Super Network Manager

Chapter 45 Pure as me

200 votes broke out and promised to be fulfilled today. The first update.


"Well, I also lost a lot!"

When the apricot-eyed beauty turned off the video connection, Niu Ben immediately pushed her away and said repeatedly, "This is really over. My buddy decided not to go out for a month in a row to avoid life!"

"Little goblin, give me back my first kiss!" Li Xiaolan also gritted his teeth and rushed over, as if he was going to have an endless battle with the apricot-eyed beauty. However, before her behavior really unfolded, she was interrupted by Ji Yanran's arrival. The latter was obviously in a very good mood today. When she saw several women fighting, she immediately smiled and said, "Do you guys have to have an internal competition before forming a team to decide who will be the number one main force?"

"What!" Li Xiaoran let go of the hand that grabbed the neck of the beautiful apricot-eyed beauty and said sadly, "This is not to decide who is the first by force in reality, and the goblin takes advantage of me. Sister, I'm just teaching her a lesson."

"To take advantage of you?!" Ji Yanran asked in surprise, "What's going on? Tell me about it!"

"No!" Li Xiaoan pointed to several women angrily and calmed others down with the supreme majesty of the eldest sister. Seeing that the effect was achieved, she began to arrange computers for everyone and began to prepare for the training. Since it is a team, the name of the team should be unified, so the five women re-registered their accounts, which are called Beauty in turn? Xiaoan, beauty? Tongtong, beauty? Little demon, beauty? Yuanzi, and Ji Yanran's beauty? Tassel.

When Niu Ben saw that several women had started training, he was ready to leave here and stop disturbing them. However, he turned around, and several women who had registered their vests stopped him one after another: "Lead leader, you also need to choose a name!"

"I'll get a vest too?" Niu Ben pointed to his nose and said, "You are all beautiful names. Dude, I'm a big man. It's not suitable for this vest!"

Unexpectedly, the five women shouted with one voice, "If it's not suitable, you have to use it!"

"Oh, it's troublesome to have more women. No wonder people say that men who grew up in girls are not promising. In fact, a few women are more powerful than hundreds of ducks, and the quarrel is so noisy that you have to listen to them. Muttered angrly for a while, Niu Ben turned on a computer under the burning eyes of several women, and then bravely registered a "beauty" for himself. Men's waistcoat!

It's just such a vest that can show a little masculinity!

For good, after finishing these, several women did not retain Niu Ben, which also allowed him to return to the computer room and enter the virtual space for daily compulsory courses. As of today, Niu Ben has used the time difference to study in the system for more than 200 hours, so after today's study, the virtual beauty announced that Niu Ben's course was completed, and then asked him to start learning more complicated programming from tomorrow.

However, although it is very troublesome to learn to become this thing, Niu Ben is still quite interested in thinking that he can write software after learning it.

Of course, this is a later story. After agreeing to the virtual beauty to start studying from tomorrow, Niu Ben stretched out and walked out of the computer room. When he came out an hour later, he was immediately shocked by the situation in the Internet cafe.

Nang Xipi, today is Tuesday or Wednesday. Why is there a sea of people in the Internet cafe?

After looking around for a long time, Niu Ben couldn't help but feel relieved: it's really useless to let my buddy create urban psoriasis. Look at the popularity of the Internet cafe, it's already exploded!

Yes, the small advertisements he posted everywhere played a role. The people in this Internet cafe all came and went to see the beauty team. And when these guys saw that the beauty team was comparable to the school beauty in their own school, all the animals immediately cheered up. And he keeps calling his friends to come to Xingyue Internet Cafe, just to see the beautiful women up close, and even expect to talk to which beautiful woman.

Niu Ben squeezed into Li Xiaoren's position in the crowd and looked at them, and also found that more people were standing behind them, pointing out, or talking about it, and even some self-respecting masters were still shouting how to let the women fight against others.

The whole second floor of the Internet cafe is as noisy as an early morning vegetable market.

Seeing Niu Ben's appearance, several women suddenly seemed to see a savior and asked Niu Ben to disperse the people around them. Otherwise, they would not be able to concentrate on training. What's more, there are some obscene guys rushing around in the crowd, observing the beautiful women from all angles from time to time, which is obviously to find a place to see if they can see the spring light of several beautiful women.

Although several women wear strict clothes today and there is no leakage, this situation undoubtedly upsets them.

When Niu Ben heard this, he suddenly felt that he had been taken advantage of. After scolding the onlookers in his heart that the animals were really obscene, he muttered annoidly: Niang Xipi, these five beautiful women are my private favorites, and I only allow my friends to enjoy them slowly. There is no way for you to peep into them. Uh-huh, I have to find a way to disperse all these animals.

Thinking like this, Niu ran to the bar downstairs to ask and found that the seating rate on the third floor was only one-third, and the rest were concentrated on the second floor. Suddenly, his eyes turned around and came up with a temporary feasible solution.

You can do it as soon as you think of it. This is the consistent style of Niu Ben.

So after a moment, he held a loudspeaker and ran to the second floor and began to shout: "Please pay attention, netizens, please pay attention. Because the beauty team is stationed in this Internet cafe, we will launch a membership points system from now on. Any member who spends 100 yuan in this Internet cafe can find friends with the same points to form a team to compete with the beauty team. If you win the game, you can get the right to have dinner with five beautiful women!"

"Ah! Dinner with beautiful women!"

No one paid much attention to Niu Ben's previous words, but his last sentence immediately aroused the restlessness of the animals on the second floor. So after someone repeated his words, many animals were moved and ran to the bar on the first floor to apply for membership, or began to charge money to the membership card. Because it takes 100 yuan to compete with the beauty team, many people know that onlookers are useless, so they go to the first or third floor one by one to find seats and get on the net.

In this way, the attendance rate of Internet cafes quickly soared to 80%. This data made Niu Ben couldn't help smiling and sigh that he was extremely wise.

In order to maximize the effect, Niu Ben simply went outside and printed a few copies of what he had said before, and posted a copy at the door of the Internet cafe and in a conspicuous position on each floor, so that later netizens could know this benefit as soon as possible.

Of course, even so, it can't completely prevent others from watching the beauty team. After all, some animals like to watch it for nothing, so in order to create a good environment for several women, Niu Ben simply paid out of his own pocket and prepared a set of tempered glass walls to completely isolate the training places for several women. Although this cost is a little big, looking at the rising attendance in the Internet cafe, Niu Ben still thinks that this is just one word: it's worth it!