Super Network Manager

Chapter 30 World Problems

Long Dongqiang is an ordinary technician on the surface, but in fact he is one of the leading hackers in China. Even the four giants, such as Di Yao, who is now at the highest point in the domestic hacker world, are now convinced of his technology. However, he is different from Di Yao and others. He never let the public know his true identity. The hacker world knows such a person, just because he has a code name: pharmacist.

And even with the name pharmacist, there are not many people in the hacker world now. In addition to the older generation of hackers, this person once killed seven hackers from a well-known Western organization in a small-scale hacker battle. The hackers of the new generation have basically forgotten this character. Or even if it can be mentioned occasionally, it is basically a legend.

However, this legend has never left the hacker world, and he just hid it in another way.

He even experienced the computer hardware burning incident a few days ago. The only difference from most people is that he quietly left the battlefield long before shooting at me and confronting Inoue, thus becoming one of the few hackers who survived.

After that, he analyzed the whole situation and found that although the long battle seemed to be vigorous, everything was under the control of firing at me. In other words, in fact, shortly after the start of the battle, he completely established his position of invincibility by firing at me. Others continued to challenge him, just giving me time to calmly arrange the final kill.

Understood these, Long Dongqiang was a little ready to move and wanted to find a way to fight against me.

There are people in the world who enjoy challenging masters. Even if they may not be as good as their strength, there is no doubt that even the failure of the challenge can also give them valuable experience and thus obtain a higher level of technical refinement.

Long Dongqiang is exactly like this. So by Friday's two-day holiday, he didn't even have time to eat dinner. When he got home, he opened the communication tool and sent a message to Di Yao, who must be online at this point: "Brother, do you know how to contact me to shoot at me?"

"Scared, the sun came out in the west today. How can you have time to go online!" Di Yao naturally knows the existence of a pharmacist, and not only does he know it. The two sides are relatively familiar with each other on the Internet. Because a few years ago, when Di Yao turned to the field of safety, the pharmacist helped him solve many problems. It can also be said that half of Diyao's reputation in domestic security is due to the pharmacist.

So when he saw the pharmacist asking, Di Yao continued after replying, "It's a pity that this man seems to suddenly jump out of a crack in a stone. He has never appeared in the hacker world before without feet. No one knows his contact information."

After a pause, Di Yao said inquiringly, "Why don't you ask those retired guys?"

"Well, those guys haven't done anything about the Internet for a long time, and it's useless to ask." The pharmacist replied helplessly, feeling a little depressed. Because the hacker power on the surface in China today is those led by Di Yao. If a hacker like him hides in the dark on weekdays, if he wants to do something, he will know that he will meet Emperor Yao according to the conventional rules.

But now, Di Yao knows nothing about firing at me, which only shows that the other party is really a mysterious figure.

After thinking about it, the pharmacist's heart faded to get the news from Di Yao. However, this did not prevent him from finding his determination to shoot at me. Then he asked Di Yao for a high-privileged account of Cainiao Paradise. He wanted to try to find some clues from the registration of firing at me.

But unfortunately, just like the original rice soup, the more he looked for it, the more shocked he became, and the more uncertain he became.

To the level of pharmacist, I don't know how many hacker masters have seen, but they have never seen them. They are like shooting at me without a trace, waving their sleeves without leaving half a cloud.

"It's really awesome. I'm afraid this level is about to catch up with the legendary Zero!" After cheering himself up, the pharmacist's heart surged up with infinite fighting spirit. Because he thought that his technology had basically been at the same level in recent years, and it was time for him to find a master to compete and then find a way to reach a higher level. Otherwise, if you continue to be unknown like this, you will waste what you have learned!

When he said this, the pharmacist continued to collect all the information about firing at me. However, at this time, Di Yao, who had been silent for a long time, sent another message: "Aun aunt, something big has happened!"

The pharmacist simply replied, "What's the matter?"

"A powerful virus suddenly appeared on the Internet, and it was sweeping everything in just a few hours." Diyao said eagerly, and then added: "The first problem was the hacker concentration camp. The boss there told me that their server had fallen in half an hour. Then the problem is the server of our rookie park, if half of it has been stopped.

"What kind of virus is so powerful that you can't even handle it?" The pharmacist was immediately shocked and said, "Have you caught the sample? Send it to me to have a look."

I heard that even Diyao, a domestic safety expert, could not handle it, and the pharmacist immediately became interested in the virus. Or he will be interested in challenging things. At this moment, he doesn't even have the intention to collect and shoot at me. He just wants to see the virus that makes it difficult for Di Yao.

However, he waited for a long time, but Di Yao only sent him a few words: "I can't catch the virus sample."

After a pause, Di Yao's next message made the pharmacist speechless: "Not only can't be captured, but it can't even be scanned. In other words, I failed, and all kinds of methods were exhausted, showing that there was no virus in the system.

"Wow, is it so difficult?!" The pharmacist frowned and became more interested: "Where is the source of the virus? I'll go and see if it's infected!"

Di Yao: "Hacker concentration camp."

"Well, I'll go and have a look." After replying, the pharmacist went straight to the hacker camp. However, before entering the URL, the phone in his pocket rang. As soon as he saw that it was the technical director, he immediately answered the phone: "Old money, what's the matter?"

"Come back and work overtime, brother, everyone is waiting for you!" Lao Qian shouted anxiously on the opposite side, and then added, "100,000 is urgent. The computer room has been infected with an unknown virus, and now the regional network has been paralyzed!"

"No way!" The pharmacist opened his mouth and was worried about how this situation seemed to be the same as what Di Yao said. I guess Di Yao may be familiar with the situation, and the pharmacist wants to ask for details. However, before he opened the communication tool and sent a message, a sentence suddenly came from the opposite side: "Aunuch, it's not only my forum infected. There is also a problem with the server in my company!"

At the same time, the pharmacist found that many people who had not contacted him for a long time also sent messages to him on his communication tools. And what they said is basically the same and strange: "It's urgent, aunt, we have encountered a stubborn virus, ask for help, urgently ask for help!"