importer. China, which has a history of a poor oil country, has long recognized the importance of energy stability. Both Azerbaijan's oil fields and China-Kazakhstan oil pipelines are extremely important national cornerstones. In contrast, the requirements of the Ministry of Machinery Industry can really wait.

"Have fun. If, as Su Cheng said, a great oil field is found, like Shengli Oilfield or Daqing Oilfield, it can play a good role in the economic stability of our country. Mr. Fei encouraged Minister Xu.

However, Minister Xu, sitting in this room, can only feel the deep, deep malice.
