Super Network Manager

Chapter 11 are all beautiful women

For the first time in his life, Niu Ben felt that he might not be competent as a network manager.

Although as a network manager, it is generally enough to only require you to download and install games, and it is not specified who must learn to play what games. But as a manager of an Internet cafe, you should at least know what kind of games Internet guests prefer. In addition, you have to know more or less about the content of some popular games, otherwise you may not be able to solve it in time if guests ask you to help them get something related to the game.

Of course, if this situation is put in the past, the cow will not care too much. But now that he is in charge of the Internet cafe and the threat of the system task, Niu Ben has to consider how to make the Internet cafe perfect.

Thinking this way, although I think this beauty is a little non-mainstream, Niu Ben has accepted her in his heart.

Er, we don't think that the other party is a beautiful woman, but we really consider the interests of the Internet cafe and complete the task as soon as possible. Thinking of this, Niu Ben couldn't help glancing at the beautiful woman again. Although the size of her breasts was a little smaller, with her seemingly happy and angry face and her long silky hair, Niu Ben felt that he could not pick out too many flaws from the beautiful woman.

Such a beautiful woman, not to mention working in an Internet cafe, just sitting there playing games, can definitely attract thousands of animals.

"Well, it's a big deal. I'll recruit another network manager. Anyway, as long as the business of the Internet cafe is better, I believe that Master Jin will not care about spending one more person's salary. After thinking about it, Niu Ben felt that it seemed completely feasible to recruit her in. However, this beautiful woman is good, but sometimes it may cause unnecessary trouble. Especially if someone is jealous in the Internet cafe, it will cause a big problem.

Considering this, Niu Ben only felt that it was not right to accept her, and he seemed a little unwilling not to accept her.

Just in Niu Ben's hesitation, Zhao Tuozi suddenly rushed to the second floor with a group of people, and didn't care that Niu Ben was thinking now. He raised his voice and shouted, "Lao Niu, let's talk about it. Let the beautiful woman go to work tomorrow?"

"Yes, yes, let this beautiful woman work in an Internet cafe. Her level of hegemony in the Three Kingdoms is absolutely first-class!" Another person echoed Zhao Tuozi and said. Niu Ben turned his head and looked stunned: Isn't this guy the boy who was told not to be allowed by the beautiful woman just now?

Isn't it that the beauty showed a game operation and captured him... Er, in this way, the beauty's game level is really strong?

In doubt, Niu Ben swept his eyes at the group of people beside Zhao Tuozi, and after these glances, he suddenly wanted to scold his mother: Damn it, what kind of eyes are these? The green light is even more hungry than a hungry wolf.

These expressions suddenly aggravated Niu Ben's worries about recruiting beautiful women into Internet cafes.

It's just that before he opened his mouth, the guests who were surfing the Internet in the Internet cafe suddenly stood up a lot. I don't know whether they heard the movement here in the supporters or noticed the whole incident. After these guys stood up, they howled one by one: "Brother Niu, let this beautiful woman come to the Internet cafe to work. The same shoes in the four schools in the university town will be grateful to you.

Nima, you are forcing the palace!

turned his head and stared at the guys who stood up and shouted. Niu Ben looked like a powerful and unyielding warrior. He had an iron bone and insisted on the truth of a few people, like the greatest hero, and said loudly: "Well, I will announce to you that this beautiful woman has been hired by this Internet cafe. If there is no problem, this beautiful woman will start work from tomorrow. Do you think it's okay?!"

Hearing his words, the whole Internet cafe suddenly fell down.

With his awe-inspiring and righteous expression, he did not refuse to accept this beautiful woman as everyone thought!

Just as the animals involved in this matter on the second floor of the Internet cafe unanimously wanted to denounce Niu Ben, the beautiful woman who seemed to be doing very well stood up directly and said, "What are you doing tomorrow? Let's do it now!"

"You don't prepare some daily necessities, bedding or something." Niu Ben muttered to remind the other party, but his words gradually faded down. Because the beautiful woman stood up and began to patrol directly on the second floor. Even occasionally when she sees others playing the game of the Three Kingdoms, she will take the initiative to give a few instructions. In a short time, the guests in the Internet cafe knew that a beautiful network manager had come.

Legendary beauty, this is usually the high existence of the school beauty, but now it is easy to talk, and many animals are obviously moving.

You have to understand how much those animals who have studied hard in the cold window for more than ten years and have finally come to the university, but can't find a girlfriend because of more men and less women, how much they want to find a place to vent their energy they have accumulated for more than ten years.

Nowautiful women are close at hand, and the manga makes them excited. Maybe most people's adrenaline has risen to a terrible standard.

This situation made Niu Ben couldn't help shaking his head and sighing. However, he doesn't have time to keep paying attention to beautiful women. If he has a systematic task, he must first ensure that he is not erased. As for beautiful women, it is just a cloud for me for the time being.

Entering the computer room, Niu Ben only came into contact with the special machine of the supervisor. After hearing a "drop" sound in his head, the sweet sound floated in his ear: "I found the network and the system began to run."

I only felt the scene change, and Niu Ben found himself standing in the system space.

When he looked at the fact that the system space had turned into a modern hall, Niu Ben suddenly asked with some puzzlement, "I said that Shenma system, your scene is still constantly changing. Won't you get a map such as glaciers and deserts tomorrow, right?"

The system manager responded: "The system will adjust and arrange the virtual scene at any time according to different tutorials."

"What about the system yourself?" Niu Ben cut his nose and said figuratively, "I read that in other people's novels, the butler of the Shenma system is either a cute elf or a wise and kind wise man, or a peerless beauty. Why do you have only one voice and no form?"

"The system housekeeper is just an auxiliary intelligent program, which can generally appear in the form of a virtual robot." The sound of the system floated in the hall for a few times, and then said as if it was a little difficult to make up his mind: "However, if the host requires it, the system housekeeper can appear in the form specified by the host. Of course, this may consume too many system resources, and the system does not recommend this.

"Shenma recommends or not, do it as I say." Niu Ben curled his lips and thought that no matter what task you released, or even threatened my brother by erasure, you were just an auxiliary program after all, and you had to do it according to my brother's wishes. After thinking so relievedly, Niu Ben then opened his mouth and said, "Then you can appear in the form of a beautiful woman. You can connect to the Internet, then change into Lin Zhiling and have a look."

Well, some realistic names cannot be used in some plots, otherwise they are likely to be harmonized.

After a pause, he solemnly added, "Remember to have stockings!"

"..." The system was silent for a long time before responding: "Follow the host's requirements and start virtual form."

The sound of the system fell to the ground, and Niu Ben saw a pile of mercury-like light with a flowing texture suddenly appeared in a corner of the hall. And after the light mass appeared, it soon formed a humanoid appearance, and then the humanoid light mass gradually began to have female characteristics...

The so-called impoliteness is basically an undervalued word in Niu Ben's dictionary. At this time, he stared at the change of the light while fantasizing in his mind. When a beautiful woman with a figure like Lin Zhiling appeared in front of her, especially when she was still wearing a short skirt, wearing a pair of translucent black stockings and high heels on her beautiful legs that were long enough to make any man salivate...

Well, just thinking about it, Niu Ben felt that he seemed to be inexplicably restless all over his body.

"Stay calm, brother, keep calm." After being so restless for a while, when Niu Ben found that the beautiful woman had taken shape, he immediately took a deep breath and tried to make the expression on his face sacred, pure and calm.

In fact, Niu Ben did do it. The next moment, he looks like the legendary Liu Xia wave that will not be moved by women at all. Oh, no, Liu Xiahui.

Please forgive me for my clerical error. In fact, Niu Ben's expression at this moment is simply described as: Chunchun gentleman, just like this.

However, it's a pity that his expression only lasted less than three seconds, because when the light ball was completely formed, an upper body only wrapped below the chest, and the lower body was three inches away from the knees, followed by a small black skirt that I couldn't put down, followed by translucent black stockings. When he had a three-inch high root, Niu Ben only felt the heat flow in his body flowing towards his nose.

Nima, isn't it so useless? At this level, I'm about to have a nosebleed!

He reached out and rubbed his nose. Fortunately, after this fact did not appear, Niu Ben wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and muttered softly, "Fortunately, I have been saying that people who see beautiful women will have nosebleeds is definitely a manifestation of kidney deficiency. Now it seems that I am still a man with a strong body. Yes, only a strong man like me will have an extremely holy and pure heart and mind.

After saying a few words, Niu Ben found that the fantasy silk stockings version of Lin Zhiling came to him and whispered to himself, "Hello, host."

"Okay, okay. Especially the 34C... Er, when I didn't say anything." When Niu Ben's eyes were confused and responded, he suddenly felt something wrong, so he quickly changed the topic and said, "That, the system housekeeper. I'm here to receive the comprehensive teaching of the auxiliary system. Look, the first lesson of promotion to the technical supervisor of the Internet cafe contains a variety of subjects. Which subject should we start with?

"LAN SET UP AND MANAGE." * Hearing the words, he said a word gently, and then stretched out his white little hand and nodded in the air.

At a moment, Niu Ben suddenly found that the scene he was in had changed again, from a spacious and bright hall to a small room with many computers. Then, he heard the task assigned by *: "There are 24 computers in this room. If you can successfully organize them all to form a local area network that can share resources, then you are qualified for this subject."

"So, is there any reward for passing?!" When he said this, Niu Ben glanced at the 34C bulge and his legs of more than 110cm, and his face was in a dilemma and could not choose.

The beautiful woman obviously noticed Niu Ben's burning eyes, but she just snorted about it. After saying that there was no reward, she turned her head and walked out of the room. After she opened the door before going out, she said in a relaxed tone, "There is no reward, but if you can't set up the LAN within 36 hours of the system, you can't get out of this small room."

Her voice came in, and Niu Ben only felt his legs tremble involuntarily: Well, it's really coy!


Thank you for going north at 11 degrees and the two brothers of clean water. Unconsciously, the two reward seats are full. Summon comment collection, tickets. Roar...