Super Network Manager

Chapter 13 Fire at me

Don't be too mean to your subordinates!

This is Niu Ben's first thought when he sat in the position of the supervisor of the Internet cafe.

He has been a small network manager for more than a year, and he has had enough of all kinds of mean exploitation by his boss. Not only him, but also the staff in the whole Internet cafe, except for Gan Suqin, the shameless woman, other employees, whether they are cashiers or cleaners, have this strong resentment against Zhang Pangzi. Sometimes Niu Ben will even think maliciously that if someone in the Internet cafe stands up against Zhang Fatty...

That's not good. It may attract the echo and participation of many people like some peasant uprisings in ancient times.

It's your ability to sit in a high position. But if you treat your subordinates like imperial slaves, this is a matter of quality. Therefore, Niu Ben often thinks that if he becomes the director of the Internet cafe, he must strive for some benefits for the following as much as possible.

Prices have soared and the pressure of life has increased. Small network managements who spend hundreds of yuan in these months can save money for the future, but can protect themselves, which can be regarded as very thrifty people.

Speaking of this, Niu Ben remembered a little joke that happened to Zhao Tuozi: it was a few small network officials who wanted to buy fruit after work to solve the slander. As a result, when they went out of the Internet cafe and went to the fruit street, they heard a small vendor shouting: "Pear, sell pears, there are many big pears. If you pass by, buy some!"

At that time, it was almost the end of the month, and several poor guys were about to break their pockets. So as soon as he heard this, Zhao Tuozi suddenly became angry and got up and sprayed at the peddler, "Next door to Mahle, why don't you sell pears, or call Shenma's many big pears? Wipe, pull your car back quickly. No matter how sweet and delicious your thing is, buddy will have no appetite just thinking about it.

Maybe these words aroused everyone's depression, so they took advantage of the fun, but they just came back in frustration.

After this situation occurred, the employees of the Internet cafe never heard that there was a time to go together to buy fruit.

Sometimes when people think of this, they think it's a joke, but sometimes they feel extremely sad when they think about it. It's only a few hundred yuan a month, and many people even want to go out for a big meal, maybe half a month or even more. Niu Ben came from that level and naturally understood everyone's situation, so the accident got 1,000 yuan. He didn't think about it and directly invited everyone in the Internet cafe to go to the dinner after work.

Of course, it is impossible for everyone to go.

After all, for the Internet cafe to operate normally, there must be a group of people left behind. So this group of people came to the barbecue stall, and Niu Ben counted only concave and slow Lin Lu, Zhao Tuozi, the net manager of the white class on the first floor, Qu Yuanzi who came today on the second floor today, and Wang Shuai, the net manager of the white class on the third floor, and he had only five people in total. Of course, the cooking aunt and another bailout are nearly 50 years old. They go home separately after work, but they didn't come to catch up with the excitement of their young people.

If five people really want to count, they can't eat too much. In particular, Niu Ben once again gave full play to his specialty. He ordered a lot of meat and vegetarian food, plus steamed buns and beer. In the end, he only spent 200 yuan, plus packing for the people on duty. The whole meal only cost more than 480 yuan. The remaining money is enough for everyone to have another meal at some time.

However, although it doesn't cost much money, the enthusiasm of Internet cafe employees has obviously increased a lot after a meal.

When you go back, you don't even need to say hello. Those on the day shift take the initiative to temporarily take over the work of the night shift guards, so that these guys can also gather around to eat something and feel the atmosphere of the dinner.


Niu Ben returned to the computer room in the sound of everyone shouting "Honor of Brother Niu". Seeing that the time was only nine o'clock, he naturally closed the door and entered the system space. It only takes four hours of reality to master a primary skill, and Niu Ben has already tasted the sweetness. In particular, the extra 1,000 oceans given by Fatty Zhang made Niu Ben have a strong desire to learn more technology and make more money as soon as possible.

Seeing "Lin Zhiling" in the space, Niu Ben said with a smile, "Beauty, what are we going to learn next?"

"Next, we will study a subject closely related to computers." Lin Zhiling hasn't seen him for a while and has changed his home-style clothes. Although the simple suspender skirt has faded its silk stockings, its slender legs and more obvious 34C have an endless sexy appearance, which is enough to interpret some charms that belong to women.

Seeing Niu Ben's eyes constantly shooting in her legs and chest, the beautiful woman suddenly pouted and said, "Hey, have you heard what I said? Let me tell you, the following subject is very important and related to almost all computer technologies in the future!"

"Gulu!" Niu Ben didn't hide his evil appearance at all, swallowed his saliva with an unchanged look, and then said, "You can say whatever subject. If you can master the local area network in 48 hours, you can also master other technologies in the same time. Don't worry, I will definitely pay attention to learning computer technology. Even if a beautiful woman like you is around, it will never affect me at all.

"Really..." Lin Zhiling wrinkled his nose and said, "Well, let's start the next subject, English!"

"Shrimp, do you mean shrimp Dongdong?!" Niu Ben blinked his eyes and repeated doubtfully, "Yingyu... I'm joking with my brother. I only learned this thing for two years when I was a child, but I don't have any foundation and reserve!"

"No matter when you learn it, you must learn it again and systematically now." Lin Zhiling appeared a sofa in the hall, and then threw himself on it, rippled her 174-year-old legs, which were more than 110 centimeters tall, and said, "Most of the computer technology applications will involve English. So if you want to really become a computer master, you must learn English to a certain extent.

"Nima, you can't learn baby language in a day or two!"

Niu Ben stared and said bitterly, "Is there any way to achieve it quickly? If you really want to master English so that you can recognize the meaning of most words combined together, you have to calculate it by year at least! Not to mention three months to complete the task, you can add another three months, and I can only stare at the task. Sister, beautiful sister, let's change to one..."

"There is no discussion!" The virtual beauty paused her beautiful legs and said, "Moreover, you must reach the level of identifying most computer terms within three months of real time, otherwise...hum!"

"Three months, converted into system time, that is, three years?!" Niu Ben thought for a moment and said, "This should be able to be completed, but the system task time is three months. We can't wait for the task to fail. Let's learn this bird language!"

"I miss you!" Lin Zhiling hummed and said, "How can there be so much time for you to spend. Within three months, you can only use your spare time to learn English. We have other subject courses to take root and study. So what you need to do is to take English courses when you study other subjects. Don't look at me like that. I'm just the publisher and supervisor of the system learning task, and I can't change the system commands.

"It's difficult enough for me to learn baby language, and I can only do it all at the same time." Niu Ben really wanted to strangle this bird system at this time. Nima's learning task is too perverted. I'm really a legendary genius. I learned baby language while studying professional courses. Take the two courses together. If you say it well, it's part-time. If you don't say it well, it's just something...

Uh, double repair?!

Blinking his eyes, Niu Ben said happily to the virtual beauty, "Why don't we also practice?"