Super space-time businessman

Chapter 37 Bermuda Triangle

Lin Yifan, Sun Ning, Gu Feng: "..."

"Cough... Why are you looking at me like this?

Xu Shican smiled and was about to speak, but was stopped by Gu Feng. Gu Feng was a little embarrassed: "Xu Shi is a top student of Yunhai University. In his freshman year, he responded to the country's call to join the army. After two years of military service, he returned to school and came out of me. This boy's heart is straightforward and his eyes are higher than the top. Don't mind.

Gu Feng smiled at Lin Yifan and Sun Ning and said to Lin Yifan, "Is this boy specially for you today?"


Lin Yifan took his head and was puzzled.


Gu Feng nodded: "I don't know where I heard about your story and pestered that I wanted to see you. I had no choice but to bring him here."

After Gu Feng finished speaking, Xu Shi leaned his head over again. The previous disappointment had disappeared, and his face was full of excitement: "Come on, talk about it, talk about it... How did you treat Grandpa Gu's illness that day? As far as I know, the world's most advanced medical technology can't steal a dying person from death.

Now Xu Shi is a completely curious baby, with 100,000 reasons that can never be asked, but this person is somewhat naive in Lin Yifan's eyes. Can this kind of thing be said casually?

"Do I know you very well?"

Xu Shi didn't care about Lin Yifan's expression and still smiled and said, "Isn't it familiar with contact?"


Lin Yifan was completely defeated by the man named Xu Shi in front of him, and Gu Feng stared at Xu Shi fiercely. Xu Shi shrank his head and could see that he was still a little afraid of Gu Feng.

Seeing Xu Shi sitting there honestly suppressing his curiosity and having no intention of speaking again, Gu Feng said, "Actually, I have another thing to come to you today."

Lin Yifan said, "What's the matter?"

Gu Feng took a sip of wine and said, "You performed very well that day. Even the thunder boy admired him. I also appreciate you very much, so I want to ask if you are interested in developing in the army?"


Lin Yifan really didn't think about joining the army. When he thought about how to gently refuse Gu Feng, Xu Shi said coldly, "What's the promise of being a soldier?"

The smile on Gu Feng's face stagnated, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly cooled down. Xu Shi seemed to have changed into a person and met Gu Feng's eyes without any fear.

"Why are you not promising to be a soldier?"

Sun Ning's words were a little awkward. He had just set the grand ideal of being a soldier. He never wanted to tell Xu Shi, who had only known him for less than two minutes, that he was hopeless. It was strange that he could give him a good look.

Xu Shi said, "Why did you become a soldier?"

Sun Ning snorted: "Of course, it's to protect the country!"

"What do you rely on?"

Xu Shi pointed to Sun Ning and suddenly smiled, "Do you rely on your little body!"

"A small body can also beat you."

Sun Ning stroked his long sleeves, picked up a beer bottle and was about to hit it in the direction of Xu Shi. Seeing this, Xu Shi stepped back a few steps, pointed to Sun Ning, looked at Lin Yifan again, and complained, "Brother, why don't you stop me!"

Lin Yifan looked at the national treasure and found that there was nothing wrong with Xu Shi except for the mouth damage, but the mouth damage was not a small problem. If this was outside, Sun Ning and Xu Shi, I'm afraid Sun Ning would have beaten him in the morning.

In Lao Zhao's words, this guy is looking for a model if he has nothing to do!

Looking at Xu Shi hiding behind Gu Feng with a straight face, he shook his head helplessly. I really don't know how this guy got along in the army for two years. Thinking like this, Lin Yifan stopped him with a smile in Xu Shi's expectant eyes and Sun Ning said, "Listen what he said first. If his reason is not convinced, it's not too late to beat him. ."


Sun Ning snorted and sat down, and there was no intention of doing it. Gu Feng's words just let him know the real purpose of Lin Yifan calling him over. Since Xu Shi is Gu Feng's friend, there is naturally no need to do it again, but he is still a little unhappy, and this guy is too much to be beaten.

Xu Shi smiled a little cheaply and said, "That's right. The gentleman won't do anything."

Although Sun Ning had no intention of doing it, he clenched his fist and said, "I'm not a gentleman. If you don't reason, I'll beat you as well."

"Of course there is a reason."

Xu Shi suddenly said solemnly: "Since ancient times, the history of human war can be roughly divided into three stages, the era of cold weapons, the * era, and the era of information war. You will know from the recent Gulf War and the Iraq War. In the era of information war, personal contributions to war are really limited. ."

"It can be said that in the era of information warfare, the era of heroes galloping alone on the battlefield is gone forever, and even the criterion for evaluating the victory or defeat of the war is no longer how many people killed, how many cities they have been attacked, and how many lands have been plundered. And who destroyed the other party's information network first.

Xu Shi said more and more vigorously: "Why is the United States so awesome now? Forced, there are countless little brothers, but they can still refer to who beat whom and what they rely on. Are there many people? It's not that we are nearly 20 or 30 years ahead of science and technology, and we can completely destroy the other party's information network in the shortest time. If we can have that technology, hum..."

Xu Shi suddenly sneered and turned his eyes to Lin Yifan and Sun Ning and said, "So you two should not think so much. If you really want to protect your country, then study hard and get a good university and seriously study modern science and technology. Maybe you can contribute to our country's national defense! "

"With your skills, according to what you said, all our soldiers stationed on national borders, border defenses and islands to defend the border can be withdrawn? Where will there be floods, earthquakes and other natural disasters in the future? Can we rely on your technology to solve them?

Seeing that Xu Shi's words were no longer so rushed, Gu Feng's face softened, but his tone was still a little cold: "In the final analysis, no one has executed what you said, and it's not bullshit."

Xu Shi was about to refute, but Gu Feng said again, " Put away your sense of superiority and brag about waiting for you to study and invent new technologies and apply them to our national defense. Now the stability of this country is not maintained by those people you look down on."

"I can't look down on them. Don't forget that I'm also a soldier."

Xu Shi looked wronged: "I just want to see that you want to join the army. If Grandpa Gu's illness is really cured by Lin Yifan, I hope he can study in college and contribute to our national defense cause. What is this called..."

Xu Shi suddenly patted his head: "Yes, let people do their best, don't you think so?"

When he looked at Lin Yifan, he found that Lin Yifan looked at the distance with empty eyes, but there was unconcealed excitement on his face.

"Hey, what are you thinking? He's smiling so brightly. Do you hear me talking to you?"

"What did you say?"

Lin Yifan was suddenly pulled back to reality by Xu Shi's voice of several decibels, and then saw Xu Shi looking at himself angrily.

Xu Shifang's words were like a huge wave thrown into a small lake. He thought that when he was admitted to college, he would take the medicine in that world to make money, and even make money with 20 years more information than others, but he never thought of starting with technology, nor did he think that he could bring technology 20 years later. When it comes to this world, how will the Chinese Parliament develop?

In 20 years, how many scientific researchers can work conscientiously to make up the gap. If they can really bring out the technology there, wouldn't China't be able to quickly catch up with the United States in military space technology and even realize China's wish to become a world-class power!

Will those Filipino maids still cringe at home?

"Hmm... Don't you know that your behavior is very disrespectful to people?

Xu Shi had no good airway, bypassed Gu Feng, sat in the vacant seat beside Lin Yifan, and mysteriously said, "As far as I know, there is no medical technology in the world that can bring patients with advanced cancer back to life, unless..."

Xu Shi sold a barrier and saw that all three of them cast their curious eyes to themselves and smiled proudly, "Unless Lin Yifan travels through time and space and brings back the world's high-tech products."


Gu Feng and Sun Ning couldn't help spitting out the wine that had not been swallowed. Gu Feng despised it even more:

"Xu Shi, I think you are stupid to read. If I had known this, I should have detained you in the army at the beginning, and I wouldn't have fallen into this field."

However, the two of them didn't know what kind of stormy waves Xu Shi's words stirred up in Lin Yifan's heart. Xu Shi saw Lin Yifan's face change and completely ignored them. He came to Lin Yifan and said, "What's wrong with me?"

"Are you reading too many online novels?"

Lin Yifan soon recovered. There are no strange ideas in online novels these days. Obviously, Xu Shi belongs to the kind most poisoned by online novels in his eyes.

"You don't believe it?"

was ridiculed by the three people. Instead of restraining, Xu Shi looked at the three with a sympathetic face and said, "Do you know the Bermuda Triangle?"

Seeing that the three had no intention of answering, Xu Shi continued: "In August 1981, a British cruise ship named Sea Breeze suddenly disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle, when six people on board suddenly disappeared. Eight years later, the ship and the six people on the ship appeared in the original place again, but the six people felt nothing and thought that the eight years were just a moment.

Later, scientists found that the bodies of these six people did not show signs of aging. Scientists studying this strange phenomenon suspect that there is a space-time eye in the Bermuda Triangle, which is simply a space similar to the world we live in now.

The speed of time in that space is completely different from the world we live in now, so those who disappear can't feel it at all.

Lin Yifan has also heard of what Xu Shi said. He even heard that fighter jets during World War II suddenly appeared in the *10s, but fighter pilots were unaware of it and had to fight with the enemy.

Of course, he basically listened to some strange things about the Bermuda Triangle as stories and didn't take them seriously at all. However, when he entered another space and saw himself in the future, his concept changed dramatically, and even believed that all this was true:

"Then how can they come from somewhere?"

"Good question."

When Xu Shi saw that he finally had an audience, his voice was a little louder: "Scientists studying this problem guessed that those who suddenly disappeared did not accidentally break into the eye of time and space, but were caught by "people" belonging to the eye of time and space for research, and were naturally released after the study."

Lin Yifan's egg hurts. At first, what Xu Shi said was quite reliable. Later, it was completely like a storyteller: "It's enough for the "people" there to kill them directly and release them. Isn't it uncomfortable? Besides, what's the use of their research on human beings?"

"You don't understand. Maybe they just want to warn humans not to break into their territory. Don't you find that there are more people who died than those who disappeared?"

Xu Shi continued: "As for why human beings do research, these are not what people at my level can know. By the way, you have been watching TV recently. More than 200 countries and regions around the world have basically disappeared inexplicably. I really don't know what they are going to do!"

"By the way, have you found that some scientific institutions emphasize that there is only life on the earth in the whole solar system, but at the same time, they say where there are flying saucers and where aliens have been found? Don't you think this is strange?"

If he didn't get that space, Lin Yifan could completely treat this person as a madman. However, if you think about it carefully, what Xu Shi said really makes sense.

"Okay, don't show off your half-baked knowledge there."

Gu Feng couldn't listen any more. He directly interrupted the two and turned his eyes to Lin Yifan and said, "What, have you thought about it? Do you want to follow me to the army to develop?"

"I want to go to college!"

Lin Yifan's eyes have never been so firm, and at the same time, an unprecedented expectation has risen in his heart.

"Cough... I said, a person with a pursuit like Brother Lin..."

Xu Shi was stared at by Gu Feng and swallowed his words. Then he smiled awkwardly and said, "I won't force your decision, but it's really a pity to lose a person like you in the army. If you change your mind in the future, you can come to me at any time."


Lin Yifan did not hesitate. Although he knew that he would definitely go to school, it did not mean that the two did not intersect. Maybe he would ask Gu Feng for help in the future.

"Brother Feng, my brother wants to join the army."


Gu Feng answered and looked at Sun Ning carefully several times and said, "This is also a good seedling. Leave it to me. I will definitely train him to be an excellent soldier."