Super counter-time strong

242 Electromagnetic War 1

Information was collected on a large scale by detecting needle-mang long-range artillery, and the whereabouts of the demon clan and the approximate number of troops were sent to the combat headquarters at the first time. The operational command sends the approximate location of the demon army to the electromagnetic storm column, and the detection and alert electromagnetic wave transmitter emits electromagnetic waves for secondary confirmation, and transmits the data to the operational command. The operational headquarters conducts various calculations in the mysterious space based on all the collected data. At the same time, make predictions, conduct tactical exercises on the most likely movements of the demon clan, and finally choose a combat plan that is most suitable for the electromagnetic storm column.

After the emergence of the operational plan, the operational headquarters began to carry out larger data calculations. By measuring weather, air, and various environmental indices, various parameters of each electromagnetic wave are fine-tuned and data models are established. After the data model is established, start to plan the whole and find out the key locations. Then program the particles that are the key fulcrum to achieve accurate microcontrol. In this way, it can be guaranteed that the electromagnetic wave emission of each projection operation can achieve the expected effect.

After the operation plan is completed, it will be sent from the combat headquarters to the electromagnetic storm column. In the electromagnetic storm column, the headquarters will split the data and then assign it to a specific brigade for more detailed model building. At the same time, the programming of key location points will be carried out at night to better adapt to the current environment. All data tasks are sent out for more detailed processing, and finally form a powerful data chain to begin to be implemented.

A piece of cloud in the sky began to condense. This cloud is not much different from ordinary clouds, but there will be a layer of smooth mirror-like electromagnetic waves invisible to the naked eye under it. If you look high in the sky, you will only feel a little dazzling. Some of the reconnaissance and warning electromagnetic waves gathered on the mirror for a long time, and some of the electromagnetic waves were put on the ground for larger projection construction. At the same time, all interference electromagnetic fluctuations begin to roughly reorganize the electromagnetic waves, forming the prototype of the mirror. Then all the electromagnetic waves are deeply processed by particle resonance electromagnetic waves to make the whole mirror smoother. Then it rebounds to attract electromagnetic energy and begins to continuously reserve energy, collecting all dispersed electromagnetic waves into a stronger energy reserve. Finally, a wave of space-crossing electromagnetic waves began to cut in the middle area, and countless space debris began to float in the air.

After the demon army entered the area covered by all the electromagnetic waves, the first wave of blasting electromagnetic waves also arrived immediately.

A huge wave of energy began to explode in the air. This explosion forms a powerful driving rotating airflow, pushing an airflow into the specific orbit where each space debris is depicted, forming a strong driving force, like snowflakes falling all over the sky, showing a weak flash effect and starting to fall to the ground.

These space fragments keep falling on the demon clan. At first, the damage is still very weak, but when the second wave of electromagnetic waves arrives, everything will become different. This is the real projection battle.

A wave of reconnaissance and alert electromagnetic waves is projected to the ground. They have two functions, one is to strengthen the electromagnetic wave container, and the other is to act as the existence and space of other electromagnetic waves.

Immediately after the interference electromagnetic waves were penetrated, which disturbed the thinking of the demon militia to a certain extent and made their emotions irritable.

Then the particle resonance electromagnetic wave carries out the third round of transmission. These electromagnetic waves began to resonate in the body of the demon militia, just like heating objects in a microwave oven. All the demon militia felt that their bodies began to slowly warm up and heat up. At this time, the defense of the demon militia began to be slowly weakened.

When the rebound attracted the electromagnetic waves, all the electromagnetic waves had begun the first round of attack, and the rest of the electromagnetic waves that were not absorbed by the demon militia were also rebounded and attracted by the electromagnetic waves into the demon residents.

Then, more and more space debris is produced by space staggered electromagnetic waves. For a very solid space, such space cutting will cause any damage to the space. On the contrary, it will also provide endless raw materials for projection attacks.

Finally, the blasting electromagnetic wave is permeated to the location of the demon clan. The whole attack was detonated like a mine sold underneath.

Countless spaces are casually like tens of thousands of blades of cutting food, and the demon clan is the food in that container. Although the blade is very fragile, the demon clan cannot withstand the cutting of more and more space debris flying faster and faster.

The body of the first demon militia was hung by hundreds of space debris, and blood began to flow uncontrollably. At the same time, other demon militiamen were also scratched to varying degrees, and even directly cut to the aorta and burst into blood. Then, the casual flight speed of space is getting faster and faster, and the number of space debris is increasing. The bodies of each demon clan finally can't withstand such a high frequency of cutting. One demon clan has been cut into thousands of pieces of minced meat and is still being cut constantly. Then more demons were turned into minced meat more than meat stuffing. This degree of stirring is more like a large juicer.

In the increasingly uncontrollable rotation of more space debris, one of the containers finally reached a state of full energy, and the first electromagnetic wave storm was born in the strong impact of space debris. Then the electromagnetic wave storm began to absorb the nearby electromagnetic wave energy and began to move towards the area where the demon army gathered. Along the way, the losses of the demon clan are getting bigger and bigger. The electromagnetic storm was unimpeded until the energy was exhausted. Hundreds of thousands of Warcraft militias have been eliminated.

After the first electromagnetic storm disappeared, another electromagnetic storm began to gradually form. Wave after wave of electromagnetic storms, it seems that they will never stop. However, the remains of a demon militiaman could not be found in the area swept away by the electromagnetic storm, all of which were full of blood and blood.

In the face of the huge loss of the demon militia, this time the mammoth led the team to stand in the distance and narrowed his eyes. Although he can afford this temporary loss, they are still four-fifths of the way from the human camp. If we continue to advance with such casualties, I'm afraid that more than half of the casualties will be lost as soon as they arrive at the human position. He can't accept this kind of casualties under any circumstances.

At this time, a humanoid demon came out from behind the mammoth general. It is one of the strategists of the mammoth general, which is specially responsible for giving advice to the general.

"Dear Demon Lord, despicable humans will only carry out this kind of long-range attack. The villain believes that we demons must speed up their march. A total of 100 demon priests brought by our army this time, and now it is time for them to play their best. I think they should be allowed to madly support all the soldiers riding wild boars! Even if it is implemented for the vanguard demon clan, the demise of the emperor's blood explosion is necessary, otherwise the casualties of the army will be a terrible number, and it will be a meaningless loss!"

"Ye�. Your opinion is feasible. You can declare my order to put all the demon priests into a state of battle, and immediately give way to the wild boar brigade. Carry out the delusional blood explosion and disintegration.

After a short thought, the mammoth finally approved the plan. After all, this military division is one of his three militaries. In many wars, he has also made a lot of contributions, and he has not thought much. Nowadays, less thinking can reduce some casualties for the army.


A king-level messenger left behind the mammoth general and immediately rushed to the position of the demon priest to send the order.

Before long, a hundred demon priests, each sitting on a strange bird, flew from the ground to the sky. Each big bird wears a gorgeous helmet on its head, on which is inlaid with a huge black-purple magic crystal. Each demon priest also holds a wand carved with countless ancient spells of the demon clan, wearing gorgeous clothes and rings full of different kinds of magic crystals in their hands.

The leading demon priest held high his finger with a red ring, and then the demon priest did the same, and a magic spell began to sing in his mouth.

"The blood of the demon clan is used to fight, the soul of the demon clan is used to fight, the will of the demon clan is used to fight, and the life of the demon clan is also used to fight. The demon clan is a powerful race in battle.

"The whole world will tremble at the feet of the demon clan, and will fall in front of the demon clan and tremble and worship devoutly. Because they sprinkle blood all over the ground, they illuminate all sides with faith.

"Great demon god, please give us great power, and we will offer the hottest blood. We will use our lives to pave your way to conquer the world.

"The blood turns into strength, and the soul turns into fighting spirit. All the wild boar knights immediately disintegrate into the blood explosion and rush forward!"

Then, a hundred demon priests began to sing the battle song of the demon clan. This song is like a killing note, demonizing all the demons swept by the notes and turning them into runaway demon warriors one by one. The wild boar Warcraft under it rushed forward like crazy. The speed of two million wild boar knights has suddenly increased by nearly 20 times. If there is no big accident, after 1.5 million of these wild boar knights die, 500,000 wild boar knights will still rush into human positions. In the eyes of the mammoth general, these 500,000 wild boar knights can already pose a fatal impact on human beings. It's just that this kind of shock also comes at a price. During the battle, all the wild boar knights had only three hours of life. Once three hours later, their combat effectiveness will be sharply reduced or even dead. Therefore, in order to defeat the human army, he must rush through the obstruction of the electromagnetic storm during the period when the 500,000 wild boar knight contain human long-range weapons and enter the human position as soon as possible, otherwise it will still be strangled by the electromagnetic storm nicknamed the demon meat grinder by the human empire.

It's just not easy to pass through human electromagnetic storms smoothly. Among the army of 40 million demon residents, 10 million are wild boar knights, but only 2 million can undergo blood explosion and disintegration in this 10 million. There are also 10 million wild dog knights. 10 million Yelu knights. Finally, there are 10 million elephant knights. Of course, there are still one million long-range attack troops in all the demon army he leads, but the attack distance of these hot demons is less than a quarter of human beings, and they are currently not available for any purpose.