Super space-time businessman

Chapter 109 The Tiger Out of the Cage

It can be said that the whole thing was full of drama. When Zheng Haitian thought he was winning, a paternity certificate circulating on the Internet made him dumbfounded.

"A trap, this is a trap."

Zheng Haitian understood that Chen Dexin had dug a big hole for himself from the beginning and waited for him to jump into it. He thought that public opinion had leaned towards him, but no one expected that a paternity certificate that confirmed the relationship between Lin Yifan and Lin Tianye actually spread without warning.

"Damn, Lin Yifan is really Lin Tianye's son!"

Sun Ning has been paying attention to the development of Lin Yifan's incident these days, and even wanted to go to the detention center to see Lin Yifan several times, but he still couldn't see him in the end.

However, although he did not see Lin Yifan, Sun Ning still silently supported his brother in his own way, that is, posting on the Internet to cheer for him.

What surprised him was that since Lin Yifan's impersonation of Lin Tianye's son was exposed, public opinion suddenly changed, and even completely ignored Zheng Jing, and even the Provincial Department of Education announced the cancellation of Lin Yifan's college entrance examination results.

However, when Sun Ning sighed for his good brother, a picture suddenly came into his eyes, which was the paternity certificate!

"This boy won't be Lin Tianye's illegitimate son, will he?"

Sun Ning stared at the paternity certificate with round eyes, and such an idea suddenly came to his mind. Sun Ning decided that Lin Yifan was undoubtedly his brother, because ordinary people can't pretend that kind of relationship, not to mention his identity, what's the benefit of others posing as his friends?

So that's why such an idea appeared in his heart, and it hasn't disappeared since it appeared. Otherwise, how could there be two people who look so similar in the world?

Thinking of this, he smiled shamelessly, and then began to reply wholeheartedly.

Although a person's strength is small, it can converge into a sea, which is Sun Ning's most real thought.

Things turned sharply, and the trend of public opinion turned to Lin Yifan again, and the story of Zheng Jing's rotten grain was turned out. Some people even pointed out that Zheng Jing had forced sex with girls in those years, and finally relied on his father's influence to make things small, and finally it was over.

Once this matter was exposed, it caused a huge response on the Internet. At this time, Zheng Haitian had been worried and had no time to care about anything else. Lin Yifan, who got the news from Dong Maolin, also felt that he did not need to continue to squat in the detention center and waste time. In this way, Lin Yifan finally came out after seven or eight days in the reading house. .

"I didn't expect you to gain weight after staying in it for a few days."

As soon as Lin Yifan left the police station, he saw Sun Ning, and his heart was warm: "Why are you here?"

"Isn't it afraid that you will feel too desolate when you come out alone? I'm sending you warmth."

Sun Ning said shamelessly. As soon as he finished speaking, a figure rushed out of the oblique thorn and saw that Lin Yifan was not injured before saying, "Brother, you are finally willing to come out."

Seeing Jiang Yong, Lin Yifan naturally thought of Jiang Mingshan, who was almost carved from the same mold with him in the future world, and said angrily, "It seems that I don't want to come out."

Jiang Yongbai glanced at him and said, "Brother-in-law, do you know how hard it is to wait for your car?"

Lin Yifan and Sun Ning: "..."

I'm completely convinced by Jiang Yonglin. I really don't know what's in this little head.

"I don't know how worried people are."

Jiang Xiaowei suddenly jumped into Lin Yifan's arms and complained with tears in his eyes. Lin Yifan just smiled and grabbed her. At this moment, looking at these people in front of him, he finally understood the meaning of life and finally knew why he was so eager to kill those annoying aliens.

In order to love themselves and the people they love and let them live a happy life, this is the whole meaning of what Lin Yifan wants to do now.

"Cough... With so many people, you don't have to be numb, okay?

Xue Xiaoou never gave face to Lin Yifan, and directly interrupted the two people. Jiang Yong choked Xue Xiaoou and said, "My sister and my brother-in-law are happy. Can you care?"

Sun Ning: "..."

"You boy begged for a beating, didn't you?"

Xue Xiaoou swung the bag in his hand and was about to smash Jiang Yong, but he made a grimace and dodged him.

Jiang Xiaowei blushed because of her brother's words, so she felt that she was indeed a little out of a state. She broke away from Lin Yifan's arms with tears from the corners of her eyes. Lin Yifan withdrew his hand and said, "Where are we going now?"

Sun Ning said, "Let's go to dinner first."

"Brother, I know a good place. Where shall we go to eat?"

Jiang Yong suddenly became interested when he mentioned eating, and Xue Xiaoou glanced at him: "Look at your useless appearance, you must want to go to Yunhai Restaurant."

"I'm just not promising. What can you do to me?"

It can be seen that these two people are very unmanageable, but Jiang Yong also knew that the person who paid for dinner today must be Lin Yifan, so he ignored Xue Xiaoou at all, but said to Lin Yifan:

"Brother-in-law, shall we go to Yunhai Hotel for dinner? Xiao Tan's brother-in-law has taken him there. If others ask in the future, I haven't been there. Not only me, but also my brother-in-law have no face, don't you think?

Lin Yifan smiled. This boy said so much just to have dinner at Yunhai Hotel. He didn't mind. The key was Jiang Xiaowei's attitude: "Xiaowei, do you think we should eat there?"

Jiang Yong suddenly understood, ran to Jiang Xiaowei, shook her arm and said, "Sister, you don't want your brother to have no face."


Finally, under Jiang Yong's soft grinding and hard soaked, Jiang Yong finally realized his wish and went to Yunhai Hotel for dinner. Five people stopped two taxis and went straight to Yunhai Hotel until they stopped in front of the hotel. Jiang Yong rushed out of the car, looked at the Yunhai Hotel up to 99th floor, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva: " It's fucking luxurious."

Xue Xiaoou said, "You can't be reserved. Don't act like a bun."

"I'd love to. I'm just a bun. Can you control it?"

After Jiang Yong finished speaking, he was the first to rush into the hotel. Lin Yifan looked back and found that Sun Ning was comforting Xue Xiaoou, who was choked by Jiang Yong's chest.

Lin Yifan felt a little refreshed. He suffered a lot of losses in Xue Xiaoou. At present, someone can finally cure her.

Jiang Xiaowei felt Lin Yifan's strangeness: "What are you laughing at?"

"There is no... Nothing."

After saying that, he walked into the Yunhai Hotel, but did not see Jiang Yong's shadow, but soon a quarrel came to his ears.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

The person who said this was Jiang Yong. Opposite him stood two tall and burly men. There was a pool of crimson water on the ground, and glass slag scattered all over the ground. Lin Yifan suddenly realized that Jiang Yong must have been too excited to come to Yunhai Hotel for the first time. He rushed in and hit people with the red wine in their hands. It was also knocked off.

"Sorry, it's worth a few birds' money,"

One of the big men said and stabbed Jiang Yong and almost fell to the ground. At the same time, Lin Yifan felt Jiang Xiaowei's arm around his arm and suddenly tightened it. Lin Yifan patted her on the shoulder, indicating that she should not be nervous.

"I fucking said I'm sorry, and I didn't say I wouldn't lose your money. Why did you push me?"

Jiang Yong is not a good stubble, otherwise he would not have regarded Brother Biao as an idol in those years.

"Then you will pay for it!"

Two big men shouted. In their opinion, Jiang Yong is a student and can't afford it.

"Wait for me to call my brother-in-law."

Jiang Yong looked around and finally saw Lin Yifan, as if he had seen a savior. He waved to them and said, "Brother-in-law, brother-in-law..."

Lin Yifan had already heard the conversation between Jiang Yong and the two strong men. The other party just wanted Jiang Yong to compensate them for their wine. He walked over and asked directly, "How much is it?"

"Do you pay?"

One of the big men frowned, looked at Lin Yifan and decided that he was a good bully. Seeing him nod, regardless of whether Lin Yifan could take it out or not, he said directly, "1888."

With Lin Yifan and Sun Ning, Jiang Yong suddenly had confidence and said angrily, "Why don't you grab it!"