Super Network Manager

Chapter 41 Propaganda Techniques

Of course, his hands were enjoyable, but Niu Ben ushered in the angry eyes of several women.

For good, he was not afraid at all in the face of this situation. Instead, he withdrew his hand. He also stood up, took one foot to the chair, and scolded sadly and indignantly, "Wow, you actually molested a pure teenager like me. You have to be responsible for this matter to the end!"

"Bah!" The apricot-eyed beauty immediately spat and said angrily, "Say it again, I'll bite you to death!"

"Daw, you're even more hooligan. Dude, you're not at all. You can't make such a big move." Niu Ben shrank his neck and muttered timidly, "Legend that the word "bite" is separated, but it is the ultimate must-kill skill."

"Okay, be responsible!" The apricot-eyed beauty has just been in a daze and has recovered from the surprise of being attacked on important parts of her body. In words, she was obviously not an easy loser, so after humming, she raised her eyebrows and looked at Niu Ben, looking provocative and said, "As long as you let me "bite", what if I am responsible for you!"

The word "bite" was particularly heavy, and she glanced at the important part of Niu Ben while talking.

This look directly made Niu Ben tremble. Niang Xipi, the girl who will discharge is obviously unscrupulous. Although the method of "biting" is very easy to make men think and has the pleasure of conquest, if this word is not separated, she will really take a bite...

Well, this is not many times more serious than killing a buddy!

The body shrank, and Niu Ben suddenly withered a little: "Forget it, buddy has another nickname as the prime minister, so although he suffered a little loss, I still think about it. It's not my style to care about people!"

After saying that, he saw that a group of girls were staring at him anrily, especially the apricot-eyed beauty, who looked like they were going to swallow themselves alive. He immediately said that everyone should eat slowly. After I went back to the Internet cafe and had something else to do, I hurried out of the private room and rushed to the Internet cafe. Just kidding, if you continue to stay in this private room, it is still uncertain whether you can leave your body in the end.

Well, it's really fun to play with beautiful women, but now it's time to learn the security and defense of Internet cafes. You have to lay a solid foundation for yourself.

After all, all the awesomeness and joy are based on their own strength. If you are still just a small network manager, or don't have much ability like ordinary small network management, not to mention stepping on black fat people, even if these legendary beauties sit at the same table to eat, they will basically not have themselves. What's the matter? So to sum it in a very simple sentence, strength is the foundation of everything.

Back to the Internet cafe, Niu Ben shut himself into the computer room and asked the virtual beauty, "Some time ago, I learned about the operation and maintenance of the Internet cafe, system security, application security and so on. What should I learn today!"

"Decombsolve the basic architecture of DRM and build the actual network environment." The virtual beauty responded lightly, and then drew a small room and stuffed the cow into it.

After studying continuously for many days, Niu Ben is a little bit into the door. Therefore, he knows that the subject designated by a beautiful woman is actually a simple technology of how to encrypt and decrypt.

This kind of thing is also a means of control and management.

For example, when you want to upload any software, with DRM architecture analysis, you will actually contact the server for verification when uploading, and then the server passes the software and authorizes it, so that you can successfully upload the software to the Internet cafe for retention. For example, it seems that some enterprises restrict employee entertainment, so they restrict some special entertainment things on the server, so that the computers used by employees cannot open things such as penguin games.

Of course, there are generally ready-made software to download on the Internet, but what Niu Ben needs is to study these fundamental principles and how to make things cleverly in practical application.

According to the previous learning method, after Niu Ben spends a lot of time digesting the basic things, the virtual beauty will appear as a hostile identity, and then use some simple hacking methods opposite to the technology learned by Niu Ben to test it. The same is true this time. When Niu Ben spent almost * hours of virtual time barely mastering something, the attack of virtual beauty followed.

The beautiful woman virtually came out of the Internet cafe environment and began to upload some software such as gray pigeons and penguin message bombs.

Seeing that the virtual beauty moves quickly and doesn't give himself time at all, Niu Ben immediately complained, "No, beauty, the environment of the Internet cafe has just been virtualized by you, and you start to make a Trojan horse. Wait until I build the DRM, it won't work!"

"What do you say!" The virtual beauty hummed and said, "You took over this Internet cafe at the beginning. Do those viruses have to wait for you to master various technologies before they spread to you?" It's like you find a beautiful woman at the same time as others, and others specify that they won't wait for you to equip all the conditions for a beautiful woman to come and say that they will start now and compete fairly with you.

"That's reasonable, but this is not a drill!" Niu Ben muttered twice, but his hand moved quickly in front of the computer.

"The drill must start from actual combat, otherwise it will not become a family." The virtual beauty curled her lips and delayed Niu Ben's time with words, while continuing to throw some such as *terminators or ordinary worms to the network where Niu Ben was located.

As soon as Niu Ben saw the virus Trojan horses coming one after another, he immediately complained again, "Oh, beauty, can't you let me take a breath?"

"I like continuous exercise. If you slow down, you will have no pleasure!" The virtual beauty threw a wink at him, and in a pun, she also put on a look of being picked by you, obviously with ** that ordinary people can't resist.

But Niu Ben ignored it at all. He quickly operated in front of the computer for a while. He suddenly patted the keyboard and said, "It's done!"

So the virtual beauty found that the way to upload the virus had been locked, and in the following years, Niu Ben also began to kill the virus he had uploaded, and repaired the system and network damaged by the virus Trojan

In the face of this situation, the virtual beauty just played with it quickly in front of the computer, and then stopped looking at Niu Ben and said, "Well, I heard that Mr. Cang recently released a new film, which seems to be called a tutor. Have you seen it?"

"Is there a new film coming out so fast!" Niu Ben stared and said, "Where is it? Come and have a look."

The virtual beauty nodded with a smile, and then came to Niu Ben's computer. After entering a URL, Niu Ben really found that an island love action movie was playing.

However, after watching it for a while, he immediately pooh and said, "What new film? This is not last year's film. Beauty, you lied to me!"

After saying that, Niu Ben then screamed again: "Ah, when the fast broadcast was downloaded on the Internet, it was actually accompanied by a virus sneaking in. Beauty, you are so shameless that you use such a means to deceive such a pure and coquettish year like me!"


Young hero, Nai is so awesome that I was thinking about arranging a corner in the book.