Super Network Manager

Chapter 32 Practical Exercise

The farmer is busy and wants to harvest rice. Although we are looking for harvesters now, we have to wait for the harvest of others at the field. It's your turn to carry the grain back after collecting it. Well, it's a troublesome thing.


The next day, Niu Ben was woken up by the ringing of his mobile phone.

barely opened his sleepy eyes, and he couldn't help sighing that it was not easy to be a network manager. Especially after becoming this supervisor, I have to get up at seven o'clock every morning and can't go to bed until after 12 o'clock in the evening, which is simply a kind of destructive to the body. Especially if there is a problem in the Internet cafe like last night, you can stay up until 2 or 3 o'clock, and it is often common to stay up all night.

So lack of sleep is basically a problem that occurs in every network manager.

But since you have done this hard industry, you can only choose to continue. Just like Niu Ben now, even if he falls down and can continue to fall asleep, he has to pick up his mobile phone and greet him feebly, "Hey, who?"

"Niu Ben, get up quickly. Didn't you say you want to learn English? Come to the English corner quickly. On the other end of the phone is Ji Yanran. This girl probably remembers that she promised to teach Niu Ben English, so she called early in the morning to urge her. Even though Niu Ben looked at the time and found that it was only 6:30. Hearing this, Niu Ben wanted to be lazy and go back to bed, but after thinking about it, he finally got up.

People who want to make progress since ancient times, in the stage of accumulation and learning, are gritting their teeth and struggling with hard days, waiting for one day to accumulate and fly to the sky.

It is basically impossible to gain ability easily. Niu Ben understands this truth and knows what to do. So after getting up and washing his face with cold water, he hurried to the English corner. The morning in the English corner is as full of tranquility as ever. Even though there are many bright reading sounds, it can give people the feeling that this place is peaceful and quiet, without any negative things.

When Niu Ben saw Ji Yanran, the girl was holding a thick book and looked full of intellectual beauty in the early morning.

However, Niu Ben was not very interested in appreciating it. He rubbed his eyes and came to the girl. He said, "Didn't you come back at 12 o'clock last night? How can you get up so early today? I don't even want to climb up."

"Basically, no matter how late I go to bed, I can get up at this time." Ji Yanran turned her head to look at Niu Ben, and suddenly smiled and said, "What's wrong with you?" Could it be that I couldn't sleep last night and came here with two panda eyes? My brain is not very clear. Well, you can't learn English well like this. Why don't we put some simple words at the bottom today?!"

"It's better to be simple, it's better to be simple!" Niu Ben nodded hurriedly, and thought that the girl was not bad and a little considerate. After a pause, he asked, "Then where shall we start first?"

"The simplest and most practical thing, learn the words of body organs first." Ji Yanran stretched out her hand to guide and motioned the two to go to a remote place. After all, the spaciousness of this English corner is full of people coming and going, and the voice is noisy. It's not a good place to study quietly. In particular, if the two of them are still explaining and listening, they will naturally be greatly affected. Therefore, finding a secluded place to learn is naturally a reasonable choice.

There happened to be a small forest next to the English corner, and the two walked straight inside.

I have to say that Ji Yanran is a good teacher. When the two walked all the way, she began to teach Niu Ben words such as "head", "throat" and "neck", and also briefly explained the various uses of words to Niu Ben. Of course, this is not the most important thing. The important thing is that she simply replaces the pronunciation of Tianshu in Niu Ben's eyes with Chinese.

For example, sea, Farte, love and so on.

However, although she taught well, she learned that Niu Ben's mouth was slightly different. In particular, the two words mouth and teeth were read as "dead" and "sparrow" by him in a very distorted way. And he can't help but want to howl, because according to this method, the former means the toilet on the roadside of the village, and the latter is very hooligan, which refers to the most important part of men.

So when Ji Yanran asked him to keep repeating "Mao Death" and "Sparrow", his mouth was grinning and forced to smile. After all, if a normal person keeps talking about sparrows in his mouth, it is really a speechless thing.

So when he read this word, Niu Ben felt extremely wronged. While walking, he kicked the pebbles on the road as if he vented his emotions.

Walking like this, Niu Ben kicked out with a stone and suddenly heard a cry of "Ouch" in the distance, and then a girl stood up from the bushes: "Who is so unvirtuous? Throw stones everywhere!"

When Niu Ben saw the girl caressing the back of her head and rubbing her. After knowing that her foot was too accurate, she immediately raised her hand and apologized repeatedly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't expect there to be anyone in the woods. I'm really sorry!"

"If an apology is useful, can I beat you up and then say sorry?" Next to the girl, a tough-looking man suddenly stood up again. This guy's face was full of flesh, and he stared at the cow angrily and said, "I don't know if you will be struck by lightning if you disturb others in the morning... Boy, you also came to work in the woods. Don't you know that after entering here, you should avoid disturbing other people?"

"Uh, couple!" Niu Ben was stunned and immediately woke up to understand what was going on. He quickly said sorry again. He dragged Ji Yanran and ran back. On the way, Niu Ben ignored Ji Yanran's puzzled inquiry. IT WAS NOT UNTIL HE ran OUT OF THE WOODS THAT HE GASPED AND said, "DISTURBING OTHER PEOPLE'S INJESTING THE INtimation, NOT ONLY WILL THEY NOT ONLY be STORMED, BUT MEN WILL GET SHORTER AND SHORTER, AND WOMEN'S MIMI WILL BECOME SMALLER."

"Bah!" Ji Yanran spat, blushed slightly, and said, "It's strange to have this statement."

Niu Ben said with a serious face, "Why don't you have this statement? If you don't believe it, you can try to harass those two people later!"

"Try it, you are pure fiction!" When Niu Ben thought that Ji Yanran would take a bite again and then said that this thing was so boring, how could the girl do it? Unexpectedly, Ji Yanran turned her eyes and said eagerly, "Let's not walk from the front this time, and don't make any noise. Let's take a detour from the side and secretly see what the two people are doing. "

"No, no!" Niu Ben opened his mouth and said, "This is a peep!"

"What's wrong with peeping!" Ji Yanran turned her head, urged Niu to follow up, and said with a smile, "I have never really seen her. What is the intimation between boys and girls? This time, we must secretly see what happened."

After saying this, Niu Ben was stunned and suddenly speechless: Nima, even if you peep innocent, you can't go to see the wind and snow in the woods.

If you really want to see it, why don't we practice it in actual combat? Don't you know it?