Super Network Manager

Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Get on the thief ship

"Are you all right?"

He quickly came over to help Niu Ben. Li Xiaolan looked at his cracked teeth and immediately looked worried.

For such care for the spicy girl, Niu Ben could only sigh helplessly in his heart, and then continued to climb up the co-pilot with a painful look. What's the name of this? Do you want me to tremble all over and foam at the mouth to stop when I see her in the future?

Please, can you be more reserved and marry a girl's family? I can't stand it.

It's not that we didn't have any feelings before, but that the relationship didn't seem to have reached that point. Let's talk about marrying a god horse. Is that something that can be finalized casually? It takes two people to get along with each other and feel the need to live together, so that we can talk about marriage. Spicy girl, you have also lived in the city for many years, and you are even a rich lady. How come this idea is still the same as when you were in the village?

Okay, okay, buddy, I'm not saying that the simple thinking in the mountains is not good. In fact, I don't want to get married like this!

I don't know how many circles have been drawn in the bottom of my heart. Niu Ben knows that he can't say anything about this kind of thing, otherwise it may cause more and more dark consequences. So after sitting back in the co-pilot's cab, he raised his face and said to the hot girl, "I'm fine. Let's go and have a look." I can't leave the Internet cafe for too long, otherwise if something is not dealt with in time, it will cause unnecessary losses.

"Okay, you show me the way." Li Xiaolan still looked at Niu Ben worriedly, and then ignited the car.


About ten minutes later, the two appeared in front of a housing agency.

When he got out of the car, Niu Ben hesitated: "I said, can't we just look for it slowly?" What other intermediary should I find to waste money? Is it worth it?!"

"Why is it not worth it? As long as the house is satisfied, it will be settled." Li Xiaoan raised her head and said, "Don't you pay attention to efficiency in everything now? People say that time is money and time is life. If we linger, it's a waste of life!"

"Ye, you have money, you don't feel sorry for it." Niu Ben scratched his head helplessly and was very helpless.

I couldn't resist Li Xiaoan's intention, so the two had to go to the housing agency. They were received by a 25-6-year-old guy named Wu Ming. After Li Xiaolan explained that he wanted to set up a small two-bedroom apartment, the young man in a shirt and tie immediately nodded and said, "It's not difficult to find such a house. Many houses around us are selling it. Why don't I take you two to have a look first.

"Okay, let's go!" Li Xiaoan pulled the cow and ran, and the three began to look at the house.

An hour and a half later, the three returned to the agency after seeing only one house. Because of this set, Li Xiaoan has decided to buy it.

Although the house you took to see is wide-sighted, and the floor-to-ceiling windows and decoration are quite magnificent and beautiful, Niu Ben always feels that the price of Wu Mingbao is a little inflated. After all, the price of a new house is only more than 6,000 yuan per square meter in the university town, but Wu Ming said that because of the decoration, he offered a price of 6,000 yuan per square meter. The whole house is 72 square meters, and the total is 468,000 yuan.

460,000, Niu Ben felt a little scared when he thought about it.

This Nima is in her hometown in Yushantun. Four two-story buildings can be built with iron, not to mention that each floor is 145 square meters.

No matter how compared, Niu Ben feels that it is not cost-effective to buy this house.

However, Li Xiaoan was very interested. He even entered the agency and Wu Ming saw that she really wanted it and quoted 3% of the high intermediary fee. The girl didn't even seem to frown.

"Do you really want it... I don't think it's worth it!" Think about my previous salary of 800 yuan a month, and this agency fee is enough for my salary for a year and a half. Niu Ben had to pull Li Xiaoan aside: "14,000 agency fee. Sister Xiaoan, do you think about it again? Just to buy a house near here, and add miscellaneous expenses of 500,000 yuan. It's not this way to spend money!"

Li Xiaoran was silent for a while, and then smiled at Niu Ben: "Xiao Ben, don't worry, I know it."

"Do you really want to buy it?"


"Well, if you insist, I won't say anything." Niu Ben shook his head helplessly. I secretly think that the consumption concept of rich people is really different from mine. A year ago, he heard that Li Laogen's total property was only 20 million, including some real estate and other things. In this way, it would be a good thing to have a deposit of five million, but I didn't expect Li Xiaoan to spend it so much.

According to this family background, Niu Ben felt that even if Li Laogen bought him a dowry, the money given to Li Xiaoan should not exceed one million. But she spent 500,000 yuan without blinking her eyes, which made Niu Ben feel quite and secretly thinking that if she was really with Li Xiaolan in the future, she would be afraid that she could not afford this cost.

How much you can eat? This is a sentence repeatedly asked by the old man before he left the village.

So from this aspect, Niu Ben suddenly became more and more resistant to the matter of marriage.

What?! Eating soft rice?!

I'm blind to your dog's eyes. Is that kind of person?

Unless you take 10 million to support me...

Well, well, Niu Ben is an ordinary person. He doesn't have much ambition and has a little principle at the same time. So when he saw Li Xiaoan insisting, he could only stand aside silently as a spectator. Even in the end, I saw Li Xiaoan and Wu Ming go to the bank to go through the formalities. Then the hot girl made another direct phone call and opened her mouth to spit out a series of words, which made Niu Ben feel scared.

Well, a bed is only 28,000, and a sofa combination is 23,8, with a TV cabinet of 8,000, a table and chair set of 9,8 and a desk of 18,000.

Is this Nima using wooden furniture or gold?

In the bottom of my heart, I calculated that these pieces alone were enough for 78,000 yuan. Coupled with some other gadgets and supplies, Niu Ben knew that he would definitely not be able to beat them without 100,000 yuan. So in the end, Niu Ben was even happy in his heart. Fortunately, this girl didn't buy a new house, otherwise he would have to get a house of more than 400,000 yuan and install a repair of 6,000 or 800,000 yuan. If you bring the necessary household appliances, the money will be really expensive.

So he tossed until 12 noon. Niu Ben thought that she should be hungry and proposed to have a meal.

Unexpectedly, Li Xiaoan opened his mouth and said, "Let's go to the chief catering!"

"Chief Catering..." Niu Ben's face suddenly turned a little dark. He knew that there was a chain branch on the side of the university town. The place was not very big, just four floors, but he heard from people on the Internet that the minimum consumption of anyone who enters the door to eat is 600 yuan per person. Moreover, people who go there can't see anything that costs only 600 yuan, and it is said that there are tens of thousands of packages.

Go there, you cut my meat and sell it, and see if you can afford it.

Shaking his head, Niu Ben simply refused: "Come on, if you come to the university town today, I should be the host. Anyway, I have to invite you. So we won't go to the chief catering. I'll find another place. Is there no problem?!"

"You speak, I've never stopped listening." Li Xiaoan smiled at Niu, then slowed down and said, "Show me the way."


Five minutes later, MINI stopped in front of a painted noodle restaurant in front of the door.

Before getting out of the car, Li Xiaoan just smiled and said, "There is still such a place in the university town, Jianghu ramen... Well, this name is smelly."

"The noodles are more delicious!" Niu Ben got out of the car first and said, "Let's go. I'm already greedy. I usually come to this place once a month, but now I'm blessed to taste it for the second time this month.

Seeing Li Xiaoan get out of the car without hesitation, Niu Ben was secretly relieved.

To be honest, he was still playing drums in his heart when he came over. If Li Xiaoan didn't like such a place and insisted on leaving, I'm afraid he would be estranged from her from a small bare ass to a big friendship. Fortunately, although this girl has become a rich lady, her nature has not changed much. Otherwise, even if Niu Ben knows what to do, I'm afraid he will feel very sorry.

The two entered the ramen restaurant one after the other, found a table and sat down. Li Xiaoan looked around and said that he was starving to death and urged Niu Ben to order some food.

It's just that Niu Ben shook his head like a wave and said, "Don't mind, ordering is not allowed here."

"Does not allow ordering?!" Li Xiaoyan's eyes suddenly bulged and said, "How can there be such a noodle restaurant? How can you eat if you are not allowed to order delicious dishes? No, I have to order two small dishes.

Then she opened her mouth and greeted her to order.

However, after the waiter in a short coat ran over, he replied to her: "This heroine, please tell me: the so-called people are involuntarily in the world, and you have to eat according to the arrangement of our restaurant owner."

With that, the young man who claimed to be the second child of the store pointed to the back.

Li Xiaoan looked over and immediately found a figure with a fleshy face and a shining kitchen knife in his right hand. It seemed that he was staring at himself maliciously.

"Oh, this is not a black shop, is it?" She hurriedly called her eyes back. She bowed her head and greeted Niu Ben, "Why don't we go?" I don't think that the owner of the restaurant is a good person. In case of robbery, we will be in trouble!"

"Don't mind, just eat at ease!" Niu Ben smiled and shook his head to reassure her.

Seeing Niu Ben looking like an old god, Li Xiaoan can't say anything. After sitting for a while, she found that the person who claimed to be the second child of the shop brought two bowls of beef noodles on a tray, with a few plates of food such as braised beef and sour and spicy dishes.

Then, the two snored and finished eating their own noodles. Li Xiaoan felt that the ramen tasted very good. When he didn't eat enough, the shopkeeper had already came over and nodded and bowed to the two and said, "Chenghui's thirty sons!"

"What thirty big words?" Li Xiaoan didn't understand. She reached out directly and said, "Show me the price of the menu."

"You're joking!" The second shopkeeper didn't eat her at all and said, "This thing is the owner's unique secret book, and it will not be passed on!"

"What's going on!" Li Xiaoran stared and came up with a spicy energy. At this time, Niu Ben directly grabbed him and handed 30 yuan to the shopkeeper. He generally explained, "Don't care, my friend doesn't know the rules for the first time."

"Hey, get it!" The shopkeeper continued to clean up the dishes and chopsticks carelessly. When he turned around and left, he said, "Well, you two, welcome to visit next time!"

After saying that, he ignored Niu Ben and went away from his own affairs.

Out of the door of the noodle restaurant, Li Xiaoan was still confused for a long time before he came back. He laughed and said, "Well, it's really interesting. You are not allowed to order when you enter the door. The restaurant owner arranges you to eat whatever you want. When you leave, you can directly report the money and don't show it to the menu. It is a unique secret. Not bad, really good. However, the best thing is that the ramen is strong enough and the beef giblets are stewed enough. This meal is much more delicious than the chief restaurant!"

In this regard, Niu Ben just smiled and said nothing, and then asked her to send her back to the Internet cafe.

There, we have to continue to stick to it.