Super Network Manager

Chapter 22 Get on the thief's boat

Decided to update tomorrow, and the autumn will be cool. Let's all break out.


Of course, 500,000 is still a very huge number for Niu Ben.

At least he can't figure out where he can make so much money if he relies on his current ability alone. In fact, his situation is the same as countless young people in their 20s in China. The biggest problem facing him is that there is no so-called primitive capital.

Although Niu Ben is not bad, if he wants to, he can ask Li Xiaoan or borrow it directly from Li Laogen. It is expected that he will not be rejected if he opens his mouth. But as soon as he came out of the village, his grandfather asked him not to go to the Li family for help at will. Second, as far as his personal feelings are concerned, if all the funds of starting a business are made by this kind of nepotism, he feels that he really can't accept it.

"Forget it, when will I become a jealous person when I see others making money!" He patted his forehead helplessly, and Niu Ben drove his ready-moving mind out of his heart. After saving money, he returned to the second floor and continued to stick to his post.

It's just that he returned to the second floor, and the beautiful network tuber Qu Yuanzi came over with a smile.

"What are you doing?" As soon as Niu Ben saw her smiling like Huaer, he was immediately alert and said, "Let's put our words in front of us." If you want to keep you online in the afternoon, I will never agree!"

"Uh..." Qu Yuanzi was probably broken and immediately stunned, but then her eyes turned and said, "How can it be? You don't look like an insatiable person. I'm just here to see if you need any help, so that we can help you. Besides, now many people ask me to guide them to play the Three Kingdoms. How can they sit down!"

"Oh, many people want your advice, that's good." Niu Ben nodded and said, "Do it well. I'll give you a raise when you're done."

After saying that, Niu Ben wanted to turn around and enter the computer room and continue to study the damn English course in the space.

However, Qu Yuanzi stopped him again: "Don't be busy. Brother Niu, I have something to discuss with you.

"Let's go." The cow stopped running.

"It's like this." Qu Yuanzi pondered for a moment and said slowly, "I just want to set up a women's team. The preliminary idea has probably been formulated, but the training is a problem. I just want to ask if I let this women's team train in the Internet cafe when I'm free. In this way, the training funds for fighting will be much reduced, and those beautiful girls who fight will be stationed in the Internet cafe..."

At this point, Qu Yuanzi has stopped and gave Niu Ben a charming look of "you know".

"Women's team..." Niu Ben touched his chin and suddenly began to think about it. He knew something about the team in this game, but he didn't expect that a female network manager recruited by his men would set up such a team. Generally speaking, such a thing should be a good thing, especially if it can have an impact on the whole game after the team is established, the benefits to Internet cafes are difficult to measure.

Niu Ben clearly remembers that when he started working as a network manager last year, a CF team was set up when a new Internet cafe in Binhai City opened, focusing on the current popular game Crossing the Line of Fire. Good boy, after that, the business of the Internet cafe was booming, and it was not an exaggeration to say that it was a big deal!

Most importantly, according to the director of the Internet cafe, the 400-machine Internet cafe has been completely recovered, and there are still a lot of profits.

What is the concept of the one-year return of 400-machine Internet cafes? Niu Ben is no longer in the mood to calculate it again. What he is thinking now is that if the business of Xingyue Internet cafe can be so good, let's not talk about salary increases and bonuses. Most importantly, he seems to have hope to complete the tasks given by the virtual system!

Yes, yes, the task is the most important!

had such an idea, and Niu Ben's heart suddenly became hot. Turning his head, he looked at Qu Yuanzi and said, "This is definitely a good thing. However, Qu girl, I agree to set up a team and get a few machines in the Internet cafe to train you, which is not a big problem. The key question is, I want to know if the team you set up has a certain level. If there is no standard, it will be meaningless.

"Don't worry about this!" Qu Yuanzi smiled brightly and said, "Why don't you test on the spot?"

"Okay, I definitely have to take a look to rest assured." Niu Ben nodded, but then frowned, "But how can I tell your level? In other people's words, because I don't know the actual level of others, I can't detect it. Unless..."

He took a look at Qu Yuanzi, and the other party immediately said very cooperatively, "You can play this game yourself. Wouldn't it be more reassuring to test it yourself?"

"Okay, then try it." Niu Benxin said that learning English in the afternoon was also a sloppy thing, and he did have resistance. And for this game, in fact, he has been trying it for a long time, so several factors combined contributed to his agreement.

He didn't know that when he turned around to open the empty machine, Qu Yuanzi quietly stuck out his tongue behind his back and made a successful gesture.

It is undoubtedly the most correct strategy to pull down Niu Ben to play. Because as long as Niu Ben likes this game, there is no need for Qu Yuanzi to talk about it in the future. In order to grow his technology as soon as possible, or just want to find someone to play with him, he will definitely pull Qu Yuanzi together. Therefore, Shenma is not allowed to play games in the afternoon, and if the operation is standardized during working hours, it will soon be thrown to Java.

Qu Yuanzi believes that as long as Niu Ben gets it, he will definitely like this game.

Of course, it's too early to say this. Qu Yuanzi feels that the most important thing now is to let Niu Ben find fun in the game. Therefore, after Niu Ben turned on, she first guided Niu Ben to apply for an account, and then let him enter the game and become familiar with the game from playing computer. And all novices will always have an iron law when playing a game: that is, they will definitely have questions at the beginning.

That's true. When Niu Ben played for about five minutes, he began to shout.

"Ah, this little soldier is really tough. He beats me a lot of blood."

"No, the arrow tower blood was half beaten by them!"

"Beauty, come and have a look. What's going on? For the five heroes of Mao Computer, I can only fight alone.

"Fit, all three of them are desperately trying to demolish the house. Which way should I play first?"


More than half an hour later, in the call of Niu Ben, his old nest in Shu collapsed.


At the end of the game, Niu Ben began to ask his own questions, and Qu Yuanzi also patiently explained it to him. Moreover, this beautiful woman seems to be quite good at teaching people, so more than an hour later, with her continuous explanation and Niu Ben's self-understanding, Niu Ben has been able to stay still in the face of five computers and go straight to the other party's old nest.

However, the charm of competition lies in fighting with people, so after another set, Qu Yuanzi instructed Niu to run into the rookie park to hang out.

At this time, Niu Ben naturally has no confidence in fighting with players, so when he saw that everything was normal in the Internet cafe, he let Qu Yuanzi play with him and bring himself by the way.

For beginners, Qu Yuanzi asked Niu Ben to choose the role that is the easiest to get started. That is, holding a green dragon moon knife, no matter in any novel or romance, he is a well-known character, Guan Erge!

Qu Yuanzi seems to have the intention to let Niu Ben understand what the Three Kingdoms competition is, so the room directly built is 5V5.

After waiting for a while when the people were full, Niu Ben naturally said that he chose Guan Yu, while Qu Yuanzi chose a mage like a woman with a magic battle. Niu Ben glanced at her computer screen and said, "How boring it is for you to choose a mage. Games are the most powerful warriors."

"You will know in a minute." Qu Yuanzi smiled and did not explain.

In a short time, the game enters the positive contact stage. Niu Ben followed Qu Yuanzi's guidance and walked down the road with her. However, it is completely different from players playing on the computer. Niu Ben was going to try to harvest the soldiers for a while to make some money, and then buy equipment to beat people. However, he came up and found that an ice roar-like thing exploded on his body, and his blood volume suddenly dropped a lot.

"The other party has Guo Jia, you are obscene." Qu Yuanzi opened his mouth to remind.

"Obscene..." Niu Ben blinked his eyes and saw that Pang Tong of Qu Yuanzi was always wandering near the arrow tower. From time to time, he rushed out to harvest a soldier, and then quickly withdrew back into the arrow tower and watched the arrow tower keep killing the soldier.

But even so, Guo Jia's magic value on the opposite side seems to be indelable. As long as Niu Ben's head comes out, the other party will immediately greet him with a burst of ice. Looking at his hard-won blood, there was only a little blood skin that was grinded by little by the other party. The anger of Niu Ben could not be washed away by the water of the three rivers and five lakes.

Until he was tortured for a while, he saw that he was still half short of going to rise to level six. After Niu Ben poured a small blood bottle for the character, he nestled in the arrow tower and cursed at the opposite side, "Guo Jia, right? Male next door De, you are arrogant. When I have a big move at level 6, I won't kill you!"

Only before he finished speaking, Niu Ben found that the people on his side suddenly rushed out of the middle river and rushed to Guo Jia on the opposite side.

Seeing this situation, Qu Yuanzi immediately shouted "Up" and then took the lead in controlling the character to rush out of the arrow tower.

Although Niu Ben doesn't know how to play, he also knows that more people are powerful, and one of the three will definitely take advantage. So without thinking about it, he controlled the bloody second brother and rushed out together.

When he rushed out, Niu Ben found that the law and politics on his side were fighting with each other, and there was only a small half of the blood left on both sides.

At this time, Pang Tong of Qu Yuanzi had already killed and set an explosive flame on Guo Jia. Niu Ben suddenly couldn't scream. He hurriedly pressed a "C" button and controlled Guan Erge to jump to Guo Jia, who wanted to escape!

Nang Xipi still wants to run. Watch me fly and shoot you to death!

It may be early for Niu Ben to see the opportunity, or Qu Yuanzi intends to cooperate. He jumped up with a knife and slapped it down, fell on Guo Jia opposite, and actually harvested the last health value of the other party.

Therefore, a row of blood-red fonts appeared on the side of the computer screen: Guo Jia, who was very long in summer, was killed by Guan Yu, who was not good at it.

At the same time, Niu Ben found that his character had just risen to level 6.

I hurriedly learned the ultimate trick. Knowing that this big move was a powerful means of killing and arson, he immediately stared at the screen looking for enemy heroes, and muttered at the same time, "Where have people gone? Those guys in the State of Wei have not all stood up and let me turn enough at a time!"