Super Network Manager

Chapter 33 Expanding Channels

The two talked about making noise, studied the baby language for a while, and the time passed quickly in the morning.

When Niu Ben returned to the Internet cafe, he finally remembered the words of most of the body's organs. Although he still doesn't know how to apply it, at least such a teaching process is undoubtedly much more efficient than in junior high school classes.

Entering the bar, he first asked about the affairs of the Internet cafe, and then began to gradually check the operation of each computer. These days, learning, viruses and other things have delayed too much time, so that he can't focus on things in Internet cafes, so it is necessary to check the computer every few days. Especially when the weather is going to be hot, if the computer in the Internet cafe is not cleaned up the dust, there may be many problems in summer.

And it is a big job to sweep the ashes in Internet cafes. For example, if 300 computers in Xingyue Internet cafes are busy, it will take at least a week or more to complete this big project.

Although the workload is heavy, he also has to do it, because he thinks it is the job of the Internet cafe supervisor.

Yes, the small network manager only gets 800 yuan a month, and it's already very hard to act as a waiter. Then let them sweep the ashes... Do you treat people as livestock, or do you think that the small network management is a robot and can always work for you tirelessly?!

As for the director of the Internet cafe, he takes 3,000 yuan a month, and he usually only talks about everything. People like you don't work, and who else wants to work? Moreover, the computer dust cleaning in Internet cafes is only once or twice a year. What's the matter with the hard work for half a month? From the bottom of his heart, Niu Ben felt that this should have been done by those who took more money but did not do anything, otherwise it would be exploitation.

He is a pure black-hearted capitalist who doesn't treat small network management completely!

"If I become the owner of an Internet cafe, I must give some better treatment to the network management." After saying something in his heart, Niu Ben took the brush, screwdriver, CPU silicone and computer blower, and began to work seriously. People who have been network management may have experience in this matter. It takes at least ten minutes to remove all the hardware from the motherboard and clean it up little by little.

It's okay to clean up one, but after finishing ten or eight units, Niu Ben squatted with a sore back and leg pain, and finally simply sat directly on the ground to work.

And when dealing with dust, it is inevitable that your hands will be full of face. Therefore, after Niu Ben has been working for a while, the image will be as awkward as it is. So much so that when he went to the vacant seat next to others to work, some women still covered their noses and frowned.

"Wrinkle, I've been plastered on your face again." This situation made Niu Ben scold in his heart very unpleasantly, and then still sat down and continued to work regardless. The computer desks in Xingyue Internet Cafe are placed in two rows. When Niu Ben sat down this time, he found that the work under the table was dirty, but there was another scenery. Especially when the weather is going to be hot and many girls have changed into skirts.

meeting, as for what you can see, there is no need to talk about it in detail here. You know whether you have never been a network manager or not.

So although he is a little tired, Niu Ben can still maintain an extremely strong fighting spirit after finding it is fun. In this way, it was about ten o'clock, but Li Xiaoli found it. Seeing Niu Run's dirty appearance, the girl immediately said with great distress, "Don't you have a small network manager in your Internet cafe? Why do you have to do this? Hurry up and stop to wash your face. It looks like a migrant worker on the construction site.

"It's nothing. It's my job." Niu Ben grinned and said, "Besides, we can't use the small network manager as slaves!"

"Isn't it good to invite someone to do it!" Li Xiaoan took out the paper and wiped Niu Ben's face angrily and said, "If the Internet cafe doesn't have money, I'll just give it. You have made yourself so tired!"

"What do you pay for the Internet cafe?" Niu Ben angrily took his arm to block her hand and said, "Okay, Qu Yuanzi should be on it. If you have nothing to do, go up and play the Three Kingdoms with her. I still have to work here. By the way, you can also help me pay attention to the recruitment of cleaners in the Internet cafe. I've been short of someone to do cleaning for a long time this morning, and I'm still very tired.

"You know how to care about others." Li Xiaoran pouted and muttered, and then saw Niu Run staring at her, so she had to leave here silently.

Niu Ben worked until about 11 o'clock and found that he had almost cleaned up nearly 40 units, so he stopped today's busy schedule. At this point, more and more people in Internet cafes are not conducive to work. In addition, 300 machines can't be finished in a day, so let's do it slowly.

After cleaning himself, he then locked himself in the computer room and spent half an hour systematically learning the safety management of the Internet cafe, and it was almost lunch time. Seeing today's lunch, he didn't have much appetite. Because the living expenses of Internet cafes are very low, the cooking aunt can't add extra content to every meal except to buy some ripe vegetables.

The physical fitness of the staff in the Internet cafe has declined quickly after staying up for a long time, and there is no way to supplement the impact of what they eat. Basically, the physical fitness of everyone in the Internet cafe, especially the network management, is getting lower and lower. There is almost a cold epidemic, and all network management will be infected.

"It won't go on like this!" Niu Ben was well aware of the pain of the small network manager, so when he picked up the bowl to eat, he felt that he needed to do something. This is also what he has been thinking about since he took the position of Internet cafe supervisor. That is, is there any way to improve the treatment of Internet cafe employees? Not to mention this industry, at least in this Internet cafe, we have to make everyone feel that life is not so hard!

In the past, although Zhang Pangzi gave everyone an additional income of one or two hundred yuan a month, this amount of money is not a deal at all for the increasingly high prices.

Thinking about it, Niu Ben returned to the computer room after three meals.

He decided to find some new channels to add some extra income to Internet cafes to improve everyone's lives. Nowadays, there are so many industries that have emerged in this way. I believe there are always some things that are suitable for people who have more free time to work like Internet cafe network management. As long as such a thing starts, all network management will taste the benefits, and they should be able to get everyone's response and support soon.

Yes, even if it is only a network manager, we also want to have a quality life and a comfortable working environment.

No one should be deprived of this!