Super space-time businessman

Chapter 140 Mysterious Ding Shao

After dinner, the night came completely. Lin Yifan still couldn't accept the fact that the car was driving on the wide road, and the night wind blew on his face through the window. The coolness penetrated into the bone marrow. Lin Yifan shivered.

At this moment, it is destined to be a sleepless night for some people. Hundreds of top natural scientists gathered in an auditorium of the National Academy of Sciences, which symbolizes the highest honor. Judging from the expressions on their faces, it seems that they are discussing something that make them feel extremely incredible.

At the front guest table of the auditorium, an energy converter and a smooth energy crystal lay quietly on it, and then there were comments from time to time, but everyone's eyes were attracted by the simple and even inconspicuous energy converter.

Because they know that this very inconspicuous thing is likely to change the history of China and even the Nobel Prize. The person who invented this thing will become the first person in China to win the Nobel Prize, and this person will also be the youngest person in history to win the Nobel Prize.

For a while, envy, jealousy and resentment surged on the faces of most people. As the most outstanding group of scientists in China, they have their own unique arrogance and arrogance. They hope that this honor can fall on them, but the appearance of a young man broke everyone's expectations and illusions.

This is what they can't tolerate.

"Dean Hao, this thing is really as amazing as the newspaper says. Can it replace all energy, drive cars and even light electric lights?"

Below the guests, many scientists began to ask disdain questions. Although the hair standing on the stage was all white, his body was still strong. The old man known as Dean Hao said with an incredible expression:

"You must have seen the experiment just now. It's so amazing that I can't believe that it will be the product of our era, and it is also from a student who has just entered college."

"Amazing... Amazing..."

Dean Hao's face was solemn, and he couldn't figure out why he stared at him for a long time. He said a few great things in a row.

"Well, it's just driving cars and light bulbs. Many places still can't replace oil, natural gas and other energy sources. I think there is still a gap between winning the Nobel Prize in Physics. Anyway, I won't sign the recommendation letter."

Academician snorted coldly.

"I won't let him go abroad to shame..."

"I won't..."

The voice of rejection was endless. When the last voice fell, Dean Hao was embarrassed to find that none of the hundreds of academicians were willing to sign except himself.

If you want to win the Nobel Prize in Physics, you must be recommended by two heavyweight scientists, but there is still one left.

President Hao shook his head helplessly and said disappointedly, "Can't you help the young people in our country? Isn't it worth our pride that he can make such an achievement?"

"That also depends on what kind of young man he is. Anyway, I don't think it's worth how these people help him."

"If he can win the Nobel Prize, you don't need Dean Hao to say that we will personally invite him to the National Academy of Sciences to apologize to him."

"Yes, then we will apply to the state to join the National Academy of Sciences and become the youngest academician."

After saying that one by one, the academicians left one after another. They knew that Lin Yifan could not win the legendary award without their signature and recommendation.

Only Dean Hao sat there helplessly, staring at the energy converter, and said lightly after a long time:

"Young man, I'll give up my old face to help you once."

With that, Dean Hao took out his mobile phone and chose a number to dial out.

What happened at the National Academy of Sciences of China, Lin Yifan knew nothing, and the car still wandered aimlessly in the streets and alleys of various cities in Yunhai City.

Finally, he stopped at the door of the "Paper Drunk" nightclub.

Looking at the prosperity and noise that was incompatible with the surrounding environment, Lin Yifan walked over.

The gangsters at the door know Lin Yifan. Since the last time he was at the gate of Yunhai University, Lin Yifan's name has spread among the gangsters under Brother Guang.

Even Brother Guang had to respectfully shout "Lin Shao" when they met. How dare they neglect, warmly greeted Lin Yifan and gave him the best seat.

After a while, Brother Guang came over with a bottle. Seeing that Lin Yifan was about to drink his own wine, Brother Guang quickly came over and said, "Mr. Lin, try this."

Lin Yifan shook the cup in his hand and looked at the colorful lights and said, "What's the difference?"

Brother Guang shook his head and smiled bitterly, came to Lin Yifan's ear, and said awkwardly, "It's mixed with water!"

Then he shouted at the counter: "Who the hell gave Lin Shao wine?"

Soon a waiter came up and returned the money to Lin Yifan before he counted the matter. Seeing that Lin Yifan had received the money and his face was not angry, Brother Guang was relieved.

He knew that Lin Yifan was the one who didn't blink. The last time he smashed something in Yunhai Hotel and asked Brother Jun to pay 20 million is still vivid. It's a little painful to think about it.

"Lin Shao, if it's okay, I'll go ahead."

Seeing that Lin Yifan was drinking by himself and didn't pay attention to himself, he wanted to leave. Lin Yifan looked at the crazy men and women on the dance floor and said, "Go ahead. I'll just play here by myself."


As soon as Lin Yifan's voice fell, the three figures were thrown in directly and smashed heavily on the ground. He straightened up in pain. Looking carefully, it turned out to be Brother Guang's men who had just welcomed him in.

Tang Mingjun is the largest underground boss in Yunhai City, and Brother Guang is also a member of Tang Mingjun. Who will come here to smash the scene if he has nothing to do?

Looking at the door, five people appeared in Lin Yifan's sight, and the four people behind him were short, and the people in front of them looked stronger than Brother Guang.

At this time, the people on the dance floor also stopped twisting because of the sudden sound of fighting. Seeing Brother Guang looking at the beaten men, his eyes flashed with complex emotions. Lin Yifan said, "Brother Guang, do you know these people?"

Brother Guang nodded and never looked away from the five people who suddenly appeared: "Recently, a man named Ding Shao appeared in the Yunhai underworld. He is fierce, and his subordinates are also extremely strong. Some small forces in Yunhai City have basically been paid by him.

I just didn't expect his appetite to be so big that even Brother Jun's idea came up.

"Ding Shao?"

Skied Ding Shao, Lin Yifan suddenly remembered the president of the Taekwondo Club who accidentally appeared during the duel between himself and Li Daming at Yunhai University. He always felt that his breath was strange. I don't know if he had any contact with Ding Shao in Brother Guang's mouth:

"Brother Guang, how much do you know about that Ding Shao?"

"I really don't know much about him. He didn't live on the road before, otherwise I wouldn't have known him."

Brother Guang thought for a moment and sighed, "His appearance is only in the last month. He can receive and pay dozens of forces, large and small in such a short time. Ding Shao's strength is really not very strong. Even the current military brother can't do this kind of thing!"

"Is there such a thing?"

The more Brother Guang said this, the more Lin Yifan played drums in his heart, and he always felt as if something was going to happen.

"Brothers, give it to me and smash this place."

Under the order of the tall man standing in the front, the four subordinates behind him rushed into Brother Guang's hands. His fists seemed to be with infinite power. He blew one of Brother Guang's men into the crowd and knocked down several people with one punch.

"What a strong explosive power!"

Lin Yifan sighed secretly. At this time, the guests of the nightclub saw the scene in front of him and ran out as if they were running away. Brother Guang looked at the scene in front of him and was furious, as if he couldn't figure out how such a thin person could have such a strong strength.

However, this also stimulated his fighting spirit. He stepped forward and just wanted to take action. One hand stood in front of him and stopped him: "You are not their opponent."