Super counter-time strong

232 Legion Deployment Photon Artillery

(Hahaha, don't worry. If you like that kind of straightforward novel, I am speechless, but the feature of this book is that every reader can maximize the joy of fighting. You might as well prepare a small book, then record the use of each weapon of war, and you can also analyze it yourself. In this way, with the emergence of more and more war weapons in the future, it will not dazzle everyone. At that time, everyone will read the novel according to the information they have, and can also predict when the chapter of the novel does not appear. Such combat novels are definitely more in-depth and fun to read than those straightforward novels, so reading many times has become the greatest enjoyment for every reader. If you don't devote yourself to the novel, but with a critical eye, you will only become more and more confused in this book. Only finding the fun of reading each book is the real purpose of reading novels. Thank you for collecting!)

When the first second shotgun column entered the launch state, the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth photon artillery column also began to enter its strategic combat target area one after another. The bombardment range of the photon array is relatively closer than that of the needle-mang long-range artillery, and its power is much smaller, but its attack range is extremely powerful. At the same time, the photon artillery array also guards weak lives and warns some moths of their role. This is a powerful function that the needle artillery column that only destroys the enemy's strategic targets does not have.

In all photon artillery arrays, the types of all photon artillery arrays probably include: information-guided photon artillery arrays, seductive and subduing photon artillery arrays, appeasing photonifying photon artillery arrays, destroying attack photon artillery arrays, and rotating beam photon artillery arrays.

The information of the photon artillery array guide the weakest lethality of the photon artillery array, but it is usually used to confuse the enemy, arrange illusions, set up an air mirage, and even projection in the air to fake this weapon. In many wars, he can expect to confuse the enemy, contain the enemy's main forces, cover our army and so on. His role in this battle is:

1, publicize the purpose of the war against the demon residents and dissuade a large number of ignorant demons from participating in this war.

2, cover the electromagnetic storm column closest to the demon's attack range, and make a false projection to confuse the enemy. For example, the place where the electromagnetic storm column does not exist can be projected into an electromagnetic storm column, the place where the electromagnetic storm column does not exist can be projected into some forest plains and other illusions to confuse the enemy, and even a non-existent black iron cavalry column can be projected halfway to attack the enemy, and so on.

3, use various projection illusions to create the illusion of the enemy's miserableness to confuse all demon residents and make them give up resistance, thus reducing the obstacles to our army's attack.

The second photon artillery array is the most interesting photon artillery array. If the first photon array is used for education and publicity and is good, then this kind of photon array makes people learn bad. His role is exactly the opposite of the information-guided photon array. His role is usually to release all kinds of powerful hometowns to lure the enemy. For example, when a person is thirsty, he will project water to you, and as soon as you walk over, you will fall into a trap. There is something similar to this, but I don't know. He can greatly interfere with the enemy's normal operations and disturb the enemy's heart. In this battle, his role is:

1, a large number of powerful void mirage illusions are emitted around Fort Dazihut, thus distracting the enemy and even causing civil strife.

2, when our army completely destroyed the enemy's moat defense, it created a large number of more ** illusions for the greedy and stupid demons to kill each other, thus preserving the strength of our army.

3, confuse all the attacking demon army in the middle, so that they will not be in chaos, thus creating favorable conditions for our army to attack and destroy the enemy later.

In fact, when fighting against the human empire, the first photon array is the most useful, and the second is more lethal than the first one to deal with the greed of the demon clan.

Next is the third photon array to appease the hypnotic photon array. This photon artillery array is an auxiliary photon artillery array, and its lethality is also very strong, even far more powerful than the first and second, but once it is separated from the first and second photon artillery array, its effect will also be weakened. In fact, the most powerful soothing photon artillery array can achieve the three-in-one effect of the first, second and third photon artillery array, but this is almost invisible on the power continent. The function of appeasing the hypnotic photon array is to make it easier for the enemy to accept the information of the first and second photon array and believe it, so as to achieve a certain hypnotic effect. This kind of attack can have an attack effect as long as you can see the fantasy, and even forcibly tear off the enemy's moth defense to fight. In this battle, his role is:

1, the demon residents in all towns near Fort Daziult are convinced that human beings launched this war to invade the demons to help their peace, and stabilize their emotions.

2, tearing apart the moat defense of the demon clan reduces the reduction of all demon clans, so as to achieve a certain degree of hypnosis effect, so as to maximize the results of our army's attack.

3, assist various virtual projections of our army and confuse the enemy to achieve the effect of fake reality, so as to help our army maximize the victory without casualties.

The fourth photon artillery array is relatively vicious to destroy the attack photon artillery array. Its viciousness is not that it is a purely offensive photon artillery array, but its role is limited to destroying ordinary residential buildings in combat housing countries. Usually, this kind of attack is mainly used to deal with the construction facilities of some enemy state exclusive departments. For example, cut off power supply, communications, government buildings, etc. in enemy cities. His viciousness is that it is difficult for him to cause damage to the building itself, but the killing rate of life objects in the building is almost 100%, and even has the effect of killing. That is to say, once a building is attacked, the demon clan on the facade of the building will declare that he will be killed, even as small as one of them. Bacteria cannot be spared.

Among all the photon fog, it is the most effective weapon, which can be said to be inhuman, but its effect is also the most significant. It's just that he usually doesn't do much damage to consciously defensive demon buildings.

The last one is the rotating beam photon array that purely belongs to combat weapons in all photon cannons. This photon cannon is powerful and is a war weapon most suitable for fighting during the day. It can maximize the use of sunlight for indiscriminate offensive operations. His role in this war is to indiscriminately attack the enemy's moat protection and destroy any buildings that exist outside the moat defense, so his biggest weakness is the lack of flexibility and accuracy of the attack, and the error is often biased a few kilometers away. In addition to bombarding the city's moat defense, this error is terrible, but the advantage is the unlimited use of light energy, all photon cannons and even all war weapons consume the least energy, and almost no need to supply war weapons with logistics.

The above is the introduction of all photon artillery arrays, and these introductions are also to pave the way for more descriptions of war scenes in the future.

Because the parts of the photon array are relatively large, and it is also very easy to maintain and the cost is relatively low, it is relatively easy to assemble. Therefore, once the photon cannon column enters the target setting, all the debugging work can be completed within two hours. Then came the electromagnetic storm column.

Once the electromagnetic storm column is arranged, it can fully fight against the demons.