Super Network Manager

Chapter 14 Continue to provoke

When people's anger reaches a certain value, the so-called small universe can explode.

There is no doubt that after being shot at me and played collectively, everyone in the rookie Paradise forum not only accumulated a considerable amount of anger, but also became a fierce flame because they could not find a vent point of anger.

The protagonist who brews things obviously has no time and doesn't want to pay attention to the emotions of the people in the forum.

At this moment, he is listening to the speech of a system beauty like a good child: "The most important thing to be safe is not to see what kind of hacker attacks a person can solve, but whether he can achieve the level of defense of the computer system. For example, those hackers are wolves. If your system is just like a turtle, there will be absolutely no security.

After a pause, the virtual beauty added, "But if your system can be like a tank, then no matter how fierce the wolves are, there is nothing they can do with you."

"I can understand this quantitative metaphor." Niu Ben put down his mouth and said, "It's like what's said in the Shenma meat futon. Even if a man is too strong, as long as a woman wears a zhen lock, you will definitely have to rest."

I don't know whether the virtual beauty has been exposed to that kind of film or feels ashamed and indignant for the metaphor of Niu Ben.

After a fierce look at Niu Ben, she coughed twice and turned the topic to other aspects: "The so-called iron has to be hard by itself. This is the security aspect. Only when you plug the loopholes and various defects of your own system can you talk about defending and resolving other people's attacks. Otherwise, others will get you before the battle begins. The so-called security of computer control can only be a joke.

Niu Ben raised his head and asked, "So, as long as we put all the system patches, they can't start?"

"No one dares to guarantee that they can patch the system. Isn't it the company that studies this system still publishes new vulnerability patches from time to time? The virtual beauty had no choice but to spread out her hands and said, "This system is full of loopholes. Oh, please forgive me for using a compliment. The number of 100 to describe the number of loopholes of "the plague is dead" is simply a compliment to it.

"I wipe it. It's full of loopholes, and it can actually become a compliment." Niu Ben shrugged his shoulders speechlessly and said, "So what should we do with this security defense?"

"To be safe, you must first understand most of the attack methods of hackers." The virtual beauty smiled and said, "Just like hackers may not be security experts, but security experts must be excellent hackers. It is precisely because they understand the methods of hackers and can display various defense methods in a targeted manner that they have achieved their reputation as security experts. Only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you not slack off in a hundred battles.

"I know that." Niu Ben nodded and said, "You'd better teach me how to buy it."

"No hurry, let me demonstrate how to defend against group attacks by these people." The virtual beauty crackled a few times on the computer and said, "I have patched the system and set some tests before. Let's turn this system into an armored vehicle. If these hackers are just wolves, even if my armored vehicle has no artillery fire and fuel to launch a counterattack, it is impossible for them to break me.

"You mean, let's watch them attack like this?" Niu Ben blinked twice and said, "That's boring. I have to find something to play."

The virtual beauty shrugged her shoulders and signaled him to be free. Anyway, the monitoring set by the system allows the computer used by Niu Ben to keep abreast of the progress of things. It's really boring to see whether he is beaten or not. It's better to let him have some fun and relax the atmosphere.


When the two people in the virtual space were bored and looking for fun, the people in the Cainiao Paradise Forum, after confirming that there was no problem with the IP address fired at me this time, they joined forces to launch an attack on me.

Thirty domestic first-class hackers work together to launch attacks on people. In everyone's imagination, it should be to destroy Huanglong and absolutely paralyze the other party's system in a few minutes. But the actual situation is not like this at all. When 30 people rushed to the IP address, they immediately found that everyone seemed to be divided into several areas in an instant, and then had to invade separately.

Rice soup is also mixed with these 30 people. Originally, he was not ready to use all the levels, but just made soy sauce.

However, when he came into contact with the website set up by this IP address, he suddenly found that the website also seemed to be a virtual thing. In other words, whoever wants to really get in touch with the IP must first break through the virtual website.

Breaking through a website, especially a small website that doesn't seem to be well defended, Mi Tang thinks it should be very simple.

But after real contact, he found that his idea was very wrong. Because protecting the highest permissions of this website is an extremely strange encryption algorithm. With just a little contact, Mi Tang found that this algorithm seemed to be mixed with extremely complex Jiugong gossip sorting in it.

This discovery made Mi Tang's face become heavy in an instant after taking a long breath. Because he can easily get the answer, this kind of encryption algorithm mixed with special sorting may directly embarras half of the 30 people. After all, most hackers are modern talents, and computers themselves are Westernized things. Usually, everyone is studying code writing and other things. Who will turn to study the essence of their ancestors if they have nothing to do?

However, firing at me can mix the elements of orientalization into computer technology, which reminds me of my eldest brother Diyao.

Di Yao is also a hacker who prefers Chinese culture, so in his middle age, after the computer technology reached the leading level in China, he began to try to add oriental elements to computer technology, and later made great achievements that can be regarded as rice soup. Firing at me can actually add the things left by my ancestors to computer technology, which is very similar to Di Yao.

If it hadn't been for knowing that Di Yao was participating in a research meeting in the security field at this time, Mi Tang would have thought that this might be a move made by Big Brother to test the current user computer level in the forum.

"Ah, this shot at me, it seems to be a real super first-class master."

After secretly thinking about it, Mi Tang began to use means to decipher the encryption algorithm. As he calculated, he suddenly found that someone was greeting him on the communication tool. Opening it, I found that it was Banzhu in the forum water area: "Mr. Mi Tang, the enemy is very strong, and one-third of our army has been defeated. And that guy is still jumping up and down in the forum. Do you think his ID has been blocked?"

"Jump up and down?!" Mi Tang muttered doubtfully, and then opened the forum water area. Then, he found that he had sent several posts to me.

"Haha, Sao Nian, come on!" This is the shortest.

There is also a medium length: "I said, five minutes have passed, and you guys haven't even broken through the first layer of shell. This is too ridiculous. What a gathering place for domestic first-class masters, self-aptained!"

In the end, it is the longest one, because there is no detailed words about the rice soup, but the meaning of the post is still to laugh at the guy in the rookie park who is too incompetent. Unexpectedly, he can't even break through the simple defense he made. Even in the end, he fired at me and arrogantly said that he stood there and did not fight back. You guys have no choice. If he attacks casually, I'm afraid he will really turn everyone into scum in conversation and joke!

His post made Mi Tang can't help but have an association: a guy who has practiced the Golden Bell Mask and made himself invulnerable is wantonly provoking a group of martial arts heroes. However, although there were many people on the opposite side, all the swords and stabs could not hurt him. So this guy shouted if you didn't have enough to eat, saying whether he had wasted all his strength on a woman's stomach, which was extremely insulting.

In such a situation, I'm afraid that anyone who is laughed at by him will have to vomit three liters of blood, and then try to chop him into 17 or 18 paragraphs.

The same is true for rice soup. At this time, he really wants to shout: "Well, there are many people in the world. It's definitely not a place where you can be arrogant."

But on the one side, the other party is not face to face with him, and on the other, he is still unable to disintegrate the opponent's defense. Therefore, although he couldn't wait to cut the other party for several years, but after finding that he had not been able to decipher the other party's encryption algorithm for a long time, his frustration was like the old Jiang's total victory at the beginning. The cat-claw dog was almost crazy.

After a while, seeing that his progress was still not good, Mi Tang refused to hit the other party in the face with his own strength.

Touched out the phone, and he was ready to call the second and third. I believe that with the power of three people, this guy may be able to take down. He even thought that after taking this guy down, he must beat the other party hundreds of times with a pepper-stained whip to vent. Marler next door, let you be crazy, let you be crazy, if I don't let you cry for your father and mother, I won't call you rice soup!

He was so angry that he dialed a number. After the phone was connected, he directly shouted, "Lao San, you call the second brother to come back immediately. Someone came to the forum to kick the scene. I can't stand it!"

Putting down the phone, Mi Tang couldn't wait to grab the chair and smash it to relieve his mood.

However, when he reached his hand to the back of the chair, he quickly pulled his hand back. In the sound of the "Didi" alarm, he opened the system * monitoring plug-in of the forum in a hurry, and his heart suddenly trembled. Because at this time, the monitoring plug-in clearly shows that someone is hacking into the forum and has disintegrated the first layer of protection of the entire security system of the forum.

After careful observation, he immediately cursed loudly: "Mang Xipi, someone actually wants to take advantage of the fire!"